Stanley Lisica LLC
Printer Friendly Country/Region Price Lists
Price lists are designed to print in a convenient and compact format. Items for Great Britain and the British Commonwealth countries issued since 1946 are priced whether "IN STOCK" or "OUT OF STOCK".  All listed items are mint, never hinged sets, part sets (as issued), singles (from definitive sets or booklets), souvenir sheets, miniature sheets and complete booklets. The latest (as noted on each price list) Scott and Stanley Gibbons catalogs are used to identify issues.  New issue catalog information is taken from Linn's Monthly or Gibbons Stamp Monthly. There are items which Scott or Stanley Gibbons or both catalogs do not list. Besides catalog numbers (where available) and prices, additional information includes the year of issue, and a description or topic. 
  Country /Region Price List 
Country/Region Price List 
A  Aden (1946-1964)  Sept. 30, 2013  Antigua (1946-2009)  Dec. 6, 2021
.  Aitutaki (1972-2016)  Feb. 11, 2017  Ascension Is. (1946-2020)  Oct. 1, 2020
 .   Alderney (1983-2023)  July 29, 2024  Australia (1945-2014)  Aug. 15, 2015
.  Alderney (Booklets) (1994-2023)  July 29, 2024  Australia (Booklets) .
.  Anguilla (1967-2015)  April 12, 2016  Australian Ant. Terr. (1957-2020)  March 20, 2021
B  Bahamas (1946-2018)  Dec. 10, 2018  Biafra (1968-1970)  March 9, 2021
.  Bahawalpur .  Bophuthatswana (1977-1994)  Jan. 20, 2020
.  Bahrain .  Botswana (1966-2017)  Sept. 7, 2017
.  Bangladesh .  British Antarctic Terr. (1963-2020)  Jan. 1, 2021
.  Barbados (1946-2018)  June 14, 2019  British Guiana (1946-1966)  Feb. 6, 2019
.  Barbuda (1968-2000)  Nov. 21, 2023  British Honduras (1946-1973)  Jan. 9, 2012
.  Basutoland (1945-1966)  Jan. 15, 2019  Br. Indian Ocean Terr. (1968-2020)  July 31, 2020
.  Bechuanaland Prot. (1945-1966)  Jan. 15, 2019   .
.  Belize (1973-2018)  March 30, 2019  Brunei (1949-2012)  Jan. 7, 2013
.  Bermuda (1946-2018)  Dec. 15, 2018 .
C  Caicos Is. (1981-1985)  June 4, 2018  Christmas Is. (1958-2020)  Jan. 1, 2021
   Cameroons .  Ciskei (1981-1994)  Jan. 20, 2020
.  Canada (1970-1989)  Dec. 27, 2013  Cocos (Keeling) Is. (1963-2018)  July 15, 2019
.  Canada (Booklets) .  Cook Is. (1946-2018)  June 28, 2019
.  Cayes of Belize (1984-1985)  Oct. 11, 2016  Cyprus (1946-2018)  June 14, 2019
.  Cayman Is. (1946-2018)  July 15, 2019 . .
.  Ceylon (1946-1972)  May 20, 2016  Cyprus (Turkish) (1974-2023)   April, 3, 2024
D  Dominica (1946-2009)  June 12, 2016 . .
E  England (Regional) (2001-2018)  Dec. 29, 2018   .
F  Falkland Is. (1946-2023)  June 23, 2023  Fiji (1946-2023)  June 23, 2023
.  Falkland Is. Dep. (1946-1985)  Apr. 23, 2024 . .
G  Gambia (1946-1990)  Dec. 12,  2020  Great Britain (Machins)  Mar. 14, 2009
.  Ghana (1957-1999)  April 27, 2010  Great Britain (Prestige Booklets)  March 3, 2022
.  Gibraltar (1946-2019)  Jan. 22, 2020  Grenada (1946-1989)  Dec. 12, 2009
.  Gilbert and Ellice Is. (1946-1975)  July 9, 2017  Grenada Grenadines .
.  Gilbert Is. (1976-1979)  July 25, 2020  Guernsey (1941-2019)  Dec. 12, 2019
.  Gold Coast .  Guernsey Booklets (1969-2019)  Dec. 12, 2019
.  Great Britain (1946-2012)  Dec. 30, 2012  Guyana .
H  Hong Kong (1946-2013)  Sept. 9, 2013 . .
I  India . . .
.  Ireland (1937-2014)  Oct. 1, 2014  Isle of Man (1958-2014)  Jan. 27, 2014
.  Ireland Booklets (1964-2011)  Nov. 11, 2011  Isle of Man Booklets (1973-2020)  March 9, 2021
J  Jamaica (1946-2019)  Nov. 10, 2019  Jersey Booklets (1969-2020)  March 9, 2021
.  Jersey (1941-2019)  Dec. 16, 2019  Johore .
K  Kathiri State .  Kenya,Uganda & Tan. (1946-1976)  Aug. 11, 2021
.  Kedah .  Kiribati (1979-2020)  October 1, 2020
.  Kelantan .  Kuwait .
.  Kenya (1963-2020)   Aug. 11, 2021 . .
L  Leeward Is. .  Lesotho (1966-2015)  Dec. 28, 2015
M  Malacca .  Malta (1946-2016)  Aug. 5, 2016
.  Malawi (1964-2021)  Sept. 26, 2022  Mauritius (1946-2017)  Apr. 10, 2018
.  Malaya .  Montserrat (1946-2019)  Sept. 14, 2022
.  Malaysia .  Morocco Agencies .
 Maldive Is. .  Muscat .
N  Namibia (1990-2017)  Sept. 3, 2017  Nigeria (1946-2016)  Dec. 12, 2016
.  Nauru (1954-2020)  Sept. 9, 2020  Niuafo'ou (1983-2019)  Sept. 29, 2021
.  Negri Sembilan .  Niue (1946-2020)  Sept. 9, 2020
.  Nevis .  Norfolk Is. (1947-2022)  Oct. 4, 2022
.  New Hebrides (Br) (1949-1980)  Feb. 5, 2018  North Borneo (1948-1963)  Feb. 6, 2019
.  New Hebrides (Fr) (1949-1980)  Feb. 5, 2018  Northern Ireland (Regional) (1958-2014)  Sept. 5, 2014
.  New Zealand (1946-2009)  Jan. 9, 2010  Northern Rhodesia (1946-1964)  Feb. 6, 2019
.  New Zealand (Booklets) .  Nyasaland (1945-1964)  June 22, 2020
O  Oman . . .
P  Pahang .  Penrhyn  (1973-2016)  Feb. 23, 2017
.  Pakistan .  Perak .
.  Papua New Guinea (1952-2013)  Mar. 3, 2015  Perlis .
.  Penang .  Pitcairn Is. (1940-2020)  Aug. 31, 2020
Q  Qatar .  Quaiti State .
R  Redonda (1979-1991)  April 8, 2022  Rhodesia & Nyasaland (1954-1963)  Oct. 12, 2017
.  Rhodesia (1965-1978)  Jan. 16, 2022  Ross Dependency (1957-2017)  Oct. 12, 2017
S  Sabah .  Sierra Leone .
.  Saint Helena (1946-2020)  July 25, 2020  Singapore (1948-2012)  March 8, 2013
.  Saint Kitts (1980-2010)  Jan. 6, 2024  Solomon Is. (1946-2014)  Oct. 25, 2023
.  Saint Kitts-Nevis (1946-1980)  Nov. 30, 2021  Somaliland Protectorate .
.  Saint Lucia (1946-2023)  Nov. 23, 2023  South Africa (1945-2018)  April 27, 2019
.  Saint Vincent (1946-1999)  March 10, 2015  South Arabia  .
.  Saint Vincent Gren. (1973-1994)  Feb. 5, 2015  South Georgia (1963-2020)  Dec. 12, 2020
.  Samoa (1946-2019)  Sept. 5, 2019  South West Africa (1945-1990)  Dec. 15, 2018
.  Sarawak .  Southern Rhodesia (1940-1964)  February 6, 2019
.  Scotland (Regional) (1958-2014)  Sept. 5, 2014  Sri Lanka .
.  Selangor .   .
.  Seychelles (1946-2019)  Oct. 16, 2019  Swaziland (1945-2017)  Jan. 7, 2018
T  Tanganyika .  Trinidad & Tobago (1946-2017)  Feb. 15, 2018
.  Tanzania .  Tristan da Cunha (1952-2020)  Jan. 31, 2021
 Tokelau (1948-2020)  Dec. 16, 2023  Trucial States .
.  Tonga (1944-2010)  Oct. 31, 2010
.  Transkei (1976-1994)  Jan. 20, 2020  Turks & Caicos Is. (1946-2017)  April 12, 2018
.  Trengganu .  Tuvalu (1976-2015)  Jan. 23, 2020
U  Uganda . . .
V  Vanuatu (1980-2022)   March 3, 2023  Virgin Is. (1946-2016)  Jan. 5, 2017
.  Venda (1979-1994)  Jan. 20, 2020 . .
W  Wales (Regional) (1958-2014)  Sept. 5, 2014  Wilayah .
Z  Zambia (1964-1997)  Mar. 4, 2010  Zil Elwannyen Sesel (1980-1992)  Oct. 5, 2023
.  Zanzibar (1944-1967  Oct. 5, 2023  Zimbabwe (1980-2023)  Oct. 5, 2023