Stanley Lisica LLC
Bahamas Postage Stamps : 1946-2018
A price list of the Bahamas (1946-2018) mint postage stamps, souvenir (miniature) sheets and booklets.

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the 2019 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  S.G. #'s numbers are from the British Commonwealth catalog with Gibbons Stamp Monthly updates.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog. Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number. A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
December 10, 2018 

Click here ==>  BAHAMAS    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                           Price   
130-131         176-177         1946  Peace/Victory                                            .40  
132-147         178-193         1948  Defs/Eleuthera Island - 1/2d-1.00 (16v)                75.95  
148-149         194-195         1948  Silver Wedding                                         41.35  
150-153         196-199         1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    4.70  
154-156         149e//154b      1951  Defs/GVI - 1/2d,2d,3d (3v)                              3.35  
157             200             1953  QEII Coronation                                         1.20  
158-173         201-216         1954  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (16v)                                 84.55  
174-177         217-220         1959  Stamp Centenary                                         1.65  
178-179         221-222         1962  Nassau Centenary                                        1.00  
180             223             1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.55  
181-182         224-225         1963  Bahamas Talks (ovpt)                                    1.05  
183-184         226-227         1963  Red Cross                                               2.00  
185-200         228-243         1964  Defs/CONSTITUTION - 1/2d-1.00 (ovpt) (16v)             33.95  
201             244             1964  W.Shakespeare                                           0.45  
202             245             1964  Tokyo Olympic Games (surch)                             0.65  
203             246             1964  Defs - 2d Strawwork (new wmk)                           1.50  
204-218         247-261         1965  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (15v)                                 36.10  
219-220         262-263         1965  ITU                                                     1.05  
221             264             1965  Defs - 9d/8d (surch)                                    0.40  
222-223         265-266         1965  ICY                                                     0.50  
224-227         267-270         1966  W.Churchill                                             1.95  
228-229         271-272         1966  Royal Visit                                             2.60  
230-244         273-287         1966  Defs - 1c-3.00 (15v) (surch)                           21.00  
245-246         288-289         1966  Soccer World Cup                                        0.55  
247-248         290-291         1966  WHO                                                     0.70  
249-251         292-294         1966  UNESCO                                                  1.90  
252-266         295-309         1967  Defs - 1c-3.00 (15v)                                   25.95  
252a-266a       295a-309a       1970  Defs - 1c-3.00 (15v) (white paper)                       .--  
267-268         310-311         1967  Boy Scouts                                              0.70  
269-271         312-314         1968  Human Rights Year                                       1.10  
272-275         315-318         1968  Tourism                                                 8.15  
276-279         319-322         1968  Mexico City Olympic Games                               4.00  
280-283         323-326         1968  Parliamentary Conference                                0.85  
284-287         327-330         1968  Gold Coins                                              4.30  
288-289         331-332         1969  Airmail Anniversary                                     1.40  
290-293         333-336         1969  Tourism                                                 1.80  
293a            MS337           1969  Tourism (ss/4v)                                         3.30  
294-297         338-341         1969  Christmas                                               0.90  
298-300         342-344         1970  Girl Guides Jubilee                                     1.25  
301-302         345-346         1970  UPU Headquarters                                        0.50  
303-306         347-350         1970  Goodwill Caravan                                        5.25  
306a            MS351           1970  Goodwill Caravan (ss/4v)                               10.70  
307-308         352-353         1970  Red Cross                                               1.95  
309-312         354-357         1970  Christmas                                               1.15  
312a            MS358           1970  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.95  
313-330         359-376         1971  Defs - 1c-3.00 (18v)                                   28.05  
318//325        364//372        1971  Defs - 6c,7c,18c (3v)                                   2.30  
313//330        359//376        1971  Defs - 1c-3.00 (15v)                                   25.80  
317a-330a       395-400         1972  Defs - 5c-3.00 (6v)                                    31.50  
317a            395             1972  Defs - 5c (1v)                                         15.65  
330a            400             1973  Defs - 3.00 (1v)                                        3.50  
320a//329a      394//399        1973  Defs - 8c,50c,1.00,2.00 (4v)                           12.75  
313a-330b       460//473        1976  Defs - 1c-3.00 (10v) (new wmk)                           .--  
---             460a-472a       1979  Defs - 1c-2.00 (7v) (chalky)                             .-  
331-334         377-380         1971  Christmas                                               1.00  
334a            MS381           1971  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.85  
335-338         382-385         1972  Munich Olympic Games                                    2.85  
338a            MS386           1972  Munich Olympic Games (ss/4v)                            4.65  
339-342         387-390         1972  Christmas                                               1.00  
342a            MS391           1972  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.85  
343             MS392           1972  Tourism Year (ss/4v)                                    5.40  
344-345         393-394         1972  QEII Silver Wedding Anniversary                         0.45  
346-347         410-411         1973  IMO/WMO                                                 1.15  
348-351         412-415         1973  Independence                                            2.10  
351a            MS416           1973  Independence (ss/4v)                                    2.55  
352-355         417-420         1973  Christmas                                               1.00  
355a            MS421           1973  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.60  
356-357         422-423         1974  University of West Indies                               0.65  
358-361         424-427         1974  UPU Centenary                                           0.95  
361a            MS428           1974  UPU Centenary (ss/4v)                                   1.15  
362-365         429-432         1974  National Trust/Birds                                    6.30  
365a            MS433           1974  National Trust/Birds (ss/4v)                            9.30  
366-369         434-437         1974  Christmas                                               0.95  
369a            MS438           1974  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.50  
370-373         439-442         1975  Butterflies                                             4.10  
373a            MS443           1975  Butterflies (ss/4v)                                     9.10  
374-377         444-447         1975  Economic Diversification                                1.25  
377a            MS448           1975  Economic Diversification (ss/4v)                        1.20  
378-379         449-450         1975  Women's Year                                            0.55  
380-383         451-454         1975  Christmas                                               1.55  
383a            MS455           1975  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       2.15  
384-387         456-459         1976  A.Bell/Telephone Centenary                              1.45  
388-391         478-481         1976  Montreal Olympic Games                                  3.10  
391a            MS482           1976  Montreal Olympic Games (ss/4v)                          3.40  
392-393         475-476         1976  US Bicentennial                                         1.80  
393a            MS477           1976  US Bicentennial (ss/4v)                                 7.05  
394-397         483-486         1976  Christmas                                               0.95  
397a            MS487           1976  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.50  
398-401         466//469        1976  Defs - 16c,21c,25c,40c (4v)                             9.75  
402-405         488-491         1977  QEII Accession Silver Jubilee                           0.80  
405a            MS492           1977  QEII Accession Silver Jubilee (ss/4v)                   0.95  
406-409         493-496         1977  Marine Life                                             3.60  
409a            MS497           1977  Marine Life (ss/4v)                                     4.40  
410-411         498-499         1977  Scouting Jamboree                                       1.45  
412-415         500-503         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee/Royal Visit (ovpt)                  0.85  
415a            MS504           1977  QEII Silver Jubilee/Royal Visit (ovpt) (ss/4v)          1.10  
416-419         505-508         1977  Christmas                                               0.90  
419a            MS509           1977  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.25  
420-423         510-513         1978  Architectural Heritage                                  0.80  
423a            MS514           1978  Architectural Heritage (ss/4v)                          0.90  
424-425         515-516         1978  QEII Coronation Silver Jubilee                          0.95  
425a            MS517           1978  QEII Coronation Silver Jubilee (ss/2v)                  1.45  
426-443         518-525         1978  Defs - 1c-3.00 (8v) (unwmk)                            32.35  
444-445         532-533         1978  Christmas                                               0.50  
445a            MS534           1978  Christmas (ss/2v)                                       2.95  
446-449         535-538         1979  Year of the Child                                       1.40  
449a            MS539           1979  Year of the Child (ss/4v)                               1.75  
450-453         540-543         1979  R.Hill                                                  2.05  
453a            MS544           1979  R. Hill (ss/4v)                                         2.30  
454-457         545-548         1979  Parliament Anniversary                                  2.10  
457a            MS549           1979  Parliament Anniversary (ss/4v)                          3.00  
458-463         550-555         1979  Christmas                                               1.35  
463a            MS556           1979  Christmas (ss/6v)                                       2.10  
464-479         557-572         1980  Defs/History - 1c-5.00 (16v)                           21.20  
464a-473a       720-726         1985  Defs/History - 1c,3c,10c,25c (4v) (wmk)                19.40  
480-483         573-576         1980  Christmas                                               1.50  
483a            MS577           1980  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.50  
484-485         578-579         1981  Year for the Disabled                                   1.30  
485a            MS580           1981  Year for the Disabled (ss/2v)                           1.50  
486-489         581-584         1981  Satellite Tracking                                      2.15  
489a            MS585           1981  Satellite Tracking (ss/4v)                              2.40  
490-491         586-587         1981  Charles & Diana Wedding                                 3.50  
491a            MS588           1981  Charles & Diana Wedding (ss/2v)                         6.20  
492-495         589-592         1981  Wildlife #1/Birds                                       9.20  
495a            MS593           1981  Wildlife #1/Birds (ss/4v)                               9.35  
496-499         594-597         1981  Finance Ministers Meeting (ovpt)                        2.10  
500-503         598-601         1981  World Food Day                                          1.75  
503a            MS602           1981  World Food Day (ss/4v)                                  2.60  
504             603-611         1981  Christmas (ss/9v)                                       6.20  
505-508         612-615         1982  R. Koch/TB Bacillus                                     5.85  
508a            MS616           1982  R. Koch/TB Bacillus (ss/4v)                             6.30  
509             617-621         1982  Flamingoes (s/5v)                                      10.10  
510-513         622-625         1982  Diana Birthday                                          4.55  
(510)           622a            1982  Diana Birthday - 16c (p.13.5)                           1.75  
514-517         626-629         1982  Wildlife #2/Animals                                     6.85  
517a            MS630           1982  Wildlife #2/Animals (ss/4v)                             7.15  
518-521         631-634         1982  Parliamentary Conference                                2.60  
522-527         635-640         1982  Christmas/Churches                                      2.35  
528-531         641-644         1983  Commonwealth Day                                        2.35  
532-535         645-648         1983  Defs/History - 20c,31c,35c,80c (4v) (surch)             3.90  
536-537         649-650         1983  Customs Council                                         4.55  
538             651             1983  Independence 10th Anniversary                           1.25  
538a            MS652           1983  Independence 10th Anniversary (ss)                      1.85  
539-542         653-656         1983  Wildlife #3/Butterflies                                 7.75  
542a            MS657           1983  Wildlife #3/Butterflies (ss/4v)                         8.35  
543-546         658-661         1983  American Loyalists                                      1.85  
546a            MS662           1983  American Loyalists (ss/4v)                              1.80  
547-552         667-672         1983  Christmas                                               2.85  
553-554         673-674         1984  Stamp Anniversary                                       2.10  
555-558         675-678         1984  Lloyd's List/Newspaper                                  3.80  
559-562         679-682         1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games                               5.50  
562a            MS683           1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games (ss/4v)                       6.00  
563             684             1984  Heads of Government Meeting                             1.00  
564-567         690-693         1984  Wildlife #4/Reptiles                                    6.95  
567a            MS694           1984  Wildlife #4/Reptiles (ss/4v)                            7.50  
568             685-689         1984  Wildlife/Birds (s/5v)                                  17.20  
569-571         695-697         1984  Christmas                                               2.95  
571a            MS698           1984  Christmas (ss/3v)                                       2.15  
572-575         703-706         1985  Youth Year/Girl Guides                                  5.40  
575a            MS707           1985  Youth Year/Girl Guides (ss/4v)                          5.80  
576-579         708-711         1985  J.Audubon/Birds                                         9.15  
580-583         712-715         1985  Life and Times of Queen Mother                          3.15  
584             MS716           1985  Life and Times of Queen Mother (ss)                     3.50  
585             717             1985  United Nations/FAO                                      1.00  
586-587         718-719         1985  Heads of Government Meeting                             5.10  
588-591         736-739         1985  Christmas                                               5.15  
591a            MS740           1985  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       4.50  
592-596         741-745         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      2.35  
597-601         746-750         1986  AMERIPEX '86                                           11.90  
601a            MS751           1986  AMERIPEX '86/Statue of Liberty (ss)                     6.60  
602-603         756-757         1986  Andrew & Sarah Wedding                                  2.35  
604-618A        758A-773A       1986  Defs/Fish - 5c-10.00 (16v)                             60.35  
604-618         758A-772A       1986  Defs/Fish - 5c-5.00 (15v)                              40.70  
618A            773A            1987  Defs/Fish - 10.00 (1v)                                 19.65  
611a-616a       765B//770B      1988  Defs/Fish - 40c,1.00,2.00 (3v) "1988"                    .--  
605b-618b       759B//772B      1990  Defs/Fish - 10c-$5 (8v) "1990"                           .--  
605b//618b      759B//772B      1990  Defs/Fish - 10c,25,45,50,$3,$5 (6v) "1990"               .--  
611b,615b                       1990  Defs/Fish - 40c,$1.00 (2v) "1990"                        .--  
604c-616c       791-799         1987  Defs/Fish - 5c-2.00 (9v) (new wmk) "1987"                .--  
605cd           (792)           1988  Defs/Fish - 10c (1v) (new wmk)  "1988"                   .--  
604cd           (791)           1989  Defs/Fish - 5c (1v) (new wmk) "1989"                     .--  
619-620         774-775         1986  Nassau Diocese and Church                               1.25  
620a            MS776           1986  Nassau Diocese and Church (ss/2v)                       4.65  
621-624         777-780         1986  Christmas/Peace Year                                    4.00  
624a            MS781           1986  Christmas/Peace Year (ss/4v)                            8.45  
625-628         786-789         1987  Pirates and Privateers                                 25.00  
629             MS790           1987  Pirates and Privateers (ss)                            14.20  
630-633         782-785         1987  Lighthouses/Paintings/A.R.Lowe                         28.05  
634-635         804-813         1987  Tourist Transportation (2 s/5v)                        22.85  
636-639         814-817         1987  Christmas/Orchids                                      12.65  
639a            MS818           1987  Christmas/Orchids (ss/4v)                              13.55  
640-643         819-822         1988  Discovery of America #1                                 8.35  
644             MS823           1988  Discovery of America #1 (ss)                            9.00  
645-648         824-827         1988  WWF/Whistling Duck                                     18.20  
649-650         828-829         1988  Abolition of Slavery                                    2.35  
651-654         830-833         1988  Seoul Olympic Games                                     6.60  
654a            MS834           1988  Seoul Olympic Games (ss/4v)                             7.10  
655-658         835-838         1988  Lloyd's List 300th Anniversary                          7.95  
659-662         839-842         1988  Christmas/Carols                                        6.40  
662a            MS843           1988  Christmas/Carols (ss/4v)                                4.65  
663-666         844-847         1989  Discovery of America #2                                11.10  
667             MS848           1989  Discovery of America #2 (ss)                            4.90  
668-671         849-852         1989  Hummingbirds                                           15.45  
672-673         853-854         1989  Red Cross                                               7.15  
674-677         855-858         1989  Manned Moon Landing 20th Anniversary                    9.10  
678             MS859           1989  Manned Moon Landing 20th Anniversary (ss)               8.80  
679-682         860-863         1989  Christmas/Churches                                     10.05  
682a            MS864           1989  Christmas/Churches (ss/4v)                             10.75  
683-686         865-868         1989  World Stamp Expo '89                                   10.25  
687             MS869           1989  World Stamp Expo '89 (ss)                              10.70  
688-691         870-873         1990  Discovery of America #3                                 9.25  
692             MS874           1990  Discovery of America #3 (ss)                            7.65  
693             875             1990  OAS                                                     2.75  
694             MS876           1990  LONDON '90/Airplanes (ss/2v)                           11.95  
695-697         877-879         1990  Literacy Year                                           6.05  
698-699         880-881         1990  Queen Mother 90th Birthday                              4.55  
700-703         882-885         1990  Parrots                                                10.50  
704             MS886           1990  Parrots (ss)                                           11.00  
705-708         887-890         1990  Christmas                                               7.30  
708a            MS891           1990  Christmas (ss/4v)                                      13.65  
709-724         892-907         1991  Defs/Birds - 5c-10.00 (16v)                            90.50  
709-723         892-906         1991  Defs/Birds - 5c-5.00 (15v)                             66.25  
724             907             1991  Defs/Birds - 10.00 (1v)                                25.30  
710a-723a       975//988        1993  Defs/Birds - 10c-5.00 (6v) "1993"                        .--  
710a//723a      975//988        1993  Defs/Birds - 10c-5.00 (5v) "1993"                        .--  
715a            980             1993  Defs/Birds - 40c (1v)  "1993"                            .--  
711b-723b       976//988        1995  Defs/Birds - 15c-5.00 (5v) "1995"                        .--  
725-728         908-911         1991  Discovery of America #4                                11.20  
729             MS912           1991  Discovery of America #4 (ss)                            9.70  
730-731         913-914         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (2v)                            3.45  
730-731         913-914         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (pr+lab) (ex-ms)                3.70  
730-731         913-914         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (ms/10v+labs)                  18.95  
732-735         915-918         1991  Natural Disasters/Hurricane Awareness                  10.00  
736-739         919-922         1991  Christmas                                               7.50  
739a            MS923           1991  Christmas (ss/4v)                                      10.30  
740-743         924-927         1992  Majority Rule                                           6.55  
744-748         928-932         1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary                         5.90  
749-752         933-936         1992  Discovery of America #5                                 7.25  
753             MS937           1992  Discovery of America #5 (ss)                            5.05  
754             938             1992  Templeton Building/Prize                                1.90  
755-758         939-942         1992  Barcelona Olympic Games                                 8.80  
759             MS943           1992  Barcelona Olympic Games (ss)                            8.15  
760-761         944-945         1992  Nutrition Conference                                    3.75  
762             MS946           1992  Discovery of America #6 (ss)                            7.05  
763-766         947-950         1992  Christmas                                               5.95  
766a            MS951           1992  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       8.20  
767-770         953-956         1993  Farm Labor Program                                      9.30  
771-774         957-960         1993  RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes                         10.30  
775             MS961           1993  RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v)                 10.70  
776-779         962-965         1993  QEII Coronation 40th Anniversary                        7.00  
780-783         966-969         1993  National Symbols/Independence                           6.05  
784-787         970-973         1993  Environment #1/Wildflowers                             11.90  
788-791         990-993         1993  Christmas                                               9.90  
792             MS994           1993  Christmas (ss)                                          7.30  
793-796         995-998         1994  Year of the Family/HONG KONG '94                        9.80  
797-800         999-1002        1994  Royal Visit                                             9.10  
801-804         1003-1006       1994  Island Regatta/Yachts                                   7.80  
805             MS1007          1994  Island Regatta/Yachts (ss)                              9.85  
806-809         1008-1011       1994  Olympic Committee Centenary                            10.50  
810             MS1012          1994  CARICOM/Medal (ss)                                      7.00  
811-814         1013-1016       1994  Butterflies and Flowers                                 9.40  
815             1017-1021       1994  Environment #2/Marine Life (s/5v)                       6.85  
816             MS1022          1994  Environment #2/Marine Life (ss)                         7.50  
817-820         1023-1026       1994  Christmas                                               4.65  
821             MS1027          1994  Christmas (ss)                                          5.10  
822-823         1028-1029       1995  College of the Bahamas                                  2.15  
824-827         1030-1033       1995  World War II 50th Anniversary                          10.10  
828             MS1034          1995  World War II 50th Anniversary/Medal (ss)                6.85  
829-829C        1035-1038       1995  Environment #3/WWF/Birds (4v)                           3.80  
829Cd           1035-1038       1995  Environment #3/WWF/Birds (s/4v) (ex-ms)                 4.00  
829Cd           1035-1038       1995  Environment #3/WWF/Birds (ms/16v)                      16.55  
830             MS1039          1995  Environment #3/Birds (ss)                               8.55  
831-834         1040-1043       1995  Tourism                                                 9.40  
835-838         1044-1047       1995  FAO/Agriculture                                         8.20  
839-842         1048-1051       1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary                         5.55  
843-846         1052-1055       1995  Christmas/Churches                                      5.10  
847-848         1056-1057       1995  World AIDS Day                                          2.30  
849-864         1058-1073       1996  Defs/Sea Shells - 5c-10.00 (16v)                       66.65  
849-863         1058-1072       1996  Defs/Sea Shells - 5c-5.00 (15v)                        39.15  
864             1073            1996  Defs/Sea Shells - 10.00 (1v)                           27.55  
849b-864b       1098//1113      1997  Defs/Sea Shells - 5c-10.00 (16v) "1997"                  .--  
849c-864c       1098//1113      1999  Defs/Sea Shells - 5c-10.00  (13v) "1999"                 .--  
849d-862d       1098//1111      2000  Defs/Sea Shells - 5c-2.00 (7v) "2000"                    .--  
851e-862e       1100//1111      2001  Defs/Sea Shells - 15,25,50,$1,$2 (5v) "2001"             .--  
860a            MS1097          1997  Return of Hong Kong (ss)                                3.15  
861a            MS1096          1997  HONG KONG '97 (ss)                                      3.85  
865-868         1074-1077       1996  Radio Centenary/Ships                                   9.05  
869             MS1078          1996  Radio Centenary/Ships (ss)                              8.35  
870-873         1079-1082       1996  Olympic Game Centenary                                  5.40  
874             MS1083          1996  Olympic Game Centenary (ss)                             5.10  
875-878         1084-1087       1996  Environment #4/Reptiles                                 6.70  
878a            MS1088          1996  Environment #4/Reptiles (ss/4v)                         7.05  
879-882         1089-1092       1996  Christmas                                               9.15  
883             MS1093          1996  Christmas (ss)                                          4.70  
884             1094            1996  Archives Department                                     1.90  
885             MS1095          1996  Archives Department (ss)                                5.45  
886-891         1114-1119       1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs)                  12.35  
892             MS1120          1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss)                    6.75  
893-896         1121-1124       1997  Environment #5/Year of the Reefs                        8.80  
897-900         1125-1128       1997  Christmas                                               8.55  
901             MS1129          1997  Christmas (ss)                                          8.55  
901A            1130            1998  Diana                                                   0.70  
902             MS1131          1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           3.50  
903-904         1137-1138       1998  OAS 50th Anniversary                                    1.85  
905             1140            1998  University of the West Indies                           1.80  
906             1139            1998  Human Rights Anniversary                                1.95  
907-910         1132-1135       1998  RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes                          5.35  
911             MS1136          1998  RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v)                  5.85  
912-915         1141-1144       1998  Independence Anniversary                                7.35  
916             MS1145          1998  Independence Anniversary (ss)                           5.60  
917-918         1146-1147       1998  Cruise Ship/Castaway Cay (pr)                           3.55  
919             1148            1998  Cruise Ship/Half Moon Cay                               5.05  
920-924         1149-1153       1998  Environment #6/Roses                                    7.95  
925             MS1154          1998  Environment #6/Roses (ss)                               2.25  
926-927         1160-1161       1998  Ocean Year/Marine Life                                  2.55  
928-931         1155-1158       1998  Christmas                                               5.30  
932             MS1159          1998  Christmas (ss)                                          4.95  
933             1162            1998  T.Gibson/National Anthem                                1.45  
934             1163-1167       1999  National Trust #1/Flamingos (s/5v)                      8.20  
935-938         1168-1171       1999  AUSTRALIA '99/Ships                                     6.55  
939             MS1172          1999  AUSTRALIA '99/Ships (ss)                                6.25  
940             1173-1177       1999  National Trust #2/Marine Life (s/5v)                    9.35  
941             1178            1999  Historical Society                                      1.65  
942-945         1179-1182       1999  Manned Moon Landing 30th Anniversary                    5.80  
946             MS1183          1999  Manned Moon Landing 30th Anniversary (ss)               5.65  
947-950         1189-1192       1999  UPU/Mail Transportation                                 8.70  
951-954         1184-1187       1999  Queen Mother's Century                                  6.20  
955             MS1188          1999  Queen Mother's Century (ss)                             5.40  
956-959         1193-1196       1999  Environment #7/Marine Life                              5.95  
960             MS1197          1999  Environment #7/Marine Life (ss)                         6.05  
961             1198-1202       1999  National Trust #3/Birds (s/5v)                          9.25  
962-964         1103a//1109a    1999  Defs/Sea Shells - 35c,65c,80c (3v)                      9.20  
963a                            2001  Defs/Sea Shells - 65c (1v) "2001"                        .--  
965-968         1203-1206       1999  Christmas/Junkanoo Festival                             5.35  
969             1207-1211       1999  National Trust #4/Wildlife (s/5v)                      11.80  
970-973         1212-1215       2000  Fishing Villages                                        9.30  
974             MS1216          2000  Women's Relay Race (ss)                                 4.00  
975-978         1217-1220       2000  Medicinal Plants                                        5.25  
979-982         1221-1224       2000  Battle of Britain/Airplanes/LONDON '00                  6.55  
983             MS1225          2000  Battle of Britain/Airplanes (ss)                        5.50  
984             MS1226          2000  Cooperatives (ss)                                       4.95  
985-988         1227-1230       2000  Sydney Olympic Games                                    4.85  
989-992         1231-1234       2000  Christmas/Orchids                                       6.75  
993-996         1235-1238       2000  Humane Society/Animals                                  9.20  
997-1000        1239-1242       2001  Early Settlements                                       5.60  
1001-1002       1243-1244       2001  L.Pindling                                              1.85  
1001a                           2001  L.Pindling - 15c  "1973"                                1.05  
1003-1006       1245-1248       2001  Edible Wild Fruit                                       5.35  
1007-1022       1249-1264       2001  Defs/Birds/Eggs - 5c-10.00 (16v)                       66.70  
1010a-1022b     (1252//1264)    2002  Defs/Birds/Eggs - 20c,25c,40c,$10 (4v) "2002"          31.40  
1022A           1359a           2004  Defs/Birds/Eggs - 25c (1v) "2004"                       7.15  
1022Aa                          2005  Defs/Birds/Eggs - 25c (1v) "2005"                       8.20  
1023-1028       1265-1267       2001  Navy Ships                                             12.10  
1029-1032       1271-1274       2001  Christmas                                               6.00  
1033-1036       1275-1278       2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     4.60  
1037            MS1279          2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss)                                8.40  
1038            MS1280          2002  A.Moncur/Sports (ss)                                    4.35  
1039            1281            2002  September 11, 2001                                      3.75  
1040-1043       1282-1285       2002  Medicinal Plants #2                                     6.20  
1044-1045       1286-1287       2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   2.65  
1046            MS1288          2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           4.95  
1047-1052       1289-1294       2002  Flora & Fauna M.Catesby/Paintings                       9.35  
1053-1056       1295-1298       2002  Christmas/Carols                                        6.55  
1057-1062       1299-1304       2003  Inagua National Park/Flamingos                          8.40  
1063-1068       1305-1310       2003  Pirates                                                10.90  
1069-1072       1311-1314       2003  Family Island Regatta/Racing Boats                      7.25  
1073-1074       1315-1316       2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary                        5.30  
1075            MS1317          2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary (ss/2v)                4.75  
1076-1079       1318-1321       2003  Medicinal Plants #3                                     6.05  
1080-1085       1322-1327       2003  Powered Flight Anniversary (w/labs)                     9.50  
1086-1089       1328-1331       2003  Christmas/Anglican Church                               6.35  
1090-1093       1332-1335       2003  A.Lowe/Paintings/Waters of Life                         6.05  
1094-1099       1336-1341       2004  Wetland Birds #2                                        8.95  
1100-1105       1342-1346a      2004  J.Wesley/Methodist Church (6v)                          9.35  
1106-1109       1347-1350       2004  Horticultural Society/Flowers (4v)                      8.10  
1109a           1347-1350       2004  Horticultural Society/Flowers (ms/20v+labs)            26.15  
1110-1114       1351-1355       2004  Lighthouses #1                                          9.40  
1115-1118       1356-1359       2004  Athens Olympic Games                                    6.85  
1119-1124       1360-1365       2004  Christmas/Junkanoo Festival                             6.70  
1125-1130       1366-1371       2004  Merchant Ships                                         10.70  
1131-1134       1372-1375       2005  Bush Medicinal Plants #4                                3.40  
1135-1138       1376-1379       2005  Defense Forces                                          4.85  
1139-1142       1387-1390       2005  Bahamas-Key West Connection                             4.80  
1143-1148       1380-1385       2005  Battle of Trafalgar                                     9.50  
1149            MS1386          2005  Battle of Trafalgar (ss/2v)                             7.40  
1150-1153       1391-1394       2005  Europa 50th Anniversary                                14.85  
1153a           MS1395          2005  Europa 50th Anniversary (ss/4v)                        14.95  
1154-1158       1396-1400       2005  Lighthouses #2                                         10.60  
1159            1401            2005  Pope John Paul II                                       3.40  
1160            MS1402          2005  College of the Bahamas (ss)                             5.45  
1161-1164       1403-1406       2005  Christmas/H.C.Andersen                                  3.95  
1165-1170       1407-1412       2006  Birdlife International/Birds                           12.05  
1170a           MS1413          2006  Birdlife International/Birds (ss/6v)                   13.15  
1171-1174       1414-1417       2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                      5.50  
1175            MS1418          2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              8.65  
1176-1181       1419-1424       2006  ZNS Broadcasting Network                                7.55  
1182-1195       1425-1438       2006  Defs/Flowers - 5c-10.00 (14v) "2006"                   57.35  
1195B           1495a           2009  Defs/Flowers - 15c (1v) (new wmk)                       1.30  
1182a-1183a     (1425//1426)    2007  Defs/Flowers - 5c,10c (2v) "2007"                       4.75  
1192b-1195c     (1435//1438)    2008  Defs/Flowers - $1,$2,$5,$10 (4v) "2008"                32.80  
1182b-1195a     1494-1505       2008  Defs/Flowers - 5c-10.00 (12v) (new wmk)                39.65  
1182c-1183c     (1494-1495)     2009  Defs/Flowers - 5c,10c  (2v) (new wmk) "2009"            2.10  
1196-1199       1439-1442       2006  Flowering Vines                                         5.25  
1200-1205       1443-1448       2006  Christmas/New Year/Junkanoo                             7.05  
1206-1209       1449-1452       2007  WWF/Beaked Whale (4v)                                   4.35  
1206-1209       1449-1452       2007  WWF/Beaked Whale (s/4v) (ex-ms)                         4.65  
1209a           1449-1452       2007  WWF/Beaked Whale (ms/16v)                              20.50  
1210-1213       1453-1456       2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary                           4.20  
1214            MS1457          2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary (ss)                     12.95  
1215-1218       1458-1461       2007  Scouting Centenary                                      4.90  
1219            MS1462          2007  Scouting Centenary (ss/2v)                              3.00  
1220-1224       1463-1467       2007  Youth Awards                                            5.40  
1225-1230       1468-1473       2007  Christmas/Tree Ornaments                                6.75  
1231-1234       1474-1477       2007  C.Wesley                                                5.00  
1235-1240       1478-1483       2008  Butterflies                                             8.20  
1240a           MS1484          2008  Butterflies (ss/6v)                                     8.25  
1241-1245       1485-1489       2008  Military Uniforms                                       6.00  
1246-1249       1490-1493       2008  Beijing Olympic Games                                   5.10  
1250-1254       1506-1510       2008  Royal Bank Of Canada                                    6.40  
1255-1260       1511-1516       2008  NASA 50th Anniversary                                   7.75  
1261-1264       1517-1520       2008  Christmas/Book Illustrations/R.Mulholland               5.40  
1265-1267       1521-1523       2008  West Indies University                                  2.70  
1268-1271       1524-1527       2008  Treaty of Paris                                         3.75  
1272-1275       1528-1531       2009  Endangered Species/Birds                                5.60  
1276-1279       1533-1536       2009  Potcake Dogs                                            5.60  
1280            MS1532          2009  Flowers/Peony Festival (ss/8v)                          7.95  
1281            1537-1540       2009  Stamp Anniversary (b/4v)                                1.35  
1281e           MS1541          2009  Stamp Anniversary (ss)                                  1.35  
1282-1285       1542-1545       2009  Naval Aviation Centenary/Airplanes                      4.25  
1286            MS1546          2009  Naval Aviation Centenary/Airplanes (ss)                 3.75  
1287-1292       1547-1552       2009  Christmas/Churches                                      5.75  
1293            MS1553          2009  Commonwealth Anniversary (ss)                           3.75  
1294-1297       1554-1557       2010  Friends of the Environment/Wildlife                     3.75  
1298-1303       1558-1563       2010  Battle of Britain/W.Churchill                           5.75  
1303A                           2010  Battle of Britain/D.Bader (ss)                          3.75  
1304-1307       1564-1567       2010  Hurricane Awareness                                     5.90  
1308-1311       1568-1571       2010  Christmas/Tourist Winter Escapes                        5.90  
1312-1315       1572-1575       2011  V.Sassoon Heart Foundation                              3.30  
1316-1321       1576-1581       2011  QEII Lifetime of Service                                8.50  
1321a           MS1582          2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss/6v+labs)                   8.50  
1322            MS1583          2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss)                           4.35  
1323-1325       1584-1586       2011  William & Catherine Wedding                             2.25  
1326            MS1587          2011  William & Catherine Wedding (ss)                        8.50  
1327-1332       1588-1593       2011  Anglican Diocese & Nassau Anniversary                   8.50  
1333-1338       1594-1599       2011  Christmas Angels                                        5.45  
1339-1354       1600-1615       2012  Defs/Marine Life - 5c-$10.00 (16v)                     40.20  
1355-1358       1616-1619       2012  WWF/Flamingos (4v)                                      3.30  
1359            1616a-1619a     2012  WWF/Flamingos (s/4v) (ex-ms)                            3.50  
1359            1616a-1619a     2012  WWF/Flamingos (ms/16v)                                 14.80  
1360            MS1620          2012  WWF/Flamingos (ss)                                      8.50  
1361-1364       1621-1624       2012  London Olympic Games                                    3.30  
1365-1368       1625-1628       2012  Royal Visit/Prince Harry                                3.30  
1369-1374       1629-1634       2012  Women's Suffrage Anniversary                            5.45  
1375-1380       1635-1640       2012  Christmas                                               5.45  
1381-1385       1641-1645       2013  QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary                        9.30  
1386            MS1646          2013  QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary (ss)                   5.35  
1387-1392       1647-1652       2013  Police Band Anniversary                                 5.45  
1393-1397       1653-1657       2013  Independence 40th Anniversary                           3.70  
1398-1401       1658-1665       2013  Reef Environment Foundation (prs+labs)                  6.90  
1402-1407       1666-1671       2013  Christmas/The Nativity                                  5.55  
1408-1411       1672-1675       2014  Royal Christening/Prince George                         3.30  
1412-1415       1676-1679       2014  BNGIS Center Anniversary                                3.30  
1416-1419       1680-1683       2014  Underwater Post Office/Photography                      3.30  
1420-1423       1684-1687       2014  Ministry of Tourism/Hotels                              3.30  
1424-1427       1688-1691       2014  Christmas/The Message of Christmas                      3.30  
1428-1430       1692-1694       2015  World Day of Prayer                                     2.25  
1431-1434       1695-1698       2015  Magna Carta                                             3.30  
1435-1438       1699-1702       2015  QEII Long Reign                                         3.30  
1439-1444       1703-1708       2015  Girl Guides Centenary                                   5.45  
1445-1448       1709-1712       2015  Christmas                                               3.30  
1449-1452       1713-1716       2016  Marine Mammal Research/Dolphins                         3.30  
1453-1456       1717-1720       2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                      3.30  
1457            MS1721          2016  QEII 90th Birthday (ss)                                 6.90  
1458-1461       1722-1725       2016  Rio Olympic Games                                       3.30  
1462-1465       1726-1729       2016  Christmas                                               3.30  
1466-1469       1730-1733       2017  Marine Mammal Research/Whales                           3.30  
1470-1473       1734-1737       2017  Christmas/Flowers & Plants                              3.30  
1474-1477       1738-1741       2017  QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary                           3.30  
                1742-1745       2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan                          3.20  
                MS1746          2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (ss)                     3.20  
                                2018  Christmas/Churches                                      2.55  
                                      --- SEMI POSTAL ISSUES ---                                    
B3              MS952           1992  LONDON '90/Hurricane Relief (ss/2v) (surch)            15.95  
                                      --- AIRMAIL ISSUES ---                                        
C1-C4           663-666         1983  Manned Flight                                           2.90  
C1a-C4a         699-702         1985  Manned Flight (no logo)                                13.20  
C1b-C2b         752-753         1986  Manned Flight - 10c,25c (no logo) (2v) (new wmk)        6.20  
C5-C8           800-803         1987  Airplanes                                              15.55  
                                      --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---             SB2             1961  Bklt - 3/- purple brown                                45.85  
---             SB3             1961  Bklt - 6/- green                                       53.50  
---             SB4             1965  Bklt - 3/- pink                                        28.40  
---             SB5             1965  Bklt - 6/- green                                       28.40  
---             SB6             1998  Bklt - 5.50 Cruise Ship/Castaway Cay                   27.30  
---             SB7             1998  Bklt - 5.50 Environment Protection/Roses               18.60  

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.