Stanley Lisica LLC
Rhodesia Postage Stamps : 1965-1978
A price list of Rhodesia (1965-1978) mint stamps, souvenir (miniature) sheets and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from theScott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2022 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2021 --- with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Monthly Update).
  S.G. #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : Southern & Central Africa (1st ed.) -- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2011 --- with updates from
Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.   Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog editor combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Updated Price List
January 16, 2022

Click here ==>  RHODESIA to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         S.G. #            Year  Description                                            Price  
200-202          351-353          1965  ITU Centenary                                           6.50  
203-205          354-356          1965  Water Conservation                                      3.50  
206              357              1965  W.Churchill                                             0.55  
207              358              1965  Independence                                            0.35  
208-221          359-372          1966  Defs/INDEPENDENCE - 1/2d-1.00 (14v) (ovpt)             11.05  
222              373              1966  W.Churchill/INDEPENDENCE (ovpt)                         5.65  
223-236          374-387          1966  Defs - 1d-1.00 (Harrison) (photo)(14v)                 14.65  
223a-236a        397-407          1966  Defs - 1d-1.00 (Mardon) (litho) (11v)                  28.70  
223a             397              1966  Defs - 1d (Mardon) (litho) (1v)                          .--  
224a             398              1967  Defs - 2d (Mardon) (litho (1v)                           .--  
225a             399              1968  Defs - 3d (Mardon) (litho) (1v)                          .--  
226a             400              1966  Defs - 4d (Mardon) (litho) (1v)                          .--  
227a//230a       401//403         1966  Defs - 6d,1/3d  (Mardon) (litho) (2v)                    .--  
228a             402              1967  Defs - 9d  (Mardon) (litho) (1v)                         .--  
232a             404              1966  Defs - 2/-  (Mardon) (litho) (1v)                        .--  
234a             405              1966  Defs - 5/-  (Mardon) (litho) (1v)                        .--  
235a//236a       406//407         1966  Defs - 10/-,1.00  (Mardon) (litho) (2v)                  .--  
237-240          388-391          1966  RHOPEX '66                                              1.25  
240a             MS392            1966  RHOPEX '66 (ss/4v)                                      8.55  
241-244          393-396          1966  Central African Airlines/Airplanes                      6.60  
245-248A         408-412          1967  Defs/Dual Currency - 3d-2/6d (5v)                      27.20  
245              408              1967  Defs/Dual Currency - 3d/2.5c (1v)                        .--  
246              409              1967  Defs/Dual Currency - 1s./10c (1v)                        .--  
247//248         410//411         1968  Defs/Dual Currency - 1s6d/15c,2s./20c (2v)               .--  
248A             412              1968  Defs/Dual Currency - 2s6d/25c (1v)                       .--  
249              413              1967  Famous Rhodesians #1/L.Jameson                          0.40  
250-253          414-417          1967  National Art Gallery 10th Anniversary                   1.00  
251a             415a             1967  National Art Gallery - 9p (p.13.5)                      7.15  
254-257          418-421          1967  Nature Conservation/Animals                             0.95  
258-261          422-425          1968  World Plowing Contest                                   0.90  
262              426              1968  Famous Rhodesians #2/A.Beit                             0.40  
263-265          427-429          1968  Matabeleland 75th Anniversary                           0.70  
266              430              1969  Famous Rhodesians #3/W.Milton                           0.40  
267-270          431-434          1969  Beira-Salisbury Railway 70th Anniversary                5.50  
271-274          435-438          1969  Bridges                                                 4.40  
275-293          439-452          1970  Defs - 1c-2.00 (19v)                                   49.45  
275//293         439-452          1970  Defs - 1c-2.00 (14v)                                     .--  
278//287         441c//446a       1973  Defs - 3c,4c,6c,7.5c,14c (5v)                            .--  
275b-279b        MS474-MS476      1972  RHOPHIL '72 (3 ss/4v)                                   8.85  
294-297          453-456          1970  Posts & Telecommunications Corporation                  2.35  
298-303          457//513         1970  Famous Rhodesians (6v)                                  4.20  
298              469              1972  Famous Rhodesians #6/R. Moffat                          0.70  
299              480              1973  Famous Rhodesians #7/D. Livingstone                     0.75  
300              488              1974  Famous Rhodesians #8/G. Pauling                         0.75  
301              513              1975  Famous Rhodesians #9/T. Baines                          0.75  
302              457              1970  Famous Rhodesians #4/Mother Patrick                     0.70  
303              458              1971  Famous Rhodesians #5/F. Selous                          0.70  
304-309          459-464          1971  Birds #1                                                9.80  
310-313          465-468          1971  Granite '71 Symposium                                   4.25  
314-317          470-473          1972  Prevent Pollution Campaign                              0.90  
318-320          477-479          1972  Christmas                                               0.70  
321-323          481-483          1973  WMO & IMO Centenary                                     1.10  
324-327          484-487          1973  Responsible Government 50th Anniversary                 1.05  
328-347          489-508          1974  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1c-2.00 (20v)                     16.25  
328//347         489//508         1974  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1c-2.00 (15v)                       .--  
335//341         496//504         1976  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 8c,12c,15c,16c,24c (5v)             .--  
348-351          509-512          1974  UPU Centenary                                           1.10  
352-357          514-519          1975  Succulents Congress/ALDE '75                            2.10  
358-361          520-523          1975  Occupational Safety Campaign                            0.95  
362-363          524-525          1976  A.Bell/Telephone                                        0.45  
364-366          526-528          1976  Defs - 8c,16c,24c (3v) (surch)                          0.85  
367-370          529-532          1976  Wildlife Protection/Animals                             1.20  
371-374          533-536          1976  Flowering Trees of Rhodesia                             0.80  
375-380          537-542          1977  Birds #2                                                2.10  
381-386          543-548          1977  Landscape Paintings                                     1.30  
387-390          549-552          1977  Christmas                                               0.75  
391-392          553-554          1978  Rhodesian 19th Trade Fair                               0.45  
393-407          555-569          1978  Defs/Scenes - 1c-2.00 (15v)                             6.40  
408-413          570-575          1978  Powered Flight 75th Anniversary/Airplanes               1.25  
                                        --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                    
J5-J8            D8-D11           1965  Postage Dues/Postal Horns - 1d,2d,4d,6d (4v)            1.90  
J5a              D8a              1965  Postage Dues - 1d (rouletted 9.5)                        .--  
J9-J14           D12-D17          1966  Postage Dues/Birds - 1d-2sh (6v)                        8.25  
J15-J19          D18-D22          1970  Postage Dues/Birds - 1c-10c (5v)                       10.05  
J15//J19         D18//D22         1970  Postage Dues/Birds - 1c,2c,5c,10c (4v)                  4.50  
J18              D21              1973  Postage Dues/Birds - 6c (1v)                            5.90  
                                        --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---              SB7              1967  Bklt - 1/- orange                                       5.80  
---              SB8              1968  Bklt - 5/- yellow                                      26.95  
---              SB9              1970  Bklt - 46c yellow                                       7.70  
---              SB10             1972  Bklt - 48c yellow                                      18.65  
---              SB11             1973  Bklt - 50c yellow                                      25.60  
---              SB12             1974  Bklt - 50c blue                                        10.65  

Click here ==> RHODESIA  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.