Stanley Lisica LLC
Scotland (Regional) Postage Stamps : 1958-2014
A price list of Scotland (Regional) postage stamps (1958-2014) and souvenir (miniature) sheets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the 2015 Scott Standard Postage Stamps Catalogue with updating from the Scott Stamp Monthly.
  S.G. #'s are from the 2002 British Commonwealth catalog with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog. Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number. A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
September 5, 2014 

Click here ==>  SCOTLAND (REGIONAL)    to see current inventory or to place an order

SG #          Scott #       Year    Description                                            Price  
                                    WILDING  ISSUE                                              
S1            1             1958    3d deep lilac                                           0.25    
S1p           (1p)          1963    3p deep lilac (2B)                                     11.50    
S1pa          (1p)          1965    3p deep lilac (RB)                                      0.30    
S1pa          (1p)          1965    3p deep lilac (LB)                                      0.30    
S1pb          1p            1967    3d deep lilac (CB)                                      0.25    
S2            2             1966    4d ultramarine                                          0.25    
S2p           2p            1966    4d ultramarine (2B)                                     0.25    
S3            3             1958    6d deep claret                                          0.25    
S3p           3p            1963    6d deep claret (2B)                                     0.30    
S4            4             1967    9d bronze green (2B)                                    0.50    
S5            5             1958    1/3d  green                                             0.50    
S5p           5p            1963    1/3d  green (2B)                                        0.50    
S6            6             1967    1/6d grey blue (2B)                                     0.55    
S7            7             1968    3d deep lilac (GA)                                      0.25    
S7Ev          (7)           1968    3d deep lilac (PVA)                                     0.25    
S8            8             1967    4d deep bright blue (GA)                                0.25    
S8Ev          (8)           1968    4d deep bright blue (PVA)                               0.25    
S9            9             1968    4d olive-sepia                                          0.25    
S10           10            1969    4d bright vermillion                                    0.25    
S11           11            1968    5d royal blue                                           0.25    
S12           12            1970    9d bronze green                                         5.40    
S13           13            1968    1/6d grey blue                                          1.65    
                                    MACHIN ISSUES                                               
                                    Photogravure : Harrison                                     
S14           SMH1          1971    2 1/2p bright magenta (PVA)                             0.30    
S14Eg         ---           1972    2 1/2p bright magenta (GA)                              0.35    
S15           ---           1971    3p ultramarine (2B) (PVA)                               0.35    
S15Eg         ---           1972    3p ultramarine (2B) (GA)                                1.00    
S16           SMH2          1974    3p ultramarine (CB)                                     0.25    
S17           SMH3          1974    3 1/2p olive-grey (2B)                                  0.25    
S18           ---           1974    3 1/2p olive-grey (CB)                                  0.30    
S19           SMH4          1974    4 1/2p  grey-blue (2B)                                  0.30    
S20           SMH5          1971    5p reddish violet (2B)                                  0.90    
S21           ---           1974    5 1/2p violet (2B)                                      0.30    
S22           SMH6          1975    5 1/2p violet (CB)                                      0.30    
S23           SMH7          1976    6 1/2p greenish blue (CB)                               0.30    
S24           SMH8          1978    7p purple brown (CB)                                    0.30    
S25           SMH9          1971    7 1/2p chestnut (2B)                                    1.15    
S26           SMH10         1974    8p rosine (2B)                                          0.35    
S27           SMH11         1976    8 1/2p yellow-green (2B)                                0.35    
S28           SMH12         1978    9p deep violet (2B)                                     0.35    
S29           SMH13         1976    10p orange brown (2B)                                   0.40    
S30           ---           1980    10p orange brown (CB)                                   0.40    
S31           SMH14         1978    10 1/2p steel-blue (2B)                                 0.45    
S32           SMH15         1976    11p scarlet (2B)                                        0.50    
                                    Photogravure : Harrison (Phosphor)                      0.00    
S33           SMH17         1980    12p yellowish green                                     0.50    
S34           SMH23         1980    13 1/2p purple brown                                    0.60    
S35           SMH26         1980    15 ultramarine                                          0.65    
                                    Lithography : J.Waddington                              0.00    
S36           SMH16         1981    11 1/2p drab                                            0.60    
S37           SMH18         1986    12p bright emerald (T-II) (p.14)                        2.10    
S38           SMH20         1982    12 1/2p light emerald                                   0.60    
S39           SMH21         1984    13p pale chestnut (T-I)                                 0.80    
S39Ea         SMH21a        1985    13p pale chestnut (T-II) (p.14)                        10.00    
S40           SMH24         1981    14p grey blue                                           0.55    
S41           SMH28         1982    15 1/2p pale violet                                     0.65    
S42           SMH29         1983    16p drab (T-II)                                         0.65    
S43           SMH30a        1984    17p grey-blue (T-I)                                     3.15    
S43Ea         SMH30         1985    17p grey-blue (T-II)                                    1.60    
S44           SMH33         1981    18p deep violet                                         0.80    
S45           SMH38         1982    19 1/2p olive-grey                                      1.95    
S46           SMH40         1983    20 1/2p ultramarine (T-II)                              2.90    
S47           SMH41         1981    22p blue                                                0.85    
S48           SMH42         1984    22p yellow-green (T-I)                                  3.75    
S48Ea         SMH42a        1986    22p yellow-green (T-II)                                40.80    
S49           SMH49         1982    26p rosine                                              1.00    
S50           SMH52         1983    28p deep violet-blue (T-II)                             1.00    
S51           SMH56         1984    31p brt purple (T-I)                                    2.45    
S51Ea         SMH56a        1985    31p brt purple (T-II)                                 238.00    
                                    Lithography : Questa                                    0.00    
S52           SMH19         1986    12p bright emerald (SB)                                 1.60    
S53           SMH22         1986    13p pale chestnut (SB)                                  0.75    
S54           SMH25         1988    14p deep blue (CB)                                      0.55    
S55           ---           1989    14p deep blue (LB) (ex-bklt)                            0.60    
S56           SMH27         1989    15p bright blue (CB)                                    0.85    
S57           SMH31         1986    17p grey-blue                                           3.30    
S58           SMH32         1990    17p deep blue (CB)                                      0.80    
S59           SMH34         1987    18p deep olive-grey (pp)                                0.85    
S60           SMH35         1991    18p green (CB)                                          0.75    
S60a          SMH36         1992    18p green (p.14)                                        0.95    
S61           ---           1993    18p green (LB) (ex-bklt)                                2.10    
S62           SMH37         1988    19p bright orange red (pp)                              0.70    
S63           ---           1989    19p bright orange-red (2B)(ex-bklt)                     2.00    
S64           SMH39         1989    20p brownish black (pp)                                 0.80    
S65           SMH43         1987    22p yellow-green (pp)                                   1.00    
S66           SMH44         1990    22p orange red (pp)                                     0.90    
S67           SMH45         1988    23p bright green (pp)                                   1.00    
S68           ---           1989    23p bright green (2B) (ex-bklt)                        12.15    
S69           SMH46         1989    24p Indian red (pp)                                     1.00    
S70           SMH47         1991    24p brown (pp)                                          0.95    
S70a          SMH48         1992    24p brown (p.14)                                        9.35    
S71           ---           1993    24p brown (2B) (ex-bklt)                                3.20    
S72           SMH50         1987    26p rosine (pp)                                         3.90    
S73           SMH51         1990    26p drab (pp)                                           1.10    
S74           SMH53         1987    28p deep violet-blue (pp)                               1.10    
S75           SMH54         1991    28p blue grey (pp)                                      1.15    
S75a          SMH55         1993    28p blue grey (p.14)                                   10.20    
S76           SMH57         1986    31p brt purple (pp)                                     2.00    
S77           SMH58         1988    32p greenish blue (pp)                                  1.35    
S78           SMH59         1989    34p deep bluish grey (pp)                               1.45    
S79           SMH60         1990    37p rosine (pp)                                         1.55    
S80           SMH61         1991    39p br. mauve (pp)                                      1.70    
S80a          SMH62         1992    39p br. mauve (p.14)                                   11.05    
                                    ELLIPTICAL ISSUES                                           
                                    Lithography : Questa                                        
S81           SMH63         1993    19p olive green (CB)                                    0.85    
S82           ---           1995    19p olive green (RB) (ex-bklt)                          2.60    
S83           SMH64         1996    20p bright green (CB)                                   1.35    
S84           SMH65         1993    25p red (2B)                                            0.95    
S85           SMH66         1996    26p red brown (2B)                                      1.70    
S86           SMH67         1993    30p olive gray (2B)                                     1.35    
S87           SMH68         1996    37p mauve (2B)                                          2.30    
S88           SMH69         1993    41p drab (2B)                                           1.80    
S89           SMH70         1996    63p light emerald (2B)                                  3.65    
                                    Photogravure : Walsall/Harrison                             
S90           SMH75         1997    20p bright green (CB)                                   1.10    
S90a          SMH76         1998    20p bright green (p.14) (ex-bklt)                       4.05    
S91           SMH79         1997    26p chestnut (2B)                                       1.55    
S91a          SMH80         1998    26p chestnut (p.14) (ex-bklt)                           4.70    
S92           SMH87         1997    37p bright mauve (2B)                                   1.70    
S93           SMH97         1997    63p light emerald (2B)                                  5.10    
                                    PICTORIAL ISSUES (no border)                                
S94           14            1999    2nd -  Flag                                             1.40    
S95           15            1999    1st -  Lion Rampant                                     1.70    
S96           16            1999    E - Thistle                                             2.55    
S97           17            1999    64p Tartan                                              7.95    
S98           18            2000    65p Tartan                                              2.85    
S99           19            2002    68p Tartan                                              3.75    
                                    NO VALUE ISSUES                                         0.00    
S108          SMH101        2000    1st orange-red (p.14) (ex-bklt)                         3.05    
                                    PICTORIAL ISSUES (with Border) (photo)                      
S109          20            2003    2nd  - Flag                                             1.40    
S110          21            2003    1st  - Lion Rampant                                     1.70    
S111          22            2003    E - Thistle                                             2.85    
S112          24            2004    40p Thistle                                             1.95    
S113          25            2005    42p Thistle                                             2.00    
S114          26            2006    44p Thistle                                             1.95    
S115          28            2007    48p Thistle                                             1.55    
S116          31            2008    50p Thistle                                             1.65    
S117          33            2009    56p Thistle                                             1.60    
S118          36            2010    60p Thistle                                             1.80    
S119          23            2003    68p Tartan                                              2.60    
S120          27            2006    72p Tartan                                              3.00    
S121          29            2007    78p Tartan                                              2.55    
S122          32            2008    81p Tartan                                              2.55    
S123          34            2009    90p Tartan                                              3.15    
S124          37            2010    97p Tartan                                              3.05    
                                    PICTORIAL ISSUES (with Border) (litho)                      
S130                        2003    2nd -  Flag                                             1.60    
S131          21a           2007    1st -  Lion Rampant                                     1.75    
S132          38            2011    68p Thistle                                             2.40    
S133          40            2012    87p Thistle                                             3.15    
S134          42            2013    88p Thistle                                             3.70    
S135                        2014    97p Thistle                                             3.35    
S142          39            2011    1.10 Tartan                                             3.60    
S143          41            2012    1.28 Tartan                                             3.75    
                                    50TH ANNIVERSARY WILDING ISSUES (litho)                     
S154          *2600p        2008    Wilding/50th Anniversary - 1st deep lilac               2.30    
S155          *2600q        2008    Wilding/50th Anniversary - 1st green                    2.30    
S156          *2600r        2008    Wilding/50th Anniversary - 1st deep claret              2.30    
S158                        2013    1st Scotland Flag (ex-Soccer or Locomotive  bklt)       2.80    
                                    SMILERS SHEETS                                              
---           30            2007    1st Lion Rampant (sa) (w/lab) (ex-ms)                   2.90    
*LS44         ---           2007    Glorious Scotland (sa) (ms/20v+labs)                     .--    
---           32A           2008    1st Lion Rampant (sa)(w/lab) (ex-ms) (sync)             3.00    
*LS49         ---           2008    Glorious U.K. (sa) (ms/20v+labs) (sync)                  .--    
---           35            2009    1st St.Andrews Cross Flag (sa)(w/lab) (ex-ms)           2.40    
*LS68         ---           2009    Castles of Scotland (sa) (ms/20v+labs)                   .--    
                                    SOUVENIR SHEETS                                             
MSS152        24a           2004    Scottish Parliament (ss/5v)                             7.35    
MSS153        *2419         2006    Celebrating Scotland (ss/4v)                            6.60    
MSS157        *2625         2009    R.Burns/Poet (ss/6v)                                    8.90    
Catalog number starting with an asterisk ( * ) are numbers for Great Britain Scott or SG 
Great Britain since neither can agree on listing.

Click here ==> SCOTLAND (REGIONAL)  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.