Stanley Lisica LLC
Basutoland Postage Stamps : 1945-1966
A price list of Basutoland (1945-1966) mint postage stamps.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott catalog numbers are from the 2019 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from Linn's Stamp News.<   SG numbers are from theStanley Gibbons Commonwealth : Southern & Central Africa (1st ed., 2011) with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is notlisted in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when  issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
January 15, 2019

Click here ==>  BASUTOLAND  to see current inventory or to place an order

 Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price   
29-31           29-30           1945  Victory/Peace (ovpt) (prs)                              1.75  
29a-31a         ---             1945  Victory/Peace (ovpt) (Eng)                              0.45  
29b-31b         ---             1945  Victory/Peace (ovpt)  (Afr)                             0.45  
35-38           32-35           1947  Royal Visit                                             0.80  
39-40           36-37           1948  Silver Wedding                                         48.30  
41-44           38-41           1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    4.15  
45              42              1953  QEII Coronation                                         0.45  
46-56           43-53           1954  Defs - 1/2d-10sh (11v)                                109.90  
57              54              1959  Defs - 1.5d/2d (surch)                                  0.30  
58-60           55-57           1959  National Council                                        1.95  
61-71           58-68b          1961  Defs - 1/2c-1r (surch) (11v)                           50.30  
64a                             1961  Defs - 2.5c/3d (T-I)                                     .--  
65a                             1961  Defs - 3.5c/4.5d (T-II)                                  .--  
66a                             1961  Defs - 5c/6d (T-I)                                       .--  
67a                             1961  Defs - 10c/1sh (T-II)                                    .--  
68a                             1961  Defs - 12.5c/1sh3d (T-I)                                 .--  
69a                             1961  Defs - 25c/2sh6d (T-II)                                  .--  
69b                             1961  Defs - 25c/2sh6d (T-III)                                 .--  
70a                             1961  Defs - 50c/5sh (T-I)                                     .--  
71a                             1961  Defs - 1.00/10sh (T-I)                                   .--  
71b                             1961  Defs - 1.00/10sh (T-II)                                  .--  
72-82           69-79           1961  Defs - 1/2c-1r  (11v)                                 101.50  
83              80              1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.45  
84-85           81-82           1963  Red Cross                                               1.05  
87-91           84-92           1964  Defs - 1c-50c (5v)                                     18.70  
97-100          94-97           1965  Self-Government                                         1.85  
101-102         98-99           1965  ITU                                                     0.75  
103-104         100-101         1965  ICY                                                     0.65  
105-108         102-105         1966  W.Churchill                                             2.70  
                                      --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                    
J3-J4           D3-D4           1956  Postage Due - 1d,2d (2v)                                0.90  
J5-J7           D5-D7           1961  Postage Due - 1c/1d,1c/2d,5c/2d (3v) (surch)             .--  
J7a             D8b             1961  Postage Due - 5c/2d (wmk error)                          .--  
J7b             D8a             1961  Postage Due - 5c/2d (wmk error/crown)                    .--  
J8              D8              1961  Postage Due - 5c/2d (T-II)                               .--  
J8a             D7a             1961  Postage Due - 5c/2d (T-II)                               .--  
J9-J10          D9-D10          1964  Postage Due - 1c,5c (2v)                                 .--  

Click here ==> BASUTOLAND  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.