Scott # S.G. # Year Description Price
25-37 29A-41A 1980 Defs - 5c-10.00 (13v) (ovpt) 2.85
(25//37) 29B-41B 1980 Defs - 5c-10.00 (10v) (unwmk) 2.25
38-43 42-47 1980 Ships (6v) (ovpt) 1.30
44 48 1980 Queen Mother Birthday 0.35
44 48 1980 Queen Mother Birthday (ms/10v) 3.05
45-48 49-52 1980 Christmas 0.95
49-66 53A-70A 1981 Defs/Birds - 1c-10.00 (18v) (no date) 13.40
51//66 55A//70A 1981 Defs/Birds - 5c-10.00 (14v) 12.10
49//53 53A//57A 1981 Defs/Birds - 1c,4c,6c,8c (4v) 1.45
49a-66a 53B-70B 1982 Defs/Birds - 1c-10.00 (18v) "1982" 34.80
55b-64b 59B//68B 1982 Defs/Birds - 15c-2.50 (8v) "1983" 46.55
67-74 71-74 110-113 1981 Military Uniforms #1,#2 (8v) 2.35
67//73 71-74 1981 Military Uniforms #1 - 5c-2.50 (4v) 1.00
68//74 110-113 1983 Military Uniforms #2- 15c-2.50 (4v) 1.35
75-80 75-80 1981 Royal Wedding : Charles & Diana (6v) 3.25
--- 75b-79a 1981 Royal Wedding : Charles & Diana (3 ms/7v) 4.30
81 MS81 1981 Royal Wedding : Charles & Diana (ss) 1.50
82-85 84-87 1981 Girl Guide Movement 0.85
86-89 88-91 1981 Christmas/Stained Glass 0.95
90-91 92-93 1982 Brimstone Hill Siege 0.40
92 MS94 1982 Brimstone Hill Siege (ss) 1.20
93-95 95-97 1982 Diana Birthday 0.85
96-98 98-100 1982 Price William Birth (ovpt) 0.90
99-101 101-103 1982 Boy Scout Movement 1.40
102-105 104-107 1982 Christmas/Childrens' Paintings 0.80
106-107 108-109 1983 Commonwealth Day 0.55
108-111 114-117 1983 Boys Brigade 1.65
112-122c 118A//127A 1983 INDEPENDENCE - 5c-10.00 (8v) "no imprint" .--
112c 118Ac 1983 INDEPENDENCE - 5c (local ovpt) "no imprint" .--
112a-121a 118B//127B 1983 INDEPENDENCE - 5c-5.00 (5v) "1982 .--
112ad 118Bc 1983 INDEPENDENCE - 5c (local ovpt) "1982" .--
113-122 119B//128B 1983 INDEPENDENCE -15c-$10 (10v) "1983" .--
123-126 129-132 1983 Manned Flight Bicentenary 1.20
126a MS133 1983 Manned Flight Bicentenary (ss/4v) 1.35
127-130 134-137 1983 Christmas 0.75
130a MS138 1983 Christmas (ss/4v) 0.90
131-138 139-142 169-17 1984 Batik Art #1 #2 (8v) 3.45
131//138 139-142 1984 Batik Art #1 - 45c,50c,1.50,3.00 (4v) 1.35
133//137 169-172 1985 Batik Art #2 - 15c,40c, 60c, 3.00 (4v) 2.10
139-152 143-156 1984 Defs/Marine Life - 5c-10.00 (14v) 23.60
147a-152a 201-206 1988 Defs/Marine Life - 60c,$5,$10 (3v) "1988" 21.90
140a (194) 1986 Defs/Marine Life - 10c (new wmk) "1986" 1.35
140b (194) 1988 Defs/Marine Life - 10c (new wmk) "1988" 1.20
153-156 157-160 1984 4-H Organization 1.75
157-160 161-164 1984 Independence Anniversary 1.75
161-164 165-168 1984 Christmas 2.55
165-168 173-176 1985 Ships 7.85
169-172 177-180 1985 Masonic Lodge Anniversary 4.55
173-176 181-184 1985 Christmas/F.Drake Visit 2.00
177-180 185-188 1986 QEII Birthday 3.20
181-182 189-190 1986 Royal Wedding : Sarah & Andrew 1.30
183-184 191-192 1986 Agricultural Exhibition 1.30
185-188 207-210 1986 QEII Birthday/UN Week (ovpt) 2.40
189-192 211-214 1986 WWF/Monkeys 25.80
193-196 215-218 1986 Statue of Liberty 2.65
197 MS219 1986 Statue of Liberty (ss) 2.20
198-203 220-225 1987 Military Uniforms #3 5.10
203a MS226 1987 Military Uniforms #3 (ss/6v) 7.70
204-205 227-236 1987 Sugar Cane Industry (2 s/5v) 2.60
206-209 237-240 1987 Airplanes 6.15
210-214 241-245 1987 Mushrooms 13.10
215-218 246-249 1987 Christmas/Clowns 4.75
219-222 250-253 1988 Flowers 4.85
223-229 254-260 1988 Tourism #1/Hotels & Resorts 9.80
230-231 261-262 1988 Cricket Tournament/Sports 5.15
232-233 263-264 1988 Independence Anniversary 2.55
234 MS265 1988 Independence Anniversary (ss) 4.75
235-238 266-299 1988 Christmas/Masqueraders 2.20
239-244 270-275 1989 Tourism #2/Colonial Architecture 3.25
245-247 276-279 1989 Red Cross 3.05
248-251 280-283 1989 Moon Landing/Apollo 11/20th Anniversary 2.15
252 MS284 1989 Moon Landing/Apollo 11/20th Anniversary (ss) 4.65
253 MS279 1989 PHILEXFRANCE '89/French Revolution (ss) 3.95
255-265 285-290 1989 Defs/Maps - 10c-1.00 (6v) 3.10
269-272 291-294 1989 Discovery of America #1 20.50
273-276 295-298 1989 WORLD STAMP EXPO '89 6.40
277-280 299-302 1990 Butterflies 10.60
281-284 303-306 1990 Gardening EXPO '90 (ovpt) 11.25
285-288 307-310 1990 Brimstone Hill (2v+pr) 7.30
289 MS311 1990 Battle of Britain/Airplanes (ss/2v) 20.80
294-307 312-325 1990 Defs/Ships - 10c-10.00 (14v) 27.45
294a 413 1995 Defs/Ships - 10c (new wmk) 0.80
305a MS472 1997 HONG KONG '97/Ships (ss) 2.50
308-311 326-329 1990 Christmas/Games 2.95
312-315 330-333 1990 Flowers 6.60
316-317 334-335 1991 Census Day 3.25
318-319 336-337 1991 QEII & Philip Birthdays (2v) 2.25
318-319 336-337 1991 QEII & Philip Birthdays (pr+lab) (ex-ms) 2.50
320-323 338-341 1991 Fish 7.80
324-327 342-345 1991 University of West Indies 6.35
328-331 346-349 1991 Christmas/Carnival Play 5.95
332-336 350-354 1992 QEII Accession 40th Anniversary 5.70
337-340 355-358 1992 Red Cross Society 8.80
341-342 359-360 1992 Discovery of America #2/OAS 5.20
343-346 361-364 1992 Local Monuments 2.75
347-350 365-368 1992 Christmas 3.75
351-354 369-372 1993 RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes 7.60
355 MS373 1993 RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v) 12.40
356-359 374-377 1993 Anglican Diocese Anniversary 3.40
360-363 378-381 1993 QEII Coronation 40th Anniversary 4.10
364-365 382-383 1993 Girls Brigade 5.90
366-368 384-386 1993 Independence Anniversary 5.40
369-371 387-389 1993 Christmas/Flowers 3.25
372 390-394 1994 Prehistoric Aquatic Reptiles (s/5v) 8.55
373 395-399 1994 HONG KONG '94/Reptiles (s/5v) (ovpt) 9.40
374 MS400 1994 Treasury Building (ss) 9.25
375-376 401-408 1994 Award Recipients (2 s/5v) 7.00
377-380 409-411 1994 Christmas/Year of the Family 3.45
381-384 427-430 1995 WWF/Green Turtle (4v) 3.45
381-384 427-430 1995 WWF/Green Turtle (s/4v) (ex-ms) 5.60
381-384 427-430 1995 WWF/Green Turtle (ms/16v) 25.70
385-388 431-434 1995 Stamp Centenary 5.40
389-392 435-438 1995 World War II/50th Anniversary 9.10
393 MS439 1995 World War II/50th Anniversary/Medal (ss) 3.60
394-397 440-443 1995 SKANTEL/Telecommunications 5.45
398-401 444-447 1995 United Nations 5.35
402-405 448-451 1995 FAO/Food For All 2.95
406 452-456 1996 Sea Shells (s/5v) 6.85
407 457 1996 Locomotive/CAPEX '96 0.75
408 MS458 1996 Locomotive/CAPEX '96 (ss) 7.85
409-412 459-462 1996 Modern Olympic Games Centenary 3.25
413 MS463 1996 Modern Olympic Games Centenary (ss) 4.55
414-417 464-467 1996 Defense Force 3.85
418-421 468-471 1996 Christmas/Paintings 2.10
422 473-484 1997 Fish (ss/12v) 11.75
423-428 485-490 1997 QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs) 7.80
429 MS491 1997 QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss) 7.05
430-433 492-495 1997 Christmas/Churches 11.95
434-437 496-499 1997 National Heroes Day 2.65
437A 514 1998 Diana 0.35
438 MS515 1998 Diana (ss/4v) 3.95
439-452 500-513 1997 Defs/Butterflies - 10c-10.00 (14v) 19.65
439a-452a --- 1997 Defs/Butterflies - 10c,$3,$5,$10 (revised) (4v) .--
453-454 516-517 1998 University of West Indies 2.15
455-456 518-519 1998 Christmas/Santa Claus 1.45
457-458 520-521 1999 UPU 1.20
459 522-537 1999 Birds/IBRA '99 (ss/16v) 11.30
460-463 538-541 1999 Manned Moon Landing 3.15
464 MS542 1999 Manned Moon Landing (ss) 6.30
465-468 543-546 1999 Christmas/Musicians 2.65
469-472 547-550 1999 Millennium/Children's Paintings 2.70
473-475 551-553 2000 Carifesta VII 1.90
476-479 554-577 2000 Railroads/U.S. Civil War (4 ss/6v) 30.00
480-483 MS578 2000 Railroads/U.S. Civil War (4 ss) 30.00
484-488 579-608 2000 Flora & Fauna (5 ss/6v) 33.30
489-493 MS609 2000 Flora & Fauna (5 ss) 23.70
494-495 610-611 2001 Census 3.10
496 612-615 2001 Queen Victoria (ss/4v) 7.35
497 MS616 2001 Queen Victoria (ss) 5.05
498 621-624 2001 C.Monet (ss/4v) 9.10
499 MS625 2001 C.Monet (ss) 4.55
500 631-634 2001 G.Verdi (ss/4v) 7.40
501 MS635 2001 G.Verdi (ss) 4.85
502 643-648 2001 Royal Navy Submarines (ss/6v) 16.50
503 MS649 2001 Royal Navy Submarines (ss) 8.80
504 626-629 2001 QEII 75th Birthday (ss/4v) 7.15
505 MS631 2001 QEII 75th Birthday (ss) 4.95
506-511 636-641 2001 Woodcuts/PHILANIPPON '01 7.80
512 MS642 2001 Woodcuts/PHILANIPPON '01 (ss) 5.25
513 617-619 2001 Mao Tse-Tung (ss/3v) 7.75
514 MS620 2001 Mao Tse-Tung (ss) 3.90
515-519 650-679 2001 Flora & Fauna (5 ss/6v) 30.00
520-524 MS680 2001 Flora & Fauna (5 ss) 21.40
525-528 681-684 2001 Christmas/Carnival 3.45
529 685-688 2002 QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/4v) 6.20
530 MS689 2002 QEII Golden Jubilee (ss) 4.35
531 703 2002 United We Stand 1.60
532-533 690-691 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games 4.95
533a MS692 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games (ss/2v) 4.95
534 693-696 2002 Year of the Horse (ss/4v) 4.55
535 704-707 2002 Year of the Mountains (ss/4v) 5.85
536 MS708 2002 Year of the Mountains (ss) 5.15
537 697-701 2002 World Cup Soccer (ss/5v) 9.05
538 MS702 2002 World Cup Soccer (ss) 4.95
539 709-712 2002 Scout Jamboree (ss/4v) 6.45
540 MS713 2002 Scout Jamboree (ss) 5.05
541 714-716 2002 A.Vespucci/Explorer (ss/3v) 6.60
542 MS717 2002 A.Vespucci/Explorer (ss) 4.85
543-544 718-719 2002 K.Collins/Track Athlete 2.10
545-548 726-729 2002 Christmas/Fruit 5.10
549 --- 2002 Queen Mother (pr) 3.75
549 MS725 2002 Queen Mother (ms/4v) 7.45
550 MS720 2002 Solo Transatlantic Flight/C.Lindbergh (ss/6v) 9.10
551-552 MS723-MS724 2002 Diana (2 ss/4v) 12.55
553-554 MS721-MS722 2002 J.F.Kennedy (2 ss/4v) 11.85
555 --- 2003 Year of the Ram (vs/3v) 3.60
555 MS730 2003 Year of the Ram (ms/6v) 7.15
556 MS738 2003 Powered Flight Centenary (ss/4v) 5.60
557 MS739 2003 Powered Flight Centenary (ss) 2.95
558 MS740 2003 Tour de France Bicycle Race (ss/4v) 4.85
559 MS741 2003 Tour de France Bicycle Race (ss) 3.10
560 MS732 2003 Teddy Bears Anniversary (ss/4v) 4.95
561 MS733 2003 Teddy Bears Anniversary (ss) 3.20
562 MS734 2003 QEII 50th Coronation Anniversary (ss/3v) 5.60
563 MS735 2003 QEII 50th Coronation Anniversary (ss) 3.20
564 731 2003 CARICOM Anniversary 0.85
565 MS736 2003 William 21st Birthday (ss/3v) 5.45
566 MS737 2003 William 21st Birthday (ss) 3.10
567 MS744 2003 N.Rockwell/Paintings (ss/4v) 4.70
568 MS745 2003 N.Rockwell/Paintings (ss) 3.10
569 MS742 2003 P.Picasso/Paintings (ss/4v) 5.75
570 MS743 2003 P.Picasso/Paintings (ss) 3.10
571-574 752-755 2003 Rembrandt/Paintings 3.55
575 MS756 2003 Rembrandt/Paintings (ss/4v) 4.55
576 MS757 2003 Rembrandt/Paintings (ss) 2.95
577-580 746-749 2003 Japanese Art 4.00
581 MS750 2003 Japanese Art (ss/4v) 5.45
582 MS751 2003 Japanese Art (ss) 3.50
583 --- 2004 Year of the Monkey (1v) 1.10
583 MS758 2004 Year of the Monkey (ms/4v) 4.60
584 MS759 2004 Year of the Monkey (ss) 2.30
585 MS764a 2004 D-Day 60th Anniversary (ss/4v) 5.35
586 MS764b 2004 D-Day 60th Anniversary (ss) 3.20
587-590 760-763 2004 Athens Olympic Games 2.95
591 MS767 2004 Deng Xiaoping (ss) 3.20
592 MS765 2004 Pope John Paul II (ss/4v) 5.60
593 MS766a 2004 Eurocup Soccer (ss/4v) 5.35
594 MS766b 2004 Eurocup Soccer (ss) 2.95
595-597 768-779 2004 Steam Locomotives (3 ss/4v) 16.90
598-600 MS780 2004 Steam Locomotives (3 ss) 10.35
601 MS781 2004 FIFA Soccer (ss/4v) 4.55
602 MS782 2004 FIFA Soccer (ss) 2.95
603-606 783-786 2004 World AIDS Day 3.10
607 787 2005 Year of the Rooster (1v) 1.35
608 MS788 2005 Year of the Rooster (ss) 3.65
609 MS795 2005 Wildcats (ss/4v) 5.35
610 MS796 2005 Wildcats (ss) 3.50
611-613 MS799 2005 Prehistoric Animals (3 ss/3v) 18.15
614-616 MS800 2005 Prehistoric Animals (3 ss) 10.20
617 MS797 2005 Parrots (ss/4v) 5.35
618 MS798 2005 Parrots (ss) 3.95
619 MS789 2005 Insects & Butterflies (ss/4v) 5.75
620 MS790 2005 Insects & Butterflies (ss) 3.35
621-624 791-794 2005 Ducks 4.25
625 806-808 2005 Rotary International/AIDS (ss/3v) 5.90
626 MS819 2005 H.Andersen/Fairy Tales (ss/3v) 5.45
627 MS820 2005 H.Andersen/Fairy Tales (ss) 2.95
628 814-817 2005 J.Verne/Author (ss/4v) 5.60
629 MS818 2005 J.Verne/Author (ss) 3.20
630-631 809-813,821-82 2005 World War II 60th Anniversary (2 ss/5v) 16.90
632-635 801-804 2005 Battle of Trafalgar 5.05
636 MS805 2005 Battle of Trafalgar (ss) 4.00
637 826 2005 Pope John Paul II & N.Mandela (1v) 1.90
638 827-830 2005 Chinese Junks/TAIPEI '05 (ss/4v) 5.60
639-642 831-834 2005 Christmas (4v) 2.05
643 MS835 2005 Christmas (ss) 3.10
644-645 836-837 2006 Treaty of Basseterre (2v) 0.80
646 MS838 2006 Treaty of Basseterre (ss/2v) 2.95
647-652 839-844 2006 Rembrandt/Paintings 4.55
653 MS845 2006 Rembrandt/Paintings (ss) 3.50
654-657 846-849 2006 Christmas/P.Rubens/Paintings (4v) 1.85
658 850-853 2006 Christmas/P.Rubens/Paintings (ss/4v) 5.45
659 MS859 2007 C.Columbus (ss) 3.35
660 854-857 2007 QEII 80th Birthday (ss/4v) 4.55
661 MS858 2007 QEII 80th Birthday (ss) 2.95
662 881-886 2007 Betty Boop/Cartoon Character (ss/6v) 6.25
663 MS887 2007 Betty Boop/Cartoon Character (ss/2v) 3.35
664 860 2007 Scouting Centenary 1.75
665 MS861 2007 Scouting Centenary (ss) 2.95
666 862-867 2007 Space Achievements/Giotto Comet Probe (ss/6v) 5.75
667 868-871 2007 Space Achievements/Luna 9 (ss/4v) 4.70
668 MS872 2007 Space Achievements/Space Station MIR (ss) 2.95
669-670 873-880 2007 J.F.Kennedy (2 ss/4v) 10.35
671 896 2007 E.Presley/Guitar/Signature 1.40
672 892-895 2007 E.Presley (ss/4v) 4.70
673 888-891 2007 M.Monroe (ss/4v) 4.70
674 MS902 2007 Orchids (ss/4v) 5.60
675 MS903 2007 Orchids (ss) 3.50
676 M904-907 2007 Seabirds (ss/4v) 4.70
677 MS908 2007 Seabirds (ss) 3.35
678 897-900 2007 WWF/Tiger Sharks (s/4v) 3.10
678 897-900 2007 WWF/Tiger Sharks (b/4v) 3.10
678e MS901 2007 WWF/Tiger Sharks (ss/8v) 6.50
679-682 --- 2007 NBA/Players and Team Emblems (4 ss/2v) 42.15
683-693 909-919 2007 Defs/Fruit - 10c-10.00 (11v) 13.40
694 920-925 2007 E.Presley #2 (ss/6v) 5.90
695 926 2007 Pope Benedict 0.95
696 927-928 2007 QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary (v/pr) 1.75
697 MS929 2007 QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary (ss) 3.35
698-699 930//937 2007 Concorde/Airplanes (2 v/pr) 3.50
698-699 930-937 2007 Concorde/Airplanes (2 ss/6v) 12.45
700 938-940 2007 Diana (ss/4v) 4.70
701 MS941 2007 Diana (ss) 3.35
702-705 942-945 2007 Christmas/Door Wreaths 1.25
706 946-949 2008 Beijing Olympic Games (ss/4v) 4.55
707 966 2008 R.Bradshaw/Labor Party 0.35
708-710 950-952 2008 Moravian Church 10.65
711-713 953-955 2008 West Indies University 5.35
714-716 956-958 2008 Independence Anniversary - 30c,$1,$5 (3v) 5.05
--- 958a-958c 2008 Independence Anniversary - $25,$30,$50 (3v) 0.00
717 MS965 2008 Pope Benedict (ss/4v) 6.90
718 959-964 2008 E.Presley (ss/6v) 5.90
719-722 967-970 2008 Christmas 1.50
723 --- 2009 B.Obama (1v) 4.25
723 MS971 2009 B.Obama (ss/4v) 17.00
724 MS972 2009 B.Obama (ss) 6.90
725 MS974 2009 Freewinds Cruise Ship Anniversary (ss/3v) 2.05
726 MS975 2009 Freewinds Cruise Ship Anniversary (ss) 1.20
727 MS973 2009 Diana (ss/4v) 4.40
728 976 2009 UNESCO/Brimstone Hill Fortress 0.65
729 MS979 2009 J.F.Kennedy Death Anniversary (ss/4v) 5.60
730-731 MS977-MS978 2009 M.Jackson (2 ss/4v) 12.75
732 MS980 2009 Manned Moon Landing (ss/4v) 5.90
733 MS981 2009 Manned Moon Landing (ss) 3.20
734-737 982-985 2009 Christmas 2.80
738 MS986 2010 E.Presley (ss/6v) 8.10
739-742 987-990 2010 Butterflies of the Caribbean 6.40
743 MS991 2010 Butterflies of the Caribbean (ss/4v) 6.65
744 MS992 2010 Butterflies of the Caribbean (ss) 4.75
745-748 993-996 2010 Birds of the Caribbean 6.40
749 MS997 2010 Birds of the Caribbean (ss/4v) 6.65
750 MS998 2010 Birds of the Caribbean (ss/2v) 4.75
751 --- 2010 A.Lincoln (ex-ms) (1v) 1.65
751 MS999 2010 A.Lincoln (ms/4v) 6.70
752-755 1000-1003 2010 Reef Fish 6.40
756 MS1004 2010 Reef Fish (ss/4v) 6.65
757 MS1005 2010 Reef Fish (ss/2v) 4.75
758-761 1006-1009 2010 Mushrooms 4.90
762 MS1010 2010 Mushrooms/ANTVERPIA '10 (ss/6v) 7.95
763-764 MS1011-MS1012 2010 Boy Scouts of America (2 ss/4v) 13.25
765 MS1013 2010 Arctic Animals (ss/6v) 7.95
766 MS1014 2010 Arctic Animals (ss) 4.00
767 MS1015 2010 H.Dunant/Red Cross (ss/4v) 7.15
768 MS1016 2010 H.Dunant/Red Cross (ss) 4.00
769 MS1017 2010 World Cup Soccer : South Africa (ss/6v) 6.75
770-771 MS1018-MS1019 2010 World Cup Soccer : South Africa (2 ss/2v) 9.80
772-775 MS1020-MS1023 2010 E.Presley (4 ss) 16.90
776 --- 2010 Diana (pr) 3.35
776 MS1025 2010 Diana (ms/4v) 7.70
777 MS1024 2010 Diana (ss/6v) 7.95
778-783 1026-1030 2010 Christmas 4.15
O1-O10 O1A-O10A 1980 OFFICIAL - 15c-10.00 (ovpt) (10v) 3.35
O2a-O10a O2B-O10B 1980 OFFICIAL - 25c-10.00 (ovpt) (7v) (no wmk) 18.80
O11-O22 O11-O22 1981 OFFICIAL/Birds - 15c-10.00 (ovpt) (12v) 12.90
O23-O28 O23-O28 1983 OFFICIAL/Royal Wedding - 45c-1.10 (ovpt) (6v) 2.75
O23-O28 O23-O28 1983 OFFICIAL/Royal Wedding (ovpt) (3 ms/7v) 3.50
O23a,O24a O23g,O24g 1983 OFFICIAL/Royal Wedding - 45c (BLACK ovpt) (2v) .--
O27a,O28a O27f,O28f 1983 OFFICIAL/Royal Wedding - 1.10 (ULTRA ovpt) (2v) .--
O29-O40 O29-O40 1984 OFFICIAL/Marine Life - 15c-$10 (ovpt) (12v) 32.25
--- BOOKLETS ---
--- SB1 1981 Bklt - 9.40 Charles & Diana Wedding 2.90
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