Stanley Lisica LLC
British Antarctic Terr. (1963-2020)
A complete list (1963-2020) of British Antarctic Territory stamps including souvenir sheets (miniature sheets)and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2021 ed.) : Sydney , OH : Amos Media, 2020. New issue listings and updates are from the Scott Stamp Monthly.
  SG #'s are are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue : Falkland Islands & Dependencies (8th ed.) -- London, UK : Stanley Gibbons, 2019. New issue listings and updating is from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.
  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 

Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
January 1, 2021  

Click here ==> BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERR. to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price   
1-15            1-15            1963  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (15v)                                144.15  
16-19           16-19           1966  W.Churchill                                            36.60  
20-23           20-23           1969  Scientific Work                                         5.85  
24              15a             1969  Defs - 1.00 Endurance/Ship                            145.75  
25-38           24-37           1971  Defs - 1/d-50p (surch) (14v)                          115.00  
39-42           38-41           1971  Antarctic Treaty Anniversary                           46.70  
43-44           42-43           1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     5.40  
45-59           64//78          1975  Defs/Ships - 1/2p-1.00 (12v) (p.14.5)                  24.35  
45              64              1975  Defs/Ships - 1/2p (1v)                                   .--  
(45)            64a             1978  Defs/Ships - 1/2p (1v) (chalky)                          .--  
46//59          65//78          1978  Defs/Ships - 1p,1.5p,1.00 (3v)                           .--  
(46//47)        65a,66a         1979  Defs/Ships - 1p,1.5p (2v) (ord)                          .--  
48//58          67//77          1979  Defs/Ships - 2p-50p (8v)                                 .--  
45a-59a         44-58           1973  Defs/Ships - 1/2p-1.00 (15v) (new wmk)                 39.85  
51-59b          70//78a         1980  Defs/Ships - 4p-1.00 (8v) (p.12)                         .--  
51//59b         70//78a         1980  Defs/Ships - 4p-1.00 (5v) (p.12)                         .--  
55b//57b        74a//76a        1981  Defs/Ships - 10p,15p,25p (3v) (p.12)                     .--  
60-61           59-60           1973  Anne & Mark Wedding                                     0.90  
62-63           61-62           1974  W.Churchill                                             3.45  
63a             MS63            1974  W.Churchill (ss/2v)                                    10.50  
64-67           79-82           1977  Whales                                                 23.80  
68-70           83-85           1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     2.75  
71              86a             1978  QEII Coronation (ss/6v)                                 4.90  
72-75           89-92           1979  Penguins                                               17.60  
76-81           93-98           1980  Geographical Society                                    1.85  
82-85           99-102          1981  Antarctic Treaty                                        1.55  
86-91           103-108         1982  Continental Drift/Climatic Change                       2.15  
92-95           109-112         1982  Diana Birthday                                          3.20  
96-101          113-118         1982  Seal Conservation                                       2.95  
102-116         123-138         1984  Defs/Marine Life - 1p-3.00 (16v)                       20.00  
117-120         119-122         1984  Manned Flight                                           2.35  
121-124         139-142         1985  Graham Land Expedition                                  3.55  
125-128         143-146         1985  Naturalists                                             7.55  
129-132         147-150         1986  Halley's Comet                                          6.45  
133-136         151-154         1986  Glaciological Society                                   3.25  
137-140         155-158         1987  R.Scott at South Pole                                   4.55  
141-144         159-162         1987  Geophysical Year                                        3.45  
145-148         163-166         1988  Trans-Antarctic Expedition                              3.05  
149-152         167-170         1989  Lichens                                                 7.95  
153-167         171-185         1990  Defs/Fossils - 1p-3.00 (15v)                           36.80  
170-171         186-187         1990  Queen Mother 90th Birthday                              4.95  
172-175         188-191         1991  Age of Dinosaurs                                        9.90  
176-179         192-195         1991  Ozone Hole Discovery                                    7.80  
180-183         196-199         1991  Antarctic Treaty Anniversary                            8.60  
184-187         200-203         1991  J.Ross/Ships                                            8.60  
188-191         204-207         1991  M.Faraday (ovpt)                                        9.00  
192-197         208-213         1992  WWF/Endangered Species                                 12.35  
198-201         214-217         1992  Atmospheric Phenomena                                   8.15  
202-213         218-229         1993  Defs/Ships - 1p-5.00 (12v)                             68.70  
210a            MS274           1997  HONG KONG '97/Ships (ss)                                3.45  
211a            MS275           1997  Return of Hong Kong/Ships (ss)                          5.65  
214-217         236-239         1994  Operation Taberin                                      10.35  
218-223         240-245         1994  Transportation                                         11.95  
224-229         230-235         1994  HONG KONG '94/Transportation (ovpt)                    13.75  
230             250a            1994  Food Chain/Marine Life (ss/6v)                         13.70  
231-234         256-259         1995  Geological Structures                                  11.95  
235-238         260-263         1996  SCAR                                                    9.25  
239             MS264           1996  SCAR (ss)                                               7.40  
240-243         270-273         1996  QEII Birthday                                           8.10  
244-247         265-268         1996  Whales                                                  9.15  
248             MS269           1996  Whales (ss)                                             7.55  
249-252         276-279         1997  Christmas/Penguins                                     18.00  
253-257         281-285         1998  Maps of Antarctica                                     17.20  
258             MS280           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           4.55  
259-262         286-289         1998  Antarctic Clothing                                     18.90  
263-274         290-301         1998  Defs/Birds - 1p-5.00 (12v)                             45.00  
275-279         302-306         1999  Fish                                                   20.60  
280-284         307-311         1999  Survey Discoveries                                     20.35  
285-287         312-314         2000  E.Shakleton/Ships                                      20.65  
288             315a            2000  V.Fuchs/LONDON '00 (ss/6v)                             65.90  
289-292         321-324         2000  Survey Ships                                           26.15  
293-296         325-328         2000  Antarctic Symphony/Views                               21.20  
297-300         329-332         2001  Port Lockroy Restoration                               26.40  
301-306         333-338         2001  British Antarctic Expedition/R.Scott                   24.50  
307-310         339-342         2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     9.10  
311             MS343           2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/5v)                            10.95  
312-313         344-345         2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   5.10  
314             MS346           2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                          11.15  
315             347-350         2002  CCAMLR/Fish (vs/4v)                                    15.15  
316-321         351-356         2002  Scottish Antarctic Expedition                          30.85  
322             360             2003  Defs/QEII - 2.00 Head                                   8.40  
323-324         357-358         2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary                        7.15  
325             MS359           2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary (ss/2v)               13.50  
326-329         361-364         2003  WWF/Blue Whale (4v)                                     7.95  
326-329         361-364         2003  WWF/Blue Whale (s/4v) (ex-ms)                           8.20  
329a            361-364         2003  WWF/Blue Whale (ms/16v)                                37.40  
330-341         377-388         2003  Defs/Research Base/Postmarks - 1p-5.00 (12v)           50.75  
342-344         389-394         2004  Climate Changes (v/prs)                                18.75  
345-348         395-398         2005  Birdlife International/Petrel Birds                    18.75  
349             MS399           2005  Birdlife International/Petrel Birds (ss/6v)            24.45  
350-352         400-402         2005  Ships Named Endurance                                  17.90  
353-356         403-406         2005  FIDASE Expedition                                      19.10  
357-360         411-414         2005  Halley Research Station/Buildings                      14.85  
361-364         407-410         2005  Shackleton's Dogs                                      19.00  
365-368         415-418         2006  Antarctic Treaty/Children's Stamp Designs              13.95  
369-372         419-422         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                     16.20  
373             MS423           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              9.05  
374-377         448-451         2006  Seals                                                  18.00  
378-381         456-459         2007  Icebergs                                               14.60  
382-385         452-455         2007  Marine Invertebrates                                   13.80  
386             MS460           2007  International Polar Year (ss)                           9.50  
387-398         461-472         2008  Defs/Ships & Explorers - 1p-5.00  (12v)                43.35  
399             MS473           2008  Defs/Ships & Explorers  (ss/4v)                         8.80  
400             490-494         2008  Auroras (s/5v)                                         19.50  
401-404         486-489         2008  Fossil Ferns                                           17.25  
405-408         495-498         2009  Naval Aviation/Airplanes                               10.15  
409             MS499           2009  Naval Aviation/Dirigible (ss)                          10.40  
410-413         506-509         2009  WWF/Crabeater Seals (4v)                               12.50  
410-413         506-509         2009  WWF/Crabeater Seals (s/4v) (ex-ms)                     12.25  
413a            506-509         2009  WWF/Crabeater Seals (ms/16v)                           49.60  
414-416         500-505         2009  Antarctic Treaty 50th Anniversary/Birds (prs)          12.25  
417             MS510           2009  Climate Change/Ice Shelf Changes (ss/4v)               18.00  
418-421         511-514         2010  Marine Biodiversity                                     4.65  
422             MS515           2010  Marine Biodiversity (ss/4v)                            17.90  
423-425         532-537         2010  Antarctic Birds/Paintings E.Wilson (prs)               20.35  
426-427         516-531         2010  British Antarctic Expedition (2 ss/8v)                 24.80  
428-429         551-566         2011  BBC Frozen Planet/Wildlife (2 ss/8v)                   21.85  
430-432         MS567-MS569     2011  Antarctic Science/Then & Now (ss/8v,2 ss/4v)           31.45  
433-434         584-593         2012  Glaciers (2 s/5v)                                      21.10  
435-438         575-582         2012  Graham Land (prs)                                      10.65  
439             MS583           2012  Ship/Penola (ss)                                        4.40  
440             MS594           2012  Ship/HMS Protector (ss)                                10.85  
441             MS595           2013  QE Land/QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss)                       8.75  
442-457         596-611         2013  Defs/Stamps - 1p-5.00 (16v)                            50.10  
458-461         626-629         2013  Bransfield House 70th Anniversary                       9.50  
462-465         630-633         2013  Halley VI Research Station                             10.05  
466-469         612-619         2013  Penguins (prs)                                         16.35  
470             620-625         2013  Trans-Antarctic Expedition Centenary #1 (ss/6v)        12.15  
471-476         644-649         2014  Trans-Antarctic Expedition Centenary #2                12.15  
477-480         650-653         2014  ISTAR Program                                          10.30  
481-484         654-657         2014  Marine Food Web                                        10.30  
485             MS658           2014  Marine Food Web (ss/9v)                                16.10  
486-489         659-662         2015  QEII Long Reign                                         9.50  
490-495         669-674         2015  Trans-Antarctic Expedition Centenary #3                13.70  
496-500         675-679         2015  Base Buildings/Wildlife                                12.15  
501-506         663-668         2015  Whales                                                 10.05  
507-510         680-683         2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                      9.25  
511             MS684           2016  QEII 90th Birthday (ss)                                 7.15  
512-515         691-694         2016  IAATO/Antarctic Tourism Operators                       8.00  
516-521         685-690         2016  Environmental Protection/Wildlife                      10.85  
522-525         695-698         2016  Marine Wildlife Zones                                   8.00  
526             699-710         2016  Marine Wildlife Zones (ss/12v)                         18.00  
527-530         726-729         2017  Painted Ladies/Murals                                   8.95  
531-534         722-725         2017  QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary                           8.95  
535-540         735-740         2017  Research Ships                                         10.85  
541-544         730-733         2017  Corals                                                  8.95  
545             MS734           2017  Corals (ss/9v)                                         14.75  
546-549         741-744         2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan                          8.60  
550             MS745           2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (ss)                     7.10  
551-562         746-757         2018  Defs/Penguins & Chicks - 1p-5.00  (12v)                34.75  
563-566         762-765         2018  Ships/RSS Sir David Attenborough                        8.50  
567-570         758-761         2018  Landscapes                                              8.50  
571-572         766-769         2018  Migratory Species/Seals (v/prs)                         9.90  
573-574         770-773         2018  WWI Centenary/Military Medals (prs)                     9.00  
575-576         788-789         2019  Scott Polar Research Institute                          7.95  
577-579         785-787         2019  Discovery 200th Anniversary                             8.40  
580-585         774-779         2019  Port Lockroy                                            9.85  
586-589         780-783         2019  Icebergs                                                8.40  
590             MS784           2019  Icebergs (ss/4v)                                        6.90  
                                2020  Antarctic Discovery 200th Anniversary                   7.80  
                                2020  Birds of Antarctica                                     7.80  
                                      --- SEMI POSTAL ISSUES ---                                    
B1-B4           246-249         1994  Antarctic Heritage Fund                                12.80  
                                      --- AIRMAIL ISSUES ---                                        
C1              365-376         2003  Penguins #1 (ss/12v)                                   38.95  
C2              424-435         2006  Penguins #2 (ss/12v)                                   27.55  
C4              474-485         2008  Penguins #3 (ss/12v)                                   30.40  
C5-C10          538-543         2011  Royal Research Ships                                   12.65  
C11             MS544           2011  Royal Research Ships (ss)                               4.75  
C12-C17         545-550         2011  Royal Research Ships (sa : coil) (s/6v)                12.80  
C18-C22         570-574         2012  Penguins (sa : coil) (vs/5v)                           12.15  
C23-C27         639-643         2014  Penguins (Letter)                                      11.65  
C28-C32         634-638         2014  Penguins (Postcard) (sa : coil) (s/5v)                  9.80  
C33-C38         716-721         2016  Gentoo Penguins                                         9.80  
C39-C43         711-715         2016  Gentoo Penguins (sa : coil) (s/5v)                      7.40  
                                      --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
C3              SB1             2006  Bklt - (6.00) NV/Post Card Rate/Penguins (sa)          27.85  


Click here ==> BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERR.  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.