Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 226-250
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click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 592-593 SG# 588-589 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1984 $13.20  
Description: Europa
Scott# 594 SG# 591 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1984 $0.85  
Description: J.McCormack/Singer
Scott# 595-597 SG# 592-594 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1984 $2.10  
Description: Los Angeles Olympic Games
Scott# 598-599 SG# 595-596 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 1984 $1.65  
Description: Gaelic Athletic Association
Scott# 600-601 SG# 597-598 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1984 $1.65  
Description: City of Galway & St. Brendan
Scott# 602 SG# 599 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1984 $0.85  
Description: Post Office Bicentenary
Scott# 603-605 SG# 600-602 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1984 $1.95  
Description: Christmas
Scott# 606-607 SG# 603-604 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1985 $1.55  
Description: Greetings/Love
Scott# 608-611 SG# 605-608 Format: 9 in stock  
Year: 1985 $3.40  
Description: Anniversaries
Scott# 612-615 SG# 609-612 Format: 45 in stock  
Year: 1985 $6.15  
Description: Butterflies
Scott# 616-617 SG# 613-614 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1985 $10.50  
Description: Europa/Composers
Scott# 618-620 SG# 615-617 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1985 $3.90  
Description: Music Year/Composers (3v)
Scott# 618-620 SG# 615-617 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1985 $4.90  
Description: Music Year/Composers (pr+1v)
Scott# 621-623 SG# 618-620 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1985 $2.85  
Description: Anniversaries
Scott# 624-625 SG# 621-622 Format: 7 in stock  
Year: 1985 $1.45  
Description: International Youth Year
Scott# 638-645 SG# 544a//550c Format: out of stock  
Year: 1985 $31.95  
Description: Defs/Architecture - 24p-2.00 (8v)
Scott# 638//644 SG# 544a//550c Format: ps 2 in stock  
Year: 1985 $11.90  
Description: Defs/Architecture - 24p,24p,28p,37p,1.00 (4v)
Scott# 640//643 SG# 547c//548b Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1986 $8.55  
Description: Defs/Architecture - 32p,39p,46p (3v)
Scott# 645 SG# 550c Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1988 $11.60  
Description: Defs/Architecture - 2.00 (1v)
Scott# 646-648 SG# 623-625 Format: 6 in stock  
Year: 1985 $2.55  
Description: Industrial Innovations
Scott# 649-652 SG# 626-629 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1985 $4.50  
Description: Christmas (pr+2v)
Scott# 649 SG# 626 Format: ps 1 in stock  
Year: 1985 $0.85  
Description: Christmas - 22p
Scott# 649 SG# 626 Format: ms 5 in stock  
Year: 1985 $14.60  
Description: Christmas - 22p (ms/16v)
Scott# 650-652 SG# 627-629 Format: ps 4 in stock  
Year: 1985 $3.65  
Description: Christmas - 22p,22p,26p (pr+1v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 653-654 SG# 630-631 Format: 6 in stock  
Year: 1986 $1.90  
Description: Greetings/Love

Search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 226-250
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