Stanley Lisica LLC
Anguilla Stamps (1967-2015)
A price list (1967-2015) of Anguilla stamps including souvenir sheets (miniature sheets)and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

Catalog numbers are from the
2017 Scott catalog with updating from the Scott Stamp Monthly.  Stanley Gibbons numbers are from the 2012 (2nd edition) Stanley Gibbons Leeward Islands catalog with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when  issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 

Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability.     Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
April 12, 2016  

Click here ==> ANGUILLA    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #          SG #             Year  Description                                            Price 
1-16             1-16             1967  Defs - 1/2c-5.00 (ovpt) (16v)                            .-- 
17-31            17-31            1967  Defs - 1c-5.00 (15v)                                   17.95 
17//27           17//27           1967  Defs - 1c-40c (6v)                                      3.45 
19//31           19//31           1968  Defs - 3c-$5.00 (6v)                                   12.50 
18//30           18//30           1968  Defs - 2c,6c,$2.50 (3v)                                 2.70 
32-35            32-35            1968  Ships                                                   1.90 
36-39            36-39            1968  Birds                                                   5.40 
40-43            40-43            1968  Girl Guides 35th Anniversary                            0.95 
44-48            44-48            1968  Christmas                                               1.05 
49-52            49-52            1969  Salt Industry                                           1.15 
53-67            ---              1969  Defs/INDEPENDENCE - 1c-5.00 (ovpt) (15v)               16.85 
(53//63)         52a-52j          1969  Defs/INDEPENDENCE - 1c-40c (ovpt) (10v)                  .-- 
68-69            53-54            1969  Easter                                                  0.60 
70-73            55-58            1969  Flowers                                                 2.70 
74-77            59-62            1969  Sea Shells                                              2.00 
78-82            63-67            1969  Christmas (ovpt)                                        1.85 
83-86            68-71            1969  Fish                                                    3.15 
87-90            72-75            1970  Flowers                                                 2.55 
91-94            76-79            1970  Easter                                                  1.05 
95-98            80-83            1970  Boy Scout 40th Anniversary                              1.00 
99-113           84-98            1970  Defs/Views - 1c-5.00 (15v)                             15.05 
114-118          99-103           1970  Christmas                                               1.50 
119-122          104-107          1971  Easter                                                  1.30 
123-126          108-111          1971  Butterflies                                             8.20 
127-131          112-116          1971  Sea Battles/Ships (5v)                                  6.55 
127-131          112-116          1971  Sea Battles/Ships (s/5v)                                7.70 
132-135          117-120          1971  Christmas                                               1.05 
136-139          121-124          1972  Maps                                                    1.90 
140-144          125-129          1972  Easter/Stained Glass (5v)                               1.60 
140-144          125-129          1972  Easter/Stained Glass (s/5v)                             2.10 
145-160          130-144a         1972  Defs - 1c-10.00 (16v)                                  58.25 
145-159          130//144         1972  Defs - 1c-5.00 (15v)                                   43.85 
160              144a             1975  Defs - 10.00 (1v)                                      15.45 
161-162          145-146          1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     1.05 
163-167          147-151          1972  Christmas (5v)                                          1.00 
163-167          147-151          1972  Christmas (vs/4v+1v)                                    1.25 
168-173          152-157          1973  Easter (6v)                                             1.15 
168-173          152-157          1973  Easter (vs/5v+1v)                                       1.25 
173a             MS158            1973  Easter (ss/6v)                                          1.05 
174-178          159-163          1973  C.Columbus (5v)                                         7.30 
174-178          159-163          1973  C.Columbus (s/4v+1v)                                    8.05 
178a             MS164            1973  C.Columbus (ss/5v)                                      7.50 
179-180          165-166          1973  Anne & Mark Wedding                                     0.50 
181-186          167-172          1973  Christmas (6v)                                          1.10 
181-186          167-172          1973  Christmas (s/5v+1v)                                     1.25 
186a             MS173            1973  Christmas (ss/6v)                                       1.25 
187-192          174-179          1974  Easter (6v)                                             1.10 
187-192          174-179          1974  Easter (vs/5v+1v)                                       1.25 
192a             MS180            1974  Easter (ss/6v)                                          1.30 
193-198          181-186          1974  W.Churchill (6v)                                        1.55 
193-198          181-186          1974  W.Churchill (s/5v+1v)                                   1.95 
198a             MS187            1974  W.Churchill (ss/6v)                                     1.65 
199-204          188-193          1974  UPU Centenary (6v)                                      1.45 
199-204          188-193          1974  UPU Centenary (s/5v+1v)                                 1.75 
204a             MS194            1974  UPU Centenary (ss/6v)                                   1.35 
205-210          195-200          1974  Christmas (6v)                                          1.10 
205-210          195-200          1974  Christmas (s/5v+1v)                                     1.35 
210a             MS201            1974  Christmas (ss/6v)                                       1.65 
211-216          202-207          1975  Easter (6v)                                             1.25 
211-216          202-207          1975  Easter (s/5v+1v)                                        1.45 
216a             MS208            1975  Easter (ss/6v)                                          1.55 
217-222          209-214          1975  American Bicentennial (6v)                              1.90 
217-222          209-214          1975  American Bicentennial (s/5v+1v)                         2.25 
222a             MS215            1975  American Bicentennial (ss/6v)                           1.60 
223-228          216-221          1975  Christmas (6v)                                          1.50 
223-228          216-221          1975  Christmas (s/5v+1v)                                     1.80 
228a             MS222            1975  Christmas (ss/6v)                                       2.20 
229-246          223-240          1976  Defs/CONSTITUTION - 1c-10.00 (ovpt) (18v)              42.00 
---              223-240          1976  Defs/CONSTITUTION - 1c-10.00 (ovpt Italic O) (18v)       .-- 
247-252          241-246          1976  Flowering Trees (6v)                                    1.90 
247-252          241-246          1976  Flowering Trees (s/5v+1v)                               2.30 
252a             MS247            1976  Flowering Trees (ss/6v)                                 2.15 
253-258          248-253          1976  Easter (6v)                                             1.90 
253-258          248-253          1976  Easter (s/5v+1v)                                        2.30 
258a             MS254            1976  Easter (ss/6v)                                          2.05 
259-264          255-260          1976  Sea Battles/Ships (6v)                                  7.95 
259-264          255-260          1976  Sea Battles/Ships (s/5v+1v)                             8.90 
264a             MS261            1976  Sea Battles/Ships (ss/6v)                               7.80 
265-270          262-267          1976  Christmas (6v)                                          1.55 
265-270          262-267          1976  Christmas (s/5v+1v)                                     1.85 
270a             MS268            1976  Christmas (ss)                                          2.25 
271-274          269-272          1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.90 
274a             MS273            1977  QEII Silver Jubilee (ss/4v)                             0.90 
275-290          274-289          1977  Defs/Wildlife - 1c-10.00 (16v)                         34.60 
275//290         274//289         1977  Defs/Wildlife - 1c-$10.00 (7v)                         14.95 
281//289         280//288         1978  Defs/Wildlife - 10c-$5.00 (9v)                         19.65 
291-296          291-296          1977  Easter (6v)                                             2.20 
291-296          291-296          1977  Easter (s/5v+1v)                                        2.55 
296a             MS297            1977  Easter (ss/6v)                                          2.35 
297-300          298-301          1977  QEII Silver Jubilee/Royal Visit (ovpt)                  1.35 
300a             MS302            1977  QEII Silver Jubilee/Royal Visit (ovpt) (ss/4v)          1.25 
301-304          303-306          1977  P.Rubens/Paintings                                      2.25 
304a             MS307            1977  P.Rubens/Paintings (ss/4v)                              2.30 
305-310          308-313          1977  Christmas (ovpt) (6v)                                   2.45 
305-310          308-313          1977  Christmas (ovpt) (s/5v+1v)                              2.80 
310a             MS314            1977  Christmas (ovpt) (ss/6v)                                3.15 
311-314          315-318          1978  P.Rubens/Paintings/Easter (ovpt)                        1.60 
314a             MS319            1978  P.Rubens/Paintings/Easter (ovpt) (ss/4v)                2.05 
315-318          320-323          1978  QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary                        1.05 
318a             MS324            1978  QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary (ss/4v)                1.40 
319-321          325//330         1978  Valley School (ovpt) (3v)                               1.90 
322-324          326//329         1978  Methodist Church (3v) (ovpt)                            3.20 
325-330          331-336          1978  Christmas                                               1.65 
330a             MS337            1978  Christmas (ss/6v)                                       1.65 
331-336          338-343          1979  Christmas/Year of the Child (ovpt)                      1.55 
336a             MS344            1979  Christmas/Year of the Child (ovpt) (ss/6v)              2.55 
337-342          345-350          1979  Defs - 12c-40c (6v) (surch)                             7.20 
343-348          351-356          1979  Easter/Churches (6v)                                    1.75 
343-348          351-356          1979  Easter/Churches (s/6v)                                  2.00 
348a             MS357            1979  Easter/Churches (ss/6v)                                 1.90 
349-354          358-363          1979  R.Hill                                                  1.85 
354a             MS364            1979  R.Hill (ss/6v)                                          1.90 
355-360          365-370          1979  Powered Flight Anniversary                              4.95 
360a             MS371            1979  Powered Flight Anniversary (ss/6v)                      5.40 
361-366          372-377          1979  Outer Islands/Maps                                      1.90 
366a             MS378            1979  Outer Islands/Maps (ss/6v)                              2.75 
367-370          379-382          1979  Christmas/Flowers                                       1.35 
370a             MS383            1979  Christmas/Flowers (ss/4v)                               2.10 
371-374          384-387          1979  LONDON '80 (p.13)                                       1.30 
374b             MS388            1979  LONDON '80 (ss/4v) (p.13)                               1.55 
371a-374a        384a-387a        1979  LONDON '80 (p.14.5) (ex-bklt)                           1.35 
374c             MS388a           1979  LONDON '80 (ss/4v) (p.14.5)                             1.70 
375-380          389-394          1980  Lake Placid Olympic Games                               1.90 
380a             MS395            1980  Lake Placid Olympic Games (ss/6v)                       1.85 
381-386          396-401          1980  Salt Industry                                           1.85 
386a             MS402            1980  Salt Industry (ss/6v)                                   1.85 
387-388          403//405         1980  Scouting 50th Anniversary (2v) (ovpt)                   5.30 
389-390          404//406         1980  Rotary International (ovpt) (2v)                        6.20 
391-393          407-409          1980  LONDON '80                                              1.80 
393a             MS410            1980  LONDON '80 (ss/3v)                                      2.00 
394-397          411-414          1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday                              3.40 
397a             MS415            1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday (ss/4v)                      4.35 
398-401          416-419          1980  Christmas/Birds                                         5.95 
401a             MS420            1980  Christmas/Birds (ss/4v)                                10.60 
402-423          421-442          1980  Defs/SEPARATION - 1c-10.00 (ovpt) (22v)                26.50 
424-428          443-447          1980  Separation Petition                                     1.75 
428a             MS448            1980  Separation Petition (ss/5v)                             1.75 
429-432          449-452          1981  Lord Nelson/Ships                                      10.20 
433              MS453            1981  Lord Nelson/Ships (ss)                                  4.20 
434-442          454-462          1981  Disney/Easter                                           4.55 
443              MS463            1981  Disney/Easter (ss)                                      4.80 
444-446          464-466          1981  Diana & Charles Wedding                                 0.95 
444a-446a        ---              1981  Diana & Charles Wedding (3 ss/2v)                       3.75 
444b,446b        468-469          1981  Diana & Charles Wedding  (ex-bklt) (2v) (wmk)           1.95 
447              MS467            1981  Diana & Charles Wedding (ss)                            1.35 
448-451          470-473          1981  UNICEF 35th Anniversary                                 3.10 
452              MS474            1981  UNICEF 35th Anniversary(ss)                             4.10 
453-461          475-483          1981  Christmas/Disney                                        8.65 
462              MS484            1981  Christmas/Disney (ss)                                   7.10 
463-479          485-501          1982  Defs/Marine Life - 1c-10.00 (17v)                      60.90 
473              501              1982  Defs/Marine Life - 50c/45c (surch) (1v)                 1.00 
463//479         485-500          1982  Defs/Marine Life -1c-10.00 (16v)                       60.35 
480-483          502-505          1982  Easter/Butterflies/Flowers                              7.90 
484              MS506            1982  Easter/Butterflies/Flowers (ss)                         5.60 
485-490          507-512          1982  Diana Birthday                                          8.25 
490a             MS514            1982  Diana Birthday (ss/6v)                                  8.55 
491              MS513            1982  Diana Birthday (ss)                                     8.55 
492-500          520-528          1982  World Cup Soccer/Disney                                 6.60 
501              MS529            1982  World Cup Soccer/Disney (ss)                            7.85 
502-505          515-518          1982  Boy Scout 75th Anniversary                              6.25 
506              MS519            1982  Boy Scout 75th Anniversary(ss)                          5.75 
507-510          530-533          1982  Commonwealth Games (ovpt)                               6.20 
511-519          534-542          1982  A.A.Milne/Disney                                       11.50 
520              MS543            1982  A.A.Milne/Disney (ss)                                  10.40 
521-524          544-547          1983  Commonwealth Day                                        6.15 
525              MS548            1983  Commonwealth Day (ss)                                   6.20 
526-535          549-558          1983  Easter/10 Commandments                                 11.70 
536              MS559            1983  Easter/10 Commandments (ss)                             4.10 
537-540          560-563          1983  WWF/Turtles (p.13.5)                                   32.05 
537a-540a        560a-563a        1983  WWF/Turtles (p.12)                                     43.45 
541              MS564            1983  Turtles (ss)                                           26.40 
542-545          565-568          1983  Manned Flight Bicentenary                               6.70 
546              MS569            1983  Manned Flight Bicentenary (ss)                          5.75 
546A-546D        573-576          1983  Slavery Abolition 150th Anniversary #1 (ovpt)           8.45 
547-555          577-585          1983  Christmas/Disney                                       10.10 
556              MS586            1983  Christmas/Disney (ss)                                   7.05 
557-558          570-571          1983  Boy's Brigade                                           3.90 
558a             MS572            1983  Boy's Brigade Centenary (ss/2v)                         4.35 
559-567          587A-595A        1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games/Disney                       11.30 
559a-567a        587B-595B        1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games/Disney (emblem)              12.40 
568              MS596A           1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games/Disney (ss)                  11.85 
568a             MS596B           1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games/Disney (ss) (emblem)         10.35 
569-576          597-604          1984  Easter/Raphael                                          8.65 
577              MS605            1984  Easter/Raphael (ss)                                     4.80 
578-582          606-610          1984  Defs/Marine Life - 25c-2.50 (5v) (surch)                7.55 
578              606              1984  Defs/Marine Life - 25c (surch) (1v)                     1.00 
579//582         607//610         1984  Defs/Marine Life - 35c,60c,2.50,2.50 (surch) (4v)       6.65 
583-586          611-614          1984  AUSIPEX '84                                             7.15 
587              MS615            1984  AUSIPEX '84 (ss)                                        5.85 
588-595          616-623          1984  Slavery Abolition 150th Anniversary #2                  8.45 
595a             MS624            1984  Slavery Abolition 150th Anniversary #2 (ss)             8.45 
596-604          636-644          1984  Christmas/Disney                                       15.00 
605              MS645            1984  Christmas/Disney (ss)                                   8.10 
606-608          625-627          1984  UPU Congress (ovpt)                                     7.15 
609-611          646-648          1984  ICAO 40th Anniversary                                   5.80 
612              MS649            1984  ICAO 40th Anniversary (ss)                              5.30 
613-616          650-653          1985  J.Audubon/Birds                                        12.80 
617-618          MS654            1985  J.Audubon/Birds (2 ss)                                 12.95 
619-621          655-657          1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (p.14)                     3.00 
(619-621)        ---              1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (p.12)                     3.35 
622              MS658            1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       2.50 
623-639          659-675          1985  Defs/Birds - 5c-10.00 (18v)                            77.40 
627//638         663//674         1985  Defs/Birds - 25c-$5 (4v)                               15.05 
631//639         667//675         1985  Defs/Birds - 45c-$10 (5v)                              24.20 
623//628         659//664         1985  Defs/Birds - 5c-2.50 (8v)                              36.55 
629A             665a             1986  Defs/Birds - 35c (1v)                                   2.70 
639A-639F        628-633          1985  Prince Henry Birth (ovpt) (6v)                          5.25 
639Fh            MS635            1985  Prince Henry Birth (ss/6v) (ovpt)                       3.90 
639G             MS634            1985  Prince Henry Birth (ss) (ovpt)                          3.70 
640-643          676-679          1985  Girl Guides 75th Anniversary (ovpt)                    11.55 
644-645          697-698          1985  Rotary International 80th Anniversary (ovpt)            1.70 
646-647          699-700          1985  Youth Year (ovpt)                                       7.95 
648-651          685-688          1985  Christmas/Disney/Grimm (4v)                             7.60 
652              MS689            1985  Christmas/Disney/Grimm (ss)                             7.00 
653-655          680-683          1985  Christmas/Disney/Twain (4v)                             8.65 
656              MS684            1985  Christmas/Disney/Twain (ss)                             7.85 
657-662          690-695          1985  Statue of Liberty Centenary                             8.10 
663              MS696            1985  Statue of Liberty Centenary (ss)                        8.10 
664-667          706-709          1986  Easter                                                  5.85 
668              MS710            1986  Easter (ss)                                             6.15 
669-672          701-704          1986  Halley's Comet                                          7.10 
673              MS705            1986  Halley's Comet (ss)                                     4.80 
674-676          711-713          1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      3.40 
677              MS714            1986  QEII 60th Birthday (ss)                                 3.50 
678-682          715-719          1986  AMERIPEX '86 (ovpt)                                    19.00 
683-686          720-723          1986  Andrew & Sarah Wedding (p.14)                           3.30 
683a-686a        720a-723a        1986  Andrew & Sarah Wedding (p.12)                           4.05 
687              MS724            1986  Andrew & Sarah Wedding (ss) (p.14)                      4.90 
687a             MS724a           1986  Andrew & Sarah Wedding (ss) (p.12)                      4.90 
688-695          725-732          1986  Slavery Abolition/Peace Year (ovpt)                    14.70 
695a             MS733            1986  Slavery Abolition/Peace Year (ovpt) (ss/8v)            16.40 
696-699          734-737          1986  Christmas/Boats                                        15.00 
700              MS738            1986  Christmas/Boats (ss)                                   19.00 
701-705          739-743          1986  C.Columbus/Discovery America                           10.40 
706-707          MS744            1986  C.Columbus/Discovery America (2 ss)                    15.95 
708-711          745-748          1987  Easter/Butterflies                                     21.50 
712              MS749            1987  Easter/Butterflies (ss)                                17.60 
713-716          757-760          1987  CAPEX '87/Birds (ovpt)                                 18.30 
717-722          750-755          1987  Separation 20th Anniversary                             8.60 
722a             MS756            1987  Separation 20th Anniversary (ss/6v)                    11.25 
723-739          761-777          1987  Defs/YEARS OF PROGRESS - 5c-10.00 (ovpt) (17v)         74.90 
740-743          778-781          1987  World Cricket Cup                                      10.75 
744              MS782            1987  World Cricket Cup (ss)                                 13.45 
745-748          783-786          1987  Christmas/Sea Shells/Crabs                             12.10 
749              MS787            1987  Christmas/Sea Shells/Crabs (ss)                        11.70 
750-753          788-791          1987  QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary/Birds (ovpt)              8.15 
754-757          792-795          1988  Easter/Lilies                                           5.50 
758              MS796            1988  Easter/Lilies (ss)                                      5.15 
759-762          797-800          1988  Seoul Olympic Games                                     8.25 
763              MS801            1988  Seoul Olympic Games (ss)                                5.10 
764-777          807-810          1988  Alexandra Royal Visit/Birds (ovpt)                     12.85 
768-771          802-805          1988  Christmas/Marine Life                                   9.10 
772              MS806            1988  Christmas/Marine Life (ss)                              5.75 
773-775          811-813          1989  Lizards                                                 8.20 
776              MS814            1989  Lizards (ss)                                           14.85 
777-780          815-818          1989  Easter/Paintings                                        4.30 
781              MS819            1989  Easter/Paintings (ss)                                   3.55 
782              820              1989  University of the West Indies                           3.30 
783-786          821-824          1989  Moon Landing 20th Anniversary (ovpt)                   16.95 
787-790          825-828          1989  Christmas/Historic Houses                               3.50 
791              MS829            1989  Christmas/Historic Houses (ss)                          4.55 
792-807          830A-845A        1990  Defs/Fish - 5c-10.00 (16v)                             34.70 
792a-797a        830B-835B        1992  Defs/Fish - 5c,10c,35c  (3v) "1992"                     2.50 
811-814          846-849          1990  Easter                                                  8.15 
815              MS850            1990  Easter (ss)                                            10.60 
816-819          851-854          1990  LONDON '90                                              8.65 
820              MS855            1990  LONDON '90 (ss)                                        11.85 
821-824          856-859          1990  Anniversaries/Fish (ovpt)                              20.35 
825-828          864-867          1990  Christmas/Sea Birds                                     8.45 
829              MS868            1990  Christmas/Sea Birds (ss)                                8.95 
830-833          860-863          1991  Island Flags                                           14.00 
834-837          869-872          1991  Easter (ovpt) "1991"                                    9.10 
838              MS873            1991  Easter (ss) (ovpt) "1991"                              12.00 
839-842          874-877          1991  Christmas                                               7.70 
843              MS878            1991  Christmas (ss)                                         10.75 
844-848          879-883          1992  Easter                                                 11.75 
849              884              1992  Defs/Fish - 1.60/30c (surch)                            2.90 
850-853          885-888          1992  Independence 25th Anniversary                          13.95 
854              MS889            1992  Independence 25th Anniversary (ss)                     14.50 
855-860          890-895          1992  Sailboat Race (v/pr+4v)                                16.90 
861              MS896            1992  Sailboat Race (ss)                                      9.75 
862-865          902-905          1992  C.Columbus/Discovery of America                        16.35 
866              MS906            1992  C.Columbus/Discovery of America (ss)                   14.90 
867-870          897-900          1992  Christmas/Local Traditions                              8.45 
871              MS901            1992  Christmas/Local Traditions (ss)                         6.30 
872-875          907-910          1993  Easter/Children's Paintings                            12.80 
876              MS911            1993  Easter/Children's Paintings  (ss)                       8.10 
877-880          912-915          1993  Traditional Native Industries                          13.20 
881              MS916            1993  Traditional Native Industries (ss)                     13.20 
882-885          917-920          1993  QEII Coronation 40th Anniversary                       11.15 
886              MS921            1993  QEII Coronation 40th Anniversary (ss)                  13.50 
887-892          922-927          1993  Carnival                                               13.50 
893              MS928            1993  Carnival (ss)                                          13.50 
894-897          929-932          1993  Christmas                                               9.30 
898              MS933            1993  Christmas (ss)                                          4.65 
899-903          934-938          1993  Mail Delivery                                          15.70 
904-908          939-943          1994  Royal Visitors                                         13.90 
908a             MS944            1994  Royal Visitors (ss/4v)                                 13.75 
909-912          945-948          1994  Easter/Stained Glass                                    8.70 
913-917          954-958          1994  Christmas/Paintings                                     8.40 
918-921          949-952          1994  Soccer World Cup                                        8.20 
922              MS953            1994  Soccer World Cup (ss)                                  12.95 
923-926          959-962          1995  Easter/Doves                                            9.90 
927-930          963-966          1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary                         6.70 
931-932          967-968          1995  Development Bank 25th Anniversary (pr)                  6.60 
933-936          969-972          1995  Endangered Species/Whales                              16.70 
937-940          973-976          1995  Christmas                                              11.25 
941-943          977-979          1996  Corals                                                 13.05 
944-947          980-983          1996  Atlanta Olympic Games                                  11.15 
948-951          984-987          1996  Battle for Anguilla Bicentenary                         8.25 
952-967          998-1003         1997  Defs/Fruits & Nuts - 10c-10.00 (16v)                   40.05 
968              1004-1007        1997  WWF/Iguanas (s/4v)                                      8.55 
969              1012-1015        1998  Diana (s/4v)                                            8.70 
970-973          1008-1011        1998  Cavern Stone Carvings                                   5.85 
974-978          1016-1020        1998  Arts Festival/Paintings                                 5.35 
979-982          1021-1024        1998  Christmas                                               4.40 
983-986          1027-1030        1998  RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes                          8.65 
987-988          1025-1026        1998  University of West Indies 50th Anniversary              2.40 
989-992          1031-1034        1999  Manned Moon Landing 30th Anniversary                    5.35 
993-996          1035-1038        1999  Heroes & Heroines of Anguilla #1                        4.05 
997-1000         1039-1043        1999  Modern Architecture (5v)                                6.60 
1001-1004        1044-1047        1999  Christmas/New Millennium                                5.80 
1005-1010        1048-1053        1999  Beaches                                                 7.15 
1010a            MS1054           1999  Beaches (ss/6v)                                         7.15 
1010b            MS1064           2000  Beaches/LONDON '00 (ss) (ovpt)                          6.60 
1011-1015        1055-1059        2000  Easter/Indigenous Toys                                  5.15 
1016             MS1060           2000  Easter/Indigenous Toys (ss)                             5.50 
1017-1018        1061-1062        2000  Cricket Tour/Test Match                                 6.60 
1018A            MS1063           2000  Cricket Tour/Test Match (ss)                           10.75 
1019-1022        1065-1068        2000  William 18th Birthday                                   8.25 
1023             MS1069           2000  William 18th Birthday (ss)                              8.30 
1024-1027        1070-1073        2000  Queen Mother 100th Birthday                             7.85 
1028-1032        1074-1078        2000  Art Festival                                            4.40 
1033             MS1079           2000  Art Festival (ss)                                       5.90 
1034-1039        1080-1085        2000  Christmas/Flowers                                       6.05 
1040-1043        1086-1089        2000  National Bank 15th Anniversary                          4.80 
1044-1045        1090-1091        2000  Ebenezer Methodist Church 170th Anniversary             2.35 
1046-1048        1092-1094        2001  Women's Human Rights                                    2.90 
1049-1052        1095-1098        2001  American Revolution 225th Anniversary                   7.60 
1053-1057        1099-1103        2001  Birds                                                  10.60 
1058             MS1104           2001  Birds (ss/4v)                                           8.25 
1059             1105             2001  Year of Dialogue                                        2.15 
1060-1065        1106-1111        2001  Christmas/Musical Instruments                           7.15 
1066             MS1112           2001  Christmas/Musical Instruments (ss)                      6.60 
1067-1069        1113-1115        2002  Sombrero Lighthouse                                     5.60 
1070-1072        1116-1118        2002  Social Security Board 20th Anniversary                  4.50 
1073-1076        1119-1122        2002  Royal Navy Ships                                        5.60 
1077             MS1123           2002  Royal Navy Ships (ss)                                   8.75 
1078-1081        1124-1127        2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     7.40 
1082             MS1128           2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss)                                7.85 
1083-1084        1129-1130        2002  Pan American Health Organization                        2.10 
1085-1096        1131-1142        2003  Defs/Ships - 15c-10.00 (12v)                           24.95 
1097-1100        1143-1146        2003  Artifacts                                               4.70 
1101-1106        1147-1152        2003  Hotels                                                  7.60 
1107-1112        1153-1158        2004  International Arts Festival                             9.75 
1113-1116        1159-1162        2004  Athens Olympic Games                                    5.65 
1117-1122        1163-1168        2004  Goats                                                   8.55 
1123-1127        1169-1173        2004  History of Telephones                                   7.40 
1128-1131        1174-1177        2004  Christmas/Santa Claus                                   6.25 
1132             MS1178           2004  Christmas/Santa Claus (ss)                              6.35 
1133-1135        1179-1181        2004  AIDS Day                                                3.60 
1136             MS1182           2004  AIDS Day (ss/4v)                                        3.60 
1137-1140        1183-1186        2005  Rotary International Anniversary                        3.75 
1141-1144        1187-1190        2005  Dogs                                                    4.50 
1145-1150        1191-1196        2006  Early Airlines/Airplanes                                6.00 
1151-1154        1197-1200        2006  Butterflies                                             6.25 
1155             MS1201           2006  Butterflies (ss/4v)                                     5.00 
1156-1157        1202-1203        2007  Soroptomist Club 25th Anniversary                       4.25 
1158-1161        1204-1207        2007  Shipwrecks/Religious Medallions                         5.20 
1162-1167        1208-1213        2007  Revolution 40th Anniversary                             8.60 
1168-1175        1214-1221        2008  Historical Architecture/Local Houses                    8.25 
1176-1181        1222-1227        2009  Traditional Household Items                             6.10 
1182-1187        1228-1233        2009  Wild Flowers                                            6.10 
1188-1190        1234-1236        2010  Endemic Flora & Fauna/Lizards                           4.50 
1191-1194        1237-1240        2011  William & Catherine Wedding                            17.20 
1195-1198        1241-1244        2012  Revolutionary Coins                                     5.50 
1199-1203        1245-1249        2012  Police Force Anniversary                                6.95 
1204-1206                         2013  Methodism/Methodist Church                              7.75 
1207-1214                         2013  Seafaring Captains #1                                  10.50 
1214a                             2013  Seafaring Captains #1 (ss/8v)                          10.50 
1215-1218                         2013  Secondary Education Anniversary                         4.20 
1219-1226                         2014  Seafaring Captains #2                                  10.65 
1226a                             2014  Seafaring Captains #2 (ss/8v)                          10.65 
1227-1232                         2015  Around the Island Boat Race                            10.65 
1233                              2015  Around the Island Boat Race (ss/5v)                     4.00 
                                        --- BOOKLETS ---                                         
---              SB1              1977  Bklt - 8.70 QEII Silver Jubilee (L-Staple)              2.60 
---              SB1              1977  Bklt - 8.70 QEII Silver Jubilee (R-Staple)              2.60 
---              SB1a             1977  Bklt - 8.70 QEII Silver Jubilee (R-Margin)              5.20 
---              SB2              1978  Bklt - 9.44 QEII 25th Coronation (Back Cover A)         2.60 
---              SB2              1978  Bklt - 9.44 QEII 25th Coronation (Back Cover B)         2.60 
---              SB2              1978  Bklt - 9.44 QEII 25th Coronation (Back Cover C)         2.60 
---              SB2a             1978  Bklt - 9.44 QEII 25th Coronation  (R-Margin)            3.05 
---              SB3              1979  Bklt - 9.18 R.Hill (Back Cover A)                       4.10 
---              SB3              1979  Bklt - 9.18 R.Hill (Back Cover B)                       4.10 
---              SB3              1979  Bklt - 9.18 R.Hill (Back Cover C)                       4.10 
---              SB4              1980  Bklt - 9.70 LONDON '80 (Cover A)                        3.70 
---              SB4              1980  Bklt - 9.70 LONDON '80 (Cover B)                        3.70 
---              SB4              1980  Bklt - 9.70 LONDON '80 (Cover C)                        3.70 
---              SB5              1981  Bklt - 14.00 Charles & Diana (Back Cover A)             3.05 
---              SB5              1981  Bklt - 14.00 Charles & Diana (Back Cover B)             3.05 
---              SB5              1981  Bklt - 14.00 Charles & Diana (Back Cover C)             3.05 
---              SB6              1982  Bklt - 12.40 Diana Birthday                            10.40 
---              SB7              1984  Bklt - 12.40 Diana Birthday/Prince Henry (ovpt)        11.15 
---              SB8              1996  Bklt - 5.00 Flag & Map                                  6.35 
---              SB9              1998  Bklt - 9.00 Flag & Map (surch)                         10.90 
---              SB10             1998  Bklt - 6.50 Map and Flag                                7.05 
---              SB11             1999  Bklt - 6.50 Post Office Building/RAF                    7.35 

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.