Stanley Lisica LLC
British Indian Ocean Territory (B.I.O.T.) Stamps (1968-2020)
A price list (1968 to 2020) of Br. Indian Ocean Terr. stamps and souvenir sheets (miniature sheets).

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

 Catalog numbers are from the 2021 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
 S.G. numbers are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : St. Helena, Ascension & Tristan da Cunha (2014 : 5th edition) with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

 Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets"( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number. A blank space indicates that a catalog number is not yet assigned.

 Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 

 Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability.  Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
July 31, 2020 

Click here ==> B.I.O.T.   to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
1-15            1-15            1968  Defs/BIOT - 5c-10r (15v) (ovpt)                        46.35  
16-33           16-30           1968  Defs/Marine Life - 5c-10r (18v)                        60.80  
16//33          16//30          1968  Defs/Marine Life - 5c-10r (15v)                        49.10  
21//27          20a//24a        1970  Defs/Marine Life - 30c,60,85c (3v)                     11.70  
16a             52              1973  Defs/Marine Life - 5c (1v)  (up wmk)                    1.20  
34              31              1969  Aldabra Coral Atoll                                     1.95  
35-38           32-35           1969  Boats & Ships                                           2.95  
39-42           36-39           1971  Aldabra Nature Reserve                                 20.20  
43              40              1971  Royal Society Research Station                         14.00  
44-47           41-44           1972  Corals                                                 15.35  
48-49           45-46           1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     1.50  
50-53           47-50           1973  Easter                                                  1.35  
53a             MS51            1973  Easter (ss/4v)                                          1.85  
54-56           53-55           1973  Wildlife #1                                            10.90  
57-58           56-57           1974  Traveling Post Office                                   2.55  
59-62           58-61           1974  Wildlife #2/Sea Shells                                  9.75  
63-77           62-76           1975  Defs/Birds - 5c-10r (15v)                              30.30  
78-81           77-80           1975  Wildlife #3/Plants                                      2.80  
82-85           81-84           1975  Territory Anniversary/Maps                              4.25  
85a             MS85            1975  Territory Anniversary/Maps (ss/4v)                      8.25  
86-89           86-89           1976  Wildlife #4/Insects                                     4.75  
90-93           102-105         1990  LONDON '90                                             31.90  
94-105          90-101          1990  Defs/Birds - 15p-1.00 (12v)                            26.30  
106-107         106-107         1990  Queen Mother Birthday                                  14.85  
108-109         108-109         1990  Anniversary of BIOT                                    10.15  
110             MS110           1990  Anniversary of BIOT (ss)                               11.25  
111-114         111-114         1991  Island Administration                                  12.80  
115-118         115-118         1991  Visiting Ships                                         13.20  
119-123         119-123         1992  QEII 40th Accession Anniversary                        19.95  
124-127         124-127         1992  Visiting Aircraft                                       9.40  
128-131         128-131         1992  Christmas                                               5.90  
132-135         132-135         1993  WWF/Coconut Crabs                                       6.55  
136-139         136-139         1993  RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes                          6.10  
140             MS140           1993  RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v)                  7.85  
141-144         141-144         1993  Christmas/Flowers                                       5.95  
145-146         145-146         1994  HONG KONG '94/Birds (ovpt)                             12.35  
147             147a            1994  Maps from the 18th Century (s/5v)                       5.10  
148-150         152-154         1994  Butterflies                                             7.60  
151-162         155-166         1994  Defs/Sharks - 15p-1.00 (12v)                           81.40  
159a            MS193           1997  HONG KONG '97/Sharks (ss)                               3.95  
160a            MS194           1997  Return of Hong Kong/Sharks (ss)                         5.40  
163-166         167-170         1995  World War II 50th Anniversary                           8.80  
167             MS171           1995  World War II 50th Anniversary/Medal (ss)                4.30  
168-171         172-175         1995  Game Fish                                              10.10  
172-175         176-179         1996  Sea Shells                                              9.15  
176-179         180-183         1996  QEII 70th Birthday                                      4.50  
180             MS184           1996  QEII 70th Birthday (ss)                                 5.40  
181-184         185-188         1996  Turtles                                                 7.80  
185-188         189-192         1996  Uniforms                                                7.10  
189-194         195-200         1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs)                   9.60  
195             MS201           1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss)                   10.00  
196             202a            1997  Exercise Ocean Wave '97/Ships (ss/12v)                 20.65  
197             MS214           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           4.20  
198-201         215-218         1998  RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes                          9.40  
202             MS219           1998  RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v)                  8.80  
203-206         220-223         1998  Year of the Ocean/Whales & Dolphins                    13.60  
207-216         224-233         1999  Defs/Sailing Ships - 2p-2.00 (10v)                     31.45  
217             MS234           1999  AUSTRALIA '99/Ships (ss/2v)                             9.10  
218             MS235           2000  Wildlife/LONDON '00 (ss/4v)                            11.00  
219-222         236-239         2000  Satellite View/Millennium                               9.30  
223-224         240-241         2000  Queen Mother's Century                                  3.75  
225             MS242           2000  Queen Mother's Century (ss/2v)                          7.45  
226-228         243-245         2000  Flowers                                                 7.80  
229             MS246           2001  Year of the Snake/HONG KONG '01 (ss/2v)                 5.10  
230             247-252         2001  Navy Submarine Centenary (ss/6v)                       14.25  
231-234         253-256         2001  WWF/Starfish (4v)                                       8.25  
231-234         253-256         2001  WWF/Starfish (s/4v) (ex-ms)                             8.50  
231-234         253-256         2001  WWF/Starfish (ms/16v)                                  37.70  
235-236         257-258         2001  Plants #1/Flowers                                       4.85  
237             MS259           2001  Plants #1/Flowers (ss/5v)                               9.10  
238             MS260           2001  Birds/World Bird Festival (ss/5v)                      10.60  
239-242         261-264         2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     7.60  
243             MS265           2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/5v)                             8.80  
244             MS266           2002  Birds/Birdlife/Booby (ss/5v)                           11.80  
245-246         267-268         2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   5.00  
247             MS269           2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           9.60  
248-253         270-275         2002  Friends of the Chagos/Fish                             13.00  
254             PMS1            2002  Friends of the Chagos/Fish (ss)                        11.00  
255-260         276-281         2003  Sea Slugs                                              12.15  
261             285             2003  Defs - 2.50 QEII Head                                   9.40  
262-263         282-283         2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary                       12.10  
264             MS284           2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary (ss/2v)               12.25  
265             286-287         2003  Prince William Birthday (pr)                            6.75  
266-271         288-293         2003  Powered Flight Centenary (w/labs)                      12.65  
272             MS294           2003  Powered Flight Centenary (ss/10v)                      12.40  
273             MS295           2004  Fisheries Patrol (ss/6v)                               14.75  
274-285         296-307         2004  Defs/Birds - 2p-2.50 (12v)                             39.55  
286-289         308-311         2004  Crabs                                                  10.95  
290-295         312-317         2005  Turtles                                                12.25  
296             MS318           2005  Turtles (ss)                                            8.00  
297-302         319-324         2005  Battle of Trafalgar #1                                 14.30  
303             MS325           2005  Battle of Trafalgar #1 (ss/2v)                         10.15  
304             326-335         2005  World War II 60th Anniversary/Ships (ss/10v)           15.60  
305-312         336-343         2005  Sharks and Rays                                        21.20  
313-315         344-346         2005  Battle of Trafalgar #2                                 10.75  
316             MS347           2005  Wildlife/Marine Life (ss/8v)                           15.15  
317-320         348-351         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                     11.00  
321             MS352           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              8.50  
322             MS353           2006  Marine Life #1/Angelfish (ss/6v)                       17.50  
323             MS354           2006  Marine Life #2/Butterflyfish (ss/6v)                   13.25  
324             MS356           2007  Marine Life #3/Parrotfish (ss/6v)                      16.90  
325             MS355           2006  Birds/Birdlife/Barton Point Reserve (ss/6v)            14.80  
326-329         357-360         2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary                          10.65  
330             MS361           2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary (ss)                      8.95  
331-334         362-365         2007  C.Darwin/Naturalist                                    11.75  
335-340         366-371         2007  Birds/Birdlife/Pomarine Skua                           16.50  
341             MS372           2008  Marine Life #4/Damselfish (ss/6v)                      15.90  
342-347         373-378         2008  Military Uniforms                                       9.05  
348-352         379-383         2008  RAF 90th Anniversary/Airplanes                          6.65  
353             MS384           2008  RAF 90th Anniversary/King George V (ss)                 7.45  
354-359         385-390         2008  World War I/Lest We Forget                             11.75  
360             MS391           2008  World War I/Lest We Forget (ss)                         4.25  
361-364         392-395         2008  WWF/Sea Cucumbers (4v)                                  8.55  
361-364         392-395         2008  WWF/Sea Cucumbers (s/4v) (ex-ms)                        8.90  
364a            392-395         2008  WWF/Sea Cucumbers (ms/16v)                             39.70  
365-370         396-401         2009  Seafaring & Exploration/Ships                          11.15  
371             MS402           2009  Seafaring & Exploration/Ships (ss)                      4.40  
372-375         403-406         2009  Fly Navy/Naval Aviation Centenary                       6.15  
376             MS407           2009  Fly Navy/Naval Aviation Centenary ( ss)                 6.15  
377-381         408-412         2009  Space Exploration 40th Anniversary                     13.25  
382             MS413           2009  Space Exploration 40th Anniversary (ss)                 6.80  
383-394         414-425         2009  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1p-3.02 (12v)                     39.55  
394a            MS426           2009  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1p-3.02 (ss/12v)                  40.25  
395-398         427-430         2009  Mushrooms                                              13.00  
399-404         431-436         2010  Battle of Britain/Aces & Leaders                        9.90  
405             MS437           2010  Battle of Britain/Aces & Leaders (ss)                   5.90  
406             MS438           2010  George V/LONDON '10 (ss)                                5.90  
407-418         439-450         2010  Great Battles & Sieges                                 20.25  
419-424         451-456         2011  QEII Lifetime of Service                               10.65  
424a            MS457           2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss/6v+labs)                  10.65  
425             MS458           2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss)                          10.05  
426             MS459           2011  William & Catherine Wedding #1 (ss)                    10.05  
427-430         460-463         2011  William & Catherine Wedding #2                          8.50  
431-438         464-471         2011  British Legion 90th Anniversary                        11.40  
439             MS472           2011  British Legion 90th Anniversary (ss)                    4.15  
440-445         473-478         2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee                                    8.80  
445a            MS479           2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss/6v+labs)                       8.80  
446             MS480           2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss)                               8.40  
447-450         481-484         2013  QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary                        8.50  
451             485-486         2014  National Coat of Arms (pr)                              3.25  
452             MS487           2014  National Coat of Arms (ss)                              6.40  
453             488-493         2016  Sharks (ss/6v)                                          7.90  
454-457         494-497         2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                      7.90  
458-461         498-501         2016  Literary Greats/W.Shakespeare/E.Bronte,R.Dahl           6.90  
462-467         502-507         2016  Sea Turtle Conservation                                25.70  
467a            MS508           2016  Sea Turtle Conservation (ss)                           11.65  
468-473         509-514         2017  WWI/Aircraft                                           12.45  
474-479         515-520         2017  Fish                                                   23.75  
480             MS521           2017  Corals (ss/6v)                                         25.45  
481-484         522-525         2017  QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary                          15.65  
485-487         526-531         2017  Women's Royal Navy Centenary (prs)                     15.10  
488             MS532           2018  Plants #2/Flowers (ss/6v)                              15.35  
489-492         533-536         2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan                         15.35  
493-496         537-540         2018  Children's Stamp Designs                               17.80  
497-500         541-544         2018  WWI Centenary                                          15.85  
501-506         545-550         2018  Christmas/Children's Drawings                          14.80  
                551-553         2019  Lizards                                                21.25  
                554-559         2019  Dragonflies                                            21.30  
                560-564         2020  Crustaceans/Crabs                                      17.85  

Click here ==> B.I.O.T.  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.