Stanley Lisica LLC
Alderney / Bailiwick of Guernsey Postage Stamps : 1983-2023
A price list of Alderney (1983-2023) postage stamps and souvenir (miniature) sheets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2025 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2024 with updating from Scott Stamp Monthly.
  S.G.# numbers are from the Stanley Gibbons Collect Channel Islands and Isle of Man Stamps Catalogue (2016 ed.) - London : Stanley Gibbons, 2016 with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly..

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog. Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
July 29, 2024

Click here ==> ALDERNEY to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #          SG #             Year  Description                                           Price  
1-12             A1-A12           1983  Defs/Island Scenes - 1p-18p (12v)                      3.60  
13-17            A13-A17          1984  Birds                                                  4.80  
18-22            A18-A22          1985  Airport Anniversary/Aircraft                           6.90  
23-27            A23-A27          1985  Regiments/Uniforms                                     3.05  
28-31            A28-A31          1986  Forts                                                  3.70  
32-36            A32-A36          1987  Shipwrecks/Ships                                       8.50  
37-41            A37-A41          1989  Survey of Alderney/Maps                                3.25  
42-46            A12a-A12e        1989  Defs/Island Scenes - 20p-28p (5v)                      5.60  
42               A12a             1989  Defs/Island Scenes - 20p Lighthouse (1v)               0.80  
43               A12b             1991  Defs/Island Scenes - 21p Braye Harbor (1v)             0.80  
44               A12c             1992  Defs/Island Scenes - 23p Island Hall (1v)              0.70  
45-46            A12d-A12e        1993  Defs/Island Scenes - 24p,28p Locomotive (2v)           3.30  
55-59            A42-A46          1990  Royal Navy Ships                                       3.75  
60-64            A47-A51          1991  Casquets Lighthouse                                    7.35  
65-68            A52-A55          1992  Sea Battle of La Hogue/Ships                           5.65  
69               A56-A59          1993  WWF/Marine Life (s/4v)                                 3.95  
69               A56-A59          1993  WWF/Marine Life (ms/16v)                              16.80  
70-87            A60//A77         1994  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1p-2.00 (18v)                    12.80  
70-86            A60//A76         1994  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1p-1.00 (17v)                     8.05  
87               A77              1995  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 2.00 Gannet (1v)                  4.80  
80a-82a          A70a-A72a        1994  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 16,20,24p (ex-bklt) (3v)          1.70  
80a,82a          A70a,A72a        1994  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 16p,24p (ex-bklt) (2v)            1.10  
81a              A71a             1998  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 20p (ex-bklt) (1v)                0.60  
88-89            A78-A83          1995  T.Rose/Airplanes (2 s/3v)                              6.05  
90               MSA84            1995  Return of Islanders (ss)                               4.00  
91               A85-A88          1996  Signal Regiment (s/4v)                                 4.90  
92-97            A89-A94          1996  Cats                                                   5.80  
97a              MSA95            1996  Cats (ss/6v)                                           6.25  
98-100           A70b//A72c       1997  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 18p,25p,26p (3v)                  1.70  
98a,99a          A70ba,A72ba      1997  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 18p,25p (ex-bklt) (2v)            1.35  
101-105          A96-A100         1997  Cricket Anniversary/Sports                             4.80  
105a             MSA101           1997  Cricket Anniversary/Sports (ss/5v)                     7.05  
106-113          A102-A109        1997  Garrison Island #1/Harbor (prs)                        5.45  
114-118          A110-A114        1998  Diving Club                                            5.40  
118a             MSA115           1998  Diving Club (ss/5v)                                    6.75  
119-126          A116-A123        1998  Garrison Island #2 (prs)                               5.50  
127              MSA124           1999  Wreck of SS Stella/Ships (ss)                          5.75  
128-133          A125-A130        1999  Eclipse of Sun                                         5.35  
133a             MSA131           1999  Eclipse of Sun/IBRA/PHILEXFRANCE '99 (ss/6v)           5.90  
134-141          A132-139         1999  Garrison Island #3/Forts (prs)                         5.45  
142-147          A140-145         2000  WWF/Peregrine Falcons                                  5.30  
148-153          A146-A151        2000  Wombling Holiday                                       5.65  
153a             MSA152           2000  Wombling Holiday/STAMP SHOW '00 (ss/6v)                6.45  
154              MSA153           2000  Queen Mother's Century (ss)                            4.10  
155-162          A154-A161        2000  Garrison Island #4/Events (prs)                        5.75  
163              MSA162           2001  QEII 75th Birthday (ss)                                4.30  
164-169          A163-A168        2001  Community Services #1/Medical Services                 5.85  
164a-169a        A163a-A168a      2002  Community Services #1 (ex-bklt) (p.13)                 9.70  
170-175          A169-A174        2001  Golf Club                                              5.85  
175a             MSA175           2001  Golf Club/PHILANIPPON '01 (ss/6v)                      6.30  
176-183          A176-A183        2001  Garrison Island #5/Royal Navy (prs)                    5.95  
184              MSA184           2002  QEII/Long Live the Queen (ss)                          5.20  
185-190          A185-A190        2002  Migrating Birds #1 - Raptors                           5.65  
190a             MSA191           2002  Migrating Birds #1 - Raptors (ss/6v)                   8.00  
191-195          A192-A196        2002  Lighthouse Lights/Les Casquets                         5.30  
196-201          A197-A202        2002  Community Services #2/Medical Services                 6.45  
196a-201a        A197a-A202a      2002  Community Services #2 (ex-bklt) (p.13)                10.20  
202              MSA203           2003  QEII Coronation Jubilee (ss)                           5.40  
203-208          A204-A209        2003  Powered Flight Anniversary                             6.00  
209-214          A210-A215        2003  Migrating Birds #2 - Seabirds                          6.35  
214a             MSA216           2003  Migrating Birds #2 - Seabirds (ss/6v)                  7.85  
215-220          A217-A222        2003  Community Services #3/Police                           6.40  
221-226          A223-A228        2004  Mushrooms                                              6.45  
227-232          A229-234         2004  FIFA/Soccer                                            6.55  
233-238          A235-A240        2004  Migrating Birds #3 - Passerines                        6.50  
238a             MSA241           2004  Migrating Birds #3 - Passerines (ss/6v)                7.75  
239-244          A242-A247        2004  Community Services #4/Firefighters                     6.65  
245-249          A248-A252        2005  H.C.Andersen/The Little Mermaid                        5.95  
250-255          A253-A258        2005  Battle of Trafalgar                                    6.50  
256-261          A259-A264        2005  Migrating Birds #4 - Waders                            7.10  
261a             MSA265           2005  Migrating Birds #4 - Waders (ss/6v)                    9.40  
262              MSA266           2005  WW II/The Homecoming (ss)                              5.90  
263-268          A267-A272        2006  T.H.White/King Arthur                                  6.80  
268a             MSA273           2006  T.H.White/King Arthur (ss/6v)                          7.00  
269-272          A274-A281        2006  QEII 80th Birthday (prs)                               7.75  
273-278          A282-A287        2006  Resident Birds #1 - Seabirds                           7.25  
279-290          A288//A307       2006  Defs/Marine Life #1 - 1p-2.00 (12v)                    9.70  
291-296          A309-A314        2007  RAMSAR/Wetland Conservation                            7.45  
296a             MSA315           2007  RAMSAR/Wetland Conservation (ss/6v)                    7.75  
297-302          A316-A321        2007  Resident Birds #2 - Passerines                         8.75  
303-306          A298//A308       2007  Defs/Marine Life #2 - 20,40,50,4.00 (4v)              13.90  
307-312          A322-A327        2007  R.Kipling/Just So Stories                              8.25  
312a             MSA328           2007  R.Kipling/Just So Stories (ss/6v)                      8.15  
313-318          A329-334         2008  Butterflies                                            8.30  
318a             MSA335           2008  Butterflies (ss/6v)                                    8.55  
319-324          A336-A341        2008  Resident Birds #3 - Raptors                            8.50  
325-330          A342-A347        2008  Stamp Anniversary/Tourist Sites                        8.15  
331              A348             2008  Stamp Anniversary/ Lion Rampant                       11.70  
332-337          A349-A354        2008  AURIGNY 40th Anniversary/Airplanes                     7.75  
337a             MSA355           2008  AURIGNY 40th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/6v)             7.85  
338-343          A356-A361        2009  Honey Bees/Flowers                                     7.40  
343a             MSA362           2009  Honey Bees/Flowers (ss/6v)                             7.50  
344-349          A363-A368        2009  Resident Birds #4 - Waders                             8.55  
350-355          A369-A374        2009  Naval Aviation Centenary                               8.90  
356-361          A375-A380        2009  A.Doyle/Sherlock Holmes                                9.05  
---              ---              2009  A.Doyle/Sherlock Holmes (ss/6v)                       33.45  
362-367          A381-A386        2010  Dragonflies                                            9.25  
367a             MSA387           2010  Dragonflies (ss/6v)                                    8.70  
369-374          A388-A393        2010  Battle of Britain/Airplanes                            8.65  
375              MSA394           2010  Battle of Britain/Airplanes (ss)                       7.05  
376              A346a            2010  Stamp Anniversary/Hanging Rock                         1.55  
377-382          A395-A400        2010  F.Nightingale/Nursing                                  8.80  
383-388          A401-A406        2010  J.M.Barrie/Peter Pan Anniversary                       9.05  
389              MSA407           2010  J.M.Barrie/Peter Pan Anniversary (ss)                  8.15  
390-396          A408-A414        2010  Christmas Carols                                       9.60  
397-402          A415-A420        2011  Hawkmoths & Flowers                                    8.35  
402a             A421             2011  Hawkmoths & Flowers (ss/6v)                            8.40  
403-408          A422-A427        2011  Birds                                                  8.05  
408a             MSA428           2011  Birds (ss/6v)                                          8.15  
409-414          A429-A434        2011  QEII & Philip Birthdays                                7.00  
415-420          A435-A440        2011  British Red Cross Uniforms                             7.05  
421-427          A441-A447        2011  Christmas/Winter Wonderland                            8.05  
428-433          A448-A453        2012  Titanic 100th Anniversary                              7.05  
434-439          A454-A459        2012  C.Dickens/Author                                       7.30  
440-445          A460-A465        2012  Tiger Moths/Flowers                                    8.15  
445a             MSA466           2012  Tiger Moths/Flowers (ss/6v)                            8.35  
446-451          A467-A472        2012  History of Alderney Harbor                             8.10  
451a             MSA473           2012  History of Alderney Harbor (ss/6v)                     8.35  
452-458          A474-A480        2012  Christmas/The Christmas Story                          9.00  
459-464          A481-A486        2013  Beetles                                                8.70  
464a             MSA487           2013  Beetles (ss/6v)                                        8.10  
465-470          A488-A493        2013  QEII 60th Anniversary of Coronation                    8.35  
471-476          A494-A499        2013  B.Potter/Author                                        8.35  
476a             MSA500           2013  B.Potter/Author (ss/6v)                                8.50  
477-483          A501-A507        2013  Christmas/Reindeer/Rudolph                            10.65  
484-489          A508-A513        2014  Beetles/Ladybirds                                      8.90  
489a             MSA514           2014  Beetles/Ladybirds (ss/6v)                              9.10  
490-495          A515-A520        2014  Bayeux Tapestry                                        8.65  
496              MSA521           2014  Bayeux Tapestry (ss)                                   7.90  
497              A522-523         2014  Prince George Birthday (pr)                            2.85  
498-503          A524-A529        2014  I.Fleming/Author                                       8.85  
504              MSA530           2014  I.Fleming/Author (ss)                                  7.10  
505-511          A531-537         2014  Christmas/Snowmen                                     10.60  
512-517          A538-A543        2015  Alice in Wonderland                                    9.30  
518              MSA544           2015  Alice in Wonderland (ss)                               7.50  
519-524          A545-A550        2015  Flora & Fauna                                          9.15  
524a             MSA551           2015  Flora & Fauna (ss/6v)                                  9.20  
525-530          A552-A557        2015  Forts                                                  9.15  
531              A558             2015  QEII Long Reign                                       25.95  
532-538          A559-A565        2015  Christmas/Stained Glass Windows                       10.60  
539              MSA566           2015  Homecoming 70th Anniversary (ss)                       7.95  
540-545          A567-A572        2016  Longis Nature Reserve/Flora & Fauna                    8.70  
545a             MSA573           2016  Longis Nature Reserve/Flora & Fauna (ss/6v)            8.80  
546-551          A574-A579        2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                     9.00  
552-557          A580-A585        2016  Battle of Hastings                                     8.40  
557a             MSA586           2016  Battle of Hastings (ss/6v)                             8.40  
558-564          A587-A593        2016  Christmas Symbols                                      8.75  
565-570          A594-A599        2017  Alderney & Burhou Maps                                 8.20  
571              A600             2017  Alderney & Burhou Maps (ss)                            7.30  
572-577          A601-606         2017  Alderney Scenes                                        8.85  
578-583          A607-A612        2017  Coastal Eclipse                                        8.85  
583a             MSA613           2017  Coastal Eclipse (ss/6v)                                9.05  
584-590          A614-A620        2017  Christmas/Holly & Ivy                                 10.80  
591-596          A621-A626        2018  E.Beresford/The Wombles                                9.95  
596a             MSA627           2018  E.Beresford/The Wombles (ss/6v)                       10.00  
597              MS628            2018  Lover's Chair/STAMPEX '18 (ss/2v)                      2.95  
598-603          A629-A634        2018  QEII 65th Coronation Anniversary                      10.35  
604-609          A635-A640        2018  Alderney Week                                         10.25  
610-616          A641-A647        2018  Christmas/C.Dickens/Christmas Carol                   10.85  
617-622          A648-A653        2019  Ships/Sinking of the SS Stella                         9.25  
622a             MS654            2019  Ships/Sinking of the SS Stella (ss/6v)                 9.35  
623-628          A655-A660        2019  D-Day 75th Anniversary                                10.40  
629              A661             2019  D-Day 75th Anniversary (ss)                            6.75  
630-635          A662-A667        2019  J.Keats/Poet                                           9.75  
636-642          A668-A674        2019  Christmas                                             11.15  
643              MSA675           2019  Christmas (ss)                                         2.25  
644              MSA676           2019  Armistice Day Centenary (ss)                           4.50  
645-660          A677-A692        2020  Defs/Birds - 1p-4.00 (16v)                            19.10  
661-666          A693-A698        2020  Sealife/RAMSAR Site                                   10.05  
666a             MSA699           2020  Sealife/RAMSAR Site (ss/6v)                           10.15  
667-672          A700-A705        2020  W.Wordsworth/Poet                                     10.50  
673-678          A706-A711        2020  WWII/Battle of Britain 80th Anniversary               10.85  
679-682          A712-A715        2020  Alderney Spirit/Children's Drawings (sa)               7.00  
683              MSA723           2020  St. Anne's Church (ss)                                 6.80  
684-690          A716-A722        2020  Christmas/Santa Claus                                 11.55  
691-696          A724-A729        2021  Decimalisation/Coins                                  11.35  
696a             MSA730           2021  Decimalisation/Coins (ss/6v)                          11.45  
697-704          A731-A738        2021  Fruits & Vegetables                                   25.25  
705-710          A744-A749        2021  F.Burnett/Author/The Secret Garden                    12.70  
711-714          A739-A742        2021  Prince Philip                                          8.35  
714a             MSA743           2021  Prince Philip (ss/4v)                                  8.40  
715-721          A750-A756        2021  Christmas/The Nativity Story                          13.60  
722-727          A757-A762        2022  QEII Plantinum Jubilee                                13.05  
728              MSA763           2022  QEII Plantinum Jubilee (ss)                            5.35  
729-736          A764-A771        2022  Patois Language Project                               25.95  
737-740          A772-A775        2022  Wildlife Trust 20th Anniversary                        8.05  
741-744          A776-A779        2022  Breakwater 175th Anniversary                           7.95  
744a             MSA780           2022  Breakwater 175th Anniversary (ss/4v)                   7.95  
745-751          A781-A787        2022  Christmas : Robin Hood (sa)                           13.25  
752-757          A788-A793        2023  J.Verne/Around the World in 80 Days                   13.65  
758              MSA794           2023  J.Verne/Around the World in 80 Days (ss)               6.25  
759-764          A795-A800        2023  Birds/Atlantic Puffin                                 13.75  
764a             MSA801           2023  Birds/Atlantic Puffin (ss/6v)                         13.80  
765-770          A802-A807        2023  KC III Coronation                                     20.15  
-----            MSA816           2023  1948 Agreement Anniversary (ss/2v)                     8.50  
771-778          A808-A815        2023  Christmas/The Christmas Story (sa)                    25.90  

Click here ==> ALDERNEY  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.