Stanley Lisica LLC
Great Britain (1946-2012)
A complete list (1946-2012) of Great Britain mint postage stamps and souvenir sheets (miniature sheets).

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).
Catalog numbers are from the 201
3 Scott catalog with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.  Stanley Gibbons numbers are from the British Commonwealth catalog with Gibbons Stamp Monthly updates.
  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.
  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when  issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 
Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability.  
  Items without a price are not in stock frequently.
To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
December 30, 2012 

Click here ==>  GREAT BRITAIN    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                    Price
--------------- --------------- ----  --------------------------------------------- -----
264-265         491-492         1946  Peace/Victory                                   0.45
267-268         493-494         1948  Silver Wedding                                 39.10
269-270         C1-C2           1948  Channel Islands                                 0.20
271-274         495-498         1948  Olympic Games                                   9.50
276-279         499-502         1949  UPU                                             1.30
290-291         513-514         1949  Festival of Britain                             0.40
313-316         532-535         1953  QEII Coronation                                16.15
334-336         557-559         1957  Scout Jubilee Jamboree                          6.30
337             560             1957  Parliamentary Conference                        0.85
338-340         567-569         1958  Commonwealth Games/Sports                       2.20
375-376         619-620         1960  General Letter Office                           3.10
377-378         621-622         1960  Europa                                         10.35
379-381         623A-625A       1961  Post Office Savings Bank                        1.95
382-384         626-628         1961  CEPT                                            0.30
385-386         629-630         1961  Parliamentary Conference                        1.75
387-389         631-633         1962  National Productivity Year                      2.00
387p-389p       631p-633p       1962  National Productivity Year (phos)              29.50
390-391         634-635         1963  FFH                                             2.20
390p-391p       634p-635p       1963  FFH (phos)                                     28.55
392             636             1963  Paris Postal Conference                         0.40
392p            636p            1963  Paris Postal Conference (phos)                  6.85
393-394         637-638         1963  Nature Week                                     0.30
393p-394p       637p-638p       1963  Nature Week (phos)                              3.25
395-397         639-641         1963  Lifeboat Conference                             2.70
395p-397p       639p-641p       1963  Lifeboat Conference (phos)                     43.50
398-400         642-644         1963  Red Cross                                       4.55
398p-400p       642p-644p       1963  Red Cross (phos)                               60.50
401             645             1963  COMPAC Cable                                    2.25
401p            645p            1963  COMPAC Cable (phos)                            14.80
402-406         646-650         1964  W.Shakespeare                                   3.45
402p-405p       646p-649p       1964  W.Shakespeare (phos)                           10.50
410-413         651-654         1964  Geographical Congress                           3.60
410p-413p       651p-654p       1964  Geographical Congress (phos)                   23.95
414-417         655-658         1964  Botanical Congress                              3.50
414p-417p       655p-658p       1964  Botanical Congress (phos)                      24.30
418-419         659-660         1964  Forth Road Bridge                               0.40
418p-419p       659p-660p       1964  Forth Road Bridge (phos)                        4.50
420-421         661-662         1965  W.Churchill                                     0.75
420p-421p       661p-662p       1965  W.Churchill (phos)                              2.35
422-423         663-664         1965  Parliament Anniversary                          0.90
422p            663p            1965  Parliament Anniversary (1v) (phos)              0.75
424-425         665-666         1965  Salvation Army                                  0.90
424p-425p       665p-666p       1965  Salvation Army (phos)                           2.20
426-427         667-668         1965  J.Lister                                        0.85
426p-427p       667p-668p       1965  J.Lister (phos)                                 2.20
428-429         669-670         1965  Arts Festival                                   0.90
428p-429p       669p-670p       1965  Arts Festival (phos)                            2.70
430-437         671-678         1965  Battle of Britain (8v)                          6.05
430-437         671-678         1965  Battle of Britain (b/6v+2v)                     6.75
430p-437p       671p-678p       1965  Battle of Britain (phos) (8v)                   9.00
430p-437p       671p-678p       1965  Battle of Britain (phos) (b/6v+2v)             12.00
438-439         679-680         1965  Post Office Tower                               0.40
438p-439p       679p-680p       1965  Post Office Tower (phos)                        0.40
440-441         681-682         1965  United Nations                                  0.65
440p-441p       681p-682p       1965  United Nations (phos)                           2.55
442-443         683-684         1965  ITU                                             0.85
442p-443p       683p-684p       1965  ITU (phos)                                      5.35
444-445         685-686         1966  R.Burns                                         0.40
444p-445p       685p-686p       1966  R.Burns (phos)                                  2.00
452-453         687-688         1966  Westminster Abbey                               0.55
452p            687p            1966  Westminster Abbey (1v)(phos)                    0.30
454-457         689-692         1966  Landscapes                                      0.65
454p-457p       689p-692p       1966  Landscapes (phos)                               0.75
458-460         693-695         1966  World Cup Soccer                                0.55
458p-460p       693p-695p       1966  World Cup Soccer (phos)                         0.65
461-464         696-699         1966  Birds (b/4v)                                    0.55
461p-464p       696p-699p       1966  Birds (phos) (b/4v)                             0.65
465             700             1966  World Cup Winner                                0.20
466-469         701-704         1966  Technology                                      0.55
466p-469p       701p-704p       1966  Technology (phos)                               0.65
470-477         705-712         1966  Battle of Hastings (8v)                         1.65
470-477         705-712         1966  Battle of Hastings (s/6v+2v)                    2.05
470p-477p       705p-712p       1966  Battle of Hastings (phos) (8v)                  1.65
470p-477p       705p-712p       1966  Battle of Hastings (phos) (s/6v+2v)             2.25
478-479         713-714         1966  Christmas                                       0.30
478p-479p       713p-714p       1966  Christmas (phos)                                0.35
480-481         715-716         1967  EFTA                                            0.30
480p-481p       715p-716p       1967  EFTA (phos)                                     0.35
488-493         717-722         1967  Wild Flowers (6v)                               0.90
488-493         717-722         1967  Wild Flowers (b/4v+2v)                          1.15
488p-493p       717p-722p       1967  Wild Flowers (phos) (6v)                        0.90
488p-493p       717p-722p       1967  Wild Flowers (phos) (b/4v+2v)                   1.25
514-516         748-750         1967  Paintings                                       0.30
517             751             1967  F.Chichester/Sail Boat                          0.20
518-521         752-755         1967  Discovery and Invention                         0.40
522-524         756-758         1967  Christmas                                       0.20
560-563         763-766         1968  Bridges                                         0.40
564-567         767-770         1968  Anniversaries                                   0.40
568-571         771-774         1968  Paintings                                       0.40
572-574         775-777         1968  Christmas                                       0.30
575-580         778-783         1968  Ships (6v)                                      1.10
575-580         778-783         1969  Ships (s/3v+pr+1v)                              1.35
581-583         784-786         1969  Concorde/Airplanes                              0.40
584-588         791-795         1969  Anniversaries                                   0.45
589-594         796-801         1969  Architecture/Cathedrals (6v)                    0.85
589-594         796-801         1969  Architecture/Cathedrals (b/4v+2v)               1.05
595-599         802-806         1969  Investiture/Prince of Wales (5v)                0.45
595-599         802-806         1969  Investiture/Prince of Wales (s/3v+2v)           0.55
600             807             1969  M.Gandhi                                        0.30
601-604         808-811         1969  Post Office Technology                          0.40
605-607         812-814         1969  Christmas                                       0.30
608-611         815-818         1970  Architecture/Cottages                           0.65
612-616         819-823         1970  Anniversaries                                   0.65
617-621         824-828         1970  C.Dickens/W.Wordsworth (5v)                     0.85
617-621         824-828         1970  C.Dickens/W.Wordsworth (b/4v+1v)                1.05
639-641         832-834         1970  Commonwealth Games                              0.55
642-644         835-837         1970  PHYLIMPIA '70                                   0.45
645-647         838-840         1970  Christmas                                       0.40
648-650         881-883         1971  Ulster Paintings                                0.75
651-653         884-886         1971  Literary Anniversaries/Authors                  0.75
654-656         887-889         1971  Anniversaries                                   0.75
657-660         890-893         1971  Architecture/University Buildings               1.00
661-663         894-896         1971  Christmas                                       0.55
664-667         897-900         1972  Polar Explorers                                 0.90
668-670         901-903         1972  General Anniversaries                           0.75
671-675         904-908         1972  Architecture/Churches                           1.20
676-679         909-912         1972  Broadcasting Anniversaries                      1.00
680-682         913-915         1972  Christmas                                       0.45
683-684         916-918         1972  Silver Wedding                                  0.75
685-687         919-921         1973  EEC (pr+1v)                                     0.85
688             922             1973  Oak Tree                                        0.30
689-693         923-927         1973  Explorers (pr+3v)                               1.50
689-693         923-927         1973  Explorers (5v)                                  1.25
694-696         928-930         1973  Cricket                                         1.35
697-700         931-934         1973  J.Reynolds & H.Raeburn/Painters                 1.00
701-704         935-938         1973  I.Jones/Architect (4v)                          0.85
701-704         935-938         1973  I.Jones/Architect (prs)                         1.05
705-706         939-940         1973  Parliamentary Conference                        0.55
707-708         941-942         1973  Anne & Mark Wedding                             0.65
709-714         943-948         1973  Christmas (6v)                                  2.00
709-714         943-948         1973  Christmas (s/5v+1v)                             2.35
715             949             1974  Chestnut Tree                                   0.30
716-719         950-953         1974  Fire Engines                                    1.00
720-723         954-957         1974  UPU                                             0.75
724-727         958-961         1974  Medieval Warriors                               0.90
728-731         962-965         1974  W.Churchill                                     1.30
732-735         966-969         1974  Christmas                                       0.65
736-739         971-974         1975  J.Turner/Painter                                0.75
740-744         975-979         1975  Architectural Heritage (pr+3v)                  1.20
740-744         975-979         1975  Architectural Heritage (5v)                     1.00
745-748         980-983         1975  Sailing                                         0.85
749-752         984-987         1975  Public Railroads/Locomotives                    1.10
753             988             1975  Parliamentary Conference                        0.30
754-757         989-992         1975  J.Austen/Author                                 1.00
758-761         993-996         1975  Christmas                                       1.00
777-780         997-1000        1976  Telephone Centenary/A.Bell                      1.10
781-784         1001-1004       1976  Social Reformers                                1.00
785             1005            1976  US Bicentennial/B.Franklin                      0.30
786-789         1006-1009       1976  Roses                                           1.00
790-793         1010-1013       1976  Cultural Traditions/Folklore                    1.00
794-797         1014-1017       1976  W.Caxton/Printing                               1.00
798-801         1018-1021       1976  Christmas                                       1.00
802-805         1022-1025       1977  Racket Sports                                   1.10
806-809         1029-1032       1977  Chemistry Centenary                             1.10
810-814         1033-1037       1977  Silver Jubilee (5v)                             1.45
810//814        1033//1037      1977  Silver Jubilee - 8.5p-13p (4v)                  1.10
811             1034            1977  Silver Jubilee - 9p (1v)                        0.40
815             1038            1977  Commonwealth Heads Meeting                      0.40
816-820         1039-1043       1977  Wildlife (5v)                                   1.25
816-820         1039-1043       1977  Wildlife (s/5v)                                 1.45
821-826         1044-1049       1977  Christmas (6v)                                  1.20
821-826         1044-1049       1977  Christmas (s/5v+1v)                             1.45
827-830         1050-1053       1978  Energy Resources                                0.90
831-834         1054-1057       1978  Architecture/Historic Buildings                 0.90
834a            MS1058          1978  Architecture/Historic Buildings (ss)            1.10
835-838         1059-1062       1978  Coronation Silver Jubilee                       1.00
839-842         1063-1066       1978  Horses                                          1.00
843-846         1067-1070       1978  Cyclist Club/Bicycles                           1.00
847-850         1071-1074       1978  Christmas                                       1.00
851-854         1075-1078       1979  Dogs                                            1.00
855-858         1079-1082       1979  Wild Flowers                                    1.00
859-862         1083-1086       1979  European Assembly Elections                     1.00
863-866         1087-1090       1979  Horse Racing Paintings                          1.00
867-870         1091-1094       1979  Year of the Child                               1.30
871-874         1095-1098       1979  R.Hill                                          1.00
874a            MS1099          1979  R.Hill (ss)                                     1.00
875-878         1100-1103       1979  Metropolitan Police                             1.00
879-883         1104-1108       1979  Christmas                                       1.20
884-887         1109-1112       1980  Birds                                           1.10
904-908         1113-1117       1980  Liverpool & Manchester Railway (5v)             1.35
904-908         1113-1117       1980  Liverpool & Manchester Railway (s/5v)           1.60
909             1118            1980  LONDON '80                                      1.20
909a            MS1119          1980  LONDON '80 (ss)                                 1.30
910-914         1120-1124       1980  London Landmarks                                1.35
915-918         1125-1128       1980  Europa/Women Authors                            1.20
919             1129            1980  Queen Mother Birthday                           0.40
920-923         1130-1133       1980  Conductors                                      1.20
924-927         1134-1137       1980  Sport Centenaries                               1.20
928-932         1138-1142       1980  Christmas                                       1.45
933-936         1143-1146       1981  Folklore/Europa                                 2.15
937-940         1147-1150       1981  Year of the Disabled Person                     1.65
941-944         1151-1154       1981  Butterflies                                     1.65
945-949         1155-1159       1981  National Trust/Landscapes                       2.00
950-951         1160-1161       1981  Charles & Diana Wedding                         1.75
952-955         1162-1165       1981  Edinburgh Awards                                1.65
956-959         1166-1169       1981  Fishing Industry                                1.65
960-964         1170-1174       1981  Christmas                                       1.80
965-968         1175-1178       1982  C.Darwin                                        1.80
983-986         1179-1182       1982  Youth Organizations                             1.80
987-990         1183-1186       1982  Performing Arts/Europa                          2.20
991-995         1187-1191       1982  Maritime Heritage/Ships                         2.70
996-999         1192-1195       1982  Textiles                                        1.90
1000-1001       1196-1197       1982  Information Technology                          1.00
1002-1005       1198-1201       1982  British Automobiles                             2.35
1006-1010       1202-1206       1982  Christmas/Carols                                2.25
1011-1014       1207-1210       1983  River Fish                                      2.00
1015-1018       1211-1214       1983  Commonwealth Day                                2.00
1019-1021       1215-1217       1983  Europa/Engineering Achievements                 1.65
1022-1026       1218-1222       1983  Army Uniforms                                   2.45
1027-1030       1223-1226       1983  Gardens                                         2.10
1031-1034       1227-1230       1983  British Fairs                                   2.10
1035-1039       1231-1235       1983  Christmas                                       2.45
1040-1043       1236-1239       1984  College of Arms/Heraldry                        2.20
1044-1048       1240-1244       1984  Cattle                                          2.55
1049-1052       1245-1248       1984  Urban Renewal                                   2.20
1053-1056       1249-1252       1984  Europa/Parliament Elections (4v)                3.05
1053-1056       1249-1252       1984  Europa/Parliament Election (prs)                3.30
1057            1253            1984  Economic Summit                                 0.90
1058-1061       1254-1257       1984  Greenwich Meridian                              2.45
1062-1066       1258-1262       1984  Mail Coach Run (5v)                             2.20
1062-1066       1258-1262       1984  Mail Coach Run (s/5v)                           2.55
1067-1070       1263-1266       1984  British Council                                 2.55
1088-1092       1267-1271       1984  Christmas                                       2.35
1093-1097       1272-1276       1985  Famous Locomotives                              3.55
1098-1102       1277-1281       1985  Insects                                         3.10
1103-1106       1282-1285       1985  Europa/Music Year                               3.80
1107-1110       1286-1289       1985  Safety at Sea                                   2.45
1111-1114       1290-1293       1985  Mail Service Anniversary                        2.45
1115-1118       1294-1297       1985  T.Mallory/Arthurian Legends                     2.45
1119-1123       1298-1302       1985  Film Stars & Directors                          3.60
1124-1128       1303-1307       1985  Christmas/Pantomine Characters                  2.70
1129-1132       1308-1311       1986  Industry Year                                   2.55
1133-1136       1312-1315       1986  Halley's Comet                                  2.55
1137-1140       1316-1319       1986  QEII Birthday (4v)                              3.25
1137-1140       1316-1319       1986  QEII Birthday (prs)                             3.40
1141-1144       1320-1323       1986  Europa/Nature Conservation                      3.05
1145-1148       1324-1327       1986  Doomesday Book Anniversary                      2.70
1149-1153       1328-1332       1986  Commonwealth Games                              2.90
1154-1155       1333-1334       1986  Andrew & Sarah Wedding                          0.90
1156            1335            1986  Parliamentary Conference                        1.10
1157-1161       1336-1340       1986  RAF/Airplanes                                   3.25
1162-1167       1341-1346       1986  Christmas/Folk Customs                          3.00
1168-1171       1347-1350       1987  A.Lammer/Flower Photography                     2.75
1172-1175       1351-1354       1987  I.Newton/Mathematics                            2.75
1176-1179       1355-1358       1987  Europa/Architecture                             2.75
1180-1183       1359-1362       1987  St. John Ambulance/First Aid                    2.75
1184-1187       1363-1366       1987  Order of the Thistle/Coat of Arms               2.75
1188-1191       1367-1370       1987  Queen Victoria Accession                        2.75
1192-1195       1371-1374       1987  Studio Pottery                                  2.75
1196-1200       1375-1379       1987  Christmas                                       2.75
1201-1204       1380-1383       1988  Linnean Society                                 2.75
1205-1208       1384-1387       1988  Welsh Bible                                     2.75
1209-1212       1388-1391       1988  Sports Organizations                            2.75
1213-1216       1392-1395       1988  Europa/Mail Transportation                      2.80
1217-1221       1400-1404       1988  Spanish Armada (5v)                             2.45
1217-1221       1400-1404       1988  Spanish Armada (s/5v)                           2.75
1222-1225       1396-1399       1988  Australian Bicentenary (4v)                     2.65
1222-1225       1396-1399       1988  Australian Bicentenary (prs)                    2.95
1226-1229       1405-1408       1988  E.Lear/Children's Verses                        2.70
1229a           MS1409          1988  E.Lear/Children's Verses (ss)                  10.50
1234-1238       1414-1418       1988  Christmas Cards                                 2.90
1239-1244       1419-1422       1989  Birds                                           2.90
1243-1247       1423-1427       1989  Greetings (5v) (ex-bklt)                       18.15
1243-1247       1423-1427       1989  Greetings (s/5v) (ex-bklt)                     20.15
1248-1251       1428-1431       1989  Food & Farming Year                             2.70
1252-1255       1432-1435       1989  Anniversaries (prs)                             3.25
1252-1255       1432-1435       1989  Anniversaries (4v)                              3.00
1256-1259       1436-1439       1989  Europa/Games and Toys                           3.70
1280-1283       1440-1443       1989  Industrial Archaeology                          2.70
1284            MS1444          1989  Industrial Archaeology (ss/4v)                  4.00
1285-1288       1453-1456       1989  Microscopical Society                           2.70
1289-1293       1457-1461       1989  Lord Mayor's Show (5v)                          2.45
1289-1293       1457-1461       1989  Lord Mayor's Show (s/5v)                        2.70
1289a           2957            2009  Lord Mayor's Coach - 20p (ex-bklt) (p.14)       1.50
1294,B2-B5      1462-1466       1989  Christmas/Ely Cathedral (5v)                    3.00
1300-1303       1479-1482       1990  RSPCA/Animals                                   3.75
1304-1313       1483-1492       1990  Greetings (10v) (ex-bklt)                      21.20
1304-1313       1483-1492       1990  Greetings (b/10v) (ex-bklt)                    26.00
1314-1317       1493-1496       1990  Europa/City of Glasgow                          3.65
1318-1321       1497-1500       1990  Queen's Awards (prs)                            3.65
1318-1321       1497-1500       1990  Queen's Awards (4v)                             3.40
1322-1325       1502-1505       1990  Kew Gardens                                     2.65
1326            1506            1990  T.Hardy/Author                                  0.55
1327-1330       1507-1510       1990  Queen Mother Birthday                           4.90
1331-1335       1517-1521       1990  Gallantry Awards                                2.55
1331a           2666            2006  Victoria Cross #2 - 20p (ex-bklt) (litho)       6.75
1336-1339       1522-1525       1990  Astronomy                                       2.65
1340-1344       1526-1530       1990  Christmas                                       3.10
1345-1349       1531-1535       1991  G.Stubbs/Dogs/Paintings                         3.75
1350-1359       1536-1545       1991  Greetings/Charms (10v) (ex-bklt)               12.15
1350-1359       1536-1545       1991  Greetings/Charms (b/10v) (ex-bklt)             14.50
1360-1363       1546-1549       1991  Scientific Achievements                         2.90
1364-1373       1550-1559       1991  Greetings (10v) (ex-bklt)                       8.85
1364-1373       1550-1559       1991  Greetings (b/10v) (ex-bklt)                     9.75
1374-1377       1560-1563       1991  Europa/Space (prs)                              5.25
1378-1381       1564-1567       1991  World Student Games/Rugby                       3.00
1382-1386       1568-1572       1991  Rose Congress/Roses                             3.45
1387-1391       1573-1577       1991  Dinosaurs                                       4.55
1392-1395       1578-1581       1991  Ordnance Survey/Maps                            3.45
1416-1420       1582-1586       1991  Christmas                                       3.45
1421-1425       1587-1592       1992  Wintertime/Wildlife                             3.55
1426-1435       1592-1601       1992  Greetings/Memories (10v) (ex-bklt)             11.45
1426-1435       1592-1601       1992  Greetings/Memories (b/10v) (ex-bklt)           13.00
1436-1440       1602-1606       1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary (s/5v)          5.05
1441-1444       1607-1610       1992  A.Tennyson/Author                               3.25
1449-1450       1617-1618       1992  Europa/Discovery of America (2v)                2.75
1451-1453       1615//1619      1992  Barcelona Olympics/EXPO '92 (pr+1v)             2.15
1454-1457       1620-1623       1992  Civil War                                       3.35
1458-1462       1624-1628       1992  A.Sullivan/Operas                               3.45
1463-1466       1629-1632       1992  Protection of Environment                       3.35
1467            1633            1992  European Market                                 0.65
1468-1472       1634-1638       1992  Christmas/Stained Glass Windows                 3.55
1473-1477       1639-1643       1993  Abbotsbury Swannery/Swans                       6.75
1478            1658            1993  Defs - 10.00 Britannia                         35.10
1479-1488       1644-1653       1993  Greetings/Gift Giving (10v) (ex-bklt)          10.30
1479-1488       1644-1653       1993  Greetings/Gift Giving (b/10v) (ex-bklt)        12.00
1489-1492       1654-1657       1993  J.Harrison/Timekeepers                          3.25
1493-1497       1659-1663       1993  Orchid Conference/Orchids                       3.55
1498-1501       1767-1770       1993  Europa/Contemporary Art                         3.85
1502-1505       1771-1774       1993  Roman Britain                                   3.25
1506-1509       1775-1778       1993  Inland Waterways                                3.25
1510-1504       1779-1783       1993  Autumn/Fruits and Leaves                        3.80
1515-1519       1784-1788       1993  Sherlock Holmes (s/5v)                          3.45
1528-1532       1790-1794       1993  Christmas/C.Dickens                             3.80
1533-1537       1795-1799       1994  Age of Steam/Railways                           4.45
1538-1547       1800-1809       1994  Greetings/Messages (10v) (ex-bklt)             12.10
1538-1547       1800-1809       1994  Greetings/Messages (b/10v) (ex-bklt)           14.00
1548-1552       1810-1814       1994  Paintings/Prince Charles                        4.00
1553-1557       1815-1819       1994  Picture Postcards                               3.80
1558-1561       1820-1823       1994  Channel Tunnel (prs)                            4.00
1562-1566       1824-1828       1994  D-Day Anniversary (s/5v)                        4.05
1567-1571       1829-1833       1994  Scottish Golf Courses                           3.90
1572-1576       1834-1838       1994  Four Seasons/Summer                             3.60
1577-1580       1839-1842       1994  Europa/Medical Discoveries                      4.00
1581-1585       1843-1847       1994  Christmas/Nativity Plays                        3.80
1586-1590       1848-1852       1995  Cats                                            3.80
1591-1595       1853-1857       1995  Four Seasons/Spring                             3.80
1596-1605       1858-1867       1995  Greetings/Art (10v) (ex-bklt)                  10.45
1596-1605       1858-1867       1995  Greetings/Art (b/10v) (ex-bklt)                12.00
1606-1610       1868-1872       1995  National Trust Centenary                        3.80
1611-1615       1873-1877       1995  Europa/Peace and Freedom                        3.80
1616-1619       1878-1881       1995  Science Fiction/H.G. Wells                      3.80
1620-1624       1882-1886       1995  Shakespeare's Globe Theater (s/5v)              3.45
1625-1628       1887-1890       1995  Pioneers of Communication                       3.55
1629-1633       1891-1895       1995  Rugby League Centenary                          3.60
1634-1638       1896-1900       1995  Christmas/Robins                                4.25
1639-1642       1901-1904       1996  R.Burns/Poet                                    3.80
1643-1652       1905-1914       1996  Greetings/Cartoons (10v) (ex-bklt)             11.00
1643-1652       1905-1914       1996  Greetings/Cartoons (b/10v) (ex-bklt)           13.00
(1643-1652)     1905p-1914p     1996  Greetings/Cartoons (10v) (ex-bklt)(phos)       48.60
(1643-1652)     1905p-1914p     1996  Greetings/Cartoons (b/10v) (ex-bklt) (phos)    51.00
1653-1657       1915-1919       1996  Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust                     3.80
1658-1662       1920-1924       1996  Centenary of Cinema                             4.05
1663-1667       1925-1929       1996  Soccer Championships                            4.70
1688-1692       1930-1934       1996  Atlanta Olympic Games/Paralympics (s/5v)        3.60
1693-1697       1935-1939       1996  Europa/Famous Women                             4.35
1698-1702       1940-1944       1996  Children's Television                           5.05
1698b           1940a           1997  Children's Television - 20p (p.15x14)           1.45
1703-1707       1945-1949       1996  Classic Sports Cars                             4.60
1708-1712       1950-1954       1996  Christmas                                       4.60
1713-1722       1955-1964       1997  Greetings/Flowers (10v) (ex-bklt)              11.50
1713-1722       1955-1964       1997  Greetings/Flowers (b/10v)(ex-bklt)             13.00
1713a-1720a     2463-2465       2004  Greetings/Flowers (3v) (ex-bklt) (p.15x14)     19.00
1723-1729       1965-1971       1997  King Henry VIII (s/6v+1v)                       5.80
1730-1733       1972-1975       1997  Religious Anniversaries                         4.15
1754-1757       1980-1983       1997  Europa/Horror Stories                           4.55
1758-1762       1984-1988       1997  British Aircraft Designers                      5.35
1758a           2868            2008  RAF/Spitfire  - 20p (ex-bklt)(litho) (p.14)     1.25
1763-1766       1989-1992       1997  Queen's Horses                                  4.05
1767-1770       1997-2000       1997  Post Office Buildings                           4.00
1771-1775       2001-2005       1997  E.Blyton/Children's Authors                     4.80
1776-1780       2006-2010       1997  Christmas/Father Christmas                      4.60
1781-1784       2011-2014       1997  Golden Wedding Anniversary #2                   4.05
1785-1790       2015-2020       1998  Endangered Species                              6.70
1791-1795       2021-2025       1998  Diana (s/5v)                                    3.25
1796-1800       2026-2030       1998  Queen's Beasts/Order of the Garter (s/5v)       3.55
1804-1808       2034-2038       1998  Lighthouses                                     5.25
1809-1813       2041-2045       1998  Comedians                                       5.40
1814-1817       2046-2049       1998  National Health Service                         4.35
1820-1804       2050-2054       1998  Children's Literature/Fantasy Novels            5.25
1825-1828       2055-2058       1998  Europa/Festivals/Notting Hill                   4.95
1829-1833       2059-2063       1998  Land Speed Records                              4.60
1829a           2059a           1998  Land Speed Records - 20p (ex-bklt)              1.95
1834-1838       2064-2068       1998  Christmas/Angels                                5.60
1839-1842       2069-2072       1999  Millennium/Inventors Tale (#48-45)              4.35
1842a           2072a           1999  Millennium/Inventors - 63p (p.13.75)            3.25
1843-1846       2073-2076       1999  Millennium/Travelers' Tale (#44-41)             4.35
1847-1850       2080-2083       1999  Millennium/Patients' Tale (#40-37)              4.35
1851-1854       2084-2087       1999  Millennium/Settlers' Tale (#36-33)              4.35
1855-1858       2088-2091       1999  Millennium/Workers' Tale (#32-29)               4.35
1859-1862       2092-2095       1999  Millennium/Entertainers' Tale (#28-25)          4.35
1863-1866       2098-2101       1999  Millennium/Citizens' Tale (#24-21)              4.35
1867-1870       2102-2105       1999  Millennium/Scientists Tale (#20-17)             4.35
1868a-1869a     2103b-2104a     1999  Millennium/Scientists - 26,44p (p.14,ex-bklt)   6.15
1870b           MS2106          1999  Solar Eclipse (ss/4v)                          21.45
1871-1874       2107-2110       1999  Millennium/Farmers' Tale (#16-13)               4.35
1875-1878       2111-2114       1999  Millennium/Soldiers' Tale (#12-9)               4.35
1879-1882       2115-2118       1999  Millennium/Christians' Tale (#8-5)              4.35
1883-1886       2119-2122       1999  Millennium/Artists' Tale (#4-1)                 4.35
1887-1888       2096-2097       1999  Sophie and Edward Wedding                       2.35
1889            MS2123          1999  Millennium/Timekeeper (ss/4v)                  21.55
(1889)          (MS2123)        2000  Millennium/Timekeeper/LONDON '00 (ss) (ovpt)   34.60
1890-1893       2125-2128       2000  Millennium/Above & Beyond (#1-4) (4v)           4.70
1894-1897       2129-2132       2000  Millennium/Fire & Light (#5-8)                  4.70
1898-1901       2134-2137       2000  Millennium/Water & Coast (#9-12)                4.70
1902-1905       2138-2141       2000  Millennium/Life & Earth (#13-16)                4.70
1906-1909       2142-2145       2000  Millennium/Art & Craft (#17-20)                 4.70
1910-1913       2148-2151       2000  Millennium/People & Places (#21-4)              4.70
1914-1917       2152-2155       2000  Millennium/Stone & Soil (#25-8)                 4.70
1918-1921       2156-2159       2000  Millennium/Tree & Leaf (#29-32)                 4.70
1922-1925       2162-2165       2000  Millennium/Mind & Matter (#33-6)                4.90
1926-1929       2166-2169       2000  Millennium/Body & Bone (#37-40)                 4.70
1930-1933       2170-2173       2000  Millennium/Spirit & Faith (#41-4)               4.70
1934-1937       2174-2177       2000  Millennium/Sound & Vision (#45-8)               4.70
1938            2126a           2000  Millennium/Night Sky #2 - 1st(ex-bklt)          6.15
1938a           2126ab          2000  BP - Millennium (1st Night Sky+1st Ants)        9.25
1942            MS2147          2000  Her Majesty's Stamps/LONDON '00 (ss)           20.95
1943            MS2161          2000  Queen Mother Birthday (ss)                     12.30
1943c           2160            2000  Queen Mother Birthday - 27p (ex-ss)             2.70
1944-1947       2178-2181       2001  Millennium/Face Paintings                       4.70
1948-1952       2182-2186       2001  Greetings/Occasions/Hallmarks                   6.05
1953-1962       2187-2196       2001  Cats & Dogs (sa) (b/10v) (ex-bklt)             12.90
1963-1966       2197-2200       2001  Weather                                         5.35
1966a           MS2201          2001  Weather (ss)                                   17.85
1967-1970       2202-2205       2001  Submarines (p.15x14)                            4.90
1967a-1970a     2202a-2205a     2001  Submarines (p.15.5x15) (ex-bklt)               18.40
1971            2207            2001  Submarines (1v) (ex-bklt) (sa)                 59.10
1972-1976       2210-2214       2001  Double-Decker Buses (s/5v)                      5.70
1976b           MS2215          2001  Double-Decker Buses (ss)                       10.75
1977-1980       2216-2219       2001  Fashion Hats                                    5.60
1981-1984       2220-2223       2001  Pond Life/Europa                                6.40
1985-1990       2224-2229       2001  Punch and Judy/Puppets (s/6v)                   6.05
1991-1992       2230-2231       2001  Punch and Judy/Puppets (sa)(2v) (ex-bklt)      23.25
1993-1998       2232-2237       2001  Nobel Prize Winners                            14.95
1999            MS2206          2001  Flags and Ensigns (ss/4v)                       9.90
2000-2001       2208-2209       2001  Flags and Ensigns (sa) (2v) (ex-bklt)          23.25
2002-2006       2238-2242       2001  Christmas/Robins (sa)                           6.30
2007-2016       2243-2252       2002  R.Kipling/Just So Stories(sa)(ex-bklt)(b/10v)  10.35
2017-2021       2253-2257       2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                             7.75
(2017-2021)     2253a-2257a     2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ex-bklt) (wmk up) (5v)    24.00
2024-2028       2260-2264       2002  Greetings/Occasions (5v) (p.15x14)              4.70
2024a-2028a     (2260-2264)     2002  Greetings/Occasions (5v+labs) (p.14.5)         14.50
2028A           2264a           2003  Greetings - Hello (sa) (ex-bklt) (1v)           5.50
2029-2038       2265-2274       2002  Aerial Coastline Views (b/10v)                  9.60
2039-2043       2275-2279       2002  Europa/Circus                                   6.75
2044-2047       2280-2283       2002  Queen Mother                                    6.05
2048-2052       2284-2288       2002  Jet Aircraft                                    9.90
2049a           2897            2009  British Design -  Concorde - 1st (ex-bklt) (l   6.35
2052a           MS2289          2002  Jet Aircraft (ss/4v)                           12.55
2053            2290            2002  Jet Aircraft  (sa) (ex-bklt)                    6.35
2054            2291            2002  World Cup Soccer/Lion                           1.75
2055                            2002  World Cup Soccer/Ball & Flag                    1.75
2055                            2002  World Cup Soccer/Ball & Flag (1v+lab)           2.25
2056            MS2292          2002  World Cup Soccer (ss)                           8.20
2057-2058       2293-2294       2002  World Cup Soccer (sa) (ex-bklt) (2v)           10.30
2059-2063       2299-2303       2002  Commonwealth Games                              6.75
2064-2068       2304-2308       2002  Peter Pan/J.Barrie                              6.70
2069-2073       2309-2313       2002  Bridges of London                              10.65
2074            2314            2002  Bridges of London (sa) (ex-bklt) (1v)           6.35
2075            MS2315          2002  Astronomy (ss/4v)                               5.05
2076-2080       2316-2320       2002  Pillar Box Mail Boxes                           8.10
2081-2085       2321-2325       2002  Christmas (sa)                                  9.20
2086            MS2326          2002  Wilding Definitives #1 (ss/9v)                  7.75
2087-2096       2327-2336       2003  Birds of Prey (b/10v)                          11.45
2097-2102       2337-2342       2003  Occasions/Multiple Choice (b/6v)                7.95
2103-2107       2343-2347       2003  Secret Life/DNA Genome                          6.85
2108-2117       2348-2357       2003  Fruit and Vegetables (sa) (ex-bklt) (b/10v)     9.55
2118-2123       2360-2365       2003  Extreme Endeavors/Adventurers                   8.95
2124            2366            2003  Extreme Endeavors (sa) (ex-bklt) (1v)           5.25
2125            MS2367          2003  Wilding Definitives #2 (ss/9v+lab)              7.45
2126            2380            2003  QEII Coronation - 1.00 green (ex-bklt)         49.40
2127-2136       2368-2377       2003  QEII Coronation Anniversary (b/10v)             9.70
2137-2140       2381-2384       2003  Prince William Birthday                        11.25
2141-2146       2385-2390       2003  British Journey/Scotland                        7.60
2147            2391            2003  British Journey/Scotland (sa) (ex-bklt)(1v)     5.25
2148-2152       2392-2396       2003  Pub Signs/Europa                                8.55
2153-2157       2397-2401       2003  Transportation/Toys                             7.65
2157a           MS2402          2003  Transportation/Toys (ss)                        8.95
2158            2403            2003  Transportation/Toys (sa) (ex-bklt) (1v)         5.25
2159-2164       2404-2409       2003  British Museum Exhibits                         9.00
2165-2170       2410-2415       2003  Christmas/Ice Sculptures (sa)                  10.20
2171            MS2416          2003  Rugby Champions (ss)                           12.75
2172-2177       2417-2422       2004  Classic Locomotives                             9.90
2177a           MS2423          2004  Classic Locomotives (ss)                       32.40
2178-2182       2424-2428       2004  Special Occasions/Envelopes (s/5v)              5.25
2183-2192       2429-2438       2004  J.Tolkien/The Lord of the Rings (b/10v)         9.40
2193-2198       2439-2444       2004  British Journey/Northern Ireland                7.20
2199            2445            2004  British Journey/Northern Ireland (sa)(1v)       5.25
2200-2201       2446-2447       2004  Entente Cordiale/France                         2.65
2202-2207       2448-2453       2004  Ocean Liners/Ships                              8.55
2207a           MS2454          2004  Ocean Liners/Ships (ss)                        16.15
2207b           2614            2006  Ocean Liners/Ships - 68p (ex-bklt)              5.70
2208            2455            2004  Ocean Liners/Ships - 1st (sa) (ex-bklt) (1v)    5.25
2209-2214       2456-2461       2004  Horticultural Society/Flowers (6v)              7.60
2210a                           2004  Horticultural Society/Flowers (1st+lab) (1v)    3.45
2214a           MS2462          2004  Horticultural Society/Flowers (ss/6v)          13.75
2215-2220       2466-2471       2004  British Journey/Wales/Europa                    7.15
2221            2472            2004  British Journey/Wales/Europa (sa) (ex-bklt)     7.05
2222-2227       2473-2478       2004  Royal Arts Society                              9.90
2228-2237       2479-2488       2004  Woodland Animals (b/10v)                        9.10
2238-2243       2489-2494       2004  Crimea War/Soldiers                             9.90
2244            MS2501          2004  Christmas/Father Christmas (ss/6v)             11.20
2245-2250       2495-2500       2004  Christmas/Father Christmas (sa) (6v)           12.40
2251-2260       2502-2511       2005  Farm Animals (b/10v)                           10.65
2261-2266       2512-2517       2005  British Journey/Southwest England               7.60
2267-2272       2518-2523       2005  Jane Eyre/C.Bronte                             10.45
2272a           MS2524          2005  Jane Eyre/C.Bronte (ss)                         9.65
2273-2277       2525-2529       2005  Magic Tricks                                    9.20
2278            MS2530          2005  Castles (ss/4v)                                 9.20
2279            MS2531          2005  Charles & Camilla Wedding (ss/4v)               7.85
2280-2287       2532-2539       2005  World Heritage Sites (prs)                      8.30
2288-2293       2540-2545       2005  QEII/Trooping the Colour                       10.10
2293a           MS2546          2005  QEII/Trooping the Colour (ss)                  10.20
2294            MS2547          2005  World War II/St. Paul's Cathedral (ss/6v)       5.90
2295-2300       2548-2553       2005  Motorcycles                                     7.95
2301            MS2554          2005  London 2012 Olympics (ss/6v)                    7.20
2302-2307       2555-2560       2005  Europa/Gastronomy                               7.60
2308-2313       2561-2566       2005  ITV Television                                  7.60
2314-2319       2567-2572       2005  Smilers #1 (6v) (sa) (ex-bklt)                 21.50
2320            MS2573          2005  Ashes Victory/Cricket (ss/4v)                   6.95
2321-2326       2574-2579       2005  Battle of Trafalgar (prs)                       8.50
2326c           MS2580          2005  Battle of Trafalgar (ss)                        8.85
                2581            2005  Battle of Trafalgar/Ensign (ex-bklt) (p.14.5)   3.85
2327            MS2588          2005  Christmas/Madonna & Child (ss/6v)               9.65
2328-2333       2582-2587       2005  Christmas/Madonna & Child (6v) (sa)             9.55
2334-2241       2589-2596       2006  Animal Tales/Children's Stories (prs)           9.90
2342            (LS28)          2006  Animal Tales/Bear (sa) (1st+lab) (1v)           3.10
2343-2352       2597-2606       2006  British Journey/England (b/10v)                10.35
2353-2358       2607-2612       2006  I.K.Brunel/Engineer #1                          9.75
2358a           MS2613          2006  I.K.Brunel/Engineer #1 (ss)                    10.05
2359-2363       2615-2619       2006  Ice Age Mammals                                10.40
2364-2371       2620-2627       2006  QEII 80th Birthday (prs)                       10.65
2372-2377       2628-2633       2006  World Cup Soccer                                9.90
2378-2383       2634-2639       2006  Modern Architecture                            10.15
2384-2393       2640-2649       2006  National Portrait Gallery (b/10v)              10.30
2394-2399       2659-2664       2006  Victoria Cross #1 (prs)                        11.80
2399c           MS2665          2006  Victoria Cross #1 (ss)                         15.10
2400-2404       2667-2671       2006  Integration/Europa/Musicians                   10.75
2405-2410       2672-2677       2006  Smilers #2/Balloon (ex-bklt) (sa) (6v)         18.00
2411            MS2684          2006  Christmas (ss/6v)                              11.35
2412-2417       2678-2683       2006  Christmas (sa) (6v)                            11.40
2418            MS2685          2006  WWI/Somme #1 (ss/5v)                           10.85
2418a                           2006  WWI/Somme #2/Poppies (1v)                       2.70
2418c                           2008  WWI/Poppies (1v) (litho) (ex-ms)                1.90
2419            MSS121          2006  Celebrating Scotland (ss)                       7.75
2420            MS2692          2007  The Beatles/Album Covers (ss/4v)                6.80
2421-2426       2686-2691       2007  The Beatles/Album Covers  (sa)                 11.80
2427            2693            2007  Smilers #3/LOVE - 1st (sa) (ex-bklt) (sync)    10.90
2427c                           2007  Smilers #3/LOVE - 1st (sa) (litho)              2.50
2428-2437       2699-2708       2007  Marine Life (b/10v)                            11.75
2438-2443       2709-2714       2007  Sky at Night/Nebulae (sa)                      10.35
2444-2449       2721-2726       2007  World of Invention                             19.30
2449a           MS2727          2007  World of Invention (ss)                        18.70
2450-2455       2715-2720       2007  World of Invention  (sa)                       10.80
2456-2461       2728-2733       2007  Abolition of Slavery (prs)                     11.00
2462            MSEN19          2007  Celebrating England (ss/4v)                     7.75
2463-2468       2734-2739       2007  Beside the Seaside                             11.65
2469                            2007  Crowned Lion - 1st (1v+lab)                     2.75
2470            MS2740          2007  New Wembley Stadium (ss/5v)                     8.85
2471            MS2743          2007  Machin Anniversary (ss/4v)                      9.60
2471a           2741            2007  Machin Anniversary/A.Machin (ex-bklt)           2.50
2471b           2742            2007  Machin Anniversary/4d Machin (ex-bklt)          2.50
2472                            2007  Machin Anniversary/A.Machin (1v+lab)            2.60
2473-2478       2744-2749       2007  British Grand Prix/Racing Cars                 10.55
2479-2485       2750-2756       2007  Harry Potter Novels (s/7v)                      8.30
2486            MS2757          2007  Harry Potter/Crests (ss/5v)                     8.25
2487-2491                       2007  Harry Potter (vs/5v+labs) (sa)                 11.35
2492-2497       2758-2763       2007  Europa/Scouting Centenary                      10.55
2498-2507       2764-2773       2007  Endangered Birds (b/10v)                       11.45
2508-2513       2774-2779       2007  Military Uniforms (2 s/3v)                     10.90
2514-2519       2780-2785       2007  60th QEII Wedding Anniversary (prs)            10.90
2520            MS2786          2007  60th QEII Wedding Anniversary (sa) (ss/4v)      7.30
2521-2522       2787-2788       2007  Christmas - 2nd,1st Madonna & Child (2v) (sa)   1.95
2523            MS2795          2007  Christmas/Angels (ss/6v)                       13.75
2524-2529       2789-2794       2007  Christmas/Angels - 2nd-1.24 (6v) (sa)          12.75
2530                            2007  Lest We Forget #2/Passchendaele (1v)            2.50
2530a           MS2796          2007  Lest We Forget #2/Passchendaele (ss/5v)        13.65
2531-2536       2797-2802       2008  I.Fleming/James Bond Book Covers               11.40
2536a           MS2803          2008  I.Fleming/James Bond Book Covers (ss/6v)       14.00
2537-2538       2804-2805       2008  Greetings/Hello/Flag (sa) (2v)(ex-bklt)(sync)   4.20
2539-2544       2806-2811       2008  Working Dogs/Europa                            10.85
2545-2548       2819-2824       2008  Smilers #4 (sa) (ex-bklt) (4v) (sync)          17.60
2549-2554       2812-2817       2008  Kings & Queens #1/Lancaster & York              9.85
2555            MS2818          2008  Kings & Queens #1/Lancaster & York (ss/4v)      6.15
2556            NIMS110         2008  Celebrating Northern Ireland (ss/4v)            6.15
2557-2562       2825-2830       2008  Rescue at Sea                                   9.00
2563-2572       2831-2840       2008  Endangerd Insects (b/10v)                      10.75
2573            2848            2008  Beside the Seaside (sa) (ex-bklt) (1v)          3.75
2574-2579       2841-2846       2008  British Cathedrals                              9.55
2580            MS2847          2008  British Cathedrals/St. Paul's  (ss/4v)          7.20
2581-2586       2849-2854       2008  Movie Posters                                   9.55
2587-2592       2855-2860       2008  Air Displays/Airplanes                          9.55
2587b           2869            2008  RAF/Red Arrow Team  (litho)                     2.45
2593            MS2861          2008  Handover of Olympic Flag (ss/4v)                6.25
2594-2599       2862-2867       2008  Military Uniforms #2/RAF (2  s/3v)             11.20
2600            NIMS111         2008  Regional Defs Anniversary (ss/9v)               9.10
2600j-2600r     ---             2008  Regional Defs Anniversary (ex-bklt) (litho) (  13.50
2601-2606       2870-2875       2008  Women of Distinction                            9.00
2607            MS2882          2008  Christmas/Pantomime (ss/6v)                     7.95
2608-2613       2876-2881       2008  Christmas/Pantomime (sa) (6v)                   7.60
2608b//2613a                    2008  Christmas - 2nd,1st,81p (litho) (3v+labs)       5.90
2614            2885            2008  Lest We Forget #3/Face in Poppy  (1v)           2.50
2614a           MS2886          2008  Lest We Forget #3/Poppy & Regionals (ss/5v)    10.30
2614b           2883-2885       2008  Lest We Forget #3/Poppy Flowers (s/3v)          2.90
2615-2624       2887-2896       2009  British Design #1 (b/10v)                      12.30
2625            MSS137          2009  R.Burns (ss/6v)                                 8.65
2626            MS2904          2009  C.Darwin/Flora & Fauna (ss/4v)                  6.85
2627-2632       2905-2910       2009  C.Darwin/Flora & Fauna  (ex-bklt)              43.45
2633-2638       2898-2903       2009  C.Darwin/Flora & Fauna  (sa)                   10.20
2639            MSW125          2009  Celebrating Wales (ss/4v)                       7.75
2640            2911            2009  British Design/Kiosk (sa) (ex-bklt)             2.80
2641            2912            2009  British Design/Bus (sa) (ex-bklt)               2.80
2642            2913            2009  British Design/Mini Cooper (sa) (ex-bklt)       2.80
2643            2914            2009  British Design/Concorde (sa) (ex-bklt)          2.80
2644            2915            2009  British Design/Miniskirt (sa) (ex-bklt)         2.80
2645-2652       2916-2923       2009  Pioneers of Industrial Revolution (prs)        11.55
2653-2658       2924-2929       2009  Kings & Queens #2/House of Tudor                9.75
2659            MS2930          2009  Kings & Queens #2/House of Tudor (ss/4v)        6.85
2660-2669       2931-2940       2009  Endangered Plants (b/10v)                      11.00
2670            MS2941          2009  Kew Botanic Gardens (ss/4v)                     6.95
2671-2672       2942-2943       2009  Flowers (2v) (sa) (ex-bklt)                     7.15
2673-2678       2944-2949       2009  Mythological Creatures                         10.55
------          2950-2953       2009  Post Boxes (4v)                                12.90
2679            MS2954          2009  Post Boxes (ss/4v)                              7.85
----            2955-2956       2009  Archives - 20p, 1st (2v) (ex-bklt)              3.75
2680-2685       2958-2963       2009  Fire and Rescue Services                       11.40
2686-2691       2964-2969       2009  Military Uniforms #3/Navy (2 s/3v)             11.40
---             2970            2009  Military Uniforms #3/Jolly Roger (ex-bklt)      3.75
2692-2701       2971-2980       2009  Famous Britains/Europa  (2 s/5v)               10.40
2702-2711       2981-2990       2009  London Olympic/Paralympic Games (2 s/5v)       12.20
2712-2713       3020-3021       2010  Olympics - Judo/Archery  (sa) (ex-bklt)         4.50
2714-2715       3022-3023       2010  Olympics - Track/Basketball (sa) (ex-bklt)      4.50
2716            MS2998          2009  Christmas/Stained Glass (ss/7v)                13.20
2717-2723       2991-2997       2009  Christmas/Stained Glass (sa) (7v)              13.20
2717b-2722a                     2009  Christmas/Stained Glass (sa) (litho)(4v+labs)  12.85
2724-2733       3009-3018       2010  Classic Album Covers (10v)                     30.30
2733b           MS3019          2010  Classic Album Covers (ss)                      48.60
2734-2743       2999-3008       2010  Classic Album Covers (2 s/5v) (sa)             24.00
2744            MS3024          2010  Smilers/Business/Consumer (ss/10v)             19.75
2745            LS70            2010  Smilers/Business/Consumer (sa)(ms/20v+labs)    48.15
2745c                           2011  Postmark Anniversary (1v) (sa) (ex-ms)          1.80
2746            MS3025          2010  Girl Guides (ss/4v)                             7.95
2747-2756       3026-3035       2010  Royal Society (b/10v)                          11.35
2757-2766       3036-3045       2010  Dogs & Cats (b/10v)                            11.35
2767-2773       3046-3052       2010  Kings & Queens/House of Stewart                10.55
2774            MS3053          2010  Kings & Queens/House of Stewart (ss)            7.20
2775-2784       3054-3063       2010  Action for Species/Mammals (b/10v)             11.75
2785-2786       3095-3096       2010  Action for Species/Mammals (sa) (ex-bklt)       5.95
2787-2792       3066-3071       2010  LONDON '10/The King Stamps (6v) (ex-bklt)      18.25
2791a           MS3072          2010  LONDON '10/The King Stamps (ss/4v)             11.90
2792a           MS3065          2010  LONDON '10/George V  Accession (ss/2v)          6.25
(2792a)         (MS3065)        2010  LONDON '10/George V  Accession (ss/2v) (ovpt)  18.95
2793-2794                       2010  Greetings/Thank You (sa) (2v+labs) (ex-ms)     38.75
2795-2802       3074-3081       2010  WWII Britain Alone #1/Civil Defense            14.50
2803-2806       3082-3085       2010  WWII Britain Alone #2/Dunkirk                   8.10
2806a           MS3086          2010  WWII Britain Alone #2/Dunkirk (ss)              8.10
2807-2813       3087-3093       2010  Kings & Queens #4/House of Stuart              10.85
2814            MS3094          2010  Kings & Queens #4/House of Stuart (ss)          8.50
2815-2824       3097-3106       2010  London Olympics/Paralympics  (2 s/5v)          11.95
2825-2826       3107-3108       2010  Olympics - Rowing/Table Tennis (sa) (ex-bklt)   4.60
2827-2832       3109-3114       2010  Last Steam Locomotives                         11.65
2833            2915b           2010  British Design/Spitfire Airplane(sa)(ex-bklt)   2.30
2834-2839       3115-3120       2010  Medical Breakthroughs                          11.55
2840-2841       3108a-3108b     2010  Olympics - Soccer/Cycling (sa) (ex-bklt)        5.75
2842-2847       3121-3126       2010  Europa/Winnie-the-Pooh                         11.05
2848            MS3127          2010  Europa/Winnie-the-Pooh (ss)                     8.20
2849            MS3135          2010  Christmas/Wallace & Gromit (ss)                14.55
2850-2856       3128-3134       2010  Christmas/Wallace & Gromit (sa)                14.55
2850b-2855a                     2010  Christmas/Wallace & Gromit(sa)(litho)(4v+lab)   8.75
2857-2862       3136-3141       2011  Children's TV/G. Anderson (2 s/3v)             12.65
2863            MS3142          2011  Children's TV/G. Anderson (ss/4v)               8.85
2864            3143            2011  Children's TV/G. Anderson (sa) (ex-bkt)         2.85
2865            MS3144          2011  Classic Locomotives (ss/4v)                     8.40
2866            3153            2011  British Heart Foundation (sa) (ex-bklt)         2.80
2867-2874       3145-3152       2011  London Stage Musicals                          14.75
2875-2882       3154-3161       2011  Magical Realms/Wizards & Magicians (v/prs)     14.55
2883-2892       3162-3171       2011  WWF 50th Anniversary/Wildlife (2 s/5v)         12.35
2893            MS3172          2011  WWF 50th Anniversary/Wildlife (ss/4v)           8.20
2894-2899       3173-3178       2011  Royal Shakespeare Company                      13.10
2900            MS3179          2011  Royal Shakespeare Company (ss)                  8.60
2901            MS3180          2011  William & Catherine Wedding (ss)                9.50
2902-2907       3181-3186       2011  Morris & Co. Anniversary                       13.15
---             3186a           2011  Christmas - 2nd Stained Glass(ex-Morris bklt)  14.25
2908-2913       3187-3192       2011  W.Awdry/Thomas the Tank Engine                 14.15
2914            MS3193          2011  W.Awdry/Thomas the Tank Engine (ss)             8.65
2915            3194            2011  W.Awdry/Thomas the Tank Engine (sa) (exbklt)    2.80
2916-2925       3195-3204       2011  Olympic Games (2 s/5v)                         13.00
---             MS3204a         2011  Olympic Games (ss/30v)                         71.50
2926-2927       3205-3206       2011  Olympic Games - Sail & Rugby (sa) (ex-bklt)     5.45
2928-2929       3206a-3206b     2011  Olympic Games - Gym & Fencing (sa) (ex-bklt)    5.45
2930            3215            2011  Classic Locomotives (sa) (ex-bklt)              2.50
2931-2938       3207-3214       2011  Crown Jewels                                   17.35
2939            MS3220          2011  Aerial Post Anniversary (ss/4v)                 9.90
---             3216-3219       2011  Aerial Post Anniversary (ex-bklt)              14.60
---             3221            2011  QEII Windsor Castle - 50p (ex-bklt)             4.70
MH411a          MS3222          2011  A.Machin Birth Centenary (ss/10v)              17.10
2940-2945       3223-3228       2011  Kings & Queens/House of Hanover                12.80
2946            MS3229          2011  Kings & Queens/House of Hanover (ss)            9.20
2947-2958       3230-3241       2011  United Kingdom A-Z #1 (2 s/6v)                 15.75
2959-2972       3294-3307       2012  United Kingdom A-Z #2 (2 s/6v+pr)              18.95
                MS3308          2012  United Kingdom A-Z #2 (ss/12v)                 41.15
2973            MS3249          2011  Christmas/King James Bible (ss/7v)             16.15
2974-2980       3242-3248       2011  Christmas/King James Bible (sa)                15.85
2981-2982,C6-C7 3250-3253       2012  London Olympics (4v) (sa)                       8.55
2983-2988       3254-3259       2012  R.Dahl/Children's Books #1                     12.75
2989            MS3264          2012  R.Dahl/Children's Books (ss/4v)                 8.15
2990-2994       3265-3269       2012  Kings & Queens/House of Windsor                10.95
2995            MS3270          2012  Kings & Queens/House of Windsor (ss)            7.75
2996            MS3272          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss/6v)                    7.75
2997-3006       3273-3282       2012  Britons of Distinction (2 s/5v)                12.75
3007            MS3283          2012  Classic Locomotives of Scotland (ss/4v)         8.75
3008-3017       3284-3293       2012  Comics (2 s/5v)                                12.50
3018-3027       3309-3318       2012  Fashion (2 s/5v)                               12.75
                3319-3326       2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee #2 (prs)                  17.75
                3327            2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee #2 (sa) (ex-bklt)          3.25
                3330-3335       2012  C.Dickens/Author                               15.35
                MS3336          2012  C.Dickens/Author (ss/4v)                        6.45
                MS3341          2012  London Olympic Games Welcome (ss/4v)           10.10
                3342-3370       2012  Olympic Gold Medal Winners (29v) (sa)          55.15
                MS3371          2012  Welcome London Paralympic Games  (ss/4v)        9.75
                3372-3405       2012  Paralympic Gold Medal Winners (34v) (sa)       59.85
                MS3406          2012  London Olympic Games Memories (ss/4v)          10.10
                3407            2012  Classic Locomotives/Scotland (ex-bklt) (sa) (   2.95
                3408-3413       2012  Space Science                                  13.75
                3414            2012  Lest We Forget #4/Poppies (sa)                  1.60
                3415-3421       2012  Christmas (7v) (sa)                            17.20
                MS3422          2012  Christmas (ss/7v)                              17.70

B1              970             1975  Semi-Postal - Wheelchair                        0.20
B2-B5           1463-1466       1989  Semi-Postal - Christmas (4v)                    3.50

C1-C2           2358-2359       2003  Airmail - 40g Europe & World (2v) (ex-bklt) (   5.15
C3              2357a           2004  Airmail - Postcard (1v) (ex-bklt) (sa)          1.80
C4-C5           2357b,2358a     2010  Airmail - 20g Europe & World  (2v (sa) (ex-bk   4.10

J74-J75         D75-D76         1968  Postage Due - 4d,8d (2v)                        6.30
J79-J91         D77-D89         1970  Postage Due - 1/2p-5.00 (13v)                  35.35
J92-J103        D90-D101        1982  Postage Due - 1p-5.00 (12v)                    22.85
J104-J112       D102-D110       1994  Postage Due - 1p-5.00 (9v)                     42.60


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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.