Stanley Lisica LLC
Malta Postage Stamps : 1946-2016
A price list (1946-2016) of Malta stamps, souvenir (miniature) sheets and booklets for the stamp collector.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the 2017 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  S.G.#'s are from the Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue with updates from theGibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number. A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Updated price list, inventory & catalog numbers
August 5, 2016 

Click here ==> MALTA    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #          SG #             Year  Description                                            Price  
206-207          232-233          1946  Peace/Victory                                           0.55  
208-222          234//248         1948  Defs - 1f-10sh/SELF GOVERNMENT (15v) (ovpt)            85.45  
223-224          249-250          1949  Silver Wedding                                         37.95  
225-228          251-254          1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    4.00  
229-231          255-257          1950  Princess Elizabeth Visit                                1.25  
232-234          258-260          1951  Scapular Centenary                                      2.15  
235-240          236a//241a       1953  Defs - 1d-4.5d/SELF GOVERNMENT (6v) (ovpt)              4.10  
241              261              1953  QEII Coronation                                         0.45  
242              262              1954  Royal Visit                                             0.35  
243-245          263-265          1954  Immaculate Conception Dogma                             0.70  
246-262          266-282          1956  Defs - 1/4d-1.00  (17v)                               126.20  
246-261          266-281          1956  Defs - 1/4d-10sh (16v)                                   .--  
262              282              1957  Defs - 1.00 (1v)                                         .--  
263-265          283-285          1957  George Cross #1                                         0.60  
266-268          286-288          1958  Technical Education                                     0.55  
269-271          289-291          1958  George Cross #2                                         0.60  
272-274          292-294          1959  George Cross #3                                         1.10  
275-280          295-300          1960  Shipwreck of St. Paul                                   2.40  
281-283          301-303          1960  Stamp Centenary                                         0.95  
284-286          304-306          1961  George Cross #4                                         1.05  
287-290          307-310          1962  Great Siege                                             0.85  
291              311              1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     1.80  
292-293          312-313          1963  Red Cross                                               2.35  
296-297          314-315          1963  Defs - 1d,2d (2v) (new wmk)                             2.70  
298-299          316-317          1964  Anti-Brucellosis Congress                               1.00  
300-302          318-320          1964  Catholic Doctors' Congress                              1.65  
303-308          321-326          1964  Independence                                            5.60  
309-311          327-329          1964  Christmas                                               0.75  
312-330          330-348          1965  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (21v)                                 16.40  
312//330         330//348         1965  Defs - 1/2d//1.00 (19v)                                15.80  
319A,321A        337b//339c       1970  Defs - 5d,10d (2v)                                      0.65  
331-333          349-351          1965  Dante's Birth Anniversary                               1.30  
334-340          352-358          1965  Great Siege Anniversary                                 4.30  
341-343          359-361          1965  Christmas                                               0.75  
344-347          362-365          1966  W.Churchill                                             1.10  
348-352          366-370          1966  Valletta Anniversary                                    1.05  
353-354          371-372          1966  J.F.Kennedy                                             0.40  
355-357          373-375          1966  Trade Fair                                              0.65  
358-360          376-378          1966  Christmas                                               0.55  
361-363          379-381          1967  George Cross #5                                         0.55  
364-366          382-384          1967  St. Peter & St. Paul                                    0.55  
367-370          385-388          1967  M.Gafa/Sculptor                                         0.70  
371-374          389-392          1967  Historical Architecture Congress                        0.70  
375-377          393-395          1967  Christmas (3v)                                          0.50  
377a             393-395          1967  Christmas (s/3v)                                        0.60  
378-380          396-398          1967  Royal Visit                                             0.55  
381-383          399-401          1968  Human Rights Year                                       0.55  
384-386          402-405          1968  Trade Fair                                              0.60  
387-390          405-408          1968  J.La Vallette                                           0.70  
391-393          409-411          1968  Christmas                                               0.55  
394-396          412-414          1968  FAO Conference                                          0.55  
397              415              1969  M.Gandhi                                                0.70  
398-399          416-417          1969  ILO                                                     0.40  
400-403          418-421          1969  Centenaries                                             0.70  
404-408          422-426          1969  Independence Anniversary                                0.90  
409-416          430-437          1970  Europe Art Exhibition                                   1.45  
417-419          438-440          1970  Osaka Expo '70                                          0.55  
420-422          441-443          1970  United Nations                                          0.55  
423-424          447-448          1971  Literary Anniversaries/De Soldanis/D.Karm               0.40  
425-427          449-451          1971  Europa                                                  0.75  
428-431          452-455          1971  St. Joseph & Our Lady of Victories                      0.75  
432-435          456-459          1971  National Bird & Plant                                   0.95  
436-438          464-466          1972  World Health Day                                        0.70  
439-446          467-474          1972  Decimal Coins - 2m-50c (8v)                             2.30  
447-449          475-477          1972  Defs - 1.3m,3c,5c (surch) (3v)                          0.55  
450-453          478-481          1972  Europa                                                  0.80  
450-453          478-481          1972  Europa (4 ms/10v)                                        .--  
454-468          486//500         1973  Defs - 2m-1.00 (15v)                                   13.10  
469-471          501-503          1973  Europa                                                  0.75  
469-471          501-503          1973  Europa (3 ms/10v)                                        .--  
472-474          504-506          1973  Anniversaries                                           0.70  
475-479          511-515          1974  Prominent Maltese                                       1.00  
480-483          523-526          1974  Europa                                                  1.05  
480-483          523-526          1974  Europa (4 ms/10v)                                        .--  
484-487          527-530          1974  UPU Centenary                                           1.90  
487a             MS531            1974  UPU Centenary (ss/4v)                                   4.85  
488-490          536-538          1975  Inauguration of Republic                                0.95  
491-494          539-542          1975  Women's Year                                            1.60  
495-496          543-544          1975  Europa                                                  1.00  
495-496          543-544          1975  Europa (2 ms/10v)                                        .--  
497-500          545-548          1975  Architectural Heritage Year                             1.85  
501-503          552-554          1975  Republic Anniversary                                    1.00  
504              500b             1976  Defs - 2.00 Coat of Arms                                7.30  
505-508          555-558          1976  Folklore                                                1.20  
509-511          559-561          1976  Montreal Olympic Games                                  1.25  
512-513          562-563          1976  Europa                                                  0.75  
512-513          562-563          1976  Europa (2 ms/10v)                                        .--  
514-517          564-567          1976  Medical School Anniversary                              0.85  
518-520          572-574          1977  Suits of Armour                                         0.70  
521              575              1977  Defs - 1.7m/4d (surch)                                  0.35  
522-525          576-579          1977  Flemish Tapestries #1                                   1.45  
526-529          592-595          1978  Flemish Tapestries #2                                   1.55  
530-533          615-618          1979  Flemish Tapestries #3                                   1.75  
535-538          580-583          1977  Telecommunications Day                                  1.15  
539-540          584-585          1977  Europa                                                  0.70  
539-540          584-585          1977  Europa (2 ms/10v)                                        .--  
541-543          586-588          1977  Workers                                                 0.80  
544-546          596-598          1978  A.Durer                                                 0.80  
547-548          599-600          1978  Europa/Monuments                                        0.75  
547-548          599-600          1978  Europa/Monuments (2 ms/10v)                              .--  
549-551          601-603          1978  World Cup Soccer                                        0.80  
551a             MS604            1978  World Cup Soccer (ss/3v)                                1.80  
552-557          619-624          1979  Military Facilities Agreement                           1.60  
558-559          625-626          1979  Europa/Communications                                   0.95  
558-559          625-626          1979  Europa/Communications (2 ms/10v)                         .--  
560-562          627-629          1979  Year of the Child                                       0.60  
563-566          630-633          1979  Marine Life                                             1.25  
567-568          638-639          1980  Flemish Tapestries #4                                   0.50  
569              MS640            1980  Flemish Tapestries #4 (ss)                              1.20  
570-573          641-644          1980  Monument Restoration Campaign                           0.90  
574              645              1980  D.Preca                                                 0.30  
575-576          646-647          1980  Europa/Personalities                                    0.80  
575-576          646-647          1980  Europa/Personalities (2 ms/10v)                          .--  
577-579          652-654          1980  Chess Olympiad & Congress                               1.30  
580-583          655-658          1981  Birds                                                   2.10  
584-585          659-660          1981  Europa/Folklore                                         0.85  
584-585          659-660          1981  Europa/Folklore (2 ms/10v)                               .--  
586-587          661-662          1981  International Trade Fair                                0.80  
588-589          663-664          1981  Year for Disabled Persons                               0.95  
590-591          665-666          1981  World Food Day                                          0.90  
592-607          667-682          1981  Defs/Industries - 5m-3.00 (16v)                        21.60  
608-611          686-689          1982  Shipbuilding                                            2.15  
612-613          690-691          1982  Care of the Elderly                                     1.65  
614-615          692-693          1982  Europa/Historical Events                                1.30  
614-615          692-693          1982  Europa/Historical Events (2 ms/10v)                      .--  
616-618          694-696          1982  World Cup Soccer                                        1.40  
618a             MS697            1982  World Cup Soccer (ss/3v)                                3.80  
619-619C         701-704          1982  Ships #1 (4v)                                           2.90  
620-622          705-707          1983  Railways Centenary                                      3.15  
623-626          708-711          1983  Commonwealth Day                                        1.50  
627-628          712-713          1983  Europa                                                  1.25  
627-628          712-713          1983  Europa (2 ms/10v)                                        .--  
629-632          714-717          1983  Anniversaries & Events                                  2.60  
633              718              1983  G.De Piro                                               0.35  
634-636          722-724          1983  General Workers' Union                                  1.80  
637-640          725-728          1983  Ships #2                                                3.25  
641-642          736-737          1984  Europa                                                  1.45  
641-642          736-737          1984  Europa (2 ms/10v)                                        .--  
643-646          738-741          1984  Police Force                                            5.20  
647-649          742-744          1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games                               1.75  
650-652          748-750          1984  Republic Anniversary                                    3.20  
653-656          751-754          1985  Post Office Anniversary                                 3.00  
656a             MS755            1985  Post Office Anniversary (ss/4v)                         3.35  
657-659          756-758          1985  International Youth Year                                2.00  
660-661          759-760          1985  Europa/Music                                            3.95  
660-661          759-760          1985  Europa/Music (2 ms/10v)                                  .--  
662-664          761-763          1985  Anniversary of 1919 Demonstration                       2.45  
665-667          764-766          1985  United Nations Anniversary                              2.20  
668-669          767-768          1985  Maltese Celebrities/G.Mitrovich/P.Caxaru                2.00  
670-673          772-775          1985  Ships #3                                                6.10  
674-676          776-778          1986  Peace Year                                              4.80  
677-678          779-780          1986  Europa/Environment                                      3.90  
677-678          779-780          1986  Europa/Environment (2 ms/10v)                            .--  
679-681          781-783          1986  World Cup Soccer                                        4.65  
681a             MS784            1986  World Cup Soccer (ss/3v)                                5.90  
682-685          785-788          1986  Philanthropists                                         5.50  
686-689          792-795          1986  Ships #4                                                5.80  
690-693          796-799          1987  Orinthological Society/Birds                            8.25  
694-695          800-801          1987  Europa/Modern Architecture                              3.60  
694-695          800-801          1987  Europa/Modern Architecture (2 ms/10v)                    .--  
696-699          802-805          1987  Military Uniforms #1                                    5.95  
700-702          806-808          1987  Anniversaries & Events                                  5.65  
703-706          809-812          1987  Ships #5                                                6.25  
707-708          816-817          1987  Peaceful Use of Seabed                                  3.20  
709              MS818            1987  Peaceful Use of Seabed (ss/2v)                          3.35  
710-714          819-823          1988  Maltese Personalities                                   3.75  
715-717          824-826          1988  Religious Anniversaries                                 3.60  
718-719          827-828          1988  Europa/Transport & Communications                       3.10  
718-719          827-828          1988  Europa/Transport & Communications (2 ms/10)              .--  
720-722          829-831          1988  Anniversaries & Events                                  3.30  
723-726          832-835          1988  Military Uniforms #2                                    4.10  
727-729          836-838          1988  Seoul Olympic Games                                     2.70  
730-735          842-847          1989  Independence Anniversary                                4.15  
736              848              1989  Defs - 1.00 Coat of Arms                                4.05  
737-738          849-850          1989  Europa/Children's Games                                 3.65  
737-738          849-850          1989  Europa/Children's Games (2 ms/10v)                       .--  
739-742          851-854          1989  Military Uniforms #3                                    4.75  
743-747          855-859          1989  Anniversaries & Events                                  4.70  
748              863              1989  US/USSR Summit Meeting                                  1.30  
749-750          864-865          1990  Europa/Post Office Buildings                            2.85  
749-750          864-865          1990  Europa/Post Office Buildings (2 ms/10v)                 0.00  
751-754          866-869          1990  Anniversaries & Events                                  4.55  
755-758          870-873          1990  British Authors                                         4.50  
759-760          874-875          1990  Pope John Paul II Visit (2v)                            2.05  
760a             874-875          1990  Pope John Paul II Visit (pr)                            2.25  
760a             874-875          1990  Pope John Paul II Visit (ms/10v)                       12.75  
761-763          876-878          1990  World Cup Soccer                                        1.85  
763a             MS879            1990  World Cup Soccer (ss/3v)                                2.45  
764-767          880-883          1990  Military Uniforms #4                                    6.70  
768              887              1991  Philatelic Society                                      0.90  
769-770          888-889          1991  Europa/Space                                            2.95  
769-770          888-889          1991  Europa/Space (2 ms/10v)                                  .--  
771-773          890-892          1991  Religious Anniversaries                                 2.55  
774-777          893-896          1991  Military Uniforms #5                                    4.20  
778              897              1991  Union Anniversary                                       0.35  
779-782          898-901          1991  WWF/Birds (s/4v)                                        8.75  
783-794          905-916          1991  Defs/Heritage - 1c-2.00 (12v)                          21.70  
795-796          917-918          1992  Airport Opening                                         1.65  
797-798          919-920          1992  Europa/Discovery of America                             2.90  
797-798          919-920          1992  Europa/Discovery of America (2 ms/10v)                   .--  
799-801          921-923          1992  George Cross                                            7.30  
802-804          924-926          1992  Barcelona Olympic Games                                 3.40  
805-808          927-930          1992  Historic Building Restoration                           5.40  
809-810          934-935          1992  University of Malta                                     2.90  
811-812          936-937          1993  Lions International                                     3.65  
813-814          938-939          1993  Europa/Contemporary Art                                 3.40  
813-814          938-939          1993  Europa/Contemporary Art (2 ms/10v)                       .--  
815-818          940-943          1993  Small States of Europe Games/Sports                     4.50  
818a             MS944            1993  Small States of Europe Games/Sports (ss/4v)             5.05  
819-822          945-948          1993  Boy Scouts & Girl Guides                                4.55  
823-824          949-950          1993  Year of the Elderly/Butterflies                         3.05  
825              951              1993  Worker's Union                                          0.40  
826              MS955            1993  Local Community Councils (ss/4v)                        1.85  
827-828          956-957          1994  Dental Association                                      3.85  
829-830          958-959          1994  Europa/Discoveries                                      2.95  
829-830          958-959          1994  Europa/Discoveries (2 ms/10v)                            .--  
831-835          960-964          1994  Anniversaries & Events                                  5.40  
836-838          965-967          1994  World Cup Soccer                                        3.30  
838a             MS968            1994  World Cup Soccer (ss/3v)                                3.85  
839-842          969-972          1994  Aviation Anniversaries                                  5.20  
843              973              1994  Moon Landing                                            1.30  
844-847          974-977          1994  Christmas                                               3.05  
848-851          978-981          1994  Antique Silverware Exhibition                           5.05  
852-856          982-986          1995  Anniversaries & Events                                  4.20  
857-858          987-988          1995  Europa/Peace & Freedom                                  2.75  
857-858          987-988          1995  Europa/Peace & Freedom (2 ms/10v)                        .--  
859-861          989-991          1995  Anniversaries                                           2.85  
862-866          992-996          1995  Electricity & Telecommunications                        2.65  
867-869          997-999          1995  Nature Conservation Year                                5.50  
870-873          1000-1003        1995  Treasures/Antique Clocks                                4.40  
874-877          1004-4007        1995  Christmas                                               3.20  
878-881          1008-1011        1996  Anniversaries & Events                                  3.50  
882-885          1012-1015        1996  Prehistoric Art Exhibition                              4.40  
886-887          1016-1017        1996  Europa/Famous Women                                     3.20  
886-887          1016-1017        1996  Europa/Famous Women (2 ms/10v)                           .--  
888-891          1018-1021        1996  Anniversaries & Events                                  3.60  
892-895          1022-1025        1996  Atlanta Olympic Games                                   3.25  
896-899          1026-1029        1996  G.Cali/Painter                                          3.05  
900-903          1030-1033        1996  Transportation/Buses                                    4.50  
904-907          1034-1037        1996  Christmas/Stained Glass                                 3.20  
908-910          1038-1040        1997  City Anniversaries                                      2.60  
910a             MS1041           1997  City Anniversaries (ss/3v)                              4.90  
911-914          1042-1045        1997  Treasures/Sedan Chairs                                  3.00  
915-916          1046-1047        1997  Europa/Tales & Legends                                  2.95  
915-916          1046-1047        1997  Europa/Tales & Legends (2 ms/10v)                        .--  
917-918          1048//1052       1997  A.Sciortino/Sculptor                                    1.30  
919-920          1050//1051       1997  Gozo Cathedral                                          1.10  
921-922          1049//1053       1997  J.Caleia/Actor                                          1.55  
923-926          1054-1057        1997  Pioneers of Education                                   3.35  
927-930          1058-1061        1997  Christmas                                               3.30  
931-932          1062//1064       1997  Victoria Lines Centennial/Fort (2v)                     1.10  
933-934          1063//1065       1997  Self Government Anniversary (2v)                        1.90  
935-938          1066-1069        1998  Treasures/Art & Costumes                                2.15  
939              MS1070           1998  Treasures/City of Valletta (ss)                         1.85  
940-943          1071-1074        1998  French Occupation (prs)                                 3.60  
944-945          1075-1076        1998  Europa/Sailing Regatta                                  2.95  
944-945          1075-1076        1998  Europa/Sailing Regatta (2 ms/10v)                        .--  
946-949          1077-1080        1998  Year of the Ocean                                       4.30  
950-952          1081-1083        1998  World Cup Soccer                                        3.80  
952a             MS1084           1998  World Cup Soccer (ss/3v)                                4.10  
953-957          1085-1089        1998  Anniversaries                                           4.30  
958-961          1090-1093        1998  Christmas/M.Preti/Paintings                             4.00  
962-965          1094-1097        1999  SMOM                                                    4.40  
966-967          1100-1101        1999  Council of Europe                                       1.75  
968-969          1098-1099        1999  Europa/Parks & Gardens                                  3.55  
968-969          1098-1099        1999  Europa/Parks & Gardens (2 ms10v)                         .--  
970              1102-1106        1999  UPU/Stamp Exhibits (s/5v)                               6.90  
971-975          1107-1111        1999  Tourism                                                 6.85  
976              1112-1127        1999  Marine Life (ss/16v)                                    9.10  
977-980          1128-1131        1999  Anniversaries/Uprising (prs)                            4.95  
981              1132             1999  Madonna/Our Lady of Mellieha                            2.10  
982              MS1133           1999  Madonna/Our Lady of Mellieha (ss)                       0.90  
983-988          1135//1144       1999  Defs/Flowers #1 - 2c-46c (6v)                           4.30  
989-992          1152-1155        1999  Christmas                                               4.50  
993-997          1156-1160        1999  Republic 25th  Anniversary                              4.00  
998-1002         1161-1165        2000  Greetings                                               4.05  
1003-1006        1166-1169        2000  Malta of the 20th Century                               4.15  
1007-1010        1170-1173        2000  Sports                                                  4.40  
1011-1012        1174-1175        2000  Europa                                                  4.05  
1011-1012        1174-1175        2000  Europa (2 ms/10v)                                        .--  
1013-1016        1176-1179        2000  Century of Air Transportation (prs)                     4.95  
1016b            MS1180           2000  Century of Air Transportation (ss/4v)                   4.35  
1017-1021        1181-1185        2000  Fireworks                                               5.75  
1022-1027        1134//1145       2000  Defs/Flowers #2 - 1c-2.00 (6v)                         11.00  
1028-1031        1186-1189        2000  Stampin' the Future                                     1.80  
1032-1035        1190-1193        2000  Christmas                                               4.35  
1035a            MS1194           2000  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       4.35  
1036-1040        1195-1199        2001  Carnival                                                4.85  
1041             MS1200           2001  Carnival (ss/2v)                                        2.75  
1042-1044        1201-1203        2001  Lighthouses                                             3.45  
1045-1049        1204-1208        2001  E.Dinghi/Paintings                                      3.70  
1050-1051        1209-1210        2001  Pope John Paul II Visit                                 2.75  
1052             MS1211           2001  Pope John Paul II Visit (ss)                            4.55  
1053-1054        1212-1213        2001  Europa/Pond Life                                        4.15  
1053-1054        1212-1213        2001  Europa/Pond Life (2 ms/10v)                              .--  
1055             1214-1229        2001  Birds (ss/16v)                                         10.35  
1056-1060        1230-1234        2001  Musical Instruments                                     3.90  
1061-1066        1138//1150       2001  Defs/Flowers #3 - 5c-1.00 (6v)                          9.85  
1067-1070        1235-1238        2001  Dogs                                                    4.85  
1071-1074        1243-1246        2002  WWF/Seahorses                                           3.20  
1075-1079        1247-1251        2002  Antique Furniture                                       5.45  
1080             1252             2002  Europa/Circus/Clown                                     1.35  
1080             1252             2002  Europa/Circus/Clown (ms/10v)                             .--  
1081             1253-1268        2002  Butterflies and Moths (ss/16v)                          6.60  
1082-1085        1269-1272        2002  Maltese Cuisine                                         4.85  
1086             MS1273           2002  Maltese Cuisine (ss)                                    5.90  
1087-1091        1274-1278        2002  Cacti and Succulents                                    7.60  
1092-1096        1279-1283        2002  Maltese Personalities                                   5.70  
1097-1101        1284-1288        2002  Christmas                                               8.20  
1102-1107        1139a//1149a     2003  Defs/Flowers #4 - 7c-76c (6v)                          11.30  
1108-1112        1289-1293        2003  Classic Automobiles                                     5.05  
1113-1117        1294-1298        2003  Military Architecture/Forts                             4.10  
1118-1122        1299-1303        2003  St. George Paintings                                    4.10  
1123-1124        1304-1305        2003  Europa/Poster Art                                       3.45  
1123-1124        1304-1305        2003  Europa/Poster Art (2 ms/10v)                             .--  
1125-1128        1306-1309        2003  Small States Games/Sports                              20.65  
1129-1132        1310-1313        2003  QEII Coronation Golden Jubilee                          5.50  
1133             MS1314           2003  QEII Coronation Golden Jubilee (ss)                     6.20  
1134             MS1315           2003  Elton John Concert (ss)                                 9.90  
1135             1316-1331        2003  Seashells (ss/16v)                                      6.90  
1136-1138        1332-1334        2003  Yachting                                                3.70  
1139-1140        1335-1336        2003  Defs/Flowers - 7c,16c (sa : ex-bklt) (2v)               2.00  
1141-1143        1337-1339        2003  Windmills                                               4.85  
1144-1147        1340-1343        2003  Christmas                                               6.20  
1148-1152        1344-1348        2004  Mailboxes                                               9.90  
1153-1157        1349-1353        2004  Cats                                                    9.85  
1158             MS1354           2004  Salesians (ss)                                          4.15  
1159             1355-1370        2004  Mammals & Reptiles (ss/16v)                            13.70  
1160-1161        1371-1372        2004  EU Admission                                            2.45  
1162-1163        1373-1374        2004  Europa/Holidays                                         3.65  
1162-1163        1373-1374        2004  Europa/Holidays (2 ms/10v)                               .--  
1164-1168        1375-1379        2004  Wayside Chapels                                         9.90  
1169-1172        1380-1383        2004  Trams                                                   9.50  
1173-1175        1384-1386        2004  Athens Olympic Games                                    5.50  
1176-1180        1387-1391        2004  Religious Festivals                                    10.90  
1181-1184        1392-1395        2004  Art                                                     9.90  
1185             MS1396           2004  Art (ss)                                                4.80  
1186-1189        1397-1400        2004  Christmas                                               5.30  
1190-1193        1401-1404        2005  Old Maps                                                8.20  
1194-1195        1405-1406        2005  Rotary International                                    5.45  
1196-1199        1407-1410        2005  H.Andersen                                              8.65  
1200             1411             2005  Pope John Paul II                                       3.90  
1201             1412-1427        2005  Insects (ss/16v)                                       14.30  
1202-1203        1428-1429        2005  Europa/Gastronomy                                       3.95  
1202-1203        1428-1429        2005  Europa/Gastronomy (2 ms/10v)                             .--  
1204-1207        1432-1435        2005  Paintings of St. Catherine                              6.85  
1208-1212        1436-1440        2005  Famous Maltese                                          7.55  
1213-1214        1430-1431        2005  Defs/Flowers - 7c,16c (2v+labs) "2005"                  1.45  
1215-1218        1441-1444        2005  Working Horses                                          7.30  
1219-1223        1445-1449        2005  World War II/Battle of Malta                            9.90  
1224-1227        1450-1453        2005  Christmas                                               5.25  
1228-1231        MS1454           2005  Commonwealth Meeting (4 ss)                             7.55  
1232             MS1455           2006  Europa 50th Anniversary (ss/4v)                         3.70  
1233-1237        1456-1460        2006  Ceramics                                                6.90  
1238             1461-1476        2006  Pets (ss/16v)                                          11.55  
1239-1243        1477-1481        2006  Easter/Holy Week                                        6.90  
1244-1245        1482-1483        2006  Europa                                                  3.20  
1244-1245        1482-1483        2006  Europa (2 ms/10v)                                        .--  
1246-4249        1484-1487        2006  World Cup Soccer                                        6.20  
1249a            MS1488           2006  World Cup Soccer (ss/4v)                                6.20  
1250             MS1489           2006  Sting Concert/Rainforest Foundation (ss)                7.10  
1251-1255        1490-1494        2006  Ships                                                  13.35  
1256-1259        1495-1498        2006  Greetings/Heart/Candles                                 4.55  
1260-1264        1499-1503        2006  Castles and Towers                                      9.50  
1265-1268        1504-1507        2006  Christmas Music                                         4.55  
1269             MS1508           2006  Christmas Music/W.A. Mozart (ss)                        2.95  
1269A            (1134)           2006  Defs/Flowers - 1c "2006"                                1.70  
1270-1274        1510-1514        2006  Crafts                                                  9.50  
1275-1278        1515-1518        2007  Prehistoric Sculptures                                 14.30  
1279             1519-1534        2007  Fruit (ss/16v)                                          7.85  
1280-1284        1535-1539        2007  Balconies                                               8.40  
1285             MS1540           2007  Balconies (ss)                                          3.20  
1286-1287        1541-1542        2007  Europa/Scouting                                         4.55  
1286-1287        1541-1542        2007  Europa/Scouting (2 ms/10v)                               .--  
1288-1289        1543-1544        2007  St. George Preca                                        6.60  
1290-1294        1545-1549        2007  Children with Toys                                      6.45  
1295-1296        1550-1551        2007  Caravaggio/Paintings                                    2.55  
1297             MS1552           2007  Caravaggio/Paintings (ss)                              15.95  
1298-1301        1553-1556        2007  Motorcycles                                             7.15  
1302-1307        1557-1562        2007  Occasions/Greetings                                     3.50  
1302-1307        1557-1562        2007  Occasions/Greetings (6 ms/5v+labs)                     79.60  
(1302a-1307a)    (1557-1562)      2007  Occasions/Greetings (6v+labs) (ex-ms)                  17.50  
1308-1312        1563-1567        2007  Island Scenery/SEPAC                                   13.35  
1313             MS1568           2007  Tree Planting (ss)                                      5.10  
1314-1318        1569-1573        2007  Music Bands                                            11.85  
1319-1321        1574-1576        2007  Christmas/Paintings                                     3.60  
1322-1326        1577-1581        2007  Soccer  Museum & Personalities                         11.00  
1327             MS1582           2007  Treaty of Rome (ss)                                     5.30  
1328             MS1583           2007  Malta Old Coins   (ss)                                  7.00  
1329             MS1585           2008  Malta-Cyprus Euro Introduction (ss/2v)                  5.70  
1330             MS1584           2008  Malta Euro Coins  (ss)                                  5.35  
1331-1334        1586-1589        2008  Door Knockers                                           9.80  
1335-1337        1590-1592        2008  Beijing Olympic Games                                   5.45  
1338-1339        1593-1594        2008  Europa/Mailman/Bicycle                                  5.50  
1338-1339        1593-1594        2008  Europa/Mailman/Bicycle (2 ms/10v)                        .--  
1340-1342        1595-1597        2008  St. Paul                                                6.20  
1343             MS1598           2008  St. Paul (ss)                                           9.40  
1344-1347        1599-1602        2008  Year of the Planet Earth                               11.85  
1348-1351        1603-1606        2008  Cruise Ships                                           20.35  
1352-1354        1607-1609        2008  Christmas                                               2.55  
1355-1359        1610-1614        2009  Mushrooms                                               7.75  
1360-1363        1615-1618        2009  Vintage Postal Transportation                          19.25  
1364             1619             2009  Euro 10th Anniversary/Coins                             7.15  
1365-1366        1620-1621        2009  Europa/Astronomy                                        4.75  
1365-1366        1620-1621        2009  Europa/Astronomy (2 ms/10v)                              .--  
1367-1371        1622-1626        2009  Games of the Small States - 13th                        9.80  
1372-1375        1627-1630        2009  Cruise Lines/Ships                                     12.95  
1376-1379        1631-1634        2009  Scenery/SEPAC                                           5.80  
1380-1382        1635-1637        2009  Christmas                                               4.10  
1383-1399        1638-1654        2009  Defs/Heritage - 1c-5.00 (17v)                          39.65  
1399a            MS1655           2009  Defs/Heritage - 1c-5.00 (ss/17v)                       39.10  
1400             MS1656           2010  100 Ton Guns (ss/4v)                                    9.10  
1401-1408        1657-1664        2010  Greetings (8v)                                          5.80  
1409             MS1665           2010  Visit of Pope Benedict XVI (ss)                        10.70  
1410-1411        1666-1667        2010  Europa/Children's Books                                 4.40  
1410-1411        1666-1667        2010  Europa/Children's Books (2 ms/10v)                       .--  
1412-1413        1668-1669        2010  World Cup Soccer : South Africa                         9.10  
1413a            MS1669a          2010  World Cup Soccer : South Africa (ss/2v)                 9.10  
1414-1417        1671-1673        2010  Year of Biodiversity/Flora & Fauna                     10.10  
1418-1421        1674-1677        2010  Natural Treasures/Stone Formations                      9.10  
1422-1424        1678-1680        2010  Christmas                                               4.05  
1425             MS1681           2010  Stamp 150th Anniversary (ss)                            9.65  
1426-1428        1682-1684        2011  SEPAC/Landscapes                                        5.40  
1429             MS1685           2011  WWF/Rabbitfish (ss/4v)                                  6.60  
1430-1431        1686-1687        2011  Europa/Forests                                          3.95  
1430-1431        1686-1687        2011  Europa/Forests (2 ms/10v)                                .--  
1432-1433        1688-1707        2011  Buses/The End of an Era (2 ss/10v)                     33.90  
1434-1437        1708-1711        2011  Maritime Malta/Ships                                    5.60  
1438             MS1712           2011  Iceland-Malta Joint/Fishing Village (ss)                4.80  
1439-1441        1713-1715        2011  Christmas                                               2.80  
1442             MS1716           2011  Senate & Legislative Assembly (ss)                     10.35  
1443-1144        1644a 1650a      2012  Defs/History of Malta - 20c,69c (2v)                    2.05  
1445-1449        1717-1721        2012  Paintings/H.Bateman/E.Lear                              5.60  
1450-1457        1722-1729        2012  Greetings (8v)                                          7.20  
1458             MS1730           2012  George Cross/70th Anniversary (ss)                      9.90  
1459             1731-1732        2012  Europa/Tourism (pr)                                     3.35  
1459             1731-1732        2012  Europa/Tourism (ms/10v)                                  .--  
1460             MS1733           2012  London Olympic Games (ss/2v)                            5.45  
1461-1471        1734-1821        2012  World War II/Operation Pedestal/Ships (11 ss/8v)       55.80  
1472-1475        1822-1825        2012  Treasures of Malta/Historic Gates                       4.45  
1476-1478        1826-1828        2012  Christmas/Paintings                                     2.80  
1479             MS1829           2013  Papal Bull/Military Hospitaller Order (ss)              5.80  
1480             MS1830           2013  Paintings/M.Preti (ss/2v)                               6.55  
1481-1483        1831-1843        2013  Treasures of Malta/Fountains #1                         6.80  
1484-1485        1834-1835        2013  Europa/Postal Vehicles                                  3.75  
1484-1485        1834-1835        2013  Europa/Postal Vehicles (2 ms/10v)                        .--  
1486-1488        1836-1838        2013  European Maritime Day/Cruise Ships                      3.95  
1489-1490        1839-1840        2013  SEPAC/Animals                                           5.90  
1491             MS1841           2013  Grand Harbor (ss)                                      10.15  
1492-1497        1842-1847        2013  Buses/End of an Era                                    10.15  
1498             MS1848           2013  International Red Cross Anniversary (ss)               10.90  
1499-1501        1849-1851        2013  Christmas                                               2.95  
1502             MS1852           2013  Christmas (ss/2v)                                       4.75  
1503-1505        1853-1855        2014  Treasures of Malta/Fountains #2                         5.45  
1506             1856             2014  Joint Issue/Israel/Knights Hospitallers                 1.25  
1511             MS1861           2014  Canonization/Pope John &  Pope John XXIII (ss/2v)       5.10  
1512             1862             2014  EU Anniversary                                          1.50  
1513-1514        1863-1864        2014  Europa/Musical Instruments                              6.50  
1513-1514        1863-1864        2014  Europa/Musical Instruments (2 ms/10v)                    .--  
1515             MS1865           2014  Independence Anniversary (ss/2v)                        8.40  
1516             MS1866           2014  World Cup Soccer : Brazil (ss/2v)                       4.90  
1517-1519        1867-1869        2014  Flowers #1/SEPAC                                        4.75  
1520             1870             2014  Euromed Postal                                          4.25  
1521-1523        1871-1898        2014  Knights of Malta (2 ss/10v+ss/8v+labs))                16.25  
1524-1526        1899-1901        2014  WWI Centenary/Nurse of the Mediterranean                5.75  
1527-1530        1902-1905        2014  Christmas/Nativity Scenes                               5.60  
1531             1906-1908        2015  WWII/Yalta Conference 70th Anniversary (s/3v)           5.75  
1532-1534        1909-1911        2015  Flowers #2                                              3.90  
1535-1536        1912-1913        2015  Treasures of Malta #3/Aqueduct/Water Tower              3.70  
1537             MS1914           2015  ANZAC Centenary/St. John Ambulance (ss)                 7.25  
1538             ---              2015  Penny Black Anniversary (1v)                            2.25  
1538             MS1915           2015  Penny Black Anniversary (ms/3v)                         7.75  
1539-1540        1916-1917        2015  Europa/Old Toys                                         5.45  
1539-1540        1916-1917        2015  Europa/Old Toys (2 ms/11v)                               .--  
1541-1543        1918-1920        2015  Culture of Malta/SEPAC                                  3.80  
1544             1921             2015  EUROMED Postal/Mediterranean Ships                      6.90  
1545-1547        1922-1924        2015  Maritime Malta #3/Ex-Voto Paintings/Ships               4.50  
1548             1925             2015  St. John Bosco Bicentenary                              3.70  
1549             MS1926           2015  Great Siege 450th Anniversary (ss)                      8.05  
1550             MS1927           2015  United Nations 70th Anniversary (ss)                    6.60  
1551-1553        1928-1930        2015  Christmas/A.Durer/Woodcuts                              2.80  
1554             MS1931           2015  CHOGM Meeting (ss)                                      5.60  
1558             MS1935           2016  Valletta 450th Anniversary (ss)                         8.40  
                 MS1936           2016  WWF/Shearwater Birds (ss/4v)                            5.60  
                 1937-1938        2016  Europa/Think Green                                      5.30  
                 1937-1938        2016  Europa/Think Green (2 ms/11v)                            .--  
                 1939-1940        2016  Russia-Malta Joint Issue/Museums                        3.75  
                 1941-1944        2016  Four Seasons/SEPAC                                      6.30  
                 1945             2016  Euromed/Fish                                            6.05  
                                        --- SEMI-POSTAL ISSUES ---                                    
B1-B3            427-429          1969  Christmas (3v)                                          0.55  
B3a              427-429          1969  Christmas (s/3v)                                        0.80  
B4-B6            444-446          1970  Christmas                                               0.55  
B7-B9            460-462          1971  Christmas                                               0.60  
B9a              MS463            1971  Christmas (ss/3v)                                       0.90  
B10-B12          482-484          1972  Christmas                                               0.60  
B12a             MS485            1972  Christmas (ss/3v)                                       2.10  
B13-B15          507-509          1973  Christmas                                               0.85  
B15a             MS510            1973  Christmas (ss/3v)                                       5.25  
B16-B19          532-535          1974  Christmas                                               0.90  
B20-B22          549-551          1975  Christmas (3v)                                          1.20  
B22a             549-551          1975  Christmas (s/3v)                                        2.95  
B23-B26          568-571          1976  Christmas                                               1.70  
B27-B29          589-591          1977  Christmas (3v)                                          0.65  
B29a             589-591          1977  Christmas (vs/3v)                                       0.90  
B30-B33          611-614          1978  Christmas                                               0.80  
B34-B37          634-637          1979  Christmas                                               0.95  
B38-B41          648-651          1980  Christmas                                               0.95  
B42-B44          683-685          1981  Christmas                                               1.00  
B45-B47          698-700          1982  Christmas                                               1.35  
B48-B50          719-721          1983  Christmas                                               2.05  
B51-B53          745-747          1984  Christmas                                               2.75  
B54-B56          769-771          1985  Christmas                                               3.00  
B57-B59          789-791          1986  Christmas                                               5.70  
B60-B62          813-815          1987  Christmas                                               5.10  
B63-B65          839-841          1988  Christmas                                               2.75  
B66-B68          860-862          1989  Christmas                                               3.35  
B69-B71          884-886          1990  Christmas                                               2.55  
B72-B74          902-904          1991  Christmas                                               3.65  
B75-B77          931-933          1992  Christmas                                               5.50  
B78-B80          952-954          1993  Christmas                                               2.95  
B81-B84          1239-1242        2001  Christmas                                               4.55  
B85              MS1509           2006  YMCA/Bob Geldof (ss)                                    9.50  
                                        --- AIRMAIL ISSUES ---                                        
C2-C8            516-522          1974  Air Mail/Airplanes - 3c-25c (7v)                        2.40  
C9-C14           605-610          1978  Air Mail/Airplanes - 5c-75c (6v)                        3.30  
C15-C21          729-735          1984  Air Mail/Airplanes - 7c-75c (7v)                        7.50  
                                        --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                    
J21              D27              1966  Postage Dues - 2d (new wmk)                            14.05  
J22-J31          D32-D41          1967  Postage Dues - 1/2d-1sh6d (10v)                         6.80  
J22a-J28a        D28-D31          1967  Postage Dues - 1/2d-4d  (4v) (p.12)                    62.90  
J32-J39          D42-D49          1973  Postage Dues - 2m-10c (8v)                              2.30  
J40-J43          D50-D53          1993  Postage Dues - 1c-10c (4v)                              1.15  
                                        --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---              SB1              1970  Bklt - 2/6 grey cover                                   5.75  
---              SB2              1970  Bklt - 2/6 pink cover                                   5.65  
---              SB3              1971  Bklt - 2/6 green cover                                 15.40  
---              SB4              1971  Bklt - 5/- white cover                                 11.50  
---              SB5              1994  Bklt - 50c LOCAL MAIL - 10x5c                           6.80  
---              SB6              1994  Bklt - 70c AIR MAIL - 5x14c                             7.75  
---              SB7              2003  Bklt - 96c Military Architecture/Forts                  9.95  
---              SB8              2003  Bklt - 84c Flowers - 12x7c (sa)                         7.75  
---                               2004  Bklt - 84c Flowers - 12x7c (sa) "Reprint"               9.95  
---              SB9              2003  Bklt - 96c Flowers - 6x16c (sa)                         8.75  
---              SB10             2006  Bklt - 80c Europa/Integration - 5x16c                   8.25  
---              SB11             2007  Bklt - 80c Europa/Scouting - 5x16c                      8.25  
---              SB12             2008  Bklt - 1.85 Europa/The Letter - 5x37c                   7.25  
---              SB13             2009  Bklt - 1.85 Europa/Astronomy - 5x37c                    7.25  
---              SB14             2010  Bklt - 1.85 Europa/Children's Books                     5.00  
---              SB15             2011  Bklt - 1.85  Europa/Forests                             5.00  
---              SB16             2012  Bklt - 1.85  Europa/Tourism                             4.75  
---              SB17             2013  Bklt - 1.85  Europa/Postman                             4.75  
---              SB18             2014  Bklt - 2.95  Europa/Musical Instruments                 6.95  
---              SB19             2015  Bklt - 2.95  Europa/Old Toys                            5.75  
---                              2016  Bklt - 2.95  Europa/Think Green                         5.50 

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.