Stanley Lisica LLC
Ross Dependency Stamps : 1957-2017
A price list of Ross Dep. (1957-2017) postage stamps and souvenir (miniature) sheets.

    All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the 2018 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  S.G. #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons New Zealand Catalogue (2009, 3rd edition) with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog. Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number. A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
October 12, 2017 

Click here ==>  ROSS DEPENDENCY    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
L1-L4           1-4             1957  Defs - 3d,4d,8d,1/6d (4v)                               8.25  
L5-L8           5-8             1967  Defs - 2c,3c,7c,15c (4v)                               48.10  
L9-L14          9-14            1972  Defs - 3c-18c (6v) (1st Print)                          2.65  
(L9-L12/13a,14  9a-14a          1979  Defs - 3c-18c (6v) (2nd Print) (chalky)                 1.50  
L13a, L14a      13a//14a        1979  Defs - 10c,18c (2nd Print) (p.14.5x13.5)                1.90  
L15-L20         15-20           1982  Anniversary of Base (6v)                                2.45  
L21-L30         21-31           1994  Defs/Wildlife - 5c-3.00 (11v)                          13.25  
L21//L30        21//31          1994  Defs/Wildlife - 5c-3.00 (10v)                          11.55  
L23A            24              1995  Defs/Wildlife - 40c (1v)                                1.70  
L31-L36         32-37           1995  Antarctic Explorers/Ships (6v)                         10.10  
L37-L42         38-43           1996  Antarctic Landscapes                                    9.25  
L43-L48         48-53           1997  Seabirds - 40c-1.80 (No WWF logo) (6v)                 11.30  
L48A            48a             1997  Seabirds - 40c-1.80 (No WWF logo) (b/6v)               19.75  
L43//L47        44-47           1997  Seabirds - 40,80,1.20,1.50 (WWF logo) (4v)              5.60  
L45//L48        50//53          1997  Seabirds - $1.00,1.80 (no WWF logo) (2v)                4.15  
L49-L54         54-59           1998  Ice Formations (6v)                                     8.85  
L49-L54         54a             1998  Ice Formations (b/6v)                                  12.55  
L55-L60         60-65           1999  Night Skies                                            10.30  
L61-L66         66-71           2000  Antarctic Transportation                               10.30  
L67-L72         72-77           2001  Penguins                                               10.25  
L73-L78         78-83           2002  R.Scott/Discovery Expedition                           10.45  
L79-L83         84-88           2003  Marine Life                                             9.10  
L84-L88         89-93           2004  Emperor Penguins                                        9.65  
L89-L93         94-98           2005  Photographs of Antarctica                               9.10  
L94-L98         99-103          2006  New Zealand Antarctic Program                           9.20  
L99-103         104-108         2007  Trans-Antarctic Expedition                             10.95  
L103a           MS109           2007  Trans-Antarctic Expedition (ss/2v)                      6.85  
L104-L108       110-114         2008  British Antarctic Expedition                           10.95  
L109-L113       115-119         2009  Antarctic Treaty Anniversary                           11.05  
L114-L118       120-124         2010  Whales of Southern Ocean                               13.00  
L118a           MS125           2010  Whales of Southern Ocean (ss/5v)                       13.20  
L119-L123       126-130         2011  Race to the Pole/R.Amundsen/R.Scott                    13.20  
L122a           MS132           2012  Race to the Pole/CHRISTCHURCH '12 (ss/2v) (ovpt)        8.65  
L123a           MS131           2011  Race to the Pole/R.Amundsen/R.Scott (ss/5v)            13.45  
L124-L128       133-137         2012  Defs/Antarctic Landscapes - 70c-2.90 (5v)              13.80  
L128a           MS138           2012  Defs/Antarctic Landscapes (ss/5v)                      13.95  
L129-L133       139-143         2013  Antarctic Food Web                                     12.65  
L133a           MS144           2013  Antarctic Food Web (ss/5v)                             12.80  
L134-L138       145-149         2014  Penguins of Antarctica                                 12.55  
L138a           MS151           2014  From Pole to Pole/Penguin & Polar Bear (ss)             3.95  
L138b           MS150           2014  Penguins of Antarctica (ss/5v)                         12.55  
L139-L144       152-157         2015  Trans-Antarctic Expedition Centenary                   11.90  
L141a,L144a     MS158-MS159     2015  Trans-Antarctic Expedition Centenary (2 ss/3v)         12.15  
L145-L149       160-164         2016  Antarctic Sea Floor Creatures                          12.80  
L149a           MS165           2016  Antarctic Sea Floor Creatures (ss/5v)                  12.80  

Click here ==> ROSS DEPENDENCY  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.