Penrhyn Stamps (1973-2016) A price list (1973-2016) of Penrhyn (Cook Islands) mint postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets. |
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listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted). Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog. Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number. A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned. Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently. To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold. |
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Scott # SG # Year Description Price ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35-46 41B-52B 1973 Defs/Flowers - 1c-2.00 (ovpt) (12v) (PVA) 5.00 ---------------------------------------- (35//46) 41A-52A 1973 Defs/Flowers - 1c-2.00 (ovpt) (11v) (GA) .-- 38a 44Aa 1973 Defs/Flowers - 4c Water Lily (ovpt) .-- ---------------------------------------- 47-49 53-55 1973 Anne & Mark Wedding (ovpt) 0.90 50-63 56-69 1974 Defs/Fish & Maps-1/2c-5.00 (14v) 21.60 ---------------------------------------- 50-61 56//67 1974 Defs/Fish - 1/2c-1.00 (12v) 8.50 62 68 1975 Defs/Map - 2.00 (1v) 5.60 63 69 1975 Defs/Map - 5.00 (1v) 7.70 ---------------------------------------- 64-65 70-71 1974 UPU Centenary 0.85 66-69 72-75 1974 Christmas/Paintings 1.10 70-71 76-77 1974 W.Churchill 0.75 72 78 1975 Apollo-Soyuz Space Project (ovpt) 2.00 73-75 79-81 1975 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child 2.05 76-78 82-84 1976 Easter/Michelangelo 1.10 78a MS85 1976 Easter/Michelangelo (ss/3v) 1.45 79-80 86-91 1976 American Bicentennial (2 s/3v) 2.30 80d MS92 1976 American Bicentennial (ss/6v) 2.90 81-83 93-95 1976 Montreal Olympic Games 1.25 83a MS96 1976 Montreal Olympic Games (ss/3v) 1.25 84-86 97-99 1976 Christmas/A.Durer/Engravings 0.90 87-89 100-102 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee 0.90 89a MS103 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee (ss/3v) 1.10 90-92 104-106 1977 Christmas/J.S.Carolsfeld/Illustrations 1.85 93-96 107-114 1978 Discovery of Hawaii Bicentenary (prs) 7.15 96c,96d MS115 1978 Discovery of Hawaii Bicentenary (2 ss/4v) 7.40 101-103 116-118 1978 Easter/P.Rubens/Paintings 0.90 103a MS119 1978 Easter/P.Rubens/Paintings (ss/3v) 1.05 104 121-123 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary (ss/6v) 1.50 104d MS124 1978 QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary (ss/3v) 1.20 105-106 125-126 1978 Christmas/A.Durer/Paintings 1.20 106a MS127 1978 Christmas/A.Durer/Paintings (ss/2v) 1.10 107-108 128-131 1979 R.Hill/Stamp Centenary (prs) 2.05 108c MS132 1979 R.Hill/Stamp Centenary (ss/4v) 1.95 111-113 133-144 1979 IYC/W.Busch Illustrations (3 ss/4v) (no labs) 2.70 111-113 133-144 1979 IYC/W.Busch Illustrations (3 ss/4v) (with labs) 8.15 114-116 145-147 1980 Easter/Prayer Book Illustrations 0.80 116a MS148 1980 Easter/Prayer Book Illustrations (ss/3v) 0.70 117 150 1980 Queen Mother 80th Birthday 1.00 118 MS151 1980 Queen Mother 80th Birthday (ss) 1.65 119-122 152-159 1980 Moscow Olympic Games (prs) 2.45 123 MS160 1980 Moscow Olympic Games (ss/8v) 2.30 127-129 161-163 1980 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child 0.90 129a MS164 1980 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child (ss/3v) 2.10 160-172 166-208 1981 Defs/Ships - 1c-6.00 (43v) (10 b/4v+3v) 51.50 ---------------------------------------- 160-164 166-185 1981 Defs/Ships - 1c-10c (20v) (5 b/4v) 3.05 165-168 186-201 1981 Defs/Ships - 15c-50c (16v) (4 b/4v) 9.15 169 202-205 1981 Defs/Ships - 1.00 (b/4v) 9.90 170-1 206-207 1981 Defs/Ships - 2.00,4.00 (2v) 14.25 172 208 1981 Defs/Ships - 6.00 (1v) 15.35 ---------------------------------------- 173-175 218-220 1981 Easter/Paintings 1.60 175a MS221 1981 Easter/Paintings (ss/3v) 2.90 176-180 223-227 1981 Charles & Diana Wedding 1.20 180a MS228 1981 Charles & Diana Wedding (ss/5v) 1.80 181-183 235-243 1981 World Cup Soccer (3 s/3v) 4.95 184-186 245-247 1981 Christmas/A.Durer/Engravings 2.90 186a MS248 1981 Christmas/A.Durer/Engravings (ss/3v) 2.65 187-189 MS249 1981 Christmas/A.Durer/Engravings (3 ss) 2.65 190-194 250-254 1982 Diana Birthday 5.65 194a MS255 1982 Diana Birthday (ss/5v) 5.75 195-199 256-260 1982 Charles & Diana/WILLIAM BIRTH (ovpt) 2.55 199a MS261 1982 Charles & Diana/WILLIAM BIRTH (ss/5v) (ovpt) 4.75 200-204 262-271 1982 Diana/WILLIAM BIRTH (prs) (ovpt) 6.85 204c MS272 1982 Diana/WILLIAM BIRTH (ss/5v) (ovpt) 5.65 205-207 273-275 1982 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child 1.80 207a MS276 1982 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child (ss/3v) 2.75 208-210 MS277 1982 Christmas/Paintings?Virgin & Child (3 ss) 4.30 211 278-281 1983 Commonwealth Day (b/4v) 1.90 215-217 282-284 1983 Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary 5.75 218 MS285 1983 Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary (ss) 2.85 219-221 286-288 1983 Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary/JAMBOREE (ovpt) 5.60 222 MS289 1983 Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary/JAMBOREE (ovpt) (ss) 3.00 223-227 290-294 1983 Whale Conservation 11.80 228-230 295-297 1983 World Communications Year/Ships 3.30 231 MS298 1983 World Communications Year/Ships (ss/3v) 2.45 241-254 299//335 1983 Defs - 18c-5.60 (surch) (3 b/4v+3 prs+8v) 66.15 ---------------------------------------- 241//251 299//313 1983 Defs - 18c-1.20 (surch)(3 b/4v+2v) 19.95 244//254 314//319 1983 Defs - 48c-5.60 (surch) (5v) 29.05 247//253 331//335 1983 Defs - 72c,96c,1.20 (surch) (3 prs+1v) 18.20 ---------------------------------------- 255-259 320A-324A 1983 Manned Flight Bicentenial "ISLANS" 6.50 259a MS325A 1983 Manned Flight Bicentenial (ss/5v) "ISLANS" 5.95 260-263 326-329 1983 Christmas/Raphael/Paintings 4.00 263a MS330 1983 Christmas/Raphael/Paintings (ss/4v) 4.00 264-267 MS336 1983 Christmas/Raphael/Paintings (4 ss) 3.90 268-286 337-355 1984 Defs/Ships - 2c-9.60 (19v) 50.85 ---------------------------------------- 268-277 337-346 1984 Defs/Ships - 2c-48c (10v) 6.10 278-283 347-352 1984 Defs/Ships - 50c-1.20 (6v) 10.95 284-286 353-355 1984 Defs/Ships - 3.00,5.00,9.60 (3v) 33.95 ---------------------------------------- 287-291 320B-324B 1984 Manned Flight Bicentenial (ovpt) "ISLANDS" 9.15 291a MS325B 1984 Manned Flight Bicentenial (ss/5v) (ovpt) "ISLANDS" 7.45 292-294 356-358 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games 2.90 295 MS359 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games (ss/3v) 2.70 296-297 360-361 1984 AUSIPEX '84 2.20 298 MS362 1984 AUSIPEX '84 (ss/2v) 2.65 299-302 363-366 1984 Charles & Diana/HENRY BIRTH (ovpt) 5.90 303-306 367-370 1984 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child 3.75 306a MS371 1984 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child (ss/4v) 3.75 307-310 MS372 1984 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child (4 ss) 5.20 311-314 373-376 1985 J.Audubon/Birds 13.35 315-318 MS377 1985 J.Audubon/Birds (4 ss) 10.20 319-322 378-381 1985 Life & Times of Queen Mother 3.55 322a MS403 1986 Queen Mother 86th Birthday (ss/4v) 12.95 323 MS382 1985 Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss) 3.20 324-326 383-385 1985 Youth Year/J.Grimm/Folklorist 8.70 327-329 386-388 1985 Christmas/Murillo/Paintings 6.60 330 MS389 1985 Christmas/Murillo/Paintings (ss/3v) 3.75 331-333 MS390 1985 Christmas/Murillo/Paintings (3 ss) 6.25 334-335 391-392 1986 Halley's Comet (pr) 6.25 336 MS393 1986 Halley's Comet (ss) 5.25 337-339 394-396 1986 QEII 60th Birthday 4.90 340-342 397-399 1986 Statue of Liberty Centenary #1 4.70 343-344 400-401 1986 Andrew & Sarah Wedding 5.90 345 MS402 1986 AUSIPEX '84/STAMPEX '86 (ovpt) (ss/2v) 8.10 346-348 404-406 1986 Christmas/Rembrandt/Engravings 9.65 349 MS407 1986 Christmas/Rembrandt/Engravings (ss/3v) 11.85 350-351 MS412 1987 Statue of Liberty Centenary #2 (2 ss/5v) 10.15 352-353 413-414 1987 QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary (ovpt) 6.30 354-356 415-417 1987 Christmas/Raphael/Paintings 9.40 357 MS418 1987 Christmas/Raphael/Paintings (ss/3v) 14.85 358 MS419 1987 Christmas/Raphael/Paintings (ss) 14.85 359-362 420-423 1988 Seoul Olympic Games 8.70 363 MS424 1988 Seoul Olympic Games (ss/2v) 7.75 364-367 425-428 1988 Seoul Olympic Games/WINNERS (ovpt) 9.70 368 MS429 1988 Seoul Olympic Games/WINNERS (ss/2v) (ovpt) 8.40 369-372 430-433 1988 Christmas/Titian/Paintings 6.75 373 MS434 1988 Christmas/Titian/Paintings (ss) 8.55 374-378 435-439 1989 Manned Moon Landing 20th Anniversary 11.15 379-382 440-443 1989 Christmas/A.Durer/Paintings 5.40 383 MS444 1989 Christmas/A.Durer/Paintings (ss) 8.95 384 445 1990 Queen Mother 90th Birthday 3.05 385 MS446 1990 Queen Mother 90th Birthday (ss) 15.15 386-389 447-450 1990 Christmas/Paintings 8.25 390 MS451 1990 Christmas/Paintings (ss) 9.50 391-394 452-455 1990 J.Audubon/Birds/BIRDPEX '90 (ovpt) 9.40 395 456 1991 Ships/QEII 65th Birthday (ovpt) 11.85 396-399 457-460 1991 Christmas/Paintings 8.35 400 MS461 1991 Christmas/Paintings (ss) 13.90 401-404 462-465 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games 9.70 405-407 466-468 1992 Pacific Arts Festival 8.40 408-410 469-471 1992 Pacific Arts Festical/ROYAL VISIT (ovpt) 10.20 411-414 472-475 1992 Christmas/A.Borgognone/Paintings 7.30 415 MS476 1992 Christmas/A.Borgognone/Paintings (ss) 10.15 416-418 477-479 1992 Discovery of America/C.Columbus 8.95 419 480 1993 QEII Coronation 40th Anniversary 8.10 420-435A 481-497 1993 Defs/Marine Life - 5c-10.00 (17v) 46.20 ---------------------------------------- 420-427 481-488 1993 Defs/Marine Life - 5c-70c (8v) 3.30 428-432 489-493 1993 Defs/Marine Life - 80-2.00 (5v) 7.60 433-434 494-495 1994 Defs/Marine Life - 3.00,5.00 (2v) 12.85 435 496 1997 Defs/Marine Life - 8.00 (1v) 10.90 435A 497 1998 Defs/Marine Life - 10.00 (1v) 11.95 ---------------------------------------- 436-440 499-503 1993 Christmas/Paintings 14.20 441 504 1994 Manned Moon Landing 25th Anniversary 9.10 442-443 505-512 1994 Christmas/Paintings (2 b/4v) 10.45 444 513-514 1995 End of World War II/50th Anniversary (pr) 20.35 445 515 1995 Queen Mother 95th Birthday 11.00 446 516 1995 United Nations 50th Anniversary 5.15 447-448 517-520 1995 Year of the Sea Turtle (prs) 9.80 449 521 1996 QEII 70th Birthday 6.60 450 522 1996 Modern Olympic Games Centenary 8.40 451 523 1997 QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary 4.15 452 MS524 1997 QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss) 5.10 453 525 1998 Diana 2.15 454 MS526 1998 Diana (ss) 4.50 455-457 528-530 1999 Pacific Arts Festival/THIRD MILLENNIUM (ovpt) 5.45 458 531-534 2000 Queen Mother's Century (ss/4v) 10.45 459 MS535 2000 Queen Mother's Century (ss) 10.20 460 536-539 2000 Sydney Olympic Games (ss/4v) 10.70 461 MS540 2000 Sydney Olympic Games (ss) 4.40 462-465 541-544 2003 WWF/Ocean Sunfish 6.30 466 --- 2003 United We Stand (1v) 1.80 466 MS545 2003 United We Stand (ms/4v) 7.25 467 546 2005 Pope John Paul II 2.70 468-471 547-550 2008 WWF/Pacific Reef Egret/Birds 5.20 472-475 551-554 2010 WWF/Striped Dolphin 5.35 476-477 555-566 2011 William & Catherine Engagement 5.60 478 555a 2011 William & Kate Engagement (ss/10v) 6.80 479 MS567 2011 William & Kate Engagement (ss/2v) 5.45 480-482 MS568-MS570 2011 William & Catherine Engagement (3 ss) 41.60 483 --- 2011 Flowers/Peony 1.50 484 --- 2011 Flowers/Peony (ss) 9.35 485 MS571 2011 Pearl Industry (ss/4v) 5.60 486 MS572 2011 Pearl Industry (ss/5v) 5.60 487-501 573-587 2011 Tourism/Island Views (15v) 20.65 501a MS588 2011 Tourism/Island Views (ss/15v) 20.65 502 MS589 2011 William & Catherine Wedding (ss/2v) 3.10 503 590-593 2011 Christmas/12 Days of Christmas (s/4v) 5.35 503e MS594 2011 Christmas/12 Days of Christmas (ss/4v) 5.35 504 595-596 2012 Pope John Paul II Beatification (pr) 8.80 505-507 597-602 2012 Christmas (prs) 12.70 508 MS603 2012 Christmas (ss/6v) 12.80 509-511 604-615 2012 Defs/Tropical Fish - 80c-$20 (3 b/4v) 90.70 512-514 MS616-MS618 2012 Defs/Tropical Fish (3 ss/4v) 90.70 514e MS619 2012 Defs/Tropical Fish (ss/12v) 91.10 515 620 2012 Personalized/Flag - $4.00 5.75 516 MS621 2013 Year of the Snake (ss/4v) 7.00 517 MS622 2013 Birth of Prince George (ss/3v) 5.25 518 MS623 2013 P.Gaugin/CHINA '13 (ss/2v) 4.55 519-520 624-625 2013 J.F.Kennedy Anniversary 7.55 521-532 626-637 2013 Defs/Tropical Fish - 30c-12.90 (12v) 59.95 533 MS638 2013 Defs/Tropical Fish (ss/12v) 60.30 534-535 639-640 2013 Christmas 3.10 536 MS641 2013 Christmas (ss/3v) 10.35 537 MS642 2014 Year of the Horse (ss/4v) 7.95 538 MS643 2014 Easter (ss/5v) 9.30 539 MS644 2014 Easter (ss) 13.10 540-543 645-648 2014 WWF/Pacific Green Turtle (4v) 9.40 544 645a-648a 2014 WWF/Pacific Green Turtle (s/4v) (ex-ms) 9.40 544 645a-648a 2014 WWF/Pacific Green Turtle (ms/16v) 39.20 545 MS649 2014 WWF/Pacific Green Turtle (ss) 9.65 546 MS650 2014 Christmas (ss/3v) 5.90 547 MS651 2015 Year of the Sheep (ss/2v) 9.35 548 MS652 2015 Easter (ss/4v) 10.90 549 MS653 2015 Princess Charlotte Birth (ss/2v) 10.65 550-551 654-655 2015 Year of the Monkey 6.00 552 MS656 2015 Year of the Monkey (ss/2v) 8.80 553 MS657 2015 QEII Long Reign (ss/4v) 7.85 554 MS658 2015 Christmas (ss/3v) 3.50 2016 QEII 90th Birthday (ss/2v) 6.50 2016 National Geographic Marine Life 16.25 2016 Year of the Rooster 7.75 2016 Year of the Rooster (ss/2v) 7.75 2016 Christmas 3.45 2016 First Contact Anniversary/Explorers (ss/4v) 11.50 --- SEMI POSTAL ISSUES --- B1-B3 MS120 1978 Easter/Paintings/P.Rubens (3 ss) 1.35 B4-B6 MS149 1980 Easter/Prayerbook Illustrations (3 ss) 1.20 B7-B9 MS165 1980 Christmas/Paintings/Virgin & Child (3 ss) 2.50 B10-B12 MS222 1981 Easter/Paintings (3 ss) 2.35 B13-B17 229-233 1981 Charles & Diana Wedding/Year of Disabled 1.10 B18 MS234 1981 Charles & Diana Wedding/Year of Disabled (ss/5v) 1.35 B19 MS244 1981 World Cup Soccer (ss/9v) 5.10 B20-B22 408-410 1986 Pope John Paul Visit (ovpt) 17.60 B23 MS411 1986 Pope John Paul Visit (ovpt) (ss/3v) 22.95 B24 MS527 1998 Diana (ss) (surch) 5.10 --- OFFICIAL ISSUES --- O1-O15 O1-O17 1978 OHMS/Fish - 1c-2.00 (ovpt) (s/3v+14v) 15.05 O16-O40 O18-O42 1985 OHMS/Ships - 2c-9.60 (ovpt) (b4v+21v) 45.00 ---------------------------------------- O16-30 O18//042 1985 OHMS/Ships - 2c-65c (ovpt) (b/4v+11v) 5.00 O31-O37 O29//O35 1986 OHMS/Ships - 75c-4.00 (ovpt) (7v) 13.00 O38-O40 O36-O38 1987 OHMS/Ships - 5.00-9.60 (ovpt) (3v) 27.70 ---------------------------------------- O41-O53 O43-O55 1998 OHMS/Marine Life - 5c-2.00 (ovpt) (13v) 10.60 ---------------------------------------- O41-O52 O43-O54 1998 OHMS/Marine Life - 5c-1.00 (ovpt) (12v) 7.00 O53 O55 1998 OHMS/Marine Life - 2.00 (ovpt) (1v) 3.60 ---------------------------------------- --- BOOKLETS --- --- SB1 1982 Bklt - 4.50 Charles & Diana Wedding 7.15
Prices are in U.S. dollars. Subject to stock. |