Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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To display only items in stock, select the IN STOCK option.
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Your search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 1051-1075
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click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2108 SG# 2329 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2016 $1.25  
Description: C.Duffy
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2109-2110 SG# 2330-2331 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2016 $3.15  
Description: Europa/Think Green
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2111 SG# 2332 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2016 $1.90  
Description: World War I/Battle of Somme
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2112-2113 SG# 2314-2315 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2016 $2.55  
Description: Defs - 72c (sa : coil) (pr)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2114-2115 SG# 2317//2319 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2016 $3.25  
Description: Defs - 72c,1.10 (sa : ex-bklt) (2v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2116-2119 SG# 2333-2336 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2016 $6.45  
Description: Wild Atlantic Way (prs)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2120-2123 SG# 2337-2340 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2016 $6.45  
Description: Shop Fronts (prs)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2124-2127 SG# 2341-2344 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2016 $5.25  
Description: Cycling (b/4v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2127b SG# MS2345 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 2016 $5.25  
Description: Cycling (ss/4v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2128-2131 SG# 2346-2349 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2016 $5.25  
Description: Irish Lights/Lighthouses (b/4v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2132 SG# 2350 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2016 $1.25  
Description: Christmas/Tree Ornaments (sa : ex-bklt)
Scott# 2133-2134 SG# 2413-2414 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $2.50  
Description: Defs/Artifacts - N,N (sa : coil) (v/pr)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2135-2136 SG# 2401-2402 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $3.10  
Description: Defs/Artifacts - N,W (sa : ex-bklt) (2v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2137 SG# 2455 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $1.25  
Description: Love/Kissing Lovebirds (sa : ex-bklt)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2138 SG# 2456 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $1.90  
Description: W.B.Yeats/Poet
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2138a SG# MS2457 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 2017 $3.80  
Description: W.B.Yeats/Poet (ss/2v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2139 SG# 2458 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $1.90  
Description: St. Patrick/Shamrock
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2140-2141 SG# 2459-2460 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $2.55  
Description: Emoji/Be Happy (pr)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2142-2445 SG# 2461-2464 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $7.20  
Description: Royal Sites of Ireland (b/4v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2146-2147 SG# 2465-2466 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $4.35  
Description: Europa/Castles
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2148 SG# 2467 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2017 $2.50  
Description: Lions Club International Centenary
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2149 SG# 2468 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2017 $2.55  
Description: Battle of Messines Ridge Centenary
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2150 SG# 2469 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $1.90  
Description: T.Meagher
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2151 SG# Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $1.90  
Description: Women's Rugby
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2152-2155 SG# Format: out of stock  
Year: 2017 $7.65  
Description: Train Stations (b/4v)

Search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 1051-1075
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