Stanley Lisica LLC
Bermuda Stamps : 1946-2018
A price list of Bermuda postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Catalog numbers are from the 2019 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with new issue updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  Stanley Gibbons numbers are from the Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Catalogue with updates from Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 

 Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

 To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
December 15, 2018

Click here ==> BERMUDA    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Description                                                  Price  
131-132         123-124         1946  Peace/Victory                                           0.45  
133-134         125-126         1948  Silver Wedding                                         42.50  
135-137         127-129         1949  Stamp Centenary                                         1.00  
138-141         130-133         1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    3.75  
142             134             1953  QEII Coronation                                         0.70  
143//162        135-150         1953  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (20v)                                 99.55  
143-162         135-150         1953  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (16v)                                   .--  
153             143a            1955  Defs - 8d (1v)                                           .--  
149//157        140a//145b      1957  Defs - 3d,1/3d (T-II) "Sandys" (2v)                      .--  
154             143b            1958  Defs - 9d (1v)                                           .--  
163             151             1953  Royal Visit                                             0.45  
164-165         152-153         1953  Three Powers Talks (ovpt)                               0.45  
166-167         154-155         1956  US-Bermuda Ocean Race (ovpt)                            0.60  
168             156             1959  Perot's Post Office Restoration                         0.95  
169-174         157-162         1959  First Settlement/Coat of Arms                           2.25  
175-191         163-179         1962  Defs/Buildings - 1d-1.00 (18v)                         37.30  
175//191        163//179        1962  Defs/Buildings - 1d-1.00  (17v)                        30.65  
182A            170a            1965  Defs/Buildings - 10d (1v)                               7.85  
176c-186a       195-200         1966  Defs/Buildings - 2p-2sh (6v) (s/wmk)                     .--  
186a            200             1966  Defs/Buildings - 2s (1v) (s/wmk)                         .--  
182b,185A       197//199        1966  Defs/Buildings - 10d,1/6s (2v) (s/wmk)                   .--  
181a,183a       196//198        1967  Defs/Buildings - 8d,1s (2v) (s/wmk)                      .--  
176c            195             1969  Defs/Buildings - 2d (1v) (s/wmk)                         .--  
192             180             1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.80  
193-194         181-182         1963  Red Cross                                               2.30  
195             183             1964  Tokyo Olympic Games/Yacht                               0.35  
196-197         184-185         1965  ITU                                                     1.60  
198             186             1965  Boy Scouts                                              0.50  
199-200         187-188         1965  ICY                                                     1.55  
201-204         189-192         1966  W.Churchill                                             3.15  
205-206         193-194         1966  World Cup Soccer                                        1.60  
207-209         201-203         1966  UNESCO                                                  3.10  
210-213         204-207         1967  Post Office Opening                                     0.85  
214-217         208-211         1967  Telephone/Cable Link                                    1.10  
218-221         212-215         1968  Human Rights Year                                       0.80  
222-225         216-219         1968  New Constitution                                        0.80  
226-229         220-223         1968  Mexico Olympic Games                                    1.80  
230-233         224-227         1969  Girl Guides                                             1.30  
234-237         228-231         1969  Underwater Treasures                                    1.55  
238-254         232-248         1970  Defs/Buildings - 1c-2.40 (surch) (17v)                 21.90  
239a            233e            1970  Defs/Buildings - 2c/2p (surch) (up/wmk)                 2.40  
255-271         249//265        1970  Defs/Flowers - 1c-2.40 (17v)                           37.30  
259b-267a       303-306         1974  Defs/Flowers - 5c,6c,12c,30c (4v) (up/wmk)               .--  
259b//263a      303//305        1974  Defs/Flowers - 5c,6c,12c (3v) (up/wmk)                   .--  
267a            306             1976  Defs/Flowers - 30c (1v) (up/wmk)                         .--  
256a-260b       340-341         1975  Defs/Flowers - 2c,6c (2v) (new wmk)                      .--  
256a            340             1975  Defs/Flowers - 2c (1v) (new wmk)                         .--  
260b            341             1976  Defs/Flowers - 6c (1v)  (new wmk)                        .--  
272-275         266-269         1970  Parliament                                              1.10  
275a            MS270           1970  Parliament (ss/4v)                                      1.85  
276-279         271-274         1971  Keep Bermuda Beautiful                                  3.85  
280-283         275-278         1971  Voyage of Deliverance/Ships                             6.55  
284-287         279-282         1971  Golf                                                    6.00  
288-291         283-286         1971  Flowers/Heath-Nixon Meeting (ovpt)                      0.90  
292-295         287-290         1972  Fish                                                    1.75  
296-297         291-292         1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     0.40  
298-301         293-296         1973  Tree Planting Year/Trees                                3.20  
302-303         297-298         1973  Anne & Mark Wedding                                     0.45  
304-307         299-302         1973  Lawn Tennis                                             2.30  
308-311         320-323         1974  Rotary International                                    1.95  
312-315         324-327         1975  Bridge Championships                                    2.05  
316-317         328-329         1975  Royal Visit                                             1.50  
318-321         330-333         1975  Airmail Service/Airplanes                               5.35  
321a            MS334           1975  Airmail Service/Airplanes (ss/4v)                      11.85  
322-328         258a//265a      1975  Defs/Flowers - 17c-3.00 (7v)                           28.35  
329-332         335-338         1975  Gunpowder Plot                                          1.55  
332a            MS339           1975  Gunpowder Plot (ss/4v)                                  3.75  
333-336         357-360         1976  Biological Station                                      2.70  
337-342         361-366         1976  Tall Ships Race                                         6.75  
343-346         367-370         1976  Cricket Club Match                                      3.50  
347-349         371-373         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.95  
350-354         374-378         1977  UPU Membership                                          1.85  
355-359         379-383         1977  Piloting/Ships                                          4.85  
360-362         384-386         1978  QEII Coronation Anniversary                             1.05  
363-379         387-403         1978  Defs/Wildlife - 3c-5.00 (17v)                          25.30  
363//379        387//403        1978  Defs/Wildlife - 3c,4c,5c,8c,5.00 (5v)                  13.25  
366//378        390//402        1979  Defs/Wildlife - 7c,10c,12c,15c,30c,3.00 (6v)            6.25  
371//377        395//401        1979  Defs/Wildlife - 20c,25c,40c,50c,1.00,2.00 (6v)          6.00  
(363)           387b            1983  Defs/Wildlife - 3c Tropic Bird (p.14x14.5)               .--  
380-384         404-408         1979  Antique Maps                                            1.50  
385-388         409-412         1979  Police Centenary                                        2.70  
389-392         413-416         1980  R.Hill                                                  1.35  
393-396         417-420         1980  Mail Transport/LONDON '80                               3.70  
397-400         421-424         1980  G.Swanson/Miss World 1979                               2.45  
401             425             1980  Queen Mother Birthday                                   0.40  
401             425             1980  Queen Mother Birthday (ms/9v)                           3.95  
402-405         426-429         1980  Finance Ministers Meeting                               1.25  
406-411         430-435         1981  Heritage Week                                           3.70  
412-414         436-438         1981  Charles & Diana Wedding                                 1.50  
415-418         439-442         1981  Edinburgh Award                                         1.30  
419-422         443-446         1982  Sea Shells                                              5.55  
423-428         447-452         1982  Bermuda Regiment                                        7.60  
429-432         453-456         1982  Bermuda Forts                                           3.30  
433-436         457-460         1983  Coats of Arms #1                                        6.50  
437-440         461-464         1983  Dinghies                                                3.55  
441-444         465-468         1983  Manned Flight                                           6.10  
445-448         469-472         1984  First Newspaper & Postal Service                        4.30  
449-452         473-476         1984  First Settlement                                        4.25  
452a            MS477           1984  First Settlement (ss/2v)                                4.90  
453-456         478-481         1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games                               5.30  
457-460         482-485         1984  Coats of Arms #2                                        6.80  
461-464         486-489         1985  Architecture                                            5.95  
465-468         490-493         1985  J.Audubon/Birds                                        11.40  
469-472         494-497         1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother                            4.25  
473             MS498           1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       3.45  
474-477         499-502         1985  Coats of Arms #3                                        7.85  
478-481         503-506         1985  Halley's Comet                                          8.50  
482-498         507A//523A      1986  Defs/Shipwrecks - 3c-8.00 (17v)                        65.45  
493a-496a       518B//521B      1989  Defs/Shipwrecks - $1,$2,$3 (3v) "1989"                   .--  
482a,488a       507B//513B      1990  Defs/Shipwrecks - 3c,20c (2v) "1990"                     .--  
485a-498a       664-678         1992  Defs/Shipwrecks - 10c-8.00 (7v) "1992"                 60.65  
499-503         524-528         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      3.95  
504-507         529-532         1986  AMERIPEX '86                                            9.10  
508             MS533           1986  AMERIPEX '86 (ss)                                       9.30  
509             534             1986  Defs - 90c/3.00 Turtle (surch)                          6.05  
510-513         535-538         1987  Transport #1/Trains                                     9.90  
514-518         539-543         1987  Paintings #1/W.Homer (5v)                               6.80  
519-523         544-548         1987  Paintings #1/W.Homer (ex-bklt) (5v)                     7.20  
524-527         549-552         1987  Air Service/Airplanes                                  14.50  
528-531         553-556         1987  Telephone Centenary                                     7.85  
532-535         557-560         1988  Transport #2/Horse Drawn Vehicles                       5.10  
536-540         561-565         1988  Old Garden Roses #1                                     8.90  
541-544         566-569         1988  Lloyd's of London                                       7.30  
545-546         512cA,517cA     1988  Defs/Shipwrecks - 18c,70c (2v)                          9.25  
545             512cA           1988  Defs/Shipwrecks - 18c (1v)                              4.35  
546             517cA           1988  Defs/Shipwrecks - 70c (1v)                              5.25  
547-550         570-573         1988  Military Uniforms                                      10.00  
551-554         574-577         1989  Transport #3/Ferry Services                             5.85  
555-560         578-583         1989  Photography Anniversary                                 8.50  
561-565         584-588         1989  Old Garden Roses #2                                     8.80  
566-575         589-598         1989  Old Garden Roses #3 (ex-bklt) (10v)                    21.35  
576-579         599-602         1989  Library Anniversary                                     6.35  
580-583         603-606         1989  Postal Conference                                       8.80  
590-593         607-610         1990  Paintings #2                                            6.70  
594-597         611-614         1990  Postal Conference/LONDON '90 (ovpt)                     8.35  
598-600         615-617         1990  Defs/Shipwrecks - 30c,55c,80c (3v) (surch)              7.75  
601-604         618-621         1990  Cable & Wireless Centenary                              9.40  
605-606         622-623         1991  Bush-Major Talks (ovpt)                                 5.60  
607-612         624-629         1991  Transport #4/Horse Drawn Carriages                     10.15  
613-616         630-633         1991  Paintings #3                                           10.65  
617-618         634-635         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (2v)                            3.00  
617-618         634-635         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (pr+lab) (ex-ms)                5.25  
617-618         634-635         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (ms/10v)                       17.50  
619-622         636-639         1991  World War II                                           13.50  
623-627         640-644         1992  QEII 40th Accession Anniversary                         6.50  
628-633         645-650         1992  Discovery of America/Artifacts                         13.15  
634-637         651-654         1992  Stained Glass Windows                                  14.85  
638-643         655-660         1992  Kennel Clubs/Dogs                                      14.60  
644-647         679-682         1993  Tourism Posters                                        10.85  
648-651         687-690         1993  RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes                          8.35  
652-655         683-686         1993  Old Garden Roses #4 (ex-bklt) (4v)                      5.65  
656-659         691-694         1993  Hamilton Bicentennial                                  14.05  
660-663         695-698         1993  Cruise Ships                                            8.50  
664-666         699-701         1994  Royal Visit                                             9.25  
668-684         702A-718A       1994  Defs/Flowering Fruit - 5c-8.00 (17v)                   54.00  
668//684        702A//718A      1994  Defs/Flowering Fruit - 5c,7c,15c,20c,8.00 (5v)         17.30  
670//683        704A//717A      1994  Defs/Flowering Fruit - 10c,25c,35c,55c,5.00 (6v)       16.75  
672//682        706A//716A      1995  Defs/Flowering Fruit - 18c,60c,75c,90c,$2,$3 (6v)      21.00  
672b            706B            1996  Defs/Flowering Fruit - 18c (1v) "1996"                  1.25  
668a-680a       792-804         1998  Defs/Flowering Fruit - 5c-1.00 (8v) "1998"             19.50  
685-688         719-722         1994  Hospital Care                                          10.80  
689-692         723-726         1994  Cultural Heritage #1/Christmas                          9.05  
693-696         727-730         1995  Decimalization/Coins & Stamps                           8.60  
697-700         731-734         1995  Cultural Heritage #2                                    8.50  
701-702         735-736         1995  Parliament Anniversary                                  2.85  
703-708         737-742         1995  Military Bases                                          8.55  
709-712         743-746         1996  Atlanta Olympic Games                                   8.75  
713-716         757-760         1996  Transportation/CAPEX '96                               11.00  
717-726         747-756         1996  Panorama of Hamilton (ex-bklt) (10v)                   28.90  
727-730         761-764         1996  Lighthouses                                            11.35  
731             765             1996  Finance Ministers' Meeting                              3.00  
732             E1              1996  Defs - 22.00 QEII (1v)                                 41.55  
733-736         766-769         1996  Architectural Heritage                                  7.85  
737-740         770-773         1997  Lighthouses/HONG KONG '97                              15.65  
741-744         774-777         1997  Birds                                                  10.65  
745-746         778-779         1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary                         4.90  
746a            MS780           1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss/2v)                 5.30  
747-752         781-786         1997  Education                                               7.25  
753             MS787           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           3.80  
754-757         788-791         1998  Island Paintings                                       11.00  
758-763         809-814         1998  Hospitality/Tourism                                    10.35  
764-767         815-818         1998  Botanical Gardens                                      11.95  
768-769         819-820         1998  Christmas                                               3.40  
770-773         821-824         1999  Beaches                                                 7.40  
774-777         825-828         1999  Manned Moon Landing 30th Anniversary                    9.10  
778             MS829           1999  Manned Moon Landing 30th Anniversary (ss)               6.20  
779-782         830-833         1999  Map Making                                              9.80  
783-786         834-837         1999  Mail Boxes & Stamps                                     9.60  
787             838-840         2000  Pioneers of Progress (s/3v)                             3.55  
788-790         841-843         2000  Tall Ships                                              6.35  
791-795         844-848         2000  Royal Family Birthdays                                  9.40  
795a            MS849           2000  Royal Family Birthdays (ss/5v)                         10.20  
796-797         850-851         2000  Christmas/Children's Art                                2.75  
798-801         852-855         2001  WWF/Birds                                               4.25  
801a            MS856           2001  Birds/HONG KONG '01 (ss/16v)                           17.35  
802-807         857-862         2001  Tourist Attractions/Historic Buildings                 12.80  
808-811         863-866         2001  Boer War Centenary                                      6.55  
812-817         867-872         2001  Aquarium  Zoo & Museum                                 10.20  
818-821         873-876         2001  C.Tucker/Paintings                                      9.75  
822-825         877-880         2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     6.95  
826             MS881           2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/5v)                             8.55  
827-830         882-885         2002  Caves                                                  10.50  
831-832         886-887         2002  Cricket Cup                                             4.70  
833             MS888           2002  Cricket Cup (ss)                                        5.25  
834-835         889-890         2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   4.55  
836             MS891           2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           5.65  
837-854         892A-909A       2002  Defs/Shells - 5c-8.00 (18v)                            59.50  
837//854        892A//909A      2002  Defs/Shells - 5c,10c,35c,45c,50c,8.00 (6v)             19.15  
839//852        894A//907A      2003  Defs/Shells - 20c,40c,80c,90c,$3,$4 (6v)               21.05  
840//853        895A//908A      2003  Defs/Shells - 25c,30c,75c,$1,$2,$5 (6v)                19.35  
842a            897B            2008  Defs/Shells - 35c "2008"                                1.25  
855-856         910-911         2002  Peace Day                                               4.50  
857-860         912-915         2003  Biological Research Station                             7.75  
861-864         916-919         2003  Made in Bermuda #1                                      6.35  
865             E2              2003  Defs - 25.00 QEII (1v)                                 42.35  
866-867         920-921         2003  QEII Coronation Anniversary                             2.75  
868             MS922           2003  QEII Coronation Anniversary (ss/2v)                     8.55  
869-870         923-924         2003  Cricket/CARICOM                                         3.45  
871-873         925-927         2003  Christmas/Poinsettias                                   4.85  
874-879         928-933         2004  Navy Dockyards                                         12.05  
880-883         934-937         2004  Made in Bermuda #2                                      5.40  
884-887         938-941         2004  WWF/Bluefin Tuna/Fish (4v)                              6.30  
884-887         938-941         2004  WWF/Bluefin Tuna/Fish (s/4v) (ex-ms)                    6.65  
887a            938-941         2004  WWF/Bluefin Tuna/Fish (ms/16v)                         30.50  
888-891         942-945         2004  Orchid Society/Orchids                                  8.55  
892-896         946-950         2005  500th Anniversary                                      10.65  
897             MS951           2005  500th Anniversary (ss)                                 12.60  
898-901         952-955         2005  Made in Bermuda #3                                      7.85  
902-905         956-959         2005  Battle of Trafalgar                                     7.05  
906-911         960-965         2005  Birds and Their Habitat                                10.70  
912-914         966-968         2005  Christmas/Lights                                        3.25  
915-918         969-972         2006  Electric Light Company                                  5.60  
919-922         973-976         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                      6.50  
923             MS977           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              6.60  
924             978             2006  Map/WASHINGTON '06                                      2.25  
924a            MS979           2006  Map/WASHINGTON '06 (ss)                                 2.70  
925-928         980-983         2006  Made in Bermuda #4                                      8.50  
929-932         984-987         2006  Christmas/Advent Wreaths                                5.20  
933-937         988-992         2007  Pioneers of Progress                                    3.50  
938-943         993-998         2007  Spirit of Bermuda/Ships                                 9.45  
944-945         999-1000        2007  Jamestown  Virginia/Ships                               3.60  
946-949         1001-1004       2007  Scouting Centenary                                      6.15  
950             MS1005          2007  Scouting Centenary (ss/2v)                              7.00  
951-954         1006-1009       2008  Troubador Acts/Calypso Music                            6.05  
955-958         1010-1013       2008  Perot Stamp Anniversary                                 7.10  
959-962         1014-1017       2008  Island Scenes (sa : ex-bklt) (4v)                       5.20  
963-964         1018-1019       2008  Pioneers of Progress #3                                 1.80  
965-968         1020-1023       2008  Beijing Olympic Games                                   4.85  
969-972         1024-1027       2008  Christmas Decorations                                   4.30  
973-976         1028-1031       2009  400th Anniversary of Settlement                         8.20  
977-981         1032-1036       2009  Man on Moon 40th Anniversary                            9.90  
982             MS1037          2009  Man on Moon 40th Anniversary (ss)                       2.55  
983-986         1038-1041       2009  Bermuda Marathon Derby                                  6.25  
987-992         1042-1047       2009  Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge                          10.90  
993-996         1048-1051       2009  Theatre Boycott Anniversary                             7.40  
997-1000        1052-1055       2009  Christmas Tree Ornaments                                5.35  
1001-1004       1056-1059       2010  Girl Guides Centenary                                   6.40  
1005            MS1060          2010  Girl Guides Centenary (ss)                              2.95  
1006-1009       1061-1064       2010  African Diaspora Heritage Trail                         6.80  
1010-1013       1065-1068       2010  WWF/Seahorses (4v)                                      7.20  
1010-1013       1065-1068       2010  WWF/Seahorses (s/4v) (ex-ms)                            7.40  
1013a           1065-1068       2010  WWF/Seahorses (ms/16v)                                 31.60  
1014-1017       1069-1072       2010  Pioneers of Progress/Dockyard Apprentices               7.40  
1018-1023       1073-1078       2011  QEII Lifetime of Service                                7.95  
1023a           MS1079          2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss/6v+labs)                   7.95  
1024            MS1080          2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss)                           4.40  
1025-1028       1081-1084       2011  Pioneers of Progress #5/Boat Piloting                   6.40  
1029-1032       1085-1088       2011  Casemates Barracks/Paintings                            6.40  
1033            MS1089          2011  William & Catherine Wedding (ss/4v)                     6.40  
1034-1039       1090-1095       2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee                                    9.30  
1039a           MS1096          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss/6v+lab)                        9.30  
1040            MS1097          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss)                               6.90  
1041-1046       1098-1103       2012  Postal Service 200th Anniversary                        9.55  
1047-1052       1104-1109       2012  Masterworks Museum 25th Anniversary                    10.95  
1053-1056       1110-1113       2012  St. Peter's Church Anniversary                          7.85  
1057-1061       1114-1118       2013  QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary                        5.90  
1062            MS1119          2013  QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary (ss)                   4.70  
1063-1066       1120-1123       2013  Beaches                                                 8.50  
1067-1070       1124-1127       2013  Folklife #1/The Gombeys                                 9.35  
1071-1074       1128-1131       2013  Mystery Roses                                           6.65  
1075-1078       1132-1135       2014  Eastern Bluebirds                                       7.40  
1079-1083       1136//1152      2014  Defs/Flowers #1 - 5c-$10.00 (5v)                       19.65  
1084-1085       1153-1162       2014  Roses (2 s/5v) (ex-bklt)                               14.80  
1086-1087       1163-1172       2015  C.Lefroy Botanicals/Drawings/Flowers (2 s/5v)          17.50  
1088-1092       1173-1177       2015  Bermuda Regiment                                        8.50  
1093-1097       1178-1182       2015  Reef Fish                                               7.55  
1098-1103       1140//1145      2015  Defs/Flowers #2 - 50c-1.55 (6v)                        13.25  
1104-1108       1183-1187       2015  Stamp Anniversary                                      11.15  
1109-1114       1188-1193       2016  WWI Centenary                                          13.25  
1115-1120       1138//1151      2016  Defs/Flowers #3 - 20c-3.00 (6v)                        14.10  
1121-1124       1194-1197       2016  Monarch Butterflies                                     7.85  
1124a           MS1198          2016  Monarch Butterflies (ss/4v)                             7.85  
1125-1127       1199-1201       2017  QEII 65th Anniversary of Reign                          5.35  
1128-1131       1202-1205       2017  Sailing Ships                                           8.10  
1132-1135       1206-1209       2017  National Gallery 25th Anniversary                       8.10  
1136-1139       1210-1213       2018  Turtle Project/Turtles                                  8.10  
1140            MS1214          2018  Turtle Project/Turtles (ss/2v)                          2.70  
1141-1143       1215-1217       2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan                          5.35  
1144-1147       1218-1221       2018  Cedar Handle Bags                                       8.80  
                                      --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---             SB3             1987  Bklt - 4.00 Paintings/W.Homer                          14.30  
---             SB4             1989  Bklt - 5.00 Old Garden Roses                           26.40  
---             SB5             1993  Bklt - 2.95 Map/Roses                                  15.70  
---             SB6             1993  Bklt - 4.25 Map/Roses                                  14.05  
---             SB7             1996  Bklt - 6.00 St. George's Panorama Paintings            38.50  
---             SB8             2008  Bklt - Local/ Island Scenes/Deep Bay (sa)              20.10  
---             SB9             2008  Bklt - Zone 1/ Island Scenes/Spanish Point (sa)        25.95  
---             SB10            2008  Bklt - Zone 2/Island Scenes/Flatts Inlet (sa)          27.60  
---             SB11            2008  Bklt - Zone 3/Island Scenes/Tucker's Town Bay (sa)     28.70  
---             SB12            2014  Bklt - 7.00 Bermuda Roses                              14.10  
---             SB13            2015  Bklt - 8.50 Lefroy Botanicals/Flowers                  17.00  

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.