Stanley Lisica LLC
Pitcairn Is. Stamps (1940-2020)
A price list of Pitcairn Is. stamps issued from 1940 to 2020 including souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2021 edition) --- Sidney, OH : Amos Media, 2020 with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly. 
  SG #'s numbers are from Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Catalog --- London, UK: Stanley Gibbons Ltd. with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog. A catalog number in brackets "( )" indicates a variety of that stamp number. A blank space indicates that the catalog number has yet to be assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by a catalog editor for listing a set. Frequently this occurs when stamps are released over a period of months or years (e.g. definitive sets) and a catalog editor combines the parts into one set.

  All prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List Updated
August 31, 2020

Click here ==>  PITCAIRN ISLAND    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Decription                                             Price  
1-8             1-8             1940  Defs - 1/2d-2sh6p (10v)                                63.70  
1/8             1//8            1940  Defs - 1/2d-2sh6p (8v)                                 26.65  
5A,6A           5b,6a           1951  Defs - 4d,8d (2v)                                      37.10  
9-10            9-10            1946  Peace/Victory                                           1.20  
11-12           11-12           1949  Silver Wedding                                         40.85  
13-16           13-16           1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                   16.50  
19              17              1953  QEII Coronation                                         2.00  
20-30           18//28          1957  Defs - 1.2d-2sh6p (11v)                                48.80  
31              23a             1958  Defs - 4d Schoolteacher's House (1v)                    4.35  
32-34           29-31           1961  Return from Norfolk Island                              2.40  
35              32              1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     7.30  
36-37           34-35           1963  Red Cross                                               4.90  
38              33              1963  Defs - 1/2d (1v)  (new wmk)                             1.00  
39-51           36-48           1964  Defs - 1/2d-8sh (13v)                                  14.00  
39-50           36-47           1964  Defs - 1/2d-4sh (12v)                                  12.25  
51              48              1965  Defs - 8sh QEII (1v)                                    1.95  
52-53           49-50           1965  ITU                                                     4.20  
54-55           51-52           1965  ICY                                                     4.50  
56-59           53-56           1966  W.Churchill                                             8.25  
60-61           57-58           1966  World Cup Soccer                                        4.00  
62-63           59-60           1966  WHO                                                     6.70  
64-66           61-63           1966  UNESCO                                                  5.85  
67-71           64-68           1967  Discovery of Pitcairn Island                            1.30  
72-84           69-81           1967  Defs - 1/2c-45c (13v) (surch)                          12.15  
85-87           82-84           1967  W.Bligh Death Anniversary                               0.90  
88-90           85-87           1968  Human Rights Year                                       0.80  
91-94           88-91           1968  Handicrafts #1                                          1.10  
95-96           92-93           1968  WHO                                                     0.70  
97-109          94-106          1969  Defs/Views - 1c-40c (13v)                              11.10  
110-113         107-110         1970  Flowers                                                 2.80  
114-117         111-114         1970  Fish                                                    7.15  
118             115             1971  Royal Visit (ovpt)                                      1.75  
119-122         116-119         1971  Polynesian Art                                          4.25  
123-126         120-123         1972  South Pacific Commission                                2.75  
127-128         124-125         1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     0.70  
129             106a            1973  Defs - 50c Coat of Arms                                 2.50  
130-134         126-130         1973  Flowers                                                 4.90  
135-136         131-132         1973  Anne & Mark Wedding                                     0.50  
137-140         147-150         1974  Shells                                                  3.80  
140a            MS151           1974  Shells (ss/4v)                                          4.30  
141-143         152-154         1974  UPU Centenary                                           1.25  
144-145         155-156         1974  W.Churchill                                             0.90  
146             106b            1975  Defs - $1.00 QEII                                       5.90  
147-150         157-160         1975  Mailboats                                               2.30  
150a            MS161           1975  Mailboats (ss/4v)                                      10.55  
151-155         162-166         1975  Insects                                                 2.65  
156-159         167-170         1976  US Bicentennial (prs)                                   2.25  
160-162         171-173         1976  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.85  
163-173         174-184         1977  Defs/Island Life - 1c-2.00 (13v)                        4.75  
163//173        174//184        1977  Defs/Island Life - 1c-2.00 (11v)                        3.00  
168A,171A       179a,182b       1981  Defs/Island Life - 15c,70c (2v)                         1.75  
174-176         185-187         1978  Bounty Day                                              1.25  
176a            MS188           1978  Bounty Day (ss/3v)                                      5.85  
177             MS189           1978  QEII Coronation Anniversary (ss)                        0.95  
178-181         190-193         1978  Harbour Development                                     1.55  
182-183         194-195         1979  J.Adams                                                 0.95  
184-187         196-199         1979  19th Century Engravings #1                              0.90  
188-191         200-203         1979  Christmas/IYC                                           0.90  
191a            MS204           1979  Christmas/IYC (ss/4v)                                   1.10  
192             MS205           1980  Mail Transport/LONDON '80 (ss/4v)                       1.10  
193             206             1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday                              0.45  
193             206             1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday (ms/9v)                      4.50  
194-197         207-210         1980  Handicrafts #2                                          0.80  
198-202         211-215         1981  Island Views                                            1.10  
203-205         216-218         1981  Migration to Norfolk                                    1.05  
206-208         219-221         1981  Charles & Diana Wedding                                 0.85  
209-212         222-225         1982  Fruit                                                   1.10  
213-216         226-229         1982  Princess Diana Birthday                                 1.95  
217-220         230-233         1982  Christmas/Angels                                        1.35  
221-224         234-237         1983  Commonwealth Day                                        1.35  
225-228         238-241         1983  M.Folger/Settler's Discovery                            2.35  
229-230         242-245         1983  Local Trees #1 (h/prs)                                  2.05  
229-230         242-245         1983  Local Trees #1 (v/prs)                                  2.05  
231-243         246-258         1984  Defs/Fish - 1c-2.00 (13v)                               7.65  
244-247         259-262         1984  Constellations/Night Sky                                2.30  
248             MS263           1984  AUSIPEX '84/Longboats (ss/2v)                           2.05  
249-252         264-267         1985  Paintings #1/J.L.Palmer/W.Smyth                         3.00  
(252)           (267)           1985  Paintings #1 - 2.00  "1835"                            76.00  
253-256         268-271         1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother                            2.10  
257             MS272           1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       2.50  
258-261         273-276         1985  Ships #1                                                3.65  
262-265         277-280         1985  Christmas/Madonna & Child Paintings                     5.60  
266-269         281-284         1986  Turtles                                                 7.30  
270-274         285-289         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      2.35  
275-276         290-291         1986  Andrew & Sarah Wedding                                  2.15  
277-280         292-295         1986  Adventist Church Centenary                              6.75  
281-284         296-299         1987  Ships #2                                                5.05  
285-288         300-303         1987  Island Homes                                            2.30  
289-290         304-307         1987  Local Trees #2 (h/prs)                                  7.00  
289-290         304-307         1987  Local Trees #2 (v/prs)                                  7.00  
291-294         308-311         1987  Paintings #2/C.Shipley                                  6.40  
295-296         312-313         1988  Defs/Fish - 90c,3.00 (2v)                               7.65  
297             MS314           1988  Australian Bicentennial (ss)                            6.90  
298-309         315-326         1988  Defs/Ships - 5c-5.00 (12v)                             10.90  
301a,306a       369 374         1990  Defs/Ships - 20c,90c (new wmk) (ex-bklt)                4.40  
315-318         327-330         1988  Island Constitution 150th Anniversary                   3.10  
319             331a            1988  Christmas (s/4v)                                        3.20  
320             335a            1989  Pitcairn Bicentennial #1/Bounty Sails (ss/6v)           8.00  
321             341a            1989  Pitcairn Bicentennial #2/Mutiny (ss/6v)                16.45  
322             MS347           1989  Pitcairn Bicentennial #2/Bounty Track (ss/3v)           4.75  
323-326         348-351         1989  Aircraft Over Pitcairn                                  8.80  
327-330         352-355         1989  Pitcairn Islands                                        6.05  
331             356a            1990  Pitcairn Bicentennial #3 (ss/6v)                        9.90  
332-335         362-365         1990  LONDON '90/U.K. Links                                   4.55  
336-337         378-379         1990  Queen Mother 90th Birthday                              3.90  
338-342         380-384         1990  50th Stamp Anniversary                                  8.20  
343-346         385-388         1990  Birds/BIRDPEX '90                                       6.70  
347             389a            1991  Pitcairn Bicentennial #4 (ss/6v)                       11.70  
348-349         399-400         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (2v)                            1.90  
348-349         399-400         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (pr+lab) (ex-ms)                2.30  
348-349         399a            1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (ms/10v+labs)                  12.95  
350-353         395-398         1991  Cruise Ships                                            9.40  
354-357         401-404         1991  Island Transportation Vehicles                          5.70  
358-361         405-408         1991  Christmas                                               4.95  
362-366         409-413         1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary                         4.80  
367-370         414-417         1992  Sharks                                                  7.95  
371-374         418-421         1992  P.Scott Expedition                                      8.50  
375-378         422-425         1992  W.Bligh Death Anniversary                               6.80  
379-382         426-429         1993  Royal Navy Ships                                       12.00  
383             430             1993  QEII Coronation 40th Anniversary                        6.55  
384-388         431-435         1993  Island Views                                            6.40  
389-394         436-441         1993  Lizards (2 prs+2v)                                     11.55  
395-398         442-445         1994  Lizards/HONG KONG '94 (ovpt) (prs)                      7.25  
399-402         446-449         1994  Early Pitcairners                                       7.00  
403-406         450-453         1994  Shipwrecks                                             10.15  
407-409         454-456         1994  Corals                                                  5.05  
410             MS457           1994  Corals (ss)                                             5.10  
411-414         458-461         1994  Christmas/Flowers                                       6.70  
415-426         462-473         1995  Defs/Birds - 5c-5.00 (12v)                             19.95  
427-430         474-477         1995  Oeno Island Holiday                                     7.45  
431             MS478           1995  Queen Mother 95th Birthday (ss)                         7.15  
432-435         479-482         1995  Radio  Centenary                                        7.10  
436-439         483-486         1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary                         7.55  
440-445         487-492         1996  Supply Ship Day                                         6.95  
446-449         493-496         1996  QEII 70th Birthday                                      7.85  
450-451         497-498         1996  CHINA '96/Ships                                         5.20  
452             MS499           1996  CHINA '96/Ships/Year of the Rat (ss/2v)                 2.75  
453-456         500-503         1996  Amateur Radio (pr+2v)                                   8.80  
457-462         504-509         1996  WWF/Birds                                               7.40  
463             MS510           1997  HONG KONG '97/Year of the Ox (ss)                       6.60  
464             MS511           1997  South Pacific Commission/Ships (ss/2v)                  6.75  
465-468         512-515         1997  Healthcare                                              7.30  
469-474         516-521         1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs)                   7.05  
475-478         522-525         1997  Christmas/Flowers                                       6.45  
479-482         526-529         1998  Christian's Cave Views                                  6.10  
483-486         530-533         1998  Sailing Ships                                           7.80  
487             MS534           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           3.90  
488-491         535-538         1998  Flowers                                                10.30  
492-495         539-542         1998  Ocean Year                                             12.75  
495a            MS543           1998  Ocean Year (ss/4v)                                     14.75  
496-499         544-547         1999  Island Education 50th Anniversary                      10.50  
500             MS548           1999  Wreck of Bounty/AUSTRALIA '99 (ss/4v)                  12.05  
501-504         549-552         1999  19th Century Pitcairn                                  11.65  
505-506         553-554         1999  Edward & Sophie Wedding                                 6.75  
507-510         555-558         1999  Honey Bees (sa)                                        10.65  
508a            MS559           1999  Honey Bees/CHINA '99 (ss)                               5.90  
511             560-563         2000  Tortise/Mr. Turpen (s/4v+lab)                           9.40  
512-523         564-575         2000  Defs/Flowers - 10c-10.00 (12v)                         25.30  
520a            MS576           2000  Flowers/LONDON '00 (ss/2v)                              7.60  
524-527         577-580         2000  Millennium/Communications                              11.40  
528             MS581           2000  Satellite Recovery/EXPO '00 (ss/2v)                    14.75  
529             MS582           2000  Queen Mother's Century (ss/2v)                          6.45  
530             583-586         2000  Christmas (s/4v)                                        9.40  
531-534         587-590         2001  Cruise Ships                                           11.15  
535-538         591-594         2001  Tropical Fruit                                          7.40  
538a            MS595           2001  Tropical Fruit (ss/2v)                                  4.85  
539-542         596-599         2001  Internet Domain (sa)                                   10.20  
543-546         600-603         2001  Reef Fish                                               8.95  
546a            MS604           2001  Reef Fish (ss/2v)                                       3.10  
547             605-608         2001  Art #1/Woodcarving (s/4v+lab)                           7.95  
548-551         609-12          2001  Shells #1                                               7.35  
552             MS613           2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/5v)                             8.50  
553-556         614-617         2002  Famous Pitcairners                                     11.40  
557-560         618-621         2002  Local Cats                                              7.60  
560a            MS622           2002  Local Cats (ss/2v)                                      4.70  
561-564         623-626         2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   8.10  
565             MS627           2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           5.90  
566             628-631         2002  Art #2/Weaving (s/4v+lab)                              11.45  
567-570         632-635         2002  Flowering Trees                                         8.75  
571             MS636           2003  Blue Star Line/Ship (ss)                               10.85  
572-576         637-641         2003  Shells #2                                               9.85  
577-580         642-645         2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary                        8.05  
581             MS646           2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary (ss/2v)                5.35  
582             647-650         2003  Art #3/Painted Leaves (s/4v+lab)                       11.10  
583-586         651-654         2003  Squirrel Fish                                           9.05  
586a            MS655           2003  Squirrel Fish (ss)                                      7.90  
587-590         656-659         2003  Christmas/Flowers & Paintings                           8.95  
591-594         660-663         2004  Shells #3                                               8.75  
595-598         664-667         2004  Scenic Views                                           11.80  
599             MS668           2004  HMS Pitcairn/Ship (ss)                                 11.25  
600-603         669-672         2004  Bounty Replica #1/Ships                                11.85  
603a            MS673           2004  Bounty Replica #1/Ships (ss)                           11.85  
604-608         674-678         2004  Murphy's Petrels/Birds                                  8.80  
608a            MS679           2004  Murphy's Petrels/Birds (ss/5v)                          9.85  
609-614         680-685         2005  Island Views/Ducie and Oeno Islands                    11.85  
615             MS687           2005  Blue Moon Butterflies (ss/2v)                          15.70  
616             MS686           2005  Total Solar Eclipse (ss/3v)                            11.70  
617             688             2005  Charles & Camilla Wedding                              16.80  
618-621         689-962         2005  Bounty Replica #2/Ships                                14.05  
621a            MS693           2005  Bounty Replica #2/Ships (ss)                            8.95  
622-626         694-698         2005  Curlew Birds                                           15.70  
626a            MS699           2005  Curlew Birds (ss/5v)                                   15.70  
627-630         700-703         2005  Christmas Ornaments                                    13.20  
631-636         704-709         2006  Island Views/Henderson Island                          12.60  
637             MS710           2006  C.Doggett/WASHINGTON '06 (ss)                           9.50  
638-641         711-714         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                      9.65  
642             MS715           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              9.00  
643             716-719         2006  Journey to Norfolk (s/4v+lab)                          10.45  
644             MS720           2006  Early Civilizations #1/Cave Dwellers (ss/4v)            9.70  
645-646         721-722         2006  Humpback Whales                                        10.10  
646a            MS723           2006  Humpback Whales (ss/2v)                                 9.75  
647             724-727         2007  WWF/Terns and Noddies (s/4v)                            8.55  
647             724-727         2007  WWF/Terns and Noddies (ms/16v)                         35.80  
647e            MS728           2007  WWF/Terns and Noddies (ss/8v)                          17.25  
648             729-732         2007  Raising of Bounty Anchor (s/4v+lab)                    11.10  
649             MS733           2007  Early Civilizations #2/Rock Carvers (ss/4v)            11.50  
650-651         734-735         2007  Salt & Pepper Moths                                    11.85  
651a            MS736           2007  Salt & Pepper Moths (ss/2v)                            11.85  
652-663         737-748         2007  Defs/HMS Bounty Replica - 10c-10.00 (12v)              26.15  
660a            MS806           2010  Festival of Stamps/LONDON '10 (ss/3v)                   9.00  
664             749-754         2007  Ocean Fish (b/6v)                                      11.80  
665-668         755-758         2008  Pitcairn Island from Space (sa)                        11.25  
669             759-762         2008  Longboat History (s/4v+lab)                            11.30  
670-673         763-766         2008  Flowers & Bees                                         10.15  
673a            MS767           2008  Flowers & Bees (ss/2v)                                  8.75  
674-679         768-773         2008  Sunsets                                                11.50  
680             MS774           2008  M.Folger/Discovery of Pitcairn Community (ss)           7.30  
681             MS775           2008  Green Turtles of Henderson Island (ss/4v)               8.95  
682-683         776-777         2009  Coconut Crabs                                          10.85  
683a            MS778           2009  Coconut Crabs (ss/2v)                                  10.85  
684             779-782         2009  Return to Pitcairn  (s/4v+lab)                          9.30  
685             MS783           2009  HONG KONG '09/Panda Bear (ss/2v)                        8.50  
686-689         784-787         2009  C.Darwin/Naturalist                                    11.05  
690-691         788-789         2009  Dragonflies                                            10.55  
691a            MS790           2009  Dragonflies (ss)                                       10.55  
692-695         791-794         2009  Airplanes over Pitcairn Island                         11.90  
696             MS795           2009  Royal Navy Visitors/Ships #1 (ss/6v)                   11.45  
697-702         796-801         2010  Children's Art/Island Landscapes                       11.10  
703-704         802-805         2010  Lest We Forget/ANZAC Day (prs)                         10.80  
705             807-810         2010  WWF/Tropical Reef Fish (s/4v)                           9.90  
705             807-810         2010  WWF/Tropical Reef Fish (ms/16v)                        39.20  
705e            MS811           2010  WWF/Tropical Reef Fish (ss/8v)                         19.25  
706             812-815         2010  Volcano Hot Spots (s/4v+lab)                           10.00  
707-710         816-819         2010  Snails (sa)                                             9.85  
711             MS820           2010  Royal Navy Visitors/Ships #2 (ss/6v)                   13.45  
712-713         821-822         2011  Flowers/Yellow Fautu                                    9.40  
713a            MS823           2011  Flowers/Yellow Fautu/INDIPEX '11 (ss)                   5.35  
714             824-825         2011  Flowers/Peony (pr)                                      4.30  
715-716         826-827         2011  Paper Wasp                                             11.55  
716a            MS828           2011  Paper Wasp (ss/2v)                                     12.20  
717             829-830         2011  William & Katherine Wedding (pr+lab)                   15.40  
718-721         836-839         2011  Supply Ships                                           13.90  
722             840-843         2011  Prominent Pitcairners #1/P.Christian (s/4v+lab)        11.15  
723-726         844-847         2011  Christmas                                              11.15  
727-731         831-835         2011  RSPB/Henderson Rare Birds                              15.10  
732             MS848           2012  Art #4/Tapa Cloth (ss/3v)                              13.00  
733-736         849-852         2012  Dolphins                                               11.30  
736a            MS853           2012  Dolphins (ss/2v)                                        6.85  
737             854-855         2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (s/2v+lab)                        12.35  
738-741         856-859         2012  Romantic Bounty/Ships                                  12.00  
741a            MS860           2012  Romantic Bounty/Ships (ss)                              7.15  
742             861-864         2012  Prominent Pitcairners #2/Roy Clark (s/4v+lab)          13.45  
743             865-868         2012  WWF/Fluted Giant Clam (s/4v) (ex-ms)                   10.35  
743             865-868         2012  WWF/Fluted Giant Clam (ms/16v)                         43.30  
743e            MS869           2012  WWF/Fluted Giant Clam (ss/8v)                          20.75  
744-747         870-873         2012  C.Dickens                                              12.00  
748-750         874-876         2013  C.Nordhoff/J.Hall "The Bountry Trilogy"                 8.50  
750a            MS877           2013  C.Nordhoff/J.Hall "The Bountry Trilogy" (ss/3v)         8.50  
751-754         878-881         2013  Cruise Ships                                           11.45  
755             MS882           2013  Lobsters (ss/3v)                                        8.80  
756             883             2013  QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary                        8.75  
756             883             2013  QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary (ms/2v)               17.50  
757             MS884           2013  Birth of Prince George (ss/2v)                         11.15  
758             885-888         2013  Prominent Pitcairners #3/ L.Warren (s/4v+lab)          11.15  
759-762         889-892         2013  J.F.Kennedy Death Anniversary                          11.15  
763-768         893-898         2013  Ship Landing Point/Bounty Bay                          11.75  
769             MS899           2014  Albatrosses (ss/3v)                                    10.50  
---             MS962           2016  Albatrosses/NEW YORK '16 (ss/3v) (ovpt)                16.75  
770-773         900-903         2014  Bounty Mutiny 225th Anniversary                        12.25  
774-779         904-909         2014  Flowers                                                15.90  
780             MS910           2014  WWI Centenary (ss/3v)                                   9.00  
781-785         911-915         2014  Mutiny on the Bounty/F.Christian/Actors                12.50  
786-789         916-919         2014  N.Mandela                                              11.40  
790             920-923         2014  Byrd Antarctica Expedition Visit (s/4v+lab)            10.65  
791             MS924           2015  Red Lionfish (ss/3v)                                    8.10  
792-795         925-928         2015  Pitcairn on Canvas/Paintings                           10.90  
796             929-932         2015  Prominent Pitcairners #4/B.Christian (s/4v+lab)         9.30  
797             MS933           2015  Breadfruit Saga (ss/3v)                                 6.80  
798-807         934-943         2015  Defs/GVI - 10c-5.00 (10v)                              35.50  
808-811         944-947         2015  Christmas Carols                                        9.50  
812             948-953         2016  Landscapes (b/6v)                                      14.30  
813             954-957         2016  W.Shakespeare (s/4v+lab)                                8.90  
814-817         958-961         2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                      9.90  
818             963-966         2016  WWF/Phoenix Petrel Birds (s/4v)                         7.95  
818             963-966         2016  WWF/Phoenix Petrel Birds (ms/16v)                      34.80  
818e            MS967           2016  WWF/Phoenix Petrel Birds (ss/8v)                       16.90  
819-820         968-971         2016  Adamstown (prs)                                         9.85  
821-824         972-975         2016  Ferns                                                   9.50  
824a            MS976           2016  Ferns (ss/2v)                                           8.10  
825             977-984         2016  Pitcairn Languages (ss/8v+labs)                        11.65  
826             985-988         2017  Prominent Pitcairners #5 / R.Young (s/4v+lab)           8.80  
827             MS989           2017  Women of the Bounty (ss/3v)                             8.25  
---             MS990           2017  Women of the Bounty/MELBOURNE '17  (ss/3v)             13.50  
828-831         991-994         2017  Historical Maps of Pitcairn Island                      9.55  
832             MS995           2017  Fish/Marine Reserve (ss/8v)                            15.90  
833             996-997         2017  R. Pitcairn/European Sighting (s/2v+lab)                7.35  
834-835         998-999         2017  Ladybugs/Transverse Ladybirds                           6.40  
836             MS1000          2017  Ladybugs/Transverse Ladybirds (ss/2v)                   6.80  
837-840         1001-1004       2017  W.Bligh 200th Anniversary of  Death                    11.15  
841-844         1005-1008       2018  Bounty Jewels/HMS Bounty Salvage                        9.35  
845             1009-1010       2018  Pitcairn Island Constitution Drafters (s/2v+lab)        6.85  
846             1011-1012       2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (s/2v+lab)               8.85  
847             MS1013          2018  Colors of Paradise/Flowers (ss/6v)                      9.90  
848             MS1014          2018  Blue Octopus (ss/3v)                                    7.75  
849             MS1015          2018  WWI Centenary/Armistice (ss/6v)                        13.35  
850-853         1016-1019       2018  Pitcairn From the Air                                   9.65  
854-857         1020-1023       2019  Ships/Paintings of HMS Bounty                           9.90  
858             MS1024          2019  Fragrant Flowers (ss/4v)                                8.85  
859             1025-1027       2019  Birds/Pitcairn Reed Warbler (s/3v)                      8.80  
860-863         1028-1031       2019  Apollo 11 Moon Landing 50th Anniversary                 9.90  
864             MS1032          2019  Dark Sky Sanctuary (ss/4v)                              7.60  
865-868         1033-1036       2019  Echinoderms/Marine Invertebrates                        9.35  
869             1037-1039       2019  Christmas/Angels Over Pitcairn (s/3v)                   7.10  
                                2020  Moby Dick Story/The Essex Whaling Ship (ss/4v)          9.35  
                                      --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---             SB2             1990  Bklt - 4.40 white cover                                16.45  
---             (SB2)           1990  Bklt - 4.40 NEW ZEALAND '90 (ovpt)                      0.00  
---             (SB2)           1990  Bklt - 4.40 BIRDPEX '90 (ovpt)                          0.00  
---             SB3             1990  Bklt - 4.40 Stamp World LONDON '90 (ovpt)              16.45  
                SB4             2016  Bklt - $12.00 Landscapes                               13.80  
                                      --- FRAMAS ---                                                
---             ---             1986  Frama - 70c STAMPEX '86                                 3.70  


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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.