Stanley Lisica LLC
Ghana (1957-1999)
A comprehensive price list (1957-1999) of Ghana postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).  

 Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2021 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2020 with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Monthly Update).
 SG #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : West Africa (2nd ed.) -- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2012 with updates from
Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

 Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that a catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. Frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) the catalog editors combine the parts or new value into one set. 

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
 February 9, 2021

Click here ==>  GHANA    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
1-4             166-169         1957  Independence                                            1.10  
5-13            170//181        1957  Defs/Independence - 1/2d-10sh (ovpt)  (9v)              7.90  
14-16           182-184         1957  Black Star Line/Ships                                   1.25  
17-20           185-188         1958  Independence Anniversary                                0.75  
21-24           189-192         1958  African Conference                                      0.70  
25-27           173//176        1958  Defs/Independence - 2d,2.5d,4d  (ovpt) (3v)             4.30  
28-31           197-200         1958  Prime Minister's Visit (ovpt)                           0.70  
32-35           193-196         1958  Ghana Airways/Airplanes                                 1.60  
36-38           201-203         1958  United Nations Day                                      0.55  
39-41           204-206         1959  A.Lincoln                                               0.55  
41a             MS206a          1959  A.Lincoln (ss)                                          0.70  
42-45           207-210         1959  Independence Anniversary                                0.75  
46-47           211-212         1959  Africa Freedom Day                                      0.40  
48-60,C1-2      213//225        1959  Defs - 1/2d-10sh (15v)                                 14.00  
61-65           228-232         1959  Soccer Competition                                      1.05  
66              233             1959  Prince Philip Visit                                     0.30  
67-70           234-237         1959  United Nations Council                                  0.75  
71-74           238-241         1960  Independence Anniversary                                0.80  
75-77           242-244         1960  Africa Freedom Day                                      0.55  
78-81           245-248         1960  Declaration of Republic                                 1.35  
81a             MS248a          1960  Declaration of Republic (ss)                            0.45  
82-85           249-252         1960  Rome Olympic Games                                      0.95  
86-88           253-255         1960  Founder's Day                                           0.55  
89-91           256-258         1960  Human Rights Day                                        0.55  
92-94           259-261         1961  Africa Freedom Day                                      0.60  
95-97           213a//225a      1961  Defs - 1/2d,3d,1.00 (3v)                                4.05  
98-100          262-264         1961  Republic Anniversary                                    0.55  
101-103         265-267         1961  Non-Aligned Nations Conference                          0.65  
104-106         268-270         1961  Founder's Day                                           0.80  
104a-106a       MS270a          1961  Founder's Day (3 ss)                                    3.70  
107-109         271-273         1961  Royal Visit                                             1.35  
109a            MS273a          1961  Royal Visit (ss)                                        2.75  
110,C3-4        274-276         1962  Tema Harbor (3v)                                        1.40  
111,C5-6        277-279         1962  Heads of State Conference (3v)                          0.95  
112-114         280-282         1962  Freedom Day                                             0.55  
115-117         283-285         1962  World Without Bomb Conference                           0.75  
118-120         286-288         1962  P.Lumumba                                               0.55  
121-123         289-291         1962  Republic Anniversary                                    0.55  
124-127         292-295         1962  Founder's Day/K. Nkrumah                                0.75  
128-131         296-299         1962  WHO/Malaria                                             0.80  
131a            MS299a          1962  WHO/Malaria (ss)                                        0.95  
132-134         300-302         1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     2.15  
135-138         303-306         1963  Africa Freedom Day                                      0.85  
139-142         307-310         1963  Red Cross                                               3.70  
142a            MS310a          1963  Red Cross (ss)                                          3.80  
143-146         311-314         1963  Republic Anniversary                                    0.80  
147-150         315-318         1963  Founder's Day/K. Nkrumah                                0.75  
151-155         319-323         1963  UNESCO/Nubia Monuments                                  2.15  
156-159         324-327         1963  Railroads                                               2.55  
160-163         328-331         1963  E.Roosevelt/Human Rights                                0.70  
164-166         332-334         1964  Quiet Sun Year                                          0.70  
166a            MS334a          1964  Quiet Sun Year (ss)                                     0.70  
167-170         335-338         1964  Republic Anniversary                                    0.80  
170a            MS338a          1964  Republic Anniversary (ss)                               0.75  
171-174         339-342         1964  Africa Unity Charter                                    0.85  
175-178         343-346         1964  Founder's Day                                           0.80  
178a            MS346a          1964  Founder's Day (ss)                                      0.95  
179-185         347-353         1964  Tokyo Olympic Games                                     1.30  
185a            MS353a          1964  Tokyo Olympic Games (ss)                                1.15  
186-188         ---             1964  Quiet Sun Year (new colors)                             4.70  
186-188         ---             1964  Quiet Sun Year (new colors) (ms/12v)                     .--  
189-191         354-356         1964  UNESCO Week                                             1.60  
191a            MS356a          1964  UNESCO Week (ss)                                        2.05  
192-199         357-364         1964  Defs/Wildlife - 1d-2/6 (8v)                             5.50  
194a,199a       MS364a          1964  Defs/Wildlife (2 ss)                                    7.05  
200-203         365-368         1965  ICY                                                     3.95  
203a            MS368a          1965  ICY (ss)                                                3.90  
204-207         369-372         1965  ITU Centenary                                           2.65  
207a            MS372a          1965  ITU Centenary (ss)                                      9.00  
208-211         373-376         1965  A.Lincoln                                               0.95  
211a            MS376a          1965  A.Lincoln (ss)                                          1.05  
212-215         377-380         1965  Coins/Decimal Currency                                  1.90  
216-226,C7-C8   381-393         1965  Defs - 1pa-2.40c (13v) (surch)                         18.05  
227-232         394-399         1965  OAU Conference                                          1.20  
233-235         400-402         1965  Soccer Cup                                              1.00  
236-239         403-406         1965  J.F.Kennedy                                             0.90  
239a            MS407           1965  J.F.Kennedy (ss)                                        3.00  
240-243         408-411         1966  Volta River Project                                     0.95  
244-246         412-414         1966  Soccer Victory (ovpt)                                   1.00  
247-250         415-418         1966  WHO                                                     4.00  
250a            MS419           1966  WHO (ss)                                               24.60  
251-255         420-424         1966  Freedom From Hunger                                     2.50  
254a            MS425           1966  Freedom From Hunger (ss)                                9.85  
256-258         426-428         1966  Africa Unity Charter                                    0.65  
259-263         429-433         1966  World Cup Soccer                                        3.90  
263a            MS434           1966  World Cup Soccer (ss)                                  23.65  
264-268         435-439         1966  UNESCO                                                  6.20  
268a            MS440           1966  UNESCO (ss)                                            24.90  
269-272         441-444         1967  Accra Trade Fair                                        0.95  
273-276         455-458         1967  Revolution Anniversary                                  1.05  
276a            MS459           1967  Revolution Anniversary (ss)                             5.75  
(276a)          (MS459)         1967  Revolution Anniversary (ss) (imperf)                    7.70  
277-284,C9-C10  445-454         1967  Defs - 1.5np-2nc (surch) (10v)                         29.20  
286-300         460-474         1967  Defs - 1np-2.50nc (15v)                                18.25  
301-304         475-478         1967  Castles and Forts                                       2.60  
305-307         479-481         1967  Space Achievements                                      0.60  
307a            MS482           1967  Space Achievements (ss)                                 1.85  
308-310         483-485         1967  Boy Scouts                                              0.95  
310a            MS486           1967  Boy Scouts (ss)                                         5.25  
311-314         487-490         1967  United Nations Day                                      1.15  
314a            MS491           1967  United Nations Day (ss)                                 3.30  
315-318         492-495         1967  Tourist Year/Wildlife                                   9.75  
318a            MS496           1967  Tourist Year/Wildlife (ss)                             19.10  
319-322         497-500         1968  Revolution Anniversary                                  1.30  
323-326         501-504         1968  Cocoa Production                                        1.00  
326a            MS505           1968  Cocoa Production (ss)                                   2.70  
327-330         506-509         1968  E.K. Kotoka                                             1.15  
331-335         510-514         1968  Flora & Fauna                                           4.50  
335a            MS515           1968  Flora & Fauna (ss)                                      5.35  
336-339         516-519         1968  WHO                                                     2.70  
339a            MS520           1968  WHO (ss)                                                3.85  
340-343         521-524         1968  Mexico City Olympic Games                               1.35  
343a            MS525           1968  Mexico City Olympic Games (ss)                          3.60  
344-347         526-529         1969  UN Day                                                  0.90  
347a            MS530           1969  UN Day (ss)                                             1.00  
348-351         531-534         1969  Human Rights Year                                       1.40  
351a            MS535           1969  Human Rights Year (ss)                                  1.25  
352-355         536-539         1969  Anniversary of the Revolution                           0.75  
355a            MS540           1969  Anniversary of the Revolution (ss)                      0.90  
356-370         541-555         1969  Defs/NEW CONSTITUTION - 1np-2.50 (15v) (ovpt)          16.30  
371-374         556-559         1969  Second Republic Inauguration                            1.50  
375-377         560-562         1970  ILO                                                     0.75  
377a            MS563           1970  ILO (ss)                                                1.10  
378-381         564-567         1970  Red Cross                                               1.75  
381a            MS568           1970  Red Cross (ss)                                          2.60  
382-385         569-572         1970  Kotoka Airport                                          1.30  
386-389         573-576         1970  Moon Landing                                            3.30  
(386-389)       (573-576)       1970  Moon Landing/PHYLMPIA '70 (ovpt)                        8.20  
389a            MS577           1970  Moon Landing (ss) (with simulated perfs)                4.30  
389a            MS577           1970  Moon Landing (ss) (without simulated pers)              4.30  
(389a)          (MS577)         1970  Moon Landing/PHYLMPIA '70 (ss) (ovpt)                  10.95  
390-393         578-581         1970  Education Year                                          1.20  
398-401         582-585         1970  Second Republic Anniversary                             1.25  
402-405         586-589         1970  Flora & Fauna                                          10.45  
406-409         590-593         1970  Archaeological Sites                                    2.00  
408a            MS594           1970  Archaeological Sites (ss)                               6.20  
410-414         595-599         1971  Trade Fair                                              3.35  
415-417         600-602         1971  Easter                                                  1.10  
418-420         603-605         1971  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.95  
(418-420)       (603-605)       1971  Freedom From Hunger/Lord B.Orr (ovpt)                  15.25  
421-425         606-610         1971  Girl Guides                                             5.10  
425a            MS611           1971  Girl Guides (ss)                                       11.00  
426-429         612-615         1971  YMCA                                                    0.90  
429a            MS616           1971  YMCA (ss)                                               0.90  
433-435         617-619         1971  Christmas                                               0.60  
436-439         620-623         1971  UNICEF                                                  1.10  
439a            MS624           1971  UNICEF (ss)                                             3.10  
440-444         625-629         1972  All Africa Trade Fair                                   1.20  
(440-444)       (625-629)       1972  All Africa Trade Fair/BELGICIA '72 (ovpt)               6.85  
445-449         630-634         1972  Book Year                                               5.20  
449a            MS635           1972  Book Year (ss)                                          8.25  
450-453         636-639         1972  Flora and Fauna                                         7.65  
454-458         640-644         1972  Munich Olympic Games                                    2.70  
459             MS645           1972  Munich Olympic Games (ss)                               2.90  
460-464         646-650         1972  Scouting                                                4.95  
465             MS651           1972  Scouting (ss)                                           3.70  
466-471         652-657         1972  Christmas                                               3.85  
471a            MS658           1972  Christmas (ss)                                          6.10  
472-477         659-664         1973  Revolution/Operation Feed Yourself                      1.25  
478             MS665           1973  Revolution/Operation Feed Yourself (ss)                 1.45  
479-483         666-670         1973  WHO Anniversary                                         1.60  
484-488         671-675         1973  Scouting Conference : Kenya (ovpt)                      2.65  
489             MS676           1973  Scouting Conference : Kenya (ovpt) (ss)                 2.65  
490-493         677-680         1973  World Food Program                                      1.20  
494             MS681           1973  World Food Program (ss)                                 0.95  
495-498         682-685         1973  INTERPOL/Police                                         4.55  
499-502         686-689         1973  OAU Anniversary                                         0.95  
503-506         690-693         1973  IMO/WMO/Meteorological Cooperation                      1.20  
507             MS694           1973  IMO/WMO/Meteorological Cooperation (ss)                 1.35  
508-511         695-698         1973  Christmas                                               1.35  
511A            MS699           1973  Christmas (ss)                                          1.60  
512-515         705-708         1974  UPU Centenary                                           1.15  
515A            MS709           1974  UPU Centenary (ss)                                      0.80  
516-519         700-703         1974  Easter                                                  0.90  
520             MS704           1974  Easter (ss)                                             0.90  
521-524         710-713         1974  INTERNABA '74 Stamp Exhibition (ovpt)                   1.10  
524A            MS714           1974  INTERNABA '74 Stamp Exhibition (ovpt) (ss/4v)           1.60  
525-528         715-718         1974  World Cup Soccer (p.14.5)                               0.90  
(525-528)       (715-718)       1974  World Cup Soccer (p.13)                                 1.15  
529             MS719           1974  World Cup Soccer (ss)                                   1.60  
530-534         720-724         1974  Right Hand Driving/Road Traffic                         2.15  
535-538         725-728         1974  World Soccer Cup/Winners (ovpt) (p.14.5)                1.60  
(535-538)       (725-728)       1974  World Soccer Cup/Winners (ovpt) (p.13)                  1.85  
539             MS729           1974  World Soccer Cup/Winners (ovpt) (ss)                    1.60  
540-543         730-733         1974  Population Year                                         1.10  
544-547         734-737         1974  Christmas                                               1.05  
548             MS738           1974  Christmas (ss)                                          1.05  
549-552         739-742         1975  Soccer/Apollo-Soyuz (ovpt) (p.14.5)                     1.35  
(549-552)       (739-742)       1975  Soccer/Apollo-Soyuz (ovpt) (p.13)                       1.60  
553             MS743           1975  Soccer/Apollo-Soyuz (ovpt) (ss)                         1.75  
554-557         744-747         1975  Women's Year                                            3.35  
558             MS748           1975  Women's Year (ss)                                       2.65  
559-563         749-753         1975  Christmas                                               1.20  
564             MS754           1975  Christmas (ss)                                          1.30  
565-568         755-758         1976  Boy Scout Jamboree : Norway                             3.25  
569             MS759           1976  Boy Scout Jamboree : Norway (ss)                        3.10  
570-573         760-763         1976  Metric System                                           1.90  
574-577         764-767         1976  Trade Fair                                              0.95  
578-581         768-771         1976  Boy Scout/INTERPHIL '76 (ovpt)                          2.35  
582             MS772           1976  Boy Scout/INTERPHIL '76 (ovpt) (ss)                     1.75  
583-586         773-776         1976  Montreal Olympic Games                                  1.65  
587             MS777           1976  Montreal Olympic Games (ss)                             1.35  
588-591         778-781         1976  Supreme Court of Ghana                                  1.20  
592-595         782-785         1976  World Health Day/Prevent Blindness                      9.55  
596-599         786-789         1976  Christmas                                               1.85  
600             MS790           1976  Christmas (ss)                                          1.90  
601-604         791-794         1976  A.Bell/Telephone                                        2.55  
605             MS795           1976  A.Bell/Telephone (ss)                                   1.90  
606-609         796-799         1977  Montreal Olympic Winners (ovpt)                         1.90  
610             MS800           1977  Montreal Olympic Winners (ovpt) (ss)                    2.70  
611-614         801-804         1977  Festival of Arts                                        1.80  
615             MS805           1977  Festival of Arts (ss)                                   2.15  
616-619         806-809         1977  A.Bell/Prince Charles Visit (ovpt)                      6.35  
620             MS810           1977  A.Bell/Prince Charles Visit (ovpt ) (ss)                8.75  
621-624         811-814         1977  WWF/Wildlife Protection                                19.35  
625             MS815           1977  WWF/Wildlife Protection (ss)                           14.00  
626-629         816-819         1977  Painters and Painting Anniversaries                     2.90  
630             MS820           1977  Painters and Painting Anniversaries (ss)                2.75  
631-636         821-826         1977  Christmas                                               2.20  
637             MS827           1977  Christmas (ss)                                          2.75  
638-643         828-833         1978  Christmas/REFERENDUM '78 (ovpt)                         2.30  
644             MS834           1978  Christmas/REFERENDUM '78 (ovpt ) (ss)                  28.35  
645-649         835-839         1978  Operation "Feed Yourself"                               3.00  
650-653         840-843         1978  Powered Flight 75th Anniversary                         3.55  
654             MS844           1978  Powered Flight 75th Anniversary (ss)                    4.25  
655-658         845-848         1978  Powered Flight/CAPEX '78 (ovpt)                         2.45  
659             MS849           1978  Powered Flight/CAPEX '78 (ss) (ovpt)                    2.05  
660-663         850-853         1978  World Cup Soccer                                        1.95  
664             MS854           1978  World Cup Soccer (ss)                                   1.50  
665-668         859-862         1978  World Cup Soccer Winners (ovpt)                         2.55  
669             MS863           1978  World Cup Soccer Winners (ovpt) (ss)                    1.35  
670-673         855-858         1978  Easter/A.Durer Etchings                                 1.50  
674-677         864-867         1978  Flowers                                                 1.10  
678-681         868-871         1978  Railroads                                               1.75  
682-685         872-875         1979  Pioneer Venus Space Project                             1.10  
686             MS876           1979  Pioneer Venus Space Project (ss)                        1.55  
692-697         877-882         1979  Christmas/Carols                                        1.20  
698             MS883           1979  Christmas/Carols  (ss)                                  0.95  
699-703         884-888         1980  National Leaders                                        1.35  
704-707         889-892         1980  R. Hill (p.14.5)                                        1.35  
708             MS897           1980  R. Hill (ss)                                            1.35  
708a-708d       893-896         1980  R. Hill (p.13.5))                                       2.05  
709-712         898-901         1980  IYC                                                     1.65  
713             MS902           1980  IYC (ss)                                                1.65  
714-717         903-906         1980  R.Hill/LONDON '80 (ovpt) (p.14.5)                       2.30  
718a-718d       907-910         1980  R.Hill/LONDON '80 (ovpt) (p.13.5)                       2.55  
718             MS911           1980  R.Hill/LONDON '80 (ovpt) (ss)                           2.20  
719-722         912-915         1980  IYC/Papal Visit/John Paul (ovpt)                        6.65  
723             MS916           1980  IYC/Papal Visit/John Paul (ovpt) (ss)                  12.40  
724-726         917-919         1980  Third Republic                                          0.65  
727             MS920           1980  Third Repuplic (ss)                                     0.60  
728-731         921-924         1980  ECOWAS                                                  0.80  
732-735         925-928         1980  OAU Conference                                          0.80  
736-739         929-932         1980  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.35  
740             MS933           1980  Christmas/Paintings (ss)                                0.90  
741-744         934-937         1980  Rotary International                                    1.50  
745             MS938           1980  Rotary International (ss)                               1.80  
746-749         939-942         1981  Birds                                                   8.75  
750             MS943           1981  Birds (ss)                                              8.10  
751-754         944-947         1981  Pope John Paul Visit Anniversary                        3.20  
755-758         957-960         1981  Earth Satellite                                         1.55  
758A            MS961           1981  Earth Satellite (ss)                                    1.20  
759-761         948//954        1981  Charles and Diana Wedding (6v)                          1.75  
762             MS951           1981  Charles and Diana Wedding (ss)                          0.75  
763-764         955-956         1981  Charles and Diana Wedding - 2c,5c (2v) (ex-bklt)        2.95  
765-768         962-965         1981  World Food Day                                          1.50  
769             MS966           1981  World Food Day (ss)                                     1.35  
770-775         967-972         1981  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.85  
776             MS973           1981  Christmas/Paintings (ss)                                1.25  
777-780         974-977         1982  Year of the Disabled                                    2.20  
781             MS978           1982  Year of the Disabled (ss)                               2.05  
782-787         979-984         1982  Flora and Fauna                                         5.30  
788             MS985           1982  Flora and Fauna/Chimpanzees (ss)                        2.15  
789-792         986-989         1982  Butterflies                                             7.45  
793             MS990           1982  Butterflies (ss)                                        8.40  
794-797         991-994         1982  Scouting Year                                           4.05  
798             MS995           1982  Scouting Year (ss)                                      3.45  
799-802         996-999         1982  Kpong Hydroelectric Dam                                 5.30  
803-810         1000-1008       1982  World Cup Soccer (8v)                                   6.80  
811             MS1004          1982  World Cup Soccer (ss)                                   1.90  
812-816         1009-1013       1982  Tuberculosis/R.Koch                                     8.25  
817-820         1014-1017       1982  Christmas                                               1.50  
821             MS1018          1982  Christmas (ss)                                          1.60  
822-825         1019-1022       1983  Commonwealth Day                                        2.95  
826-833         1023-1026       1983  World Cup Soccer Winners (8v) (ovpt)                    8.25  
834             MS1027          1983  World Cup Soccer Winners (ovpt) (ss)                    2.75  
835-839         1048-1052       1983  World Communications Year                               2.15  
840             MS1053          1983  World Communications Year (ss)                          0.65  
841-845         1032-1036       1983  Marine Mammals                                          7.60  
846             MS1037          1983  Marine Mammals (ss)                                     3.40  
852-856         1054-1058       1983  Christmas                                               1.50  
857             MS1059          1983  Christmas (ss)                                          0.45  
858-876         1065//1093      1984  Provisional Issue - 1ce-50ce (surch) (19v)             44.35  
877-880         MS1070//MS1094  1984  Provisional Issue (4 ss)  (surch)                       9.00  
881-885         1060-1064       1984  Namibia Day                                             0.95  
886-895         1038-1047       1984  Defs/Wildlife - 5p-10ce (10v)                           7.70  
906-910         1098-1102       1984  Easter                                                  1.50  
911             MS1103          1984  Easter (ss)                                             2.30  
912-917                         1984  Soccer - 9ce-20ce (6v) (surch)                           .--  
918-919         1095-1096       1984  Dolphins/UPU Congress Hamburg (ovpt)                    2.90  
920             MS1097          1984  Dolphins/UPU Congress Hamburg (ovpt) (ss)               2.90  
921-925         1110-1114       1984  Flowers                                                 2.45  
926             MS1115          1984  Flowers (ss)                                            2.05  
927-930         1116-1119       1984  WWF/Bongo Antelope                                      4.70  
931-932         MS1120          1984  WWF/Bongo Antelope (2 ss)                              10.45  
933-937         1104-1108       1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games                               3.05  
938             MS1109          1984  Los Angees Olympic Games (ss)                           2.25  
939-943         1121-1125       1984  Native Dancers                                          2.65  
944             MS1126          1984  Native Dancers (ss)                                     3.25  
945-949         1134-1138       1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games Winners (ovpt)                2.00  
950             MS1139          1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games Winners (ovpt) (ss)           2.10  
951-956         1127-1132       1984  Christmas                                               1.95  
957             MS1133          1984  Christmas (ss)                                          2.15  
958-963         1140-1142+      1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (6v)                       2.50  
964             MS1143          1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       2.50  
965-969         1144-1148       1985  Islamic Festival                                        4.55  
970-973         1149-1152       1985  International Youth Year                                1.65  
974             MS1153          1985  International Youth Year (ss)                           1.65  
975-978         1154-1157       1985  Motorcycle Centenary                                    7.00  
979             MS1158          1985  Motorcycle Centenary (ss)                               4.40  
980-983         1159-1162       1985  J.Audubon/Birds                                         9.70  
984             MS1163          1985  J.Audubon/Birds (ss)                                    6.45  
985-989         1164-1168       1985  United Nations Anniversary                              2.15  
990             MS1169          1985  United Nations Anniversary (ss)                         1.40  
991-995         1170-1174       1985  UNCTAD Anniversary                                      7.15  
996             MS1175          1985  UNCTAD Anniversary (ss)                                 2.00  
997-1000        1176-1179       1985  Child Survival Revolution                               4.25  
1001            MS1180          1985  Child Survival Revolution (ss)                          1.90  
1002-1004       1181-1183       1986  AMERIPEX '86                                            3.20  
1005            MS1184          1986  AMERIPEX '86 (ss)                                       2.75  
1006-1009       1185-1188       1986  INTER-TOURISM '86                                       3.50  
1010            MS1194          1986  INTER-TOURISM '86 (ss)                                  4.25  
1011-1014       1190-1193       1987  World Cup Soccer                                        2.85  
1015            MS1194          1987  World Cup Soccer (ss)                                   2.10  
1016-1019       1195-1198       1987  Fertility Dolls                                         2.25  
1020            MS1199          1987  Fertility Dolls (ss)                                    1.75  
1021-1023       1200-1202       1987  International Peace Year                                3.70  
1024            MS1203          1987  International Peace Year (ss)                           2.10  
1025-1028       1204-1207       1987  Forestry/GIFEX '87                                      2.60  
1029-1031       1208-1210       1987  Halley's Comet                                          4.65  
1032            MS1211          1987  Halley's Comet (ss)                                     4.70  
1033-1036       1212-1215       1987  Apartheid Abolition                                     2.20  
1037            MS1216          1987  Apartheid Abolition (ss)                                2.15  
1038-1041       1217-1220       1987  Traditional Musical Instruments                         2.00  
1042            MS1221          1987  Traditional Musical Instruments (ss)                    2.35  
1043-1046       1222-1225       1987  Year of Shelter for the Homeless                        1.75  
1047-1050       1226-1229       1988  Festivals                                               1.65  
1050A-1050D     1230-1233       1988  December 31,1981 Revolution (4v)                       29.30  
1051-1054       1234-1337       1988  Universal Immunization Campaign                         1.60  
1054A-1054D     1238-1241       1988  Fund for Agricultural Development (4v)                 15.75  
1055-1057       1242-1244       1988  Tribal Costumes                                         2.50  
1058-1062       1265-1269       1988  Seoul Olympic Games                                     4.35  
1063            MS1270          1988  Seoul Olympic Games (ss)                                4.75  
1064-1067       1271-1274       1988  Red Cross Anniversary                                   5.60  
1068-1072       1275-1279       1988  Christmas                                               4.20  
1073            MS1280          1988  Christmas (ss)                                          3.15  
1074-1077       1281-1284       1989  OAU Anniversary                                         1.30  
1078-1082       1285-1289       1989  Titian/Paintings                                        5.60  
1083            MS1290          1989  Titian/Paintings (ss)                                   3.15  
1084-1088       1291-1295       1989  Seoul Olympic Games Winners (ovpt)                      3.45  
1089            MS1296          1989  Seoul Olympic Games Winners (ovpt) (ss)                 3.40  
1089A-1096B                     1989  Provisionals - 20ce-200ce (18v) (surch)                  .--  
1092f                           1989  Provisionals - 50ce/10np (value below)                   .--  
1097-1104       1346-1353       1989  Japanese Paintings                                      7.10  
1105-1106       MS1354          1989  Japanese Paintings (2 ss)                              10.30  
1107-1110       1302-1305       1989  Communications Year (surch)                             6.85  
1111            MS1306          1989  Communications Year (ss) (surch)                        5.60  
1112-1115       1307-1310       1989  Los Angeles Olympics (surch)                            3.90  
1116            MS1311          1989  Los Angeles Olympics (ss) (surch)                       3.55  
1117-1119       1312-1315       1989  Queen Mother 85th Birthday (3v) (surch)                 4.15  
1119A           MS1316          1989  Queen Mother 85th Birthday (ss) (surch)                 4.25  
1120-1122       1325-1327       1989  World Cup Soccer (surch)                                4.40  
1123            MS1328          1989  World Cup Soccer (ss) (surch)                           6.35  
1123A-1123C     1329-1331       1989  World Cup Soccer Winners (3v) (surch)                   6.70  
1123D           MS1332          1989  World Cup Soccer Winners (ss) (surch)                   7.45  
1124-1126       1321-1323       1989  J.Audubon/Birds (surch)                                 7.55  
1127            MS1324          1989  J.Audubon/Birds (ss) (surch)                            8.40  
1128-1130       1337-1339       1989  Halley's Comet (surch)                                  6.10  
1128a-1130a     1337-1339       1989  Halley's Comet (surch) (w/logo)                         6.10  
1131            MS1340          1989  Halley's Comet (ss) (surch)                             5.50  
1131a           1337-1339       1989  Halley's Comet (surch) (w/logo) (ss)                    6.35  
1132-1135       1341-1344       1989  French Arms & Flags/PHILEXFRANCE '89                    6.60  
1136            MS1345          1989  Paris Map/PHILEXFRANCE '89 (ss)                         3.85  
1137-1144       1360-1367       1989  Mushrooms                                               8.75  
1145-1146       MS1368          1989  Mushrooms (2 ss)                                        7.40  
1147            1369-1389       1989  W.Shakespeare (ss/21v)                                 15.25  
1148-1155       1390-1397       1989  Birds                                                  14.30  
1156-1157       MS1398          1989  Birds (2 ss)                                           14.30  
1158-1161       1399-1402       1989  Moon Landing/Apollo 11                                  4.25  
1162-1163       MS1403          1989  Moon Landing/Apollo 11 (2 ss)                           7.10  
1164-1167       1404-1407       1989  World Environment Day                                   7.90  
1168-1169                       1989  Charles & Diana Wedding  - 100ce,500ce (2v)              .--  
1170-1174       1355-1359       1989  French Revolution                                       7.65  
1175-1182       1408-1415       1990  Butterflies                                             9.20  
1183-1184       MS1416          1990  Butterflies (2 ss)                                     10.15  
1185-1189       1417-1421       1990  Seashells                                              10.25  
1190-1194       1422-1426       1990  J.Nehru                                                 5.80  
1195-1197                       1990  Diana & Charles Wedding  (3v) (surch)                    .--  
1198-1200                       1990  Queen Mother 85th Birthday (3v) (surch)                  .--  
1201-1206       1427-1432       1990  Penny Black Anniversary                                 7.85  
1207-1208       MS1433          1990  Penny Black Anniversary (2 ss)                          8.25  
1209-1213       1434-1438       1990  June 4th Revolution Anniversary                         4.80  
1214-1218       1439-1443       1990  Intelsat/Satellites                                     4.25  
1219-1223       1444-1448       1990  Telephone Direct Dialing Service                        4.25  
1224            1449-1468       1990  Tropical Rain Forest (ss/20v)                          15.55  
1225            MS1469          1990  Tropical Rain Forest (ss)                               6.40  
1226            1470-1478       1990  Voyager 2/Space Exploration (ss/9v)                     7.55  
1227-1228       MS1479          1990  Voyager 2/Space Exploration (2 ss)                      6.20  
1229-1236       1480-1487       1990  Orchids                                                12.35  
1237-1238       MS1488          1990  Orchids (2 ss)                                         12.35  
1239-1246       1489-1496       1990  Mushrooms                                              15.20  
1245a,1246a     MS1497          1990  Mushrooms ( 2 ss/4v)                                   11.40  
1247-1254       1498-1505       1990  World Cup Soccer                                        9.60  
1255-1256       MS1506          1990  World Cup Soccer (2 ss)                                 8.75  
1257-1264       1507-1514       1990  P. Rubens/Paintings                                     8.65  
1265-1266       MS1515          1990  P. Rubens/Paintings (2 ss)                              8.65  
1267-1271       1516-1520       1991  Minerals                                                8.25  
1272            MS1521          1991  Minerals (ss)                                           8.00  
1273-1277       1522-1526       1991  Tribal Drums                                            5.85  
1278            MS1527          1991  Tribal Drums (ss)                                       5.85  
1279-1283       1528-1532       1991  Flowers #1                                              7.10  
1284            MS1533          1991  Flowers #1 (ss)                                         5.45  
1285-1289       1534-1538       1991  Flowers #2                                              6.55  
1290            MS1539          1991  Flowers #2 (ss)                                         5.45  
1291-1295       1540-1544       1991  United Nations Development Program                      5.25  
1296-1303       1545-1552       1991  R. Baden-Powell/Boy Scouts                             13.90  
1304-1305       MS1553          1991  R. Baden-Powell/Boy Scouts (2 ss)                       9.05  
1306-1310       1554-1558       1991  Chorkor Smoker/Fish Smoking                             5.20  
1311-1316       (1140-1142)     1991  Queen Mother 90th Birthday (ovpt)                       7.25  
1317            (MS1143)        1991  Queen Mother 90th Birthday (ovpt) (ss)                  4.75  
1318-1325       1559-1566       1991  Fish                                                    8.80  
1326-1327       MS1567          1991  Fish (2 ss)                                             7.70  
1328-1335       1568-1575       1991  V. VanGogh/Paintings                                   10.00  
1336-1337       MS1576          1991  V. Van Gogh/Paintings (2 ss)                           10.15  
1338-1342       1577-1581       1991  Non-Aligned Ministers Conference                        8.00  
1343-1345       1582-1629       1991  Birds of Ghana (3 ss/16v)                              28.30  
1346-1348       MS1630          1991  Birds of Ghana ( 3 ss)                                 13.60  
1349-1356       1631-1638       1991  Insects                                                14.60  
1357            MS1639          1991  Insects (ss)                                           11.75  
1357A-1357F                     1991  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 50ce-400ce (6v)                     .--  
1358-1365       1646-1653       1991  Christmas/Paintings                                    11.00  
1366-1367       MS1654          1991  Christmas/Paintings (2 ss)                             10.20  
1368-1371       1670-1673       1992  Reunification of Germany                                8.50  
1371A-1372      MS1674          1992  Reunification of Germany (ss/4v,ss/2v,ss)              10.85  
1373-1379       1684-1693       1992  Barcelona & Albertville Olympic Games (10v)            13.60  
1380-1381       MS1694          1992  Barcelona & Albertville Olympic Games (2 ss)           10.90  
1382-1389       1661-1668       1992  PHILANIPPON '91                                        12.25  
1390-1391       MS1669          1992  PHILANIPPON '91 (2 ss)                                 11.55  
1392-1399       1675-1682       1992  National Railways                                       9.15  
1400-1401       MS1683          1992  National Railways (2 ss)                                8.75  
1402-1407       1655-1660       1992  Decade of Revolutionary Progress                        2.95  
1414-1421       1695-1702       1992  Reptiles                                                6.55  
1422            MS1703          1992  Reptiles (ss)                                           4.65  
1424-1431       1704-1711       1992  Easter                                                  8.25  
1432-1432A      MS1712          1992  Easter (2 ss)                                           9.05  
1433-1440       1713-1720       1992  Spanish Art/Paintings/GRENADA '92 (8v)                  9.35  
1441-1442       MS1721          1992  Spanish Art/Painings/GRENADA '92 (2 ss)                 8.70  
1443-1450       1722-1729       1992  Butterflies/GENOVA '92                                 12.75  
1451-1452       MS1730          1992  Butterflies/GENOVA '92 (2 ss)                           9.35  
1453-1460       1731-1738       1992  Dinosaurs                                               9.75  
1461-1462       MS1739          1992  Dinosaurs (2 ss)                                       11.40  
1463            1740-1747       1992  Discovery of America/STAMP EXPO '92 (ss/8v)             8.15  
1464            MS1748          1992  Discovery of America/STAMP EXPO '92 (ss)                3.30  
1465-1469A      1749-1758       1992  Shells (10v)                                            7.35  
1470-1470A      MS1759          1992  Shells (2 ss)                                           7.85  
1471-1478       (1722-1729)     1992  Butterflies/QEII 40th Anniv. (ovpt)                     9.20  
1479-1480       (MS1730)        1992  Butterflies/QEII 40th Anniv. (ovpt) (2 ss)              9.10  
1483-1490       1760-1767       1992  Christmas/Paintings                                     9.70  
1491-1492       MS1768          1992  Christmas/Paintings (2 ss)                              8.20  
1493-1500       1786-1792       1992  Anniversaries & Events                                 14.15  
1501-1504       MS1793          1992  Anniversaries & Events (4 ss)                          18.00  
1505-1514       1775-1784       1993  Flowers                                                 5.75  
1514A-1514B     MS1785          1993  Flowers (2 ss/4v)                                       6.00  
1515-1519       1803-1807       1993  Conference on Nutrition                                 3.55  
1520-1524       1769-1773       1993  Crabs                                                   6.40  
1523a           MS1774          1993  Crabs (ss/4v)                                           6.35  
1525            1794-1801       1993  Louvre Museum (ss/8v)                                   8.00  
1526            MS1802          1993  Louvre Museum (ss)                                      3.55  
1526A           1639a           1993  Defs - 20ce Palm Fruit (1v)                             0.00  
1527-1534       1813-1820       1993  Easter/Faberge Eggs                                    13.90  
1535-1536       MS1821          1993  Easter/Faberge Eggs  (2 ss)                            10.95  
1537-1544       1835-1842       1993  Wildlife                                               15.15  
1545-1546       MS1843          1993  Wildlife (2 ss)                                        11.95  
1547-1551       1808-1812       1993  Fourth Republic                                         5.45  
1551A-1561      1870-1876       1993  Anniversaries and Events (11v)                         28.85  
1562-1566       MS1877          1993  Anniversaries and Events (5 ss)                        20.10  
1567-1570       1844-1847       1993  Scouting/QEII 40th Coronation (ovpt)                    9.10  
1571-1572       MS1848          1993  Scouting/QEII 40th Coronation (ovpt) (2 ss)            10.20  
1573-1576       1849-1852       1993  Red Cross/Rotary International (ovpt)                   8.40  
1577-1578       MS1853          1993  Red Cross/Rotary International (ovpt) (2 ss)            9.60  
1579-1593       1854-1868       1993  Mushrooms (15v)                                        17.60  
1594-1595       MS1869          1993  Mushrooms (2 ss)                                       12.35  
1596-1597       1871//1873      1993  Copernicus                                              2.35  
1598-1599       MS1877c, MS187  1993  Copernicus (2 ss)                                      10.30  
1600-1602       1870/1876       1993  Picasso/Paintings                                       4.90  
1603            MS1877a         1993  Picasso/Paintings (ss)                                  4.90  
1604-1605       1874-1875       1993  POLSKA '93                                              4.35  
1606            MS1877b         1993  POLSKA '93 (ss)                                         4.20  
1607-1614       1878-1885       1993  World Cup Soccer                                       14.45  
1615-1616       MS1886          1993  World Cup Soccer (2 ss)                                11.30  
1617-1626       1887-1896       1993  Domestic Animals                                       16.40  
1627-1628       MS1897          1993  Domestic Animals (2 ss/4v)                             12.95  
1629-1638       1907-1916       1994  Arts and Crafts                                        12.35  
1639-1640       MS1917          1994  Arts and Crafts (2 ss)                                  6.90  
1641-1648       1898-1905       1993  Christmas                                              12.10  
1649-1650       MS1906          1993  Christmas (2 ss)                                       10.40  
1651-1652       1918-1919       1994  HONG KONG '94 #1 (pr)                                   1.80  
1653            1920-1925       1994  HONG KONG '94 #2/Palace Clocks (ss/6v)                  5.35  
1654-1661       1926-1933       1994  Disney/Mickey Mouse Birthday                           10.90  
1662-1663       MS1934          1994  Disney/Mickey Mouse Birthday (2 ss)                     8.95  
1664-1671       1935-1942       1994  Hummel Figurines/Easter                                 8.55  
1672-1673       MS1943          1994  Hummel Figurines/Easter (2 ss/4v)                       8.80  
1674-1677       1944//1949      1994  WWF/Diana Monkeys (4v)                                  6.45  
1677a           (1944//1949)    1994  WWF/Diana Monkeys (ss/12v)                             21.75  
1678-1680       1945//1950      1994  Wildlife (3v)                                           5.95  
1681-1682       MS1951          1994  Wildlife (2 ss)                                        11.00  
1683-1684       1952-1975       1994  Cats (2 ss/12v)                                        14.80  
1685-1686       MS1976          1994  Cats (2 ss)                                             9.65  
1687-1688       1977-2000       1994  Birds (2 ss/12v)                                       17.25  
1689-1690       MS2001          1994  Birds (2 ss)                                           11.85  
1691-1696       2002-2007       1994  Republic 1st Anniversary                                5.80  
1697-1699       2021-2023       1994  D-Day/Ships                                             3.75  
1700            MS2024          1994  D-Day/Ships (ss)                                        6.20  
1701            2008-20016      1994  First Manned Moon Landing (ss/9v)                       7.85  
1702            MS2017          1994  First Manned Moon Landing (ss)                          7.00  
1703-1708       2044-2049       1994  Antelopes/Duikers                                       6.05  
1709-1710       MS2050          1994  Antelopes/Duikers (2 ss)                                8.75  
1711-1712       2018-2019       1994  International Olympic Committee                         2.05  
1713            MS2020          1994  International Olympic Committee (ss)                    4.40  
1714-1716       2025//2035      1994  PHILAKOREA '94 (3v)                                     1.60  
1717            2027-2034       1994  PHILAKOREA '94 (ss/8v)                                  6.15  
1718            MS2036          1994  PHILAKOREA '94 (ss)                                     5.10  
1719            2037-2042       1994  World Cup Soccer (ss/6v)                                3.60  
1720-1721       MS2043          1994  World Cup Soccer (2 ss)                                 6.35  
1722-1729       2051-2058       1994  Christmas/Italian Art                                   8.35  
1730-1731       MS2059          1994  Christmas/Italian Art (2 ss)                            9.10  
1732-1737       2079-2084       1994  International Year of the Family                        5.55  
1738-1740       2088-2090       1994  Civil Aviation Authority                                4.00  
1741-1743       2066-2068       1994  Red Cross                                               3.65  
1744            MS2069          1994  Red Cross (ss/3v)                                       5.95  
1745-1752       2070-2077       1994  Fertility Dolls                                         8.15  
1753            MS2078          1994  Fertility Dolls (ss/4v)                                 5.90  
1754-1763       2091-2100       1995  Donald Duck Birthday                                    8.95  
1764-1765       MS2101          1995  Donald Duck Birthday (2 ss)                             9.85  
1766-1768       2085-2087       1994  ICAO/Aviation/50th Anniversary                          8.00  
1769-1774       2060-2065       1994  PANAFEST '94/Theater Festival                           7.45  
1775-1780       2102-2107       1995  Forts (6v)                                              5.05  
1781-1784       2109//2121      1995  Castles (4v)                                            7.10  
1785            2110-2118       1995  Castles (ss/9v)                                        10.55  
1786-1787       MS2108          1995  Forts (2 ss)                                            4.35  
1788-1789       MS2122          1995  Castles (2 ss)                                          7.30  
1790-1793       2123//2138      1995  Water Birds (4v)                                        5.90  
1794            2124-2135       1995  Water Birds (ss/12v)                                   10.00  
1795-1796       MS2139          1995  Water Birds (2 ss)                                      9.40  
1797-1800       2152-2155       1995  Atlanta Olympic Games (4v)                              5.60  
1801            2140-2151       1995  Atlanta Olympic Games (ss/12v)                          6.95  
1802-1803       MS2156          1995  Atlanta Olympic Games (2 ss)                            4.35  
1804            2176-2181       1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary (ss/6v)                 5.15  
1805            MS2182          1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary (ss)                    2.65  
1806            2196-2201       1995  Military Decorations/Pacific War (ss/6v)                6.45  
1807            2167-2174       1995  World War II/End in Europe (ss/8v)                      6.45  
1808            MS2202          1995  Medal of Honor (ss)                                     2.85  
1809            MS2175          1995  A.Hitler Quotation (ss)                                 2.85  
1810-1814       2183-2187       1995  FAO 50th Anniversary                                    4.55  
1815            MS2188          1995  FAO 50th Anniversary (ss)                               3.55  
1816            2189            1995  Rotary International                                    1.35  
1817            MS2190          1995  Rotary International (ss)                               2.65  
1818            2163-2165       1995  Boy Scout Jamboree (s/3v)                               3.95  
1819            MS2166          1995  Boy Scout Jamboree (ss)                                 3.05  
1820            2191-2194       1995  Queen Mother 95th Birthday (s/4v)                       4.75  
1820            2191-2194       1995  Queen Mother 95th Birthday (b/4v)                       4.75  
1821            MS2195          1995  Queen Mother 95th Birthday (ss)                         4.05  
1822-1823       2203-2020       1995  SINGAPORE '95/Dinosaurs (2 ss/9v)                      13.05  
1824-1825       MS2221          1995  SINGAPORE '95/Dinosaurs (2 ss)                          8.80  
1826            2229-2237       1995  Nobel Prize Winners (ss/9v)                             7.35  
1827            MS2238          1995  Nobel Prize Winners (ss)                                2.75  
1828-1834       2222-2228       1995  Asantehene                                              6.55  
1835-1840                       1995  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 400ce-5000ce (7v)                   .--  
1837a                           1995  Defs/Flora & Fauna -1000ce (p.11.5) (T-I)                .--  
1841-1846       2239-2244       1995  Christmas                                               5.20  
1847-1848       MS2245          1995  Christmas (2 ss)                                       15.65  
1849            2246-2254       1995  Motion Picture Centenary (ss/9v)                        9.85  
1850            MS2255          1995  Motion Picture Centernary (ss)                          6.05  
1851            2265            1995  J.Lennon/Musician (1v)                                  2.95  
1852            2256-2264       1995  J.Lennon/Musician (ss/9v)                              10.75  
1853            MS2266          1995  J.Lennon/Musician (ss)                                  7.85  
1854            2267-2271       1995  L.Pasteur/Scientist (ss/5v)                             7.05  
1855-1856       2278-2293       1996  Metropolitan Museum Art Paintings (2 ss/8v)            12.40  
1857-1858       MS2294          1996  Metropolitan Museum of Art Paintings (2 ss)            12.60  
1859            2272-2275       1996  New Year/Year of the Rat (s/4v)                         3.45  
1860            MS2276          1996  New Year/Year of the Rat (ss/4v)                        3.50  
1861            MS2277          1996  New Year/Year of the Rat (ss)                           3.50  
1862-1863       2295-2318       1996  Fauna of the Rain Forest (2 ss/12v)                    19.00  
1864-1865       MS2319          1996  Fauna of the Rain Forest (2 ss)                        12.40  
1866            2320-2323       1996  CHINA '96/Architecture (s/4v)                           5.80  
1867            MS2324a         1996  CHINA '96/Architecture (ss)                             4.55  
1868            2325-2327       1996  QEII Birthday (s/3v)                                    6.45  
1869            MS2328          1996  QEII Birthday (ss)                                      5.50  
1870-1873       2334//2355      1996  Atlanta Olympic Games (4v)                              3.75  
1874-1875       2335-2352       1996  Atlanta Olympic Games (2 ss/9v)                        17.60  
1876-1877       MS2356          1996  Atlanta Olympic Games (2 ss)                            9.65  
1878-1881       2329-2332       1996  Amateur Boxing Association                              5.90  
1882            MS2333          1996  Amateur Boxing Association (ss)                         5.90  
1883-1885       2371-1373       1996  UNESCO Anniversary                                      4.55  
1886            MS2374          1996  UNESCO Anniversary (ss)                                 4.25  
1887-1889       2358-2360       1996  UNICEF Anniversary                                      2.15  
1890            MS2361          1996  UNICEF Anniversary (ss)                                 1.90  
1891-1893       2362-2364       1996  Jerusalem Anniversary                                   3.75  
1894            MS2365          1996  Jerusalem Anniversary (ss)                              5.05  
1895            2375-2379       1996  Musical Instruments (ss/5v)                             4.35  
1896-1901       2380-2385       1996  Disney Characters 6v)                                   2.55  
1902            2386-2394       1996  Disney Characters/STAMP SHOW '96 (ss/9v)                7.65  
1903-1904       MS2395          1996  Disney Characters (2 ss)                                8.55  
1905            2357            1996  E.W. Agyare                                             0.40  
1906-1909       2366-2369       1996  Radio Centenary                                         2.65  
1910            MS2370          1996  Radio Centenary (ss)                                    2.75  
1911            ---             1996  S.Stallone/Rocky II Motion Picture (1v)                 1.95  
1911            MS2396          1996  S.Stallone/Rocky II Motion Picture (ss/3v)              6.20  
1912            2397-2405       1997  New Year/Year of the Ox (ss/9v)                         6.10  
1913            MS2324b         1997  Gold Statue/CHINA '96 (ss)                              2.80  
1914-1915       2412-2121       1997  African Hair Styles (2 ss/5v)                           7.70  
1916            2406-2410       1997  H.Noguchi/Bacteriologist (ss/5v)                        6.30  
1917-1918       MS2411          1997  H.Naguchi/Bacteriologist (2 ss)                         6.45  
1919-1922       2422-2426       1997  Independence Anniversary                                6.35  
1923-1924       MS2427          1997  Independence Anniversary (2 ss)                         6.35  
1925-1926       2430-2437       1997  D.Xiaoping/Chinese Leader (2 ss/4v)                     6.35  
1927-1928       MS2438          1997  D.Xiaoping/Chinese Leader (2 ss)                        6.75  
1929            2452-2457       1997  Hiroshige/Paintings (ss/6v)                             4.25  
1930-1931       MS2458          1997  Hiroshige/Paintings (2 ss)                              6.05  
1932            2441-2446       1997  QEII 50th Wedding Anniversary (ss/6v)                   5.10  
1933            MS2447          1997  QEII 50th Wedding Anniversary (ss)                      1.85  
1934            2448-2450       1997  H.von Stephan/UPU/PACIFIC '97 (ss/3v)                   3.30  
1935            MS2451          1997  H.Von Stephan/UPU/PACIFIC '97 (ss)                      3.30  
1936            2439            1997  P.Harris/Rotary International                           2.85  
1937            MS2440          1997  P.Harris/Rotary International (ss)                      2.85  
1938-1939       2428-2429       1997  Chernobyl 10th Anniversary                              3.70  
1939A-1939C                     1997  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 550,800,1100 (3v)                   .--  
1940            2459-2467       1997  Entertainers/Comedians (ss/9v)                          6.60  
1941            MS2468b         1997  Entertainers/Comedians (ss/2v)                          3.00  
1942            MS2468a         1997  Entertainers/Comedians (ss)                             2.00  
1943-1948       2469-2474       1997  Mushrooms (6v)                                          2.95  
1949            2475-2480       1997  Mushrooms (ss/6v)                                       4.55  
1950-1951       MS2481          1997  Mushrooms (2 ss)                                        5.75  
1952-1955       2497//2512      1997  Fish (4v)                                               2.95  
1956            2498-2509       1997  Seabirds/Marine Life (ss/12v)                           5.90  
1957-1958       MS2513          1997  Seabirds/Marine Life (2 ss)                             6.90  
1959-1962       2519//2531      1997  Flowers (4v)                                            3.00  
1963            2522-2530       1997  Flowers (ss/9v)                                         8.25  
1964-1965       MS2532          1997  Flowers (2 ss)                                          6.60  
1966-1971       2482//2495      1997  World Cup Soccer (6v)                                   3.50  
1972            2486-2493       1997  World Cup Soccer (ss/8v)                                3.50  
1973-1974       MS2496          1997  World Cup Soccer (2 ss)                                 6.20  
1975-1980       2533//2547      1997  Birds (6v)                                              2.95  
1981            2538-2546       1997  Birds (ss/9v)                                           7.40  
1982-1983       MS2548          1997  Birds (2 ss)                                            6.60  
1984-1989       2549//2572      1997  Cats (6v)                                               2.55  
1989A-1989F     2560-2571       1997  Dogs (6v)                                               7.40  
1990-1991       2560-2571       1997  Cats & Dogs (2 ss/6v)                                  15.65  
1992-1992A      MS2573          1997  Cats & Dogs (2 ss)                                      7.05  
1993            MS2583          1997  Return of Hong Kong to China (ss/4v)                    6.40  
1994            2574-2581       1997  H.Binhong/Paintings (ss/8v)                             6.20  
1995            MS2582          1997  H.Binhong/Paintings (ss/2v)                             5.50  
1996-2001       2584-2589       1997  Christmas/Paintings                                     5.75  
2002-2003       MS2590          1997  Christmas/Paintings (2 ss)                              8.20  
2004-2005       2591-2602       1997  Diana (2 ss/6v)                                         9.40  
2006-2007       MS2603          1997  Diana (2 ss)                                            6.10  
2008-2009       2616-2627       1998  Disney/Mickey & Friends (2 ss/6v)                      15.45  
2008g-2009g     (2116-2127)     1998  Disney/Mickey & Friends/Birthday (2 ss/6v) (ovpt)      25.15  
2010-2013       MS2628          1998  Disney/Mickey & Friends (4 ss)                         24.80  
2012a-2013a     (MS2128)        1998  Disney/Mickey & Friends/Birthday ( ss) (ovpt)          53.65  
2014-2019       2629//2652      1998  Railroads/Locomotives (6v)                              6.95  
2020-2021       2632-2649       1998  Railroads/Locomotives (2 ss/9v)                        11.95  
2022-2023       MS2653          1998  Railroads/Locomotives (2 ss)                            8.55  
2025            2604-2615       1998  Lunar New Years (ss/12v)                                5.25  
2027            2654-2659       1998  Black Writers of the 20th Century (ss/6v)               3.60  
2028-2029       2660-2677       1998  Aircraft (2 ss/9v)                                     12.35  
2030-2031       MS2678          1998  Aircraft (2 ss)                                         5.80  
2032-2034       2698-2700       1998  ISRAEL '98 (ovpt)                                       2.95  
2035            MS2701          1998  ISRAEL '98 (ovpt) (ss)                                  3.50  
2036-2037       2679-2696       1998  Ships (2 ss/9v)                                        12.95  
2038-2039       MS2697          1998  Ships (2 ss)                                            8.65  
2040-2041       2702-2713       1998  Orchids (2 ss/6v)                                       9.35  
2042-2043       MS2714          1998  Orchids (2 ss)                                         10.20  
2044            2715-2720       1998  E.Presley/Musician (ss/6v)                              4.55  
2045-2046       2731-2738       1998  Japanese Flowers (2 ss/4v)                             10.75  
2047-2048       MS2739          1998  Japanese Flowers (2 ss)                                 9.30  
2049-2053       2726-2730       1998  Cocoa Board Anniversary                                 4.40  
2054-2058       2721-2725       1998  Metropolitan Assembly Anniversary                       4.15  
2059            2740-2755       1998  Year of the Ocean/Fish (ss/16v)                        12.90  
2060-2061       MS2756          1998  Year of the Ocean/Fish (2 ss)                          11.00  
2062-2063       2757-2772       1998  Inventors and Inventions (2 ss/8v)                     12.40  
2064-2065       MS2773          1998  Inventors and Inventions (2 ss)                         8.75  
2066-2071       2774-2779       1998  Christmas/Cats & Dogs                                   8.15  
2072-2073       MS2780          1998  Christmas/Cats & Dogs (2 ss)                           10.85  
2073A           2785-2787       1998  Ferrari Automobiles (ss/3v)                             4.40  
2073B           MS2788          1998  Ferrari Automobiles (ss)                                3.45  
2074            2803            1998  Diana (pr)                                              2.95  
2075            2793-2796       1998  Gandhi (ss/4v)                                          8.20  
2076            MS2797          1998  Gandhi (ss)                                             7.45  
2077-2079       2781-2783       1998  P.Picasso/Paintings                                     3.30  
2080            MS2784          1998  P.Picasso/Paintings (ss)                                4.85  
2081            2789-2791       1998  Scouting Jamboree (ss/3v)                               4.70  
2082            MS2792          1998  Scouting Jamboree (ss)                                  3.85  
2083            2798-2801       1998  RAF Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v)                       6.20  
2084-2085       MS2802          1998  RAF Anniversary/Airplanes (2 ss)                        8.55  
2086            2804-2807       1999  New Year/Year of  the Rabbit (ss/4v)                    4.70  
2087-2089A      2819//2840      1999  Dinosaurs (4v)                                          3.20  
2090-2091       2821-2838       1999  Dinosaurs (2 ss/9v)                                    12.75  
2092-2093       MS2841          1999  Dinosaurs (2 ss)                                        8.00  
2094-2097       2861-2864       1999  AUSTRALIA '99/Butterflies (4v)                          2.95  
2098-2099       2865-2880       1999  AUSTRALIA '98/Butterflies (2 ss/8v)                    14.80  
2100-2101       MS2881          1999  AUSTRALIA '98/Butterlfies (2 ss)                        8.55  
2102-2103       2808-2817       1999  S.Temple/Motion Pictures (ss/4v+ss/6v)                  7.95  
2104            MS2818          1999  S.Temple/Motion Pictures (ss)                           4.95  
2104A                           1999  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 200ce                               .--  
2105-2108       2883-2886       1999  Railroads (4v)                                          2.40  
2109-2110       2887-2898       1999  Railroads (2 ss/6v)                                    12.15  
2111-2112       MS2899          1999  Railroads (2 ss)                                        8.00  
2113-2114       2905-2915       1999  Hokusai/Paintings (2 ss/6v)                            10.60  
2115-2116       MS2916          1999  Hokusai/Paintings (2 ss)                                7.10  
2117-2120       2900-2903       1999  IBRA '99/Ships and Trains                               3.60  
2121            MS2904          1999  IBRA '99/Ships and Trains (ss)                          3.60  
2122            2926-2931       1999  Manned Moon Landing (ss/6v)                             7.10  
2123            MS2932          1999  Manned Moon Landing (ss)                                4.35  
2124            2934-2937       1999  Queen Mother100th Birthday (ss/4v)                      6.30  
2125            MS2938          1999  Queen Mother100th Birthday (ss)                         5.35  
2126-2127       2842//2845      1999  Fauna (2v)                                              1.90  
2128-2129       2846-2857       1999  Fauna (2 ss/6v)                                         8.50  
2130            MS2860b         1999  Fauna/Wolf Cub (ss)                                     4.75  
2131-2134       2843//2859      1999  Birds (4v)                                              5.05  
2135            MS2860a         1999  Birds (ss)                                              4.00  
2136            2917-2919       1999  Rights of Children (ss/3v)                              6.45  
2137            MS2920          1999  Rights of Children (ss)                                 4.40  
2138-2139       MS2921          1999  Locomotives/PHILEXFRANCE '99 (ss)                      12.95  
2140            2922-2924       1999  J.von Goethe/Poet (ss/3v)                               5.35  
2141            MS2925          1999  J.von Goethe/Poet (ss)                                  4.55  
2142            2933            1999  Return of Macao to China/CHINA '99 (ex-ms) (1v)         2.70  
2143-2147       2946-2950       1999  Save the Ozone Layer                                    7.45  
2148-2151       2942-2945       1999  SOS Children's Villages                                 2.90  
2152-2154       2939-2941       1999  E.Apu/Musician                                          1.80  
2155-2157       2951-2953       1999  Millennium                                              5.05  

                                      --- SEMI-POSTAL ISSUES ---                                    
B1-B5           2514-2518       1997  Under 17 Soccer Champions                               5.40  
                                      --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                    
J1-J5           D9-D13          1958  Postage Due - 1p-1sh (ovpt) (5v)                        0.95  
J6-J10          D14-D18         1958  Postage Due - 1p-1sh (5v)                               0.90  
J11-J15         D19-D23         1965  Postage Due - 1pa-12pa (ovpt) (5v)                      1.20  
(J12//J14)      D24-D26         1970  Postage Due - 1.5,2.5,5na (ovpt) (3v)                   9.25  
J16-J20         D27-D31         1970  Postage Due - 1np-10np (5v)                             8.05  
J21-J22         D32-D33         1981  Postage Due - 2p,3p (2v)                                2.50  
                                      --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---             SB2             1961  Bklt - 3/- red                                         10.20  
---             SB3             1961  Bklt - 6/- yellow                                      12.60  
---             SB4             1961  Bklt - 10/- green                                      15.95  
---             SB5             1963  Bklt - 4/- red                                           .--  
---             SB6             1963  Bklt - 6/- yellow                                        .--  
---             SB7             1963  Bklt - 11/- green                                        .--  
---             SB8             1981  Bklt - 14c Royal Wedding : Charles & Diana              6.00  
---             SB9             2000  Bklt - 20000c Tourism                                  30.30  


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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.