Stanley Lisica LLC
Cook Is. Postage Stamps (1946-2018)
A price list(1946-2018) of Cook Islands postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the 2020 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Calalogue with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.   S.G. #'s are from the 2007 Eastern Pacific Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue withupdates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
June 28, 2019 

Click here ==>  COOK ISLANDS    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
127-130         146-149         1946  Peace/Victory (ovpt)                                    1.75  
131-140         150-159         1949  Defs/Views - 1/2d-3sh (10v)                            43.70  
(134)           153b            1961  Defs/Views - 3d Map & Palms (s/wmk)                     4.20  
145-146         160-161         1953  QEII Coronation                                         2.35  
147             162             1960  Defs/Views - 1/6p/5d Rarotonga Airfield (surch)         0.60  
148-158         163-173         1963  Defs - 1d-5sh (11v)                                    31.75  
159             174             1965  Solar Eclipse                                           0.30  
160-163         175-178         1965  Self Government                                         1.00  
164-169         179-184         1966  Self Government/Views/W.CHURCHILL  (ovpt)              10.55  
170-174         194a-198a       1966  Christmas (p.14.5x13)                                   1.30  
170a-174a       194-198         1966  Christmas (p.13x12)                                    57.80  
175-178,C10-C11 199-204         1967  Second South Pacific Games - 1/2p-2/3p (6v)             1.20  
179-191         205//218        1967  Defs - 1c-1.00 (surch) (13v)                           50.25  
180//187        206//214        1967  Defs - 2c-10c (surch) (6v)                               .--  
179//191        205//218        1967  Defs - 1c-1.00 (surch) (7v)                             .--  
181a            208             1967  Defs - 2 1/2c (Type II) (1v)                             .--  
181b            207a            1967  Defs - 2 1/2c (Type I and  II) (pr)                      .--  
192-194         219//221        1967  NZ Fiscal - $2,$6,$10 (surch) (3v)                       .--  
195-198         222-225         1967  Cook Is. 75th Stamp Anniversary                         1.55  
198a            MS226           1967  Cook Is. 75th Stamp Anniversary (ss/4v)                 2.75  
199-220         227A-248A       1967  Defs/Flowers - 1/2c-10.00 (23v)                        31.05  
199-210         227A-238A       1967  Defs/Flowers - 1/2c-10c (12v)                           6.10  
211-215         239A-243A       1967  Defs/Flowers - 15c-50c (5v)                             7.05  
216-217         244A-245A       1967  Defs/Flowers - 1.00,2.00 (2v)                           6.85  
218a                            1967  Defs/Flowers - 4.00 (T-I)                              36.00  
218-219         246A-247A       1968  Defs/Flowers - 4.00,6.00 (2v)                           3.50  
219A            247cA           1969  Defs/Flowers - 8.00 (1v)                                5.45  
220             248A            1968  Defs/Flowers - 10.00 (1v)                               3.85  
(199-220)       227B-248B       1970  Defs/Flowers - 1/2c-10.00 (flsc) (22v)                   .--  
(199-215)       227B-243B       1970  Defs/Flowers - 1/2c-50c (flsc) (16v)                     .--  
(216-217)       244B-245B       1970  Defs/Flowers - 1.00,2.00  (flsc) (2v)                    .--  
(218)           246B            1970  Defs/Flowers - 4.00  (flsc) (type-I)                     .--  
(218)           246Ba           1971  Defs/Flowers - 4.00  (flsc) (type-II)                    .--  
(219)           247B            1971  Defs/Flowers - 6.00  (flsc) (1v)                         .--  
(219A)          247cB           1971  Defs/Flowers - 8.00 (flsc) (1v)                          .--  
(220)           248B            1971  Defs/Flowers - 10.00 (flsc) (1v)                         .--  
221-226         249-254         1967  Gauguin Paintings                                       1.50  
226a            MS255           1967  Gauguin Paintings (ss/6v)                               2.45  
227-232         256-261         1967  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.25  
233-236,C12-C15 269-276         1968  Capt.J.Cook's Voyage (w/airmail) (8v)                   3.00  
237-242         277-282         1968  Mexico Olympic Games                                    1.75  
243-247         283-287         1968  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.10  
247a            MS288           1968  Christmas/Paintings (ss/5v)                             1.55  
248-253         289-294         1969  Boy Scout Jamboree : Christchurch, NZ                   1.30  
254-258         295-304         1969  Third South Pacific Games (prs)                         5.95  
258c            MS305           1969  Third South Pacific Games (ss/5v)                       7.15  
264-267         306-309         1969  South Pacific Conference                                2.00  
268-272         310-314         1969  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.00  
272a            MS315           1969  Christmas/Paintings (ss/5v)                             1.30  
273-276         316-319         1970  Easter/Paintings                                        0.80  
276a            MS320           1970  Easter/Paintings (ss/4v)                                1.25  
277-283         321//327a       1970  Flowers/APOLLO13 SPLASHDOWN (ovpt) (7v)                 4.80  
277-282         321//326        1970  Flowers/APOLLO13 SPLASHDOWN (ovpt) (6v)                  .--  
283             327a            1970  Flowers/APOLLO13 SPLASHDOWN - $4 (ovpt) (flsc)           .--  
(283)           327             1970  Flowers/APOLLO13 SPLASHDOWN - $4 (ovpt) (plain GA)      .--  
284-286         328-330         1970  Royal Visit                                             5.35  
286a            MS331           1970  Royal Visit (ss/3v)                                     8.50  
287-289         332-334         1970  Royal Visit/SELF GOVERNMENT ANNIVERSARY (ovpt)          3.00  
290-291         335a-336a       1970  Defs/Flowers - $4/$8,$4/$10 (flsc) (surch) (2v)         4.40  
(290-291)       335-336         1970  Defs/Flowers - $4/$8,$4/$10 (plain) (surch) (2v)       63.30  
292-296         337-341         1970  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.00  
296a            MS342           1970  Christmas/Paintings (ss/5v)                             1.35  
296B-296C       343-344         1971  Flowers/U.K. SPECIAL MAIL DELIVERY (ovpt)               1.50  
297-301         345-349         1971  Royal Visit                                             3.60  
301a            MS350           1971  Royal Visit (ss/5v+labs)                                5.20  
302-304,B8-B13  351-359         1971  Flowers/4th South Pacific Games (ovpt) (9v)             2.65  
305-309         360-364         1971  Defs/Flowers - 10c (surch) (5v)                         0.90  
310-314         365-369         1971  Christmas/G.Bellini/Paintings                           1.75  
314a            MS370           1971  Christmas/G.Bellini/Paintings (ss/5v)                   2.05  
315             372             1972  Flowers/SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION (ovpt)                 0.65  
316-318         373-375         1972  Easter/Paintings                                        0.75  
318a            MS376           1972  Easter/Paintings (ss/3v)                                0.90  
319-322         383-390         1972  Apollo Moon Flights (prs)                               3.40  
322c            MS391           1972  Apollo Moon Flights (ss/8v)                             5.35  
327-329         401-403         1972  Munich Olympic Games                                    1.30  
329a            MS405           1972  Munich Olympic Games (ss/3v)                            1.80  
330-334         406-410         1972  Christmas/Paintings                                     2.20  
334a            MS411           1972  Christmas/Paintings (ss/5v)                             3.45  
335-338         413-416         1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     1.40  
339-345         417-423         1973  QEII Silver Wedding/Coins                               2.30  
346-348         424-426         1973  Easter/Paintings                                        0.80  
348a            MS427           1973  Easter/Paintings (ss/3v)                                0.90  
349             429             1973  QEII Coronation 20th Anniversary                        0.60  
350             MS430           1973  QEII Coronation 20th Anniversary (ss)                   2.50  
351-356         431-436         1973  Flowers/NUCLEAR TEST BAN TREATY(ovpt)                   1.25  
357-363         437-443         1973  Historic Maori Sailing Craft                            3.20  
364-368         444-448         1973  Christmas/"Book of Hours" Scenes                        0.95  
368a            MS449           1973  Christmas/"Book of Hours" Scenes (ss/5v)                0.80  
369-371         450-452         1973  Anne & Mark Wedding                                     0.70  
371a            MS453           1973  Anne & Mark Wedding (ss/3v)                             0.80  
372-376         455-459         1974  Tenth Commonwealth Games                                1.20  
377             MS460           1974  Tenth Commonwealth Games (ss)                           1.00  
378-380         461-463         1974  Easter/Paintings                                        0.70  
380a            MS464           1974  Easter/Paintings (ss/3v)                                1.25  
381-402         466-487         1974  Defs/Sea Shells - 1/2c-10.00 (22v)                     66.90  
381-394         466-479         1974  Defs/Sea Shells - 1/2c-30c (14v)                        7.30  
395-397         480-482         1974  Defs/Sea Shells - 50c,60c,1.00 (3v)                    15.85  
398             483             1975  Defs/Sea Shells - 2.00 (1v)                             1.90  
399             484             1975  Defs/Sea Shells - 4.00 (1v)                             2.95  
400             485             1975  Defs/Sea Shells - 6.00 (1v)                             9.90  
401             486             1975  Defs/Sea Shells - 8.00 (1v)                            11.90  
402             487             1975  Defs/Sea Shells - 10.00 (1v)                           16.90  
403-405         488-490         1974  World Cup Soccer                                        1.25  
405a            MS491           1974  World Cup Soccer (ss/3v)                                1.30  
406-407         492-493         1974  Coins/Capt.J.Cook's 2nd Voyage                         27.50  
407a            MS494           1974  Coins/Capt.J.Cook's 2nd Voyage (ss/2v)                 33.60  
408-411         495-498         1974  UPU Centenary                                           1.50  
411a            MS499           1974  UPU Centenary (ss/4v)                                   1.40  
412-416         500-504         1974  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.55  
416a            MS505           1974  Christmas/Paintings (ss/5v)                             1.65  
417-421         506-510         1974  W.Churchill                                             1.65  
421a            MS511           1974  W.Churchill (ss/5v)                                     2.15  
422-426         513-517         1975  Pacific Explorers/Ships                                 5.85  
427-429         518-523         1975  Apollo Soyuz Space Project (prs)                        2.75  
429c            MS524           1975  Apollo Soyuz Space Project (ss/6v)                      2.30  
433             525             1975  Coin/Capt.J.Cook's 2nd Voyage                           2.90  
434-436         526-528         1975  Self Government 10th Anniversary                        2.05  
437-441         529-533         1975  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.35  
441a            MS534           1975  Christmas/Paintings (ss/5v)                             1.45  
442-444         536-238         1976  Easter/Paintings                                        1.60  
444a            MS539           1976  Easter/Paintings (ss/3v)                                1.50  
445-446         541-542         1976  US Bicentennial                                        10.15  
447             MS543           1976  US Bicentennial (ss)                                   10.50  
448-449         544-545         1976  US Bicentennial/ROYAL VISIT (ovpt)                      7.75  
450             MS546           1976  US Bicentennial/ROYAL VISIT (ss) (ovpt)                 6.50  
451-454         547-554         1976  Montreal Olympic Games (prs)                            2.55  
454c            MS555           1976  Montreal Olympic Games (ss/8v)                          3.45  
459-463         556-560         1976  Christmas/Sculptures                                    1.00  
463a            561             1976  Christmas/Sculptures (ss/5v)                            1.10  
464             563             1976  Coins/National Wildlife Conservation Day                1.55  
465-467         564-569         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee (prs)                               2.30  
467c            MS570           1977  QEII Silver Jubilee (ss/6v)                             2.40  
471-473         571-573         1977  Easter/Rubens/Paintings                                 1.75  
473a            MS574           1977  Easter/Rubens/Painings (ss/3v)                          1.80  
474-478         576-580         1977  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.45  
478a            MS581           1977  Christmas/Paintings (ss/5v)                             1.50  
479             583             1977  Coins/National Wildlife Conservation Day                1.55  
480-482         584-586         1978  Capt.J.Cook/Discovery of Hawaii                         4.10  
482a            MS587           1978  Capt.J.Cook/Discovery of Hawaii (ss/3v)                 4.25  
483-485         588-590         1978  Easter/Paintings                                        1.35  
485a            MS591           1978  Easter/Paintings (ss/3v)                                1.10  
486-487         593-600         1978  QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary (2 ss/4v)              2.40  
487e            MS601           1978  QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary (ss/8v)                1.95  
488-498         602-612         1978  Defs/Shells - 5c-17c (11v) (surch)                      5.45  
499-501         613-615         1978  Capt.J.Cook's 250th Birth Anniversary (ovpt)            4.55  
501a            MS616           1978  Capt.J.Cook's 250th Birth Anniversary(ovpt)(ss/3v)     13.20  
502             617             1978  Coins/National Wildlife Conservation Day                1.40  
503-505         618-620         1978  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.40  
505a            MS621           1978  Christmas/Paintings (ss/3v)                             1.50  
506-509         623-626         1979  Easter/G.deCrayar/Paintings                             1.20  
510-513         628-631         1979  Capt.J.Cook's Death Bicentenary                         2.10  
513a            MS632           1979  Capt.J.Cook's Death Bicentenary (ss/4v)                 2.35  
514-516         633-644         1979  R.Hill/Mail Transportation (3 b/4v)                     3.10  
516e            MS645           1979  R.Hill/Mail Transportation (ss/12v)                     3.55  
526-528         646-648         1979  Defs/Sea Shells - 6c,10c,15c (surch) (3v)               0.55  
529-531         649-651         1979  Year of the Child                                       0.95  
532-535         653-656         1979  Apollo 11/Moon Landing 10th Anniversary                 1.90  
535a            MS657           1979  Apollo 11/Moon Landing 10th Anniversary (ss/4v)         2.35  
536             658             1979  Coins/National Wildlife Conservation                    1.50  
537-540,B76-B79 659-662,667-67  1979  Christmas/Flowers/Tree Ornaments (8v)                   1.65  
541-543         675-680         1980  Easter/G.Dore/Illustrations (v/prs)                     1.80  
547-549         683-685         1980  Rotary International 75th Anniversary                   1.20  
550-552         687-698         1980  R.Hill/ZEAPEX '80 (ovpt) (3 b/4v)                       4.75  
552e            MS699           1980  R.Hill/ZEAPEX '80 (ovpt) (ss/12v)                       5.80  
553             MS700           1980  Easter/G.Dore/Paintings/ZEAPEX '80 (ovpt) (ss/6v)       1.80  
554             701             1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday                              0.65  
554             701             1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday (ms/9v)                      6.20  
555             MS702           1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday (ss)                         1.25  
556-559         703-706,708-71  1980  J.Verne,Author/J.Kepler,Astronomer (prs)                4.80  
558c,559c       MS707,MS712     1980  J.Verne,Author/J.Kepler,Astronomer (2 ss/4v)            5.10  
564-586         713-789         1980  Defs/Corals - 1c-10.00 (12 s/4v,6 b/4v+5v)             85.35  
564-569         713-736         1980  Defs/Corals - 1c,3c,4c,5c,6c,8c (6 s/4v)                3.90  
570-575         737-760         1980  Defs/Corals - 10,12,15,20,25,30c (6 s/4v)               7.35  
576-578         761-772         1981  Defs/Corals - 35c,50c,60c (3 b/4v)                      6.95  
579-580         773-780         1981  Defs/Corals - 70c,80c (2 b/4v)                         14.00  
581             781-784         1981  Defs/Corals - 1.00 (b/4v)                               7.40  
582-583         785-786         1981  Defs/Corals - 2.00,3.00 (2v)                           16.90  
584-585         787-788         1982  Defs/Corals - 4.00,6.00 (2v)                            9.50  
586             789             1982  Defs/Corals - 10.00 (1v)                               20.40  
652-655         801-804         1980  Christmas/Prayer Book Illustrations                     1.30  
655a            MS805           1980  Christmas/Prayer Book Illustrations (ss/4v)             1.20  
656-658         807-809         1981  Easter/Prayer Book Illustrations                        1.05  
659-660         812-813         1981  Diana & Charles Wedding                                 1.35  
660a            MS814           1981  Diana & Charles Wedding (ss/2v)                         1.60  
661-664         815-822         1981  World Cup Soccer/ESPANA '82 (prs)                       4.90  
669-672         827-830         1981  Christmas/Rubens/Paintings                              2.95  
673-676         MS832           1982  Christmas/Rubens/Paintings (4 ss)                       3.15  
677-678         833a-836a       1982  Diana 21st Birthday (prs)                               7.95  
678c            MS837           1982  Diana 21st Birthday (ss/2v)                             6.05  
679-680         838-841         1982  Wedding/Birth of William #1 (prs) (ovpt)                5.10  
680c            MS842           1982  Wedding/Birth of William #1 (ovpt) (ss/2v)              3.75  
681-682         843-846         1982  Diana Birthday/Birth of William #2 (prs)                6.85  
682c            MS847           1982  Diana Birthday/Birth of William #2 (ss/2v)              5.10  
683-686         848-851         1982  N.Rockwell/Paintings (4v)                               0.85  
687-690         856-859         1982  Christmas/Paintings/Diana                               8.20  
691             MS860           1982  Christmas/Paintings/Diana (ss/4v)                       5.90  
692-695         MS861           1982  Christmas/Birth of William/Diana (4 ss)                 7.00  
696             862-865         1982  Commonwealth Day (b/4v)                                 2.35  
700-703         866-873         1983  Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary (prs)                       6.20  
704             MS874           1983  Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary (ss/8v)                     6.00  
705-708         875-882         1983  World Scout 15th Jamboree : Alberta (prs) (ovpt)        7.85  
709             MS883           1983  World Scout 15th Jamboree : Alberta (ss/8v) (ovpt)      5.60  
710-716         884//912        1983  Defs/Corals - 18c-5.60 (4 s/4v,b/4v+2v) (surch)          .--  
732-737         914-925         1983  Flags and Ensigns (prs)                                 8.35  
734c,737c       MS926           1983  Flags and Ensigns (2 ss/6v)                             4.95  
738-740         896//913        1983  Corals/Diana  - 36c,96c,5.60 (surch) (b/4v,pr,1v)        .--  
744-747         927-930         1983  Communications Year/Satellites                          4.55  
748             MS931           1983  Communications Year/Satellites (ss)                     3.30  
749-753         932-936         1983  Christmas/Raphael/Paintings                             7.10  
754             MS937           1983  Christmas/Raphael/Paintings (ss/5v)                     2.75  
755-759         MS938           1983  Christmas/Raphael/Paintings (5 ss)                      5.45  
760-764         939-943         1984  Manned Flight Bicentenary/Balloons                      4.40  
765             MS944           1984  Manned Flight Bicentenary/Balloons (ss)                 2.95  
766             MS945           1984  Manned Flight Bicentenary/Balloons (ss/5v)              4.25  
767-778         946-957         1984  Save the Whales Campaign (12v)                         16.70  
779-786         958-965         1984  Los Angeles Olympics                                    5.75  
787-815         966-994         1984  Defs/Corals - 1c-9.60 (29v)                            60.15  
787-801         966-980         1984  Defs/Corals - 1c-48c (15v)                              8.80  
802-810         981-989         1984  Defs/Corals - 50c-1.20 (9v)                            14.80  
811-813         990-992         1984  Defs/Corals - 3.60,4.20,5.00 (surch) (3v)              18.20  
814             993             1984  Defs/Corals - 7.20 (surch) (1v)                         8.45  
815             994             1984  Defs/Corals - 9.60 (surch) (1v)                        10.05  
826-828         995-997         1984  Los Angeles Olympics/WINNERS (ovpt)                     3.20  
829-832         998-1001        1984  AUSIPEX '84/Capt.J. Cook                                9.55  
832a            MS1002          1984  AUSIPEX '84/Capt.J. Cook (ss)                           8.10  
832b            MS1078          1986  STAMPEX '86/Capt.J. Cook (ss) (ovpt)                    7.70  
833-835         1003-1007       1984  Diana & William/Birth of Henry (ovpt) (2 prs+1v)        8.80  
838-842         1008-1012       1984  Christmas/Paintings                                     9.90  
843             MS1013          1984  Christmas/Paintings (ss/5v)                             3.95  
844-848         MS1014          1984  Christmas/Paintings (5 ss)                              5.95  
849-854         1015-1020       1985  J.Audubon/Birds                                        13.20  
855-857         MS1021          1985  J.Audubon/Birds (3 ss)                                 12.40  
858-865         1022-1029       1985  Famous Locomotives                                      3.95  
866-869         1030-1033       1985  Youth Year/Paintings                                   14.05  
870             MS1034          1985  Youth Year/Paintings (ss/4v)                            8.55  
871-874         1035-1038       1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (4v)                       3.20  
874A            MS1079          1986  Queen Mother 86th Birthday (ss/4v)                      7.70  
875             MS1039          1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       3.65  
876-878         1040-1042       1985  Self Government 20th Anniversary/Ministers              4.35  
879             MS1043          1985  Self Government 20th Anniversary/Ministers (ss/3v)      3.20  
880-882         1044-1046       1985  South Pacific Mini Games                               12.35  
883             MS1047          1985  South Pacific Mini Games (ss/3v)                       11.25  
884-886         1048-1050       1985  Pacific Islands Conference                              4.35  
887             MS1051          1985  Pacific Islands Conference (ss/3v)                      2.40  
888-891         1052-1055       1985  Christmas/Botticelli/Paintings                          9.50  
892             MS1056          1985  Christmas/Botticelli/Paintings (ss/4v)                  5.50  
893-896         MS1057          1985  Christmas/Botticelli/Paintings (4 ss)                   9.90  
897-901         1058-1062       1986  Halley's Comet/Paintings                                9.80  
902             MS1063          1986  Halley's Comet/Paintings (ss/5v)                        6.10  
903             MS1064          1986  Halley's Comet/Paintings (ss)                           7.40  
904-906         1065-1067       1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      3.90  
907-909         MS1068          1986  QEII 60th Birthday (3 ss)                               9.70  
910-912         1069-1071       1986  AMERIPEX '86                                           13.90  
913-915         1072-1074       1986  Statue of Liberty Centenary                             4.50  
916-918         1075-1077       1986  Andrew & Sarah Wedding                                  4.30  
919-921         1080-1082       1986  Christmas/Rubens/Paintings                              9.95  
922             MS1083          1986  Christmas/Rubens/Paintings (ss/3v)                     12.60  
923             MS1084          1986  Christmas/Rubens/Paintings (ss)                        13.50  
948-982         1090-1149       1987  Defs/Corals - 5c-9.40(surch)(4 s/4v,4 b/4v,pr,26v)    116.25  
953//979        1090//1121      1987  Defs/Corals - 10c-7.20  (surch) (8 b/4v+2v)              .--  
980//982        1124//1127      1987  Defs/Charles & Diana - 9.40 (surch)  (2v,pr)             .--  
948//967        1128//1139      1987  Defs/Corals - 5c-95c (surch) (12v)                       .--  
968//977        1140//1149      1987  Defs/Corals - 1.30,2.80 (surch) (10v)                    .--  
984-988         1150-1156       1987  Corals/Royal Birth - 2.80-9.40  (surch) (2 prs+3v)     47.50  
989             MS1157          1987  Royal Birth - 9.20/1.00 (ss/2v) (surch)                13.50  
991-992         1193-1194       1987  Corals/QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary (ovpt)             7.30  
993-995         1195-1197       1987  Christmas/Rembrandt/Paintings                           9.45  
996             MS1198          1987  Christmas/Rembrandt/Paintings (ss/3v)                   8.00  
997             MS1199          1987  Christmas/Rembrandt/Paintings (ss)                      9.90  
998             1200-1202       1987  Seoul Olympic Games (s/3v)                             13.50  
999             MS1203          1987  Seoul Olympic Games (ss)                               13.50  
1000            1204-1206       1987  Seoul Olympic Games/WINNERS (ovpt) (s/3v)              10.75  
1001            MS1207          1987  Seoul Olympic Games/WINNERS  (ovpt) (ss)               14.25  
1002-1005       1208-1211       1988  Christmas/A.Durer/Paintings                            13.35  
1006            MS1212          1988  Christmas/A.Durer/Paintings (ss)                       10.75  
1007-1010       1213-1220       1989  Manned Moon Landing 20th Anniversary (prs)             16.25  
1011            MS1221          1989  Manned Moon Landing 20th Anniversary (ss)               7.85  
1016-1019       1222-1225       1989  WWF/Endangered Birds                                   12.70  
1020-1023       MS1226          1989  Endangered Birds (4 ss)                                12.65  
1024-1027       1227-1230       1989  Christmas/Rubens/Paintings                              7.65  
1028            MS1231          1989  Christmas/Rubens/Paintings (ss)                        13.50  
1029-1032       1232-1235       1990  Religious History/Christianity                          5.40  
1033            MS1236          1990  Religious History/Christianity (ss/4v)                  6.25  
1034-1037       1237-1240       1990  Penny Black 150th Anniversary/Paintings                 8.25  
1038            MS1241          1990  Penny Black 150th Anniversary/Paintings (ss/4v)        11.85  
1039            1242-1244       1990  Barcelona/Albertville Olympics #1 (s/3v)               16.25  
1040            1246            1990  Queen Mother 90th Birthday                              5.80  
1041            MS1247          1990  Queen Mother 90th Birthday (ss)                        11.95  
1042-1045       1248-1251       1990  Christmas/Paintings                                     9.75  
1046            MS1252          1990  Christmas/Paintings (ss)                               13.50  
1047            MS1245          1991  Barcelona/Albertville Olympics #1 (ss)                 14.60  
1048            1254            1991  Discovery of America #1/C.Columbus                      4.00  
1049            1255            1991  Corals/QEII 65th BIRTHDAY (ovpt)                       16.10  
1050-1053       1256-1259       1991  Christmas/Paintings                                    12.60  
1054            MS1260          1991  Christmas/Paintings (ss)                               13.50  
1058-1089       1261-1277       1992  Defs/Reef Life #1 - 5c-15.00 (17v)                     72.10  
1058-1076       1261-1268       1992  Defs/Reef Life #1 - 5c-80c (8v)                         4.70  
1077-1081       1269-1272       1992  Defs/Reef Life #1 - 85c-2.00 (4v)                       8.10  
1082-1083       1273-1274       1993  Defs/Reef Life #1 - 3.00,5.00 (2v)                     10.20  
1085            1275            1993  Defs/Reef Life #1 - 7.00 (1v)                          10.90  
1087            1276            1994  Defs/Reef Life #1 - 10.00 (1v)                         15.55  
1089            1277            1994  Defs/Reef Life #1 - 15.00 (1v)                         23.95  
1095-1106       1279-1290       1992  Endangered Wildlife (12v)                              18.20  
1095            1279            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Tiger                               1.55  
1096            1280            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Elephant                            1.55  
1097            1281            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Bear                                1.55  
1098            1282            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Rhino                               1.55  
1099            1283            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Chimpanzee                          1.55  
1100            1284            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Argali                              1.55  
1101            1285            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Dolphin                             1.55  
1102            1286            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Owl                                 1.55  
1103            1287            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Hummingbird                         1.55  
1104            1288            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Puma                                1.55  
1105            1289            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Otter                               1.55  
1106            1290            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Kangaroo                            1.55  
1107            1302            1992  Discovery of America #2/C.Columbus                      8.00  
1107A           MS1303          1992  Discovery of America #2/C.Columbus (ss)                 9.40  
1108-1109       1304-1306       1992  Barcelona Olympic Games #2 (2 s/3v)                    19.55  
1110            MS1307          1992  Barcelona Olympic Games #2 (ss)                        16.80  
1111-1114       1311-1314       1992  6th Pacific Arts Festival                               8.95  
1115-1118       1315-1318       1992  6th Pacific Arts Festival/ROYAL VISIT (ovpt)           12.85  
1119-1124       1291-1296       1992  Endangered Wildlife (6v)                                9.40  
1119            1291            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Penguin                             1.60  
1120            1292            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Lion                                1.60  
1121            1293            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Falcon                              1.60  
1122            1294            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Fallow Deer                         1.60  
1123            1295            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Key Deer                            1.60  
1124            1296            1992  Endangered Wildlife/Ibex                                1.60  
1125-1128       1319-1322       1992  Christmas/Paintings/Parmigianino                        7.60  
1129            MS1323          1992  Christmas/Paintings/Parmigianino (ss)                  11.55  
1130-1133       1324-1327       1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary                         9.90  
1134-1138       1297-1301       1993  Endangered Wildlife (5v)                                9.10  
1134            1297            1993  Endangered Wildlife/Mandrill                            1.75  
1135            1298            1993  Endangered Wildlife/Gorilla                             1.75  
1136            1299            1993  Endangered Wildlife/Butterfly                           1.75  
1137            1300            1993  Endangered Wildlife/Takin                               1.75  
1138            1301            1993  Endangered Wildlife/Lemur                               1.75  
1139-1141       1328-1330       1993  QEII 40th Coronation Anniversary                       12.65  
1142-1146       1331-1335       1993  Christmas/Paintings (5v)                               12.50  
1147            1336            1994  Lillehamnmer Olympic Games                              9.10  
1148            1337            1994  World Cup Soccer                                        7.25  
1149-1150       1338-1341       1994  Moon Landing 25th Anniversary (2 prs+labs)             16.25  
1154-1176       1342-1352       1994  Defs/Reef Life #2 - 5c-1.00 (10v)                      14.20  
1191            1359-1364       1994  Tommy Tricker/Motion Picture Scenes (ss/6v)             8.25  
1192-1193       1365-1372       1994  Christmas/Paintings (2 b/4v)                           13.45  
1194            1373-1376       1994  Death of R.L.Stevenson/Author (b/4v)                   12.40  
1195            1377            1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary                         5.65  
1196            1381            1995  United Nations/FAO 50th Anniversary                     6.05  
1197            1378            1995  Queen Mother 95th Birthday                             10.75  
1198            1379-1380       1995  End of World War II 50th Anniversary (pr)              20.35  
1199-1202       1382-1385       1995  Year of the Sea Turtle                                 13.05  
1203-1208       1386-1391       1996  Atlanta Olympic Games                                  15.85  
1209-1211       1392-1394       1996  QEII 70th Birthday                                     10.30  
1212            MS1395          1996  QEII 70th Birthday (ss/3v)                             13.35  
1213            1364a-1364f     1997  Tommy Tricker/Motion Picture/Scenes (ss/6v)             7.75  
1214            1396-1401       1997  Tommy Tricker/SOUTH PACIFIC FORUM (ss/6v) (ovpt)        8.00  
1215-1226H      1402-1421       1997  Defs/Butterflies - 5c-15.00 (20v)                      53.55  
1215-1222       1402-1409       1997  Defs/Butterflies - 5c-70c (8v)                          2.75  
1223-1226       1410-1413       1997  Defs/Butterflies - 80c-1.00 (4v)                        3.20  
1226A-1226C     1414-1416       1998  Defs/Butterflies - 1.50,2.00,3.00 (3v)                  6.45  
1226D-1226E     1417-1418       1998  Defs/Butterflies - 4.00,5.00 (2v)                       8.80  
1226F-1226G     1419-1420       1998  Defs/Butterflies - 7.00,10.00 (2v)                     18.60  
1226H           1421            1998  Defs/Butterflies - 15.00 (1v)                          14.80  
1227            1424            1997  QEII 50th Wedding Anniversary                           2.85  
1228            MS1425          1997  QEII 50th Wedding Anniversary (ss)                      8.25  
1229            1426            1998  Diana                                                   1.35  
1230            MS1427          1998  Diana (ss)                                              4.35  
1231-1234       1429-1432       1999  Festival of Arts/THIRD MILLENNIUM (ovpt)                5.75  
1235            1433-1436       2000  Queen Mother's 100th Birthday (ss/4v)                  16.80  
1236            MS1437          2000  Queen Mother's 100th Birthday (ss)                      4.95  
1237            1438-1441       2000  Sydney Olympic Games (ss/4v)                            8.00  
1238            MS1442          2000  Sydney Olympic Games (ss)                               3.70  
1239-1250       1443-1454       2001  Wildlife Sanctuary (12v) (surch)                       14.60  
1251-1258       1455-1462       2002  Christmas 2002 (ovpt) (8v)                              9.90  
1259-1264       1463-1468       2003  Butterflies - 20c-90c (surch) (6v)                      6.00  
1265            ---             2003  United We Stand (1v) (ex-ms)                            2.25  
1265            MS1469          2003  United We Stand (ms/4v)                                 9.10  
1266-1269       1470-1473       2004  Athens Olympic Games (4v)                               6.45  
1270-1273                       2005  WWF/Birds/Suwarrow                                      5.80  
1270-1273       MS1474          2005  WWF/Birds/Suwarrow (4 ss/4v)                           24.25  
1274            1475            2005  John Paul II                                            2.70  
                1476-1495       2005  Athens Olympic Games/WINNERS (4 ss/5v)                 33.20  
1279-1295       1496-1536       2007  Defs/Wildlife - 5c-15.00 (9v+8 b/4v)                  132.70  
1279-1290       1496-1525       2007  Defs/Wildlife - 5c-2.00 (6v+6 b/4v)                    38.85  
1291            1526-1529       2007  Defs/Wildlife - $3.00 Turtle (b/4v)                    16.50  
1292            1530-1533       2007  Defs/Wildlife - $5.00 Whale/Dolphin (b/4)              28.55  
1293-1295       1534-1536       2007  Defs/Wildlife - 7.50,10.00,15.00 (3v)                  48.85  
1296            MS1537          2008  Beijing Olympic Games (ss/4v)                           4.90  
1297-1300       1538-1541       2009  Pacific Mini Games                                      6.95  
1300a           MS1542          2009  Pacific Mini Games (ss/4v)                              6.35  
1301-1304       1543-1546       2009  Pacific Mini Games/WINNERS (ovpt)                       6.25  
1304a           MS1547          2009  Pacific Mini Games/WINNERS (ovpt) (ss/4v)               6.35  
1305-1322       1548-1565       2010  Defs/Flowers - 10c-20.00 (18v)                         77.25  
1323-1326       1566-1569       2010  ANZAC Day/Girl Guides/Boy Scouts                        5.35  
1327            MS1570          2010  ANZAC Day/Girl Guides/Boy Scouts (ss/2v)                7.95  
1328-1337       1571-1582       2010  Defs/Flowers - 10c-$2 (10v) (small format)             12.25  
1338-1341       1589-1592       2010  EXPO '10/Shanghai/Environmental Awareness               5.60  
1342            MS1593          2010  EXPO '10/Shanghai/Environmental Awareness (ss)          8.40  
1343            MS1594          2010  The Islands/Aerial Views (ss/15v)                      12.75  
1344-1349       1595-1600       2010  QEII Lifetime of Service                                8.75  
1349a           MS1601          2010  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss/6v)                        8.75  
1350            MS1602          2010  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss)                           8.95  
1351-1354       1603-1606       2010  WWF/Rimatara Lorikeet                                  10.35  
1351-1354       1603-1606       2010  WWF/Rimatara Lorikeet (s/4v) (ex-ms)                   10.35  
1351-1354       1603-1606       2010  WWF/Rimatara Lorikeet (ms/16v)                         43.30  
1355-1356       1617-1618       2011  William & Catherine Engagement (2v)                     8.10  
1357            1607a           2011  William & Kate Engagement (ss/10v)                      1.30  
1358            MS1619          2011  William & Kate Engagement (ss/2v)                       8.10  
1359-1361       MS1620          2011  William & Catherine Engagement  (3 ss)                 41.60  
1362            ---             2011  Flowers/Peony (ss/4v)                                   5.45  
1363            ---             2011  Flowers/Peony (ss)                                     11.65  
1364-1366       1623-1625       2011  William & Catherine Wedding                             1.70  
1366a           MS1626          2011  William & Catherine Wedding (ss/3v)                     1.70  
1367-1381       ---             2011  Rarotonga - Tourism (15v)                              34.95  
1381a           ---             2011  Rarotonga - Tourism (ss/15v)                           34.95  
1382-1385       1627-1630       2011  Wetlands/Flora & Fauna                                  5.60  
1386-1387       MS1631-MS1632   2011  Stamps At Work/Wetlands/Tsunami  (2 ss)                17.75  
1388-1389       1633-1634       2011  Defs/Flowers - $26.90,$31.10 (2v)                      82.90  
1390            1635-1638       2011  Christmas/12 days of Christmas  (s/4v)                 11.65  
1390e           MS1639          2011  Christmas/12 Days of Christmas  (ss/4v)                11.65  
1391-1398       1640A-43A,1640  2012  ANZAC Day/World Scout Jamboree (ovpt)                  12.00  
1399-1400       MS1644A,MS1644  2012  ANZAC Day/World Scout Jamboree (ovpt) (2 ss/2v)        18.00  
1401            1645-1646       2012  Pope John Paul Beatification (pr)                       8.80  
1402-1407       1647-1652       2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee                                    9.55  
1407a           MS1653          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss/6v)                            9.55  
1408            MS1654          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss)                               9.55  
1409-1412       ---             2012  Rarotonga - WWF/Land Snails (4v)                        9.00  
1409-1412       ---             2012  Rarotonga - WWF/Land Snails (s/4v : ex-ms)              9.00  
1412a           ---             2012  Rarotonga - WWF/Land Snails (ss/16v)                   37.50  
1413-1415       1655-1657       2012  London Olympic Games                                    5.35  
1415a           MS1659          2012  London Olympic Games (ss/3v)                            5.35  
1415b           MS1658          2012  London Olympic Games (ss/6v)                           10.65  
1416-1417       MS1660-MS1661   2012  43rd Pacific Islands Forum (ss/14v,ss/16v))            40.75  
1418-1420       1662-1667       2012  Christmas/G.di Bondone/Paintings (prs)                 13.70  
1421            MS1668          2012  Christmas/G.di Bondone/Paintings (ss/6v)               13.80  
1421G-1421H     MS1669-MS1760   2012  Pacific Islands Forum (2 ss/7v)                        18.00  
1422            1671            2012  Personal Stamp - $4.00 (1v)                             5.75  
1423            ---             2012  Rarotonga - Personal Stamp - $4.00 (1v)                 5.75  
1424-1428       1672-1676       2013  QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary                       10.90  
1429            MS1677          2013  QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary (ss)                   5.60  
1430-1435       1678-1683       2013  Marine Park/Healthy Oceans                              7.80  
1436            ---             2013  Year of the Snake (v/pr)                                3.50  
1436            MS1684          2013  Year of the Snake (ms/4v)                               7.00  
1437-1445       1685-1693       2013  Defs/Flowers - 20c Provisionals (surch) (9v)            2.75  
1446-1451       1694-1705       2013  Sailing Ships of the Pacific (prs)                     15.35  
1452            MS1706          2013  Sailing Ships of the Pacific (ss/3v)                   20.10  
1453-1458       1707-1712       2013  Global Wildlife                                        12.50  
1459            MS1713          2013  Royal Baby/George (ss/7v)                               9.85  
1460-1471       1715//1736      2013  Defs/Entomology #1 - 30c-$8.50 (12v)                   51.80  
1472            MS1738          2013  Defs/Entomology #1 (ss/12v)                            51.90  
1473            1740            2013  The Penny Black Stamp                                  12.45  
1474            MS1741          2013  P.Gaugin/CHINA '13 (ss/2v)                              5.75  
1475            ---             2013  Rarotonga - P.Gaugin/CHINA '13 (ss/2v)                  5.75  
1476-1477       1742-1743       2013  J.F.Kennedy Death Anniversary                           7.95  
1478-1480       1744-1746       2013  Christmas/Nativity Paintings                            5.45  
1481            MS1747          2013  Christmas/Nativity Paintings (ss/3v)                   11.95  
1482-1490       1748-1756       2014  Highland Paradise Scenes (9v)                          10.55  
1491-1502       1714//1737      2014  Defs/Entomology/Insects #2 - 10c-10.10 (12v)           71.85  
1503            MS1739          2014  Defs/Entomology/Insects #2 - 10c-10.10 (ss/12v)        71.85  
1504            MS1757          2014  Year of the Horse (ss/2v)                               8.90  
1505            MS1758          2014  Royal Baby Christening/George (ss/2v)                  13.50  
1506            MS1759          2014  Easter/Religious Paintings (ss/5v)                      8.80  
1507            MS1760          2014  Easter/Religious Paintings (ss)                        14.90  
1508            1761-1776       2014  Small Island Development (b/18v)                       13.55  
1509-1511       MS1777-MS1779   2014  Small Island Development (3 ss/6v)                     69.45  
1512            MS1780          2014  N.Mandela (ss/2v)                                      10.65  
1513-1518       1781-1804       2014  Tourism (6 b/4v)                                       74.00  
1519            1805-1807       2014  Defs/Entomology/Insects #3 (s/3v+labs)                 40.30  
1520-1523       1808-1811       2014  WWF/Birds/Spotless Crake (4v)                           7.85  
1524            1808a-1811a     2014  WWF/Birds/Spotless Crake (s/4v : ex-ms))                7.85  
1524            1808a-1811a     2014  WWF/Birds/Spotless Crake (ms/16v)                      32.25  
1525            MS1812          2014  WWF/Birds/Spotless Crake (ss)                          10.65  
1526            MS1813          2014  Christmas/Religious Paintings (ss/3v)                   5.90  
1527            MS1814          2015  Year of the Sheep (ss/2v)                              10.35  
1528            MS1815          2015  Easter/Religio/Religious Paintings (ss/4v)             10.90  
1529            MS1816          2015  Royal Birth/Charlotte (ss/2v)                          10.65  
1530-1533       1817-1820       2015  Magna Carta 800th Anniversary                           6.50  
1534            1871            2015  Self Government Anniversary (1v)                        1.20  
1535-1538       1821-1870       2015  Self Government Anniversary (2 ss/10v+2 ss/15v)        19.70  
1539-1540       1872-1873       2015  Year of the Monkey                                      6.25  
1541            MS1874          2015  Year of the Monkey (sa) (ss/2v)                         8.80  
1542            MS1875          2015  QEII Long Reign (ss/4v)                                 7.85  
1543            MS1876          2015  Christmas/Religious Paintings (ss/3v)                   3.50  
1544-1546       1877-1888       2016  Rarotonga - Night Skies (3 b/4v)                       11.80  
1547-1550       ---             2016  Rarotonga - WWF/Manta Ray (4v)                          7.55  
1551            ---             2016  Rarotonga - WWF/Manta Ray (s/4v) (ex-ms)                7.55  
1551            ---             2016  Rarotonga - WWF/Manta Ray (ms/8v)                      15.10  
1552            MS1889          2016  QEII 90th Birthday (ss/2v)                              7.55  
1553-1564       1890-1901       2016  National Geographic Marine Life                        25.35  
1565-1566       1902-1903       2016  Year of the Rooster                                     8.50  
1566a           MS1904          2016  Year of the Rooster (ss/2v)                             8.50  
1567            1905-1909       2016  Rio Olympic Games (s/5v)                               13.25  
1568-1569       1910-1913       2016  Christmas/Stained Glass Windows (v/prs)                 3.30  
1570            MS1914          2017  Easter (ss/4v)                                          4.55  
1571-1576       1915-1920       2017  Porovisional Issue - 50c-$1.00 (surch) (6v)             5.75  
1577            MS1921          2017  J.F.Kennedy & Global Achievements (ss/4v)               8.80  
1578            MS1922          2017  Tourism (ss/6v)                                         7.95  
1579            MS1923          2017  QEII 65th Anniversary of Reign (ss/4v)                 13.25  
1580-1582       1924-1926       2017  Photography Contest Winners                            10.90  
1583-1586       1927-1930       2017  WWF/Birds/Curlew                                        8.10  
1587            ---             2017  WWF/Birds/Curlew (s/4v) (ex-ms)                         8.10  
1587            MS1931          2017  WWF/Birds/Curlew (ms/8v)                               16.70  
1588-1589       1932-1933       2017  Year of the Dog                                         8.25  
1589a           MS1934          2017  Year of the Dog (ss/2v)                                 8.25  
1590-1591       1935-1938       2017  Christmas (prs)                                         8.40  
                                2018  Easter (ss/4v)                                          7.65  
                                2018  Commonwealth Fashion Exchange (ss)                      5.75  
                                2018  Birds/BIRDPEX '18 (pr)                                  6.90  
                                2018  Prince Louis (ss/3v)                                    8.05  
                                2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (ss/2v)                 10.65  
                                2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (ss)                     8.85  
                                2018  Year of the Pig                                         7.65  
                                2018  Christmas (2 ss/6v)                                     9.45  
                                2018  Birds of Prey (12v)                                    38.25  
                                2018  Birds of Prey (2 ss/6v)                                38.25  
                                2018  Birds of Prey (ms 12/v)                                38.25  
                                      --- SEMI-POSTAL ISSUES ---                                    
B1-B7           262-268         1968  Flowers/HURRICANE RELIEF (ovpt) (7v)                    2.20  
B8-B13          352//359        1971  4th South Pacific Games (ovpt) (6v)                     1.80  
B14             MS371           1971  Christmas/Paintings (ss)                                1.05  
B15-B20         377-382         1972  Easter/Flowers/HURRICANE RELIEF (ovpt) (6v)             1.90  
B21-B24         392-399         1972  Apollo Mission/Hurricane Relief (ovpt) (prs)            1.60  
B24c            MS400           1972  Apollo Mission/Hurricane Relief (ovpt) (ss/8v)          3.40  
B29             MS404           1972  Munich Olympic Games (ss)                               1.80  
B30             MS412           1972  Christmas/Correggio/Paintings (ss)                      1.35  
B31-B33         MS428           1973  Easter/Paintings (3 ss)                                 1.35  
B34-B38         MS454           1973  Christmas/Book Illustrations (5 ss)                     1.60  
B39-B41         MS465           1974  Easter/Paintings (3 ss)                                 1.20  
B42-B46         MS512           1974  Christmas/Paintings (5 ss)                              1.60  
B47-B51         MS535           1975  Christmas/Paintings (5 ss)                              1.90  
B52-B54         MS540           1976  Easter/Paintings (3 ss)                                 1.50  
B55-B59         MS562           1976  Christmas/Sculptures (5 ss)                             1.90  
B60-B62         MS575           1977  Easter/Rubens/Paintings (3 ss)                          1.55  
B63-B67         MS582           1977  Christmas/Paintings (5 ss)                              1.75  
B68-B70         MS592           1978  Easter/Paintings (3 ss)                                 1.20  
B71-B73         MS622           1979  Christmas/Paintings (3 ss)                              1.20  
B74             MS627           1979  Easter/G.deCrayar/Paintings (ss/4v)                     0.80  
B75             MS652           1979  Year of the Child (ss/3v)                               1.25  
B76-B79         667-670         1980  Christmas/Flowers/Tree Ornaments (4v)                   0.75  
B80             MS681           1980  Easter/G.Dore/Illustrations (ss/6v)                     1.25  
B81-B86         MS682           1980  Easter/G.Dore/Illustrations (6 ss)                      2.20  
B87             MS686           1980  Rotary International 75th Anniversary (ss/3v)           1.40  
B88-B91         MS806           1981  Christmas/Prayer Book Illustrations (4 ss)              1.85  
B92             MS810           1981  Easter/Prayer Book Illustrations (ss/3v)                1.10  
B93-B95         MS811           1981  Easter/Prayer Book Illustrations (3 ss)                 1.60  
B96             MS823           1981  World Cup Soccer/ESPANA '82 (ss/8v)                     6.30  
B97-B98         824-825         1981  Charles & Diana Wedding/Disabled Persons                1.65  
B98a            MS826           1981  Charles & Diana Wedding/Disabled Persons (ss/2v)        2.45  
B99             MS831           1981  Christmas/Rubens/Paintings (ss/4v)                      2.70  
B100-B102       1085-1087       1986  Christmas/Pope John Paul Visit (ovpt)                  16.10  
B103            MS1088          1986  Christmas/Pope John Paul Visit (ss/3v) (ovpt)          15.45  
B104            MS1089          1986  Christmas/Pope John Paul Visit (ss) (ovpt)             15.45  
B105-B111       1186-1192       1987  Corals/Hurricane Relief - 55c-6.40 (ovpt) (7v)         25.95  
B112-B135       1163//1183      1987  Hurricane Relief - 55c-3.00 (ovpt) (24v)               58.95  
B112//B134      1158//1192      1987  Hurricane Relief - 55c-2.80 (ovpt) (18v)               43.75  
B118//B135      1168//1180      1987  Hurricane Relief - 95c-3.00 (ovpt) (6v)                15.25  
B136-B141       MS1162//MS1185  1987  Hurricane Relief (ovpt) (6 ss)                         33.55  
B138//B141      MS1184,MS1185   1987  Hurricane Relief - 1.95-6.40 (ovpt) (2 ss)             18.75  
B136//B140      MS1162,MS1171   1987  Hurricane Relief - 1.10-5.30 (ovpt) (4 ss)             15.80  
B142            MS1428          1998  Diana/Children's Charities (ss) (ovpt)                  4.25  
                                      --- AIRMAIL ISSUES ---                                        
C1-C9           185-193         1966  Air Mail Defs - 6d-1.00 (surch) (9v)                   20.05  
C10-C11         203-204         1967  Second South Pacific Games (2v)                         0.40  
C12-C15         273-276         1968  Air Mail - Capt. J.Cook's Voyage (4v)                   2.00  
C16-C19         663-666         1979  Christmas/Flowers/Tree Ornaments (4v)                   1.00  
C20-C22         852-854         1982  US Anniversaries/B.Franklin/G.Washington                3.20  
C22a            MS855           1982  US Anniversaries/B.Franklin/G.Washington (ss/3v)        3.70  
C23             908             1983  G. Washington -  96c/1.40 (surch)                       1.40  
C24-C27         MS1253          1990  Birds/BIRDPEX '90 (ovpt) (4 ss)                        17.60  
                                      --- AIRMAIL SEMIPOSTAL ISSUES ---                             
CB1-CB4         671-674         1980  Christmas/Flowers/Tree Ornaments (4v)                   1.00  
                                      --- OFFICIAL ISSUES ---                                       
O1-O15          O1-O15          1975  OHMS/Flowers - 1c-6.00 (surch) (15v) (exist used)      12.65  
O1-O13          O1-O13          1975  OHMS/Flowers - 1c-2.00 (surch) (13v) (exist used)       6.10  
O14-O15         O14-O15         1975  OHMS/Flowers - 4.00,6.00 (surch) (2v (exist used)       6.55  
O16-O31         O16-O31         1978  OHMS/Shells - 1c-6.00 (ovpt) (14v+pr)                  52.45  
O32-O40         O32//O45        1985  OHMS/Corals - 5c-2.00 (ovpt) (9v)                       8.25  
O41-O53         O34//O53        1986  OHMS/Corals - 12c-18.00 (ovpt) (b/4v+9v)               95.85  
O41-O50         O34//O50        1986  OHMS/Corals - 12c-5.00 (ovpt) (b/4v+6v)                57.20  
O51             O51             1989  OHMS/Corals - 9.00/4.00 (ovpt) (1v)                     7.95  
O52             O52             1989  OHMS/Corals - 14.00/6.00 (ovpt) (1v)                   12.75  
O53             O53             1990  OHMS/Corals - 18.00/10.00 (ovpt) (1v)                  18.70  
O54-O69         O54-O69         1995  OHMS/Reef Life - 5c-10.00 (ovpt) (16v)                 37.10  
O54-O63         O54-O63         1995  OHMS/Reef Life - 5c-90c (ovpt) (10v)                    9.00  
O64-O65         O64-O65         1995  OHMS/Reef Life - 1.00,2.00 (ovpt) (2v)                  3.90  
O66-O68         O66-O68         1998  OHMS/Reef Life - 3.00,5.00,7.00 (ovpt) (3v)            16.10  
O69             O69             1998  OHMS/Reef Life - 10.00 (ovpt) (1v)                      8.20  
O70-O87         O70-O87         2010  OHMS/Flowers - 10c-$20 (gold ovpt) (18v)               86.80  
O70-O84         O70-O84         2010  OHMS/Flowers - 10c-$5 (gold ovpt) (15v)                30.80  
O85-O87         O85-O87         2011  OHMS/Flowers - 7.50,$10,$20 (gold ovpt) (3v)           56.00  
O88-O102                        2010  OHMS/Flowers - 10c-$5 (green ovpt)  (15v)              30.80  
O103-O117                       2010  OHMS/Flowers - 10c-$5 (red ovpt) (15v)                 30.80  
                                      --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---             SB1             1982  Bklt - 6.00 Charles & Diana Wedding                     6.25  

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