Stanley Lisica LLC
Saint Kitts-Nevis (1946-1980)
A complete list (1946-1980) of St. Kitts-Nevis mint, NH postage stamps and souvenir sheets (miniature sheets).

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2021 edition) --- Sidney, OH: Amos Media, 2020.

  SG#'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue : Leeward Islands (2nd edition) --- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2012.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number when the item is not listed in the Scott or SG catalog. Catalog numbers in brackets "()" indicate a variety of that stamp number.   A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by a catalog editor for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog editor combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory of all stamps please use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
November 30, 2021 

Click here ==>  SAINT KITTS-NEVIS    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                           Price  
91-92           78-79           1946  Peace/Victory                                           0.40  
93-94           80-81           1949  Silver Wedding                                         10.05  
95-98           82-85           1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    2.95  
99-104          86-91           1950  Anguilla Tercentenary (ovpt)                            3.05  
105-106         92-93           1951  University of the West Indies                           0.80  
107-118         94-105          1952  Defs - 1c-4.80 (12v)                                   28.95  
119             106             1953  QEII Coronation                                         0.35  
120-134         106a-118        1954  Defs - 1/2c-4.80 (15v)                                 64.50  
121//128        107//113        1954  Defs - 1c-12c (7v)                                       .--  
129//134        114//118        1954  Defs - 24c-4.80 (5v)                                     .--  
120             106a            1956  Defs - 1/2c (1v)                                         .--  
127//133        112b//117b      1957  Defs - 8c,2.40 (2v)                                      .--  
135             119             1957  A.Hamilton                                              0.45  
136-138         120-122         1958  West Indies Federation                                  2.65  
139-142         123-126         1961  Stamp Centenary                                         1.20  
143-144         127-128         1963  Red Cross                                               0.75  
145-160         129-144         1963  Defs - 1/2c-5.00 (16v)                                 19.65  
145a-158a       166-171         1967  Defs - 1/2c-1.00 (6v) (s/wmk)                            .--  
147b            167             1967  Defs - 2c (1v) (s/wmk)                                   .--  
148a//158a      168//171        1968  Defs - 3c,15c,25c,1.00 (4v) (s/wmk)                      .--  
145a            166             1969  Defs - 1/2c (1v) (s/wmk)                                 .--  
161-162         145-146         1964  Arts Festival (ovpt)                                    0.40  
163-164         147-148         1965  ITU                                                     0.55  
165-166         149-150         1965  ICY                                                     0.70  
167-170         151-154         1966  W.Churchill                                             1.25  
171-172         155-156         1966  Royal Visit                                             0.80  
173-174         157-158         1966  World Cup Soccer                                        0.75  
175-176         159-160         1966  Arts Festival                                           0.45  
177-178         161-162         1966  WHO                                                     0.45  
179-181         163-165         1966  UNESCO                                                  0.80  
182-184         182-184         1967  Independence                                            0.65  
185-187         185-187         1967  Methodist Conference                                    0.55  
188-189         188-189         1968  CARIFTA                                                 0.60  
190             190             1968  M.L.King                                                0.40  
191-194         191-194         1968  Christmas/Paintings                                     0.75  
195-198         195-198         1969  Fish                                                    1.05  
199-201         199-201         1969  T.Warner/Governor                                       0.55  
202-205         202-205         1969  Christmas/Paintings                                     0.70  
206-222         206-221         1970  Defs/Pirates - 1/2c-5.00 (17v)                         15.30  
206//221        206//221        1973  Defs/Pirates - 1/2c-5.00 (16v)                          7.60  
215             214a            1973  Defs/Pirates - 15c "HISPANIARUM" (1v)                   2.50  
206a-222A       269-280         1973  Defs/Pirates - 1/2c-10.00 (12v)                        27.00  
206a-220a       269-279         1973  Defs/Pirates - 1/2c-1.00 (11v)                          8.90  
222A            280             1974  Defs/Pirates - 10.00 (1v)                              18.15  
207b-220b       322-331         1975  Defs/Pirates - 1c-1.00 (10v) (new wmk)                   .--  
207b            322             1977  Defs/Pirates - 1c (1v) (new wmk)                         .--  
209b//219b      323//330        1976  Defs/Pirates - 3c-60c (5v) (new wmk)                     .--  
211b//216b      325//329        1975  Defs/Pirates - 5c,6c,20c (3v) (new wmk)                  .--  
220b            331             1977  Defs/Pirates - 1.00 (1v) (new wmk)                       .--  
223-226         222-225         1970  C.Dickens                                               0.85  
227-229         226-228         1970  Festival of Arts                                        0.60  
230-233         229-232         1970  Stamp Centenary                                         0.90  
234-237         233-236         1970  Christmas                                               0.75  
238-241         237-240         1971  Flowers                                                 0.90  
242-244         241-243         1971 Poincy/Governor                                    0.60  
245-248         244-247         1971  Siege of Brimstone Hill                                 1.20  
249-252         248-251         1972  Easter                                                  0.75  
253-256         252-255         1972  Christmas                                               0.75  
257-258         256-257         1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     0.55  
259-262         258-261         1973  T.Warner Landing                                        1.45  
263-265         262-264         1973  Easter                                                  1.15  
266-269         265-268         1973  Royal Visit (ovpt)                                      0.90  
270-273         285-288         1973  Stamp Centenary                                         2.20  
273a            MS289           1973  Stamp Centenary (ss/4v)                                 2.35  
274-275         290-291         1973  Anne & Mark Wedding                                     0.40  
276-279         292-295         1973  Christmas/Paintings                                     0.95  
280-283         296-299         1974  Easter                                                  1.45  
284-285         300-301         1974  University of West Indies                               0.40  
285a            MS302           1974  University of West Indies (ss/2v)                       0.45  
286-289         303-306         1974  Family Planning                                         0.80  
290-293         307-310         1974  W.Churchill                                             0.75  
293a            MS311           1974  W.Churchill (ss/4v)                                     0.85  
294-295         MS312-MS313     1974  Golden Rock Airport (2 ss)                              1.60  
296-299         314-317         1975  Easter                                                  0.80  
300-303         318-321         1975  ECCA Headquarters                                       0.75  
304-307         338-341         1975  Women's Year                                            4.40  
308-311         342-345         1975  Frigate Bay Golf Course                                 4.85  
312-315         346-349         1975  Christmas/Paintings                                     2.30  
316-321         350-355         1976  Easter/Stained Glass Windows (s/3v+3v)                  1.90  
322-323         356-357         1976  Cricket Cup                                             1.45  
323a            MS358           1976  Cricket Cup (ss/2v)                                     4.50  
324-327         359-362         1976  American Bicentennial                                   1.25  
328-331         363-366         1976  Christmas/Paintings                                     0.85  
332-334         367-369         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.55  
335-338         370-373         1977  Easter                                                  0.75  
339-341         374-376         1977  Moravian Mission                                        0.55  
342-345         377-380         1977  PAHO/Health                                             1.75  
346-349         381-384         1977  Christmas/Stained Glass Windows                         1.25  
350-353         385-388         1978  Savanna Monkeys                                         2.45  
354             389a            1978  QEII Coronation Anniversary (ss/6v)                     0.85  
355-369         392-406         1978  Defs - 1c-10.00 (15v)                                   8.95  
370-375         407-412         1978  Boy Scouts                                              2.05  
376-379         413-416         1978  Christmas                                               0.80  
380-383         417-420         1979  Flowers #1                                              1.65  
384-387         421-424         1979  R.Hill                                                  1.25  
388-391         425-428         1979  Christmas/Year of the Child                             1.05  
392             MS429           1979  Christmas/Year of the Child (ss)                        1.05  
393-396         430-433         1980  Flowers #2                                              3.05  
397-400         434-437         1980  H.Nelson Death Anniversary/LONDON '80                   2.95  
401             MS438           1980  H.Nelson Death Anniversary/LONDON '80(ss)               2.10  
                                     --- OFFICIAL ISSUES ---                                   
O1-O9           O1-O9           1980  OFFICIAL - 12c-10.00  (ovpt) (9v)                       8.45  


Click here ==> SAINT KITTS-NEVIS  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.