Stanley Lisica LLC
Canada (1970-1989)
A complete list (1970-1989) of Canada mint postage stamps and souvenir sheets (miniature sheets).

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).
Catalog numbers are from the 201
4 Scott catalog with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.  Stanley Gibbons numbers are from the Stanley Gibbons Canada catalogue (2008, 3rd ed.) with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.
  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.
  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when  issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 
Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability.  
  Items without a price are not in stock frequently.
To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
December 27, 2013

Click here ==>  CANADA    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                    Price
--------------- --------------- ----  --------------------------------------------- -----
505             647             1970  Manitoba Centennial                             0.20
505p            647p            1970  Manitoba Centennial (WT)                        0.30
506             648             1970  Northwest Territories Centennial                0.20
507             649             1970  UN Biological Program                           0.20
508-511         650-653         1970  EXPO '70 (b/4v)                                 6.40
508p-511p       650p-653p       1970  EXPO '70 (b/4v) (WT)                            8.00
512             654             1970  H. Kelsey                                       0.20
513-514         655-656         1970  United Nations                                  1.45
513p-514p       655p-656p       1970  United Nations (WT)                             1.90
515             657             1970  L. Riel                                         0.20
516             658             1970  A. MacKenzie                                    0.20
517             659             1970  O. Mowat                                        0.20
518             660             1970  Group of Seven/Art                              0.20
519-530         661-672         1970  Christmas (2 s/5v+2v)                           3.85
519p-530p       661p-672p       1970  Christmas (2 s/5v+2v) (WT)                      4.30
531             673             1970  D. Smith                                        0.20
532             674             1971  E. Carr/Art                                     0.20
533             675             1971  Insulin Discovery                               0.20
534             676             1971  E. Rutherford                                   0.20
535-538         677-680         1971  Maple Leaves in Four Seasons(4v)                0.80
539             681             1971  L. Papineau                                     0.20
540             682             1971  S. Hearne                                       0.20
541             683             1971  Radio Canada                                    1.30
541p            684             1971  Radio Canada (WT)                               1.80
542             684p            1971  Census                                          0.20
543             609             1971  Defs - 7c Transportation                        0.30
543p            609p            1971  Defs - 7c Transportation (WT)                   0.50
544             610             1971  Defs - 8c Library of Parliament                 0.20
544p            610p            1971  Defs - 8c Library of Parliament (WT) (DEX)      0.30
544p            610pc           1972  Defs - 8c Library of Parliament (WT) (PVA)      0.30
544p            610q            1971  Defs - 8c Library of Parliament (GT)            0.30
549             596             1971  Defs/Coils - 7c Transportation                  0.35
550             597             1971  Defs/Coils - 8c Library of Parliament           0.30
550p            597q            1971  Defs/Coils - 8c Library of Parliament (GT)      0.40
552             685             1971  British Columbia Centennial                     0.20
553             686             1971  P. Kane/Art                                     0.35
554-557         687-690         1971  Christmas/Snowflakes                            1.25
554p-557p       687p-690p       1971  Christmas/Snowflakes (WT)                       1.55
558             691             1971  P. Laporte                                      0.20
559             692             1972  Figure Skating                                  0.20
560             719             1972  Heart/World Health Day                          0.25
560p            719q            1972  Heart/World Health Day (GT)                     0.45
561             720             1972  Frontenac                                       0.20
561p            720p            1972  Frontenac (WT)                                  0.55
562-563         721-722         1972  Plains Indians #1 (pr)                          0.65
562p-563p       721q-722q       1972  Plains Indians #1 (pr) (GT)                     0.90
564-565         731-732         1972  Plains Indians #2 (pr)                          0.65
564p-565p       731q-732q       1972  Plains Indians #2 (pr) (GT)                     0.90
566-567         723-724         1973  Algonkian Indians #1 (pr)                       0.60
568-569         733-734         1973  Algonkian Indians #2 (pr)                       0.60
570-571         725-726         1974  Pacific Coast Indians #1 (pr)                   0.60
572-573         735-736         1974  Pacific Coast Indians #2 (pr)                   0.60
574-575         727-728         1975  Subarctic Indians #1 (pr)                       0.40
576-577         737-738         1975  Subarctic Indians #2 (pr)                       0.40
578-579         729-730         1976  Iroquoian Indians #1 (pr)                       0.40
580-581         739-740         1976  Iroquoian Indians #2 (pr)                       0.40
582-585         741-744         1972  Earth Sciences (b/4v)                           5.65
582-585         741-744         1972  Earth Sciences (ms/16v)                        24.50
582p-585p       741q-744q       1972  Earth Sciences (b/4v) (GT)                      8.00
582p-585p       741q-744q       1972  Earth Sciences (ms/16v) GT                     32.00
  586-601         693//708        1972  Defs - 1c-2.00 (17v)                             .--  
586             693             1973  Defs - 1c J. Macdonald                          0.20
587             694             1973  Defs - 2c W. Laurier                            0.20
588             695             1973  Defs - 3c R. Bordon                             0.20
589             696             1973  Defs - 4c W. King                               0.20
590             697             1973  Defs - 5c R. Bennett                            0.20
591             698             1973  Defs - 6c L. Pearson                            0.20
592             699             1974  Defs - 7c L. St. Laurent                        0.20
593             700             1973  Defs - 8c QEII (p.12x12.5)                      0.20
593b            700a            1976  Defs - 8c QEII (p.13x13.5)                      0.60
593A            701             1976  Defs - 10c QEII (p.13x13.5)                     0.20
593Ac           701a            1976  Defs - 10c QEII (p.12x12.5)                     0.30
594             702             1972  Defs - 10c Forest (T-1) (p.12.5x12)             0.25
595             703             1972  Defs - 15c Sheep (T-1) (p.12.5x12)              0.40
596             704             1972  Defs - 20c Prairies (p.12.5x12)                 0.40
597             705             1972  Defs - 25c Bears (T-1) (p.12.5x12)              0.45
598             706             1972  Defs - 50c Seashore (T-1) (p.12.5x12)           1.00
599             709             1973  Defs - $1 Vancouver (p.12.5x12)                 2.00
600             707             1972  Defs - $1 Vancouver (p.11)                      4.85
601             708             1972  Defs - $2 Quebec (p.11)                         3.60
594a-599a       702b-709a       1976  Defs - 10c-$1.00 (6v) (p.13.5)                   .--
594a            702b            1976  Defs - 10c Forest (T-2) (p.13)                  0.25
595a            703b            1976  Defs - 15c Sheep (T-2) (p.13)                   0.40
596a            704a            1976  Defs - 20c Prairies (p.13)                      0.50
597a            705b            1976  Defs - 25c Bears (T-2) (p.13)                   0.55
598a            706b            1976  Defs - 50c Seashore (T-2) (p.13)                1.45
599a            709a            1976  Defs - $1 Vancouver (p.13)                      2.00
604             710             1974  Defs/Coils - 8c QEII                            0.20
605             711             1976  Defs/Coils - 10c QEII                           0.30
606-609         745-748         1972  Christmas/Candles (4v)                          1.30
606p-609p       745p-748p       1972  Christmas/Candles (4v) (WT)                     2.00
606p-609p       745q-748q       1972  Christmas/Candles (4v) (GT)                     2.00
610             749             1972  C.Krieghoff/Painting                            0.25
610p            749q            1972  C.Krieghoff/Painting (GT)                       0.30
611             750             1973  F.Laval                                         0.20
612-614         751-753         1973  RCMP Centenary                                  1.10
615             754             1973  J. Mance                                        0.20
616             755             1973  J. Howe                                         0.20
617             756             1973  J. MacDonald/Painting                           0.45
618             757             1973  Price Edward Island Centennial                  0.20
619             758             1973  Scottish Settlers                               0.20
620-621         759-760         1973  QEII Royal Visit                                0.80
622             761             1973  N. McClung                                      0.20
623-624         762-763         1973  Montreal Olympic Games #1                       0.70
625-628         764-767         1973  Christmas (4v)                                  1.05
629-632         768-771         1974  Summer Sports (b/4v)                            1.30
633             775             1974  Winnipeg Centennial                             0.20
634-639         776-781         1974  Letter Carriers (b/6v)                          1.80
640             782             1974  Agriculture College                             0.20
641             783             1974  A. Bell/Telephone                               0.20
642             784             1974  Cycling Championship                            0.20
643             785             1974  Mennonite Settlers                              0.20
644-647         786-789         1974  Winter Sports (b/4v)                            1.15
648-649         790-791         1974  UPU Centenary                                   0.95
650-653         792-795         1974  Christmas (4v)                                  1.25
654             796             1974  G. Marconi/Inventor                             0.20
655             797             1974  Welland Canal/W.Merritt                         0.20
656-657         801-802         1975  Olympic Sculptures                              5.85
658-659         803-804         1975  L.Montgomery & M.Chapdelaine/Authors (pr)       0.35
660             805             1975  M. Bourgeoys                                    0.20
661             806             1975  A. Desjardins                                   0.20
662-663         807-808         1975  S. Chown & J. Cook/Church Leaders (pr)          0.35
664-666         809-811         1975  Track & Field Sports                            2.30
667             812             1975  Calgary Centenary                               0.20
668             813             1975  Women's Year                                    0.20
669             817             1975  Supreme Court                                   0.20
670-673         818-821         1975  Coastal Ships (b/4v)                            1.15
674-679         822-827         1975  Christmas (prs+2v)                              1.40
680             828             1975  Canadian Legion                                 0.20
681-683         842-844         1976  Olympic Ceremonies                              1.50
684-686         833-835         1976  Olympic Arts & Culture                          4.30
687-688         836-837         1976  Olympic Sites                                   7.00
689             832             1976  Innsbruck Olympic Games                         0.75
690             838             1976  Habitat Conference                              0.50
691             839             1976  B. Franklin                                     0.30
692-693         840-841         1976  Royal Military College (pr)                     0.40
694             845             1976  Disabled Olympiad                               0.50
695-696         846-847         1976  R.Service & G.Guevremont/Authors (pr)           0.40
697-699         848-850         1976  Christmas (3v)                                  0.75
700-703         851-854         1976  Inland Ships #2 (b/4v)                          1.15
704             855             1977  QEII 25th Anniversary                           0.55
705-727         856//884b       1977  Defs - 1c-2.00 (23v)                             .--
705             856             1977  Defs - 1c Bottle Gentian                        0.20
707             857             1977  Defs - 2c Western Columbine                     0.20
708             858             1977  Defs - 3c Canada Lily                           0.20
709             859             1977  Defs - 4c Hepatica                              0.20
710             860             1977  Defs - 5c Shooting Star                         0.20
711             861             1977  Defs - 10c Lady's Slipper (p.12x12.5)           0.20
711a            861a            1978  Defs - 10c Lady's Slipper (p.13x13.5)           0.35
712             866             1978  Defs - 12c Jewelweed                            0.25
713             868             1977  Defs - 12c QEII (p.13x13.5)                     0.20
713a            868a            1977  Defs - 12c QEII (p.12x12.5)                     0.40
714             872             1977  Defs - 12c Parliament                           0.20
715             874c            1978  Defs - 14c Parliament                           0.25
716             867             1978  Defs - 14c QEII (p.13x13.5)                     0.25
716a            867a            1978  Defs - 14c QEII (p.12x12.5) (ex-bklt)           0.35
717             875             1977  Defs - 15c Aspen                                0.40
718             876             1977  Defs - 20c Douglas Fir                          0.35
719             877             1977  Defs - 25c Sugar Maple                          0.40
720             878             1978  Defs - 30c Red Oak                              0.50
721             879             1979  Defs - 35c White Pine                           0.60
723             880             1978  Defs - 50c Prairie Street                       0.90
723A            883             1978  Defs - 50c Prairie Street "1978"                0.80
723C            883a            1982  Defs - 60c Street Scene                         1.00
724             881             1978  Defs - 75c Row Houses                           1.25
725             882             1978  Defs - 80c Maritime Street                      1.30
726             884             1979  Defs - $1 Fundy Park (GT)                       1.60
726a            884a            1981  Defs - $1 Fundy Park (untagged)                 2.20
727             884b            1979  Defs - $2 Kluane Park                           3.20
729             874b            1977  Defs/Coils - 12c Parliament                     0.20
730             874c            1978  Defs/Coils - 14c Parliament                     0.25
732             886             1977  Endangerd Wildlife/Cougar                       0.20
733-734         887-888         1977  T. Thompson/Art (pr)                            0.40
735             889             1977  Governors Generals                              0.20
736             890             1977  Order of Canada/Medal                           0.20
737             891             1977  Peace Bridge                                    0.20
738-739         892-893         1977  J. Bernier/S. Fleming (pr)                      0.40
740             894             1977  Parliamentary Conference/Peace Tower            0.65
741-743         895-897         1977  Christmas (3v)                                  0.80
744-747         902-905         1977  Sailing Ships (b/4v)                            0.80
748-749         898-899         1977  Inuit #1 (pr)                                   0.40
750-751         900-901         1977  Inuit #2 (pr)                                   0.40
752             906             1978  Endangered Wildlife/Falcon                      0.20
753-756         907,914-916     1978  CAPEX '78                                       2.85
756a            MS917           1978  CAPEX '78 (ss)                                  2.85
757-758         908-909         1978  Commonwealth Games #1                           0.75
759-762         918-921         1978  Commonwealth Games #2 (prs)                     1.45
763-764         910-911         1978  Captain Cook (pr)                               0.50
765-766         912-913         1978  Natural Resources (pr)                          0.50
767             922             1978  CNE Centennial/Grey Nuns                        0.25
768             923             1978  M. d'Youville                                   0.25
769-770         924-925         1978  Inuit #3 (pr)                                   0.50
771-772         926-927         1978  Inuit #4 (pr)                                   0.50
773-775         928-930         1978  Christmas (3v)                                  0.95
776-779         931-934         1978  Ships (b/4v)                                    1.00
780             935             1979  Winter Carnival                                 0.25
781-792         862b//869c      1977  Defs - 1c-32c (11v)                              .--
781             862b            1979  Defs - 1c Bottle Gentian (p.13x13.5)            0.20
781a            862             1977  Defs - 1c Bottle Gentian (p.12x12.5) (ex-bklt)  0.35
782             863b            1979  Defs - 2c Western Columbine (p.13x13.5)         0.20
782b            863             1978  Defs - 2c Western Columbine (p.12x12.5)(ex-bklt)0.35
783             864             1979  Defs - 3c Canada Lily                           0.20
784             864a            1979  Defs - 4c Hepatica                              0.20
785             865             1979  Defs - 5c Shooting Star                         0.20
786             865a            1979  Defs - 10c Lady's Slipper                       0.20
787             866a            1979  Defs - 15c Canada Violet                        0.25
789             869             1979  Defs - 17c QEII (p.13x13.5)                     0.30
789a            869a            1979  Defs - 17c QE II (p.12x12.5) (ex-bklt)          0.40
790             874             1979  Defs - 17c Parliament                           0.30
791             869b            1982  Defs - 30c QEII                                 0.50
792             869c            1983  Defs - 32c QEII                                 0.55
797             870             1979  Defs - 1c Parliament (ex-bklt)                  0.40
800             871             1979  Defs - 5c Parliament (ex-bklt)                  0.20
806             874d            1979  Defs/Coils  - 17c Parliament                    0.30
813             936             1979  Endangered Wildlife/Turtle                      0.30
814             937             1979  Endangered Wildlife/Whale                       0.60
815-816         938-939         1979  Postal Code (pr)                                0.60
817-818         940-941         1979  F.P.Grove & E.Nelligan/Authors (pr)             0.50
819-820         942-943         1979  Canadian Colonels/Military (pr)                 0.60
821-832         944a-944l       1979  Provincial/Territorial Flags (ss/12v)           3.60
833             956             1979  Kayak/Canoe Championship                        0.30
834             957             1979  Women's Field Hockey                            0.30
835-836         958-959         1979  Inuit/Art V (pr)                                0.60
837-838         960-961         1979  Inuit/Art VI (pr)                               0.60
839-841         962-964         1979  Christmas/Antique Toys (3v)                     1.10
842             965             1979  Year of the Child/Tree                          0.30
843-844         966-967         1979  Aircraft/Flying Boats I (pr)                    0.60
845-846         968-969         1979  Aircraft/Flying Boats II (pr)                   1.15
847           970            1980  Arctic Islands                                        0.30
848           971            1980  Lake Placid Winter Olympic Games                      0.65
849-850       972-973        1980  Academy of Arts I (pr)                                0.60
851-852       974-975        1980  Academy of Arts II (pr)                               1.15
853           976            1980  Endangered Wildlife/Whitefish                         0.35
854           977            1980  Endangered Wildlife/Prairie Chicken                   0.35
855           978            1980  Flower Show/Flowers                                   0.30
856           979            1980  Rehabilitation/Helping Hands                          0.30
857-858       980-981        1980  National Anthem/"O Canada" (pr)                       0.60
857-858       980-981        1980  National Anthem/"O Canada" (ms/16v)                   4.50
859           982            1980  J. Diefenbaker/Prime Minister                         0.30
860-861       983-984        1980  Musicians/E.Albani/H.Willan (pr)                      0.60
862           985            1980  Oarsman/N. Hanlan                                     0.30
863           986            1980  Saskatchewan                                          0.30
864           987            1980  Alberta                                               0.30
865           988            1980  Uranium Discovery                                     0.60
866-867       989-990        1980  Inuit/Spirits I (pr)                                  0.60
868-869       991-992        1980  Inuit/Spirits II (pr)                                 1.15
870-872       993-995        1980  Christmas/Greeting Cards                              1.10
873-874       996-997        1980  Military Aircraft I (pr)                              0.60
875-876       998-999        1980  Military Aircraft II (pr)                             1.15
877           1000           1980  E. Lachapelle/Physician                               0.30
878           1001           1981  Musical Instrument Exhibit/Mandora                    0.30
879-882       1002-1005      1981  Feminists (b/4v)                                      1.30
883           1006           1981  Endangered Wildlife/Marmot                            0.30
884           1007           1981  Endangered Wildlife/Wood Bison                        0.60
885-886       1008-1009      1981  Religious Pesonalities (pr)                           0.60
887-889       1010-1012      1981  Paintings                                             1.15
890-893       1013-1016      1981  Maps/Canada Day (s/4v)                                1.15
890-893       1013-1016      1981  Maps/Canada Day (ms/16v)                              4.50
894-895       1017-1018      1981  Botanists/F.Marie-Victorin/J.Macoun (pr)              0.60
896           1019           1981  Flowers/Montreal Rose                                 0.30
897           1020           1981  Niagara-on-the-Lake/Map                               0.30
898           1021           1981  Acadian Congress                                      0.30
899           1022           1981  A. Mosher/Labour Congress                             0.30
900-902       1023-1025      1981  Christmas/Trees                                       0.75
903-904       1026-1027      1981  Aircraft I (pr)                                       0.60
905-906       1028-1029      1981  Aircraft II (pr)                                      1.15
907           1030           1981  Defs - "A" Maple Leaf                                 0.75
908           1031           1981  Defs - "A" Maple Leaf (coil)                          0.70
909-913       1037-1041      1982  CANADA '82 Exhibition                                 3.05
913a          MS1042         1982  CANADA '82 Exhibition (ss)                            3.40
914           1043           1982  J. Leger/Governor General                             0.50
915           1044           1982  Marathon of Hope/T. Fox                               0.50
916           1045           1982  New Constitution                                      0.50
917           1054           1982  Defs - 1c Decoy                                       0.20
917a          1054b          1985  Defs - 1c Decoy (p.13x13.5)                           0.20
918           1055           1982  Defs - 2c Fishing Spear                               0.20
918a          1055b          1984  Defs - 2c Fishing Spear (p.13x13.5)                   0.20
919           1056           1982  Defs - 3c Lantern                                     0.20
919a          1056b          1985  Defs - 3c Lantern (p.13x13.5)                         0.20
920           1057           1982  Defs - 5c Bucket                                      0.20
920a          1057b          1984  Defs - 5c Bucket (p.13x13.5)                          0.20
921           1058           1982  Defs - 10c Weathercock                                0.20
921a          1058b          1985  Defs - 10c Weathercock (p.13x13.5)                    0.25
922           1059           1982  Defs - 20c Ice Skates                                 0.35
923           1032           1982  Defs - 30c Maple Leaf                                 0.50
923b          1032a          1982  Defs - 30c Maple Leaf (p.12x12.5) (t/se)              0.65
923b          1032a          1982  Defs - 30c Maple Leaf (p.12x12.5) 4s                  0.65
924           1032b          1983  Defs - 32c Maple Leaf                                 0.55
924b          1032ba         1983  Defs - 32c Maple Leaf (p.12x12.5)                     0.65
924b          1032ba         1983  Defs - 32c Maple Leaf (p.12x12.5)                     0.00
925           1155           1985  Defs - 34c Parliament                                 0.55
925b          1155b          1986  Defs - 34c Parliament (p.13.5x14) 3s                  0.55
925b          1155b          1986  Defs - 34c Parliament (p.13.5x14) 4s                  0.00
926           1161           1985  Defs - 34c QEII                                       0.60
926A          1162           1987  Defs - 36c QEII                                       2.85
926B          1156           1987  Defs - 36c Parliament                                 0.60
926Be         1156b          1987  Defs - 36c Parliament (p.13.5x14) 3s                  0.65
926Be         1156b          1987  Defs - 36c Parliament (p.13.5x14) 4s                  0.00
927           1061           1983  Defs - 37c Wooden Plough                              0.65
928           1062           1985  Defs - 39c Settle-bed                                 0.65
929           1064           1983  Defs - 48c Cradle                                     0.80
930           1065           1985  Defs - 50c Sleigh                                     0.80
932           1067           1983  Defs - 64c Wood Stove                                 1.00
933           1068           1985  Defs - 68c Spinning Wheel                             1.10
934           884b           1984  Defs - 1.00 Glacier National Park                     1.60
935           884c           1982  Defs - 1.50 Waterton Lakes Park                       3.00
936           885c           1985  Defs - 2.00 Banff National Park                       3.20
937           885d           1983  Defs - 5.00 Point Pelee Park                          8.00
938           1147           1987  Defs - 1c East Block (ex-bklt)                        0.20
939           1148           1985  Defs - 2c W.Block (deep green) (ex-bklt)              0.20
939a                         1989  Defs - 2c W.Block (slate green) (ex-bklt)             0.20
940           1033           1982  Defs - 5c Maple Leaf (ex-bklt)                        0.20
941           1149           1985  Defs - 5c East Block (ex-bklt)                        0.20
942           1150           1987  Defs - 6c West Block (ex-bklt)                        0.20
943           1033d          1983  Defs - 8c Maple Leaf (ex-bklt)                        0.40
944           1034           1982  Defs - 10c Maple Leaf (ex-bklt)                       0.35
945           1035           1982  Defs - 30c Maple Leaf (ex-bklt)                       0.65
946           1035b          1983  Defs - 32c Maple Leaf (ex-bklt)                       0.55
947           1151           1985  Defs - 34c Parliament (ex-bklt)                       0.95
948           1152           1987  Defs - 36c Parliament (ex-bklt)                       1.25
950           1036           1982  Defs - 30c Maple Leaf (coil)                          0.90
951           1036b          1983  Defs - 32c Maple Leaf (coil)                          0.70
952           1158           1985  Defs - 34c Parliament (coil)                          0.65
953           1159           1987  Defs - 36c Parliament (coil)                          0.70
954           1046           1982  Salvation Army                                        0.50
955-966       1047a-1047l    1982  Canada Day/Paintings (ss/12v)                         7.60
967           1048           1982  Regina Centenary                                      0.50
968           1049           1982  Henley Rowing Regatta                                 0.50
969-970       1050-1051      1982  Bush Aircraft I (pr)                                  1.30
971-972       1052-1053      1982  Bush Aircraft II (pr)                                 2.00
973-975       1080-1082      1982  Christmas/Creche Figures                              2.10
976           1083           1983  Communications Year                                   0.55
977           1084           1983  Commonwealth Day                                      7.60
978-979       1085-1086      1983  E.J.Pratt/L.Conan/Writers (pr)                        1.05
980           1087           1983  St. John Ambulance                                    0.55
981-982       1088-1089      1983  University Games                                      1.60
983-992       1090-1099      1983  Canada Day/Forts #1 (10v) (ex-bklt)                   6.80
993           1100           1983  Scouting Jamboree                                     0.55
994           1101           1983  Council of Churches Assembly                          0.55
995           1102           1983  H. Gilbert/Newfoundland Discovery                     0.55
996           1103           1983  Nickel Discovery                                      0.60
997           1104           1983  J. Henson/Abolitionist                                0.55
998           1105           1983  A. Labelle                                            0.55
999-1002      1106-1109      1983  Locomotives #1 (pr+2v)                                2.75
1003          1110           1983  Dalhousie Law School                                  0.55
1004-1006     1111-1113      1983  Christmas                                             2.20
1007-1008     1114-1115      1983  Army Regiments/Uniforms (pr)                          1.05
1009          1116           1984  Yellowknife Anniversary                               0.55
1010          1117           1984  Montreal Symphony                                     0.55
1011          1118           1984  J. Cartier/Quebec Landing                             0.55
1012          1119           1984  Tall Ship Visit                                       0.55
1013          1120           1984  Red Cross                                             0.55
1014          1121           1984  New Brunswick Bicentenary                             0.55
1015          1122           1984  St. Lawrence Seaway                                   0.55
1016-1027     MS1123         1984  Canada Day/Paintings (ss/12v)                         6.80
1028          1124           1984  United Empire Loyalists                               0.55
1029          1125           1984  Catholic Church                                       0.55
1030-1031     1126-1127      1984  Papal Visit                                           1.60
1032-1035     1128-1131      1984  Lighthouses #1 (b/4v)                                 2.25
1036-1039     1132-1135      1984  Locomotives #2 (pr+2v)                                3.05
1039a         MS1136         1984  Locomotives #2 (ss/4v)                                3.20
1040-1042     1137-1139      1984  Christmas                                             2.20
1043          1140           1984  Canadian Air Force                                    0.55
1044          1141           1984  T. Berthiaume                                         0.55
1045          1142           1985  Youth Year                                            0.55
1046          1143           1985  Canadians in Space                                    0.60
1047-1048     1144-1145      1985  T.Casgrain & E.Murphy/Feminists (pr)                  1.05
1049          1146           1985  G. Dumont/Metis Leader                                0.55
1050-1059     1163-1172      1985  Canada Day/Forts #2 (10v) (ex-bklt)                   8.80
1060          1173           1985  L. Hebert/Pharmacist                                  0.55
1061          1174           1985  Parliamentary Union Conference                        0.55
1062          1175           1985  Girl Guides                                           0.55
1063-1066     1176-1179      1985  Lighthouses #2 (b/4v)                                 2.90
1066b         MS1180         1985  Lighthouses/CAPEX '87 #2 (ss/4v)                      4.40
1067-1069     1182-1184      1985  Christmas - 34c,39c,68c (3v)                          2.50
1070          1181           1985  Christmas - 32c (ex-bklt)                             0.90
1071-1074     1185-1188      1985  Locomotives #3 (pr+2v)                                3.40
1075          1189           1985  Canadian Navy                                         0.55
1076          1190           1985  Painting/Montreal Museum                              0.55
1077          1191           1986  Calgary Winter Olympic Games                          0.55
1078-1079     1192-1193      1986  Vancouver EXPO '86                                    1.20
1080          1060           1987  Defs - 25c Butter Stamp                               0.55
1081          1063           1987  Defs - 42c Linen Chest                                1.00
1082          1066           1987  Defs - 55c Iron Kettle                                1.45
1083          1069           1987  Defs - 72c Horse-drawn Cart                           1.60
1084          885e           1986  Defs - 5.00 La Mauricie Park                          8.00
1090          1195           1986  P. De Gaspe/Author                                    0.55
1091          1194           1986  M. Brant/Indian Loyalist                              0.55
1092-1093     1196-1197      1986  Vancouver EXPO '86                                    1.65
1094          1198           1986  Military Postal Service                               0.55
1095-1098     1199-1202      1986  Birds/Ornithological Congress (b/4v)                  2.60
1099-1102     1203-1206      1986  Canada Day/Science & Technology (b/4v)                2.90
1103          1207           1986  CBC Broadcasting                                      0.55
1104-1107     1208-1211      1986  Exploration of Canada/Discoverers #1 (b/4v)           2.10
1107b         MS1212         1986  Exploration/CAPEX '87 (ss/4v)                         2.60
1108-1109     1213-1214      1986  Peacemakers/Crowfoot/J.Macleod (pr)                   1.05
1110          1215           1986  Year of Peace                                         0.55
1111-1112     1216-1217      1986  Calgary Winter Olympic Games (pr)                     1.05
1113-1115     1219-1221      1986  Christmas - 34c,39c,68c (3v)                          2.30
1116          1218           1986  Christmas - 29c (ex-bklt) (p.13.5)                    1.25
1116b         1218a          1986  Christmas - 29c (ex-bklt) (p.12.5)                    6.00
1117          1222           1986  J. Molson                                             0.55
1118-1121     1223-1226      1986  Locomotives #4 (pr+2v)                                3.50
1122-1125     1227-1230      1987  CAPEX '87/Post Offices                                3.10
1125A         MS1231         1987  CAPEX '87/Post Offices (ss/4v)                        3.20
1126-1129     1232-1235      1987  Exploration of Canada #2/Investigators (b/4v)         2.25
1130-1131     1236-1237      1987  Calgary Winter Olympic Games                          1.35
1132          1238           1987  Volunteer Week                                        0.65
1133          1239           1987  Law Day/Charter of Rights and Freedoms                0.65
1134          1240           1987  Engineering Institute                                 0.65
1135-1138     1241-1244      1987  Canada Day/Science & Technology #2 (b/4v)             2.45
1139-1140     1245-1246      1987  Steamships (pr)                                       1.25
1141-1144     1247-1250      1987  Shipwrecks (b/4v)                                     2.45
1145          1251           1987  Air Canada                                            0.65
1146          1252           1987  Francophone Summit                                    0.65
1147          1253           1987  Commonwealth Heads Meeting                            0.65
1148-1150     1255-1257      1987  Christmas - 36c,42c,72c (3v)                          2.55
1151          1254           1987  Christmas - 31c (ex-bklt)                             0.65
1152-1153     1258-1259      1987  Calgary Winter Olympic Games (pr)                     1.25
1154          1260           1987  Football/Grey Cup                                     0.65
1155          1261           1988  Defs - 1c Squirrel (p.13x13.5)                        0.20
1155a         1261a          1991  Defs - 1c Squirrel (p.13x12.5)                        3.20
1156          1262           1988  Defs - 2c Porcupine (p.13x13.5)                       0.20
1157          1263           1988  Defs - 3c Muskrat (p.13x13.5)                         0.20
1158          1264           1988  Defs - 5c Hare (p.13x13.5)                            0.20
1159          1265           1988  Defs - 6c Red Fox (p.13x13.5)                         0.20
1160          1266           1988  Defs - 10c Skunk (p.13x13.5)                          0.20
1160a         1266a          1991  Defs - 10c Skunk (p.13x12.5)                          3.20
1161          1267           1988  Defs - 25c Beaver (p.13x13.5)                         0.40
1162          1162a          1987  Defs - 37c QEII (p.13.5x13)                           0.70
1163          1157           1987  Defs - 37c Parliament (p.13.5x13)                     0.70
1163c         1157a          1988  Defs - 37c Parliament (p.13.5x14) 4s                  0.85
1163c         1157a          1988  Defs - 37c Parliament (p.13.5x14) 3s                  0.70
1164          1162b          1988  Defs - 38c QEII (p.13x12.5)                           0.70
1164a         1162bc         1988  Defs - 38c QEII (p.13x13.5) 4s                        0.85
1164a         1162bc         1988  Defs - 38c QEII (p.13x13.5) 3s                        0.70
1165          1157c          1988  Defs - 38c Parliament (p.13x13.5)                     0.70
1166          1354           1989  Defs - 39c Flag (Clouds) (p.13.5x13)                  0.70
1166c         1354c          1990  Defs - 39c Flag (Clouds) (p.12.5x13)                 15.20
1167          1162c          1990  Defs - 39c QEII (p.13x13.5)                           0.70
1167b         1162cc         1990  Defs - 39c QEII (p.13)                                8.80
1168          1162d          1990  Defs - 40c QEII (p.13x13.5)                           0.70
1169          1355           1990  Defs - 40c Flag (Mountains) p.13.5x13                 0.70
1170          1268           1988  Defs - 43c Lynx (p.12x12.5)                           1.00
1171          1269           1989  Defs - 44c Walrus (p.14.5x14)                         1.45
1171a         1269a          1989  Defs - 44c Walrus (p.12.5x13)                         2.60
1171c         1269c          1989  Defs - 44c Walrus (p.13.5x13)                       380.00
1172          1270           1990  Defs - 45c Pronghorn (p.14.5x14)                      0.80
1172d         1270b          1990  Defs - 45c Pronghorn (p.13x13)                       18.00
1172f         1270a          1990  Defs - 45c Pronghorn (p.12.5x13)                      2.45
1172A         1270ca         1990  Defs - 46c Wolverine (p.13x13)                        0.90
1172Ac        1270cb         1990  Defs - 46c Wolverine (p.12.5x13)                      1.25
1172Ag        1270c          1990  Defs - 46c Wolverine (p.14.5x14)                      4.85
1173          1271           1988  Defs - 57c Killer Whale (p.12x12.5)                   1.05
1174          1272           1989  Defs - 59c Musk Ox (p.14.5x14)                        1.25
1174a         1272b          1989  Defs - 59c Musk Ox (p.13x13)                         10.40
1175          1273           1990  Defs - 61c Timber Wolf (p.14.5x14)                    1.00
1175a         1273a          1990  Defs - 61c Timber Wolf (p.13)                        68.00
1176          1273b          1990  Defs - 63c Porpoise (p.14.5x14)                       2.60
1176a         1273ba         1990  Defs - 63c Porpoise (p.13)                           10.00
1177          1274           1988  Defs - 74c Wapiti (p.12x12.5)                         1.80
1178          1275           1989  Defs - 76c Grizzly Bear (p.14.5x14)                   1.80
1178a         1275a          1989  Defs - 76c Grizzly Bear (p.12.5x13)                   2.85
1178c         1275c          1989  Defs - 76c Grizzly Bear (p.13x13)                    34.00
1179          1276           1990  Defs - 78c Beluga Whale (p.14.5x14)                   2.00
1179b         1276b          1990  Defs - 78c Beluga Whale (p.13)                       30.00
1179c         1276a          1990  Defs - 78c Beluga Whale (p.12.5x13)                   2.85
1180          1276ca         1990  Defs - 80c Peary Caribou (p.13)                       1.80
1180a         1276cb         1990  Defs - 80c Peary Caribou (p.12.5x13)                  2.60
1180c         1276c          1990  Defs - 80c Peary Caribou (p.14.5x14)                  5.20
1181          1277           1989  Defs - $1.00 Runnymede Library                        1.60
1182          1278           1989  Defs - $2.00 Railway Station                          3.20
1183          1279           1990  Defs - $5.00 Bonseceurs Market                        8.00
1184          1350           1990  Defs - 1c Flag (yellow) (ex-bklt) (p.13.5x14)         0.20
1184a         1350b          1990  Defs - 1c Flag (yellow) (ex-bklt) (p.12.5x13)        10.00
1185          1351           1990  Defs - 5c Flag (pink) (ex-bklt) (p.13.5x14)           0.20
1185a         1351a          1990  Defs - 5c Flag (pink) (ex-bklt) (p.12.5x13)           6.80
1186          1150b          1989  Defs - 6c purple  (Parliament) (ex-bklt)              0.65
1187          1153           1988  Defs - 37c blue (Parliament) (ex-bklt)                0.90
1188          1154           1989  Defs - 38c blue  (Parliament) (ex-bklt)               0.80
1189          1352           1990  Defs - 39c Flag (p.13.5x14)                           0.80
1189b         1352a          1990  Defs - 39c Flag (p.12.5x13)                          14.00
1190          1353           1990  Defs - 40c Flag (blue)                                1.45
1191          1328           1989  Defs - 38c Flag/Forest (sa : ex-bklt)                 1.45
1192          1328b          1990  Defs - 39c Flag/Prairie Scene  (sa : ex-bklt)         1.25
1193          1328c          1991  Defs - 40c Flag/Seacoast (sa : ex-bklt)               1.25
1194          1160           1988  Defs - 37c blue (Parliament) (coil)                   0.65
1194A         1160b          1989  Defs - 38c green (Parliament) (coil)                  1.00
1194B         1360           1990  Defs - 39c violet (Flag) (coil)                       0.70
1194C         1361           1990  Defs - 40c blue grey (Flag) (coil)                    0.70
1195-1198     1281-1284      1988  Calgary Winter Olympic Games (pr+2v)                  3.10
1199-1202     1285-1288      1988  Exploration of Canada/Recognizers (b/4v)              2.45
1203          1289           1988  Art/O.Leduc/The Young Reader                          1.00
1204-1205     1290-1291      1988  Wildlife Conservation/Duck/Moose (pr)                 1.25
1206-1209     1292-1295      1988  Science & Technology #3 (b/4v)                        2.45
1210-1213     1296-1299      1988  Butterflies/Entomology Congress (b/4v)                2.45
1214          1300           1988  Newfoundland St. John's Centennial                    0.65
1215          1301           1988  4-H Clubs                                             0.65
1216          1302           1988  First Industrial Complex                              0.65
1217-1220     1303-1306      1988  Dogs/Kennel Club (b/4v)                               3.55
1221          1307           1988  Baseball                                              0.65
1222-1224     1309-1311      1988  Christmas - 37c,43c,74c (3v)                          2.60
1225          1308           1988  Christmas - 32c (ex-bklt)                             0.90
1226          1312           1988  C.Inglis/Anglican Bishop                              0.65
1227          1313           1988  F.Hopkins/Painter                                     0.65
1228          1314           1988  A. Walters/"Bluenose"                                 0.65
1229-1232     1315-1318      1989  Native Small Boats (b/4v)                             2.45
1233-1236     1319-1322      1989  Exploration of Canada #4/Realizers (b/4v)             2.45
1237-1240     1323-1326      1989  Photography (b/4v)                                    2.45
1241          1327           1989  Art/Indian Ceremonial Frontlet                        1.00
1243-1244     1329-1330      1989  Poets/L.Frechette/A.Lampman (pr)                      1.25
1245-1248     1331-1334      1989  Mushrooms (b/4v)                                      2.45
1249-1250     1335-1336      1989  Infantry Regiments (v/pr)                             1.30
1251          1337           1989  International Trade                                   0.65
1252-1255     1338-1341      1989  Performing Arts (b/4v)                                2.45
1256-1258     1343-1345      1989  Christmas - 38c,44c,76c (3v)                          2.55
1256b         1343a          1989  Christmas - 38c (ex-bklt) (p.13x12.5)                 4.00
1259          1342           1989  Christmas - 33c (ex-bklt) (p.12.5x13.5)               1.25
1260-1263     1346-1349      1989  World War II (1939) (b/4v)                            2.75
Abbreviations:   ex-bklt - stamp exists only from a booklet, WT - Winnipeg phosphor tagged, GT - Ottawa phosphor tagged.


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