Scott # SG # Year Description Price
1-15 1-15 1968 Defs/BIOT - 5c-10r (15v) (ovpt) 46.35
16-33 16-30 1968 Defs/Marine Life - 5c-10r (18v) 60.80
16//33 16//30 1968 Defs/Marine Life - 5c-10r (15v) 49.10
21//27 20a//24a 1970 Defs/Marine Life - 30c,60,85c (3v) 11.70
16a 52 1973 Defs/Marine Life - 5c (1v) (up wmk) 1.20
34 31 1969 Aldabra Coral Atoll 1.95
35-38 32-35 1969 Boats & Ships 2.95
39-42 36-39 1971 Aldabra Nature Reserve 20.20
43 40 1971 Royal Society Research Station 14.00
44-47 41-44 1972 Corals 15.35
48-49 45-46 1972 QEII Silver Wedding 1.50
50-53 47-50 1973 Easter 1.35
53a MS51 1973 Easter (ss/4v) 1.85
54-56 53-55 1973 Wildlife #1 10.90
57-58 56-57 1974 Traveling Post Office 2.55
59-62 58-61 1974 Wildlife #2/Sea Shells 9.75
63-77 62-76 1975 Defs/Birds - 5c-10r (15v) 30.30
78-81 77-80 1975 Wildlife #3/Plants 2.80
82-85 81-84 1975 Territory Anniversary/Maps 4.25
85a MS85 1975 Territory Anniversary/Maps (ss/4v) 8.25
86-89 86-89 1976 Wildlife #4/Insects 4.75
90-93 102-105 1990 LONDON '90 31.90
94-105 90-101 1990 Defs/Birds - 15p-1.00 (12v) 26.30
106-107 106-107 1990 Queen Mother Birthday 14.85
108-109 108-109 1990 Anniversary of BIOT 10.15
110 MS110 1990 Anniversary of BIOT (ss) 11.25
111-114 111-114 1991 Island Administration 12.80
115-118 115-118 1991 Visiting Ships 13.20
119-123 119-123 1992 QEII 40th Accession Anniversary 19.95
124-127 124-127 1992 Visiting Aircraft 9.40
128-131 128-131 1992 Christmas 5.90
132-135 132-135 1993 WWF/Coconut Crabs 6.55
136-139 136-139 1993 RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes 6.10
140 MS140 1993 RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v) 7.85
141-144 141-144 1993 Christmas/Flowers 5.95
145-146 145-146 1994 HONG KONG '94/Birds (ovpt) 12.35
147 147a 1994 Maps from the 18th Century (s/5v) 5.10
148-150 152-154 1994 Butterflies 7.60
151-162 155-166 1994 Defs/Sharks - 15p-1.00 (12v) 81.40
159a MS193 1997 HONG KONG '97/Sharks (ss) 3.95
160a MS194 1997 Return of Hong Kong/Sharks (ss) 5.40
163-166 167-170 1995 World War II 50th Anniversary 8.80
167 MS171 1995 World War II 50th Anniversary/Medal (ss) 4.30
168-171 172-175 1995 Game Fish 10.10
172-175 176-179 1996 Sea Shells 9.15
176-179 180-183 1996 QEII 70th Birthday 4.50
180 MS184 1996 QEII 70th Birthday (ss) 5.40
181-184 185-188 1996 Turtles 7.80
185-188 189-192 1996 Uniforms 7.10
189-194 195-200 1997 QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs) 9.60
195 MS201 1997 QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss) 10.00
196 202a 1997 Exercise Ocean Wave '97/Ships (ss/12v) 20.65
197 MS214 1998 Diana (ss/4v) 4.20
198-201 215-218 1998 RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes 9.40
202 MS219 1998 RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v) 8.80
203-206 220-223 1998 Year of the Ocean/Whales & Dolphins 13.60
207-216 224-233 1999 Defs/Sailing Ships - 2p-2.00 (10v) 31.45
217 MS234 1999 AUSTRALIA '99/Ships (ss/2v) 9.10
218 MS235 2000 Wildlife/LONDON '00 (ss/4v) 11.00
219-222 236-239 2000 Satellite View/Millennium 9.30
223-224 240-241 2000 Queen Mother's Century 3.75
225 MS242 2000 Queen Mother's Century (ss/2v) 7.45
226-228 243-245 2000 Flowers 7.80
229 MS246 2001 Year of the Snake/HONG KONG '01 (ss/2v) 5.10
230 247-252 2001 Navy Submarine Centenary (ss/6v) 14.25
231-234 253-256 2001 WWF/Starfish (4v) 8.25
231-234 253-256 2001 WWF/Starfish (s/4v) (ex-ms) 8.50
231-234 253-256 2001 WWF/Starfish (ms/16v) 37.70
235-236 257-258 2001 Plants #1/Flowers 4.85
237 MS259 2001 Plants #1/Flowers (ss/5v) 9.10
238 MS260 2001 Birds/World Bird Festival (ss/5v) 10.60
239-242 261-264 2002 QEII Golden Jubilee 7.60
243 MS265 2002 QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/5v) 8.80
244 MS266 2002 Birds/Birdlife/Booby (ss/5v) 11.80
245-246 267-268 2002 Queen Mother Memorial 5.00
247 MS269 2002 Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v) 9.60
248-253 270-275 2002 Friends of the Chagos/Fish 13.00
254 PMS1 2002 Friends of the Chagos/Fish (ss) 11.00
255-260 276-281 2003 Sea Slugs 12.15
261 285 2003 Defs - 2.50 QEII Head 9.40
262-263 282-283 2003 QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary 12.10
264 MS284 2003 QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary (ss/2v) 12.25
265 286-287 2003 Prince William Birthday (pr) 6.75
266-271 288-293 2003 Powered Flight Centenary (w/labs) 12.65
272 MS294 2003 Powered Flight Centenary (ss/10v) 12.40
273 MS295 2004 Fisheries Patrol (ss/6v) 14.75
274-285 296-307 2004 Defs/Birds - 2p-2.50 (12v) 39.55
286-289 308-311 2004 Crabs 10.95
290-295 312-317 2005 Turtles 12.25
296 MS318 2005 Turtles (ss) 8.00
297-302 319-324 2005 Battle of Trafalgar #1 14.30
303 MS325 2005 Battle of Trafalgar #1 (ss/2v) 10.15
304 326-335 2005 World War II 60th Anniversary/Ships (ss/10v) 15.60
305-312 336-343 2005 Sharks and Rays 21.20
313-315 344-346 2005 Battle of Trafalgar #2 10.75
316 MS347 2005 Wildlife/Marine Life (ss/8v) 15.15
317-320 348-351 2006 QEII 80th Birthday 11.00
321 MS352 2006 QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v) 8.50
322 MS353 2006 Marine Life #1/Angelfish (ss/6v) 17.50
323 MS354 2006 Marine Life #2/Butterflyfish (ss/6v) 13.25
324 MS356 2007 Marine Life #3/Parrotfish (ss/6v) 16.90
325 MS355 2006 Birds/Birdlife/Barton Point Reserve (ss/6v) 14.80
326-329 357-360 2007 QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary 10.65
330 MS361 2007 QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary (ss) 8.95
331-334 362-365 2007 C.Darwin/Naturalist 11.75
335-340 366-371 2007 Birds/Birdlife/Pomarine Skua 16.50
341 MS372 2008 Marine Life #4/Damselfish (ss/6v) 15.90
342-347 373-378 2008 Military Uniforms 9.05
348-352 379-383 2008 RAF 90th Anniversary/Airplanes 6.65
353 MS384 2008 RAF 90th Anniversary/King George V (ss) 7.45
354-359 385-390 2008 World War I/Lest We Forget 11.75
360 MS391 2008 World War I/Lest We Forget (ss) 4.25
361-364 392-395 2008 WWF/Sea Cucumbers (4v) 8.55
361-364 392-395 2008 WWF/Sea Cucumbers (s/4v) (ex-ms) 8.90
364a 392-395 2008 WWF/Sea Cucumbers (ms/16v) 39.70
365-370 396-401 2009 Seafaring & Exploration/Ships 11.15
371 MS402 2009 Seafaring & Exploration/Ships (ss) 4.40
372-375 403-406 2009 Fly Navy/Naval Aviation Centenary 6.15
376 MS407 2009 Fly Navy/Naval Aviation Centenary ( ss) 6.15
377-381 408-412 2009 Space Exploration 40th Anniversary 13.25
382 MS413 2009 Space Exploration 40th Anniversary (ss) 6.80
383-394 414-425 2009 Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1p-3.02 (12v) 39.55
394a MS426 2009 Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1p-3.02 (ss/12v) 40.25
395-398 427-430 2009 Mushrooms 13.00
399-404 431-436 2010 Battle of Britain/Aces & Leaders 9.90
405 MS437 2010 Battle of Britain/Aces & Leaders (ss) 5.90
406 MS438 2010 George V/LONDON '10 (ss) 5.90
407-418 439-450 2010 Great Battles & Sieges 20.25
419-424 451-456 2011 QEII Lifetime of Service 10.65
424a MS457 2011 QEII Lifetime of Service (ss/6v+labs) 10.65
425 MS458 2011 QEII Lifetime of Service (ss) 10.05
426 MS459 2011 William & Catherine Wedding #1 (ss) 10.05
427-430 460-463 2011 William & Catherine Wedding #2 8.50
431-438 464-471 2011 British Legion 90th Anniversary 11.40
439 MS472 2011 British Legion 90th Anniversary (ss) 4.15
440-445 473-478 2012 QEII Diamond Jubilee 8.80
445a MS479 2012 QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss/6v+labs) 8.80
446 MS480 2012 QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss) 8.40
447-450 481-484 2013 QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary 8.50
451 485-486 2014 National Coat of Arms (pr) 3.25
452 MS487 2014 National Coat of Arms (ss) 6.40
453 488-493 2016 Sharks (ss/6v) 7.90
454-457 494-497 2016 QEII 90th Birthday 7.90
458-461 498-501 2016 Literary Greats/W.Shakespeare/E.Bronte,R.Dahl 6.90
462-467 502-507 2016 Sea Turtle Conservation 25.70
467a MS508 2016 Sea Turtle Conservation (ss) 11.65
468-473 509-514 2017 WWI/Aircraft 12.45
474-479 515-520 2017 Fish 23.75
480 MS521 2017 Corals (ss/6v) 25.45
481-484 522-525 2017 QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary 15.65
485-487 526-531 2017 Women's Royal Navy Centenary (prs) 15.10
488 MS532 2018 Plants #2/Flowers (ss/6v) 15.35
489-492 533-536 2018 Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan 15.35
493-496 537-540 2018 Children's Stamp Designs 17.80
497-500 541-544 2018 WWI Centenary 15.85
501-506 545-550 2018 Christmas/Children's Drawings 14.80
551-553 2019 Lizards 21.25
554-559 2019 Dragonflies 21.30
560-564 2020 Crustaceans/Crabs 17.85