Stanley Lisica LLC
St. Vincent Grenadines Postage Stamps : 1973-1994
A complete list (1973-1994) of St. Vincent Grenadines mint postage stamps, souvenir (miniature) sheets and booklets.

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

    Scott #'s are from from the 2015 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  Stanley Gibbons numbers are from the British Commonwealth catalog with Gibbons Stamp Monthly updates.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.   Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.
  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
February 5, 2015

Click here ==>  ST. VINCENT GRENADINES to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #       SG #          Year  Description                                          Price   
1-2           1-2           1973  Mark & Anne Wedding (ovpt)                            0.55  
3-19          3//25         1974  Defs/Birds - 1c-5.00 (ovpt) (17v)                     7.45  
5//7          24-25         1974  Defs/Birds - 2c 3c (ovpt) (2v)                        0.45  
3//19         3-17          1974  Defs/Birds - 1c-10.00 (ovpt) (15v)                    7.05  
20-24A        18-23         1974  Maps #1 (6v)                                          1.10  
25-28         26-29         1974  UPU                                                   0.70  
29-32         30-33         1974  Bequia Island #1                                      0.75  
---           34            1974  Bequia Island #1 - 5c (red shirt)                      .--  
33-51         35A-52cA      1974  Defs/Shells - 1c-10.00 (19v)                         15.30  
33-50         35A-52A       1974  Defs/Shells - 1c-5.00 (18v)                           8.15  
51            52cA          1976  Defs/Shells - 10.00 (1v)                              7.20  
(36//48)      38B//50B      1976  Defs/Shells - 4c-$1 (9v) "1976"                        .--  
(40//50)      42Bc//52B     1977  Defs/Shells - 10c-$5 (7v) "1977"                       .--  
52-55         53-56         1974  W.Churchill                                           0.70  
56-59         57-60         1975  Mustique Island                                       0.75  
60-64         61-65         1975  Butterflies                                           3.75  
65-68         66-69         1975  Petit St. Vincent                                     0.85  
69-72         70-73         1975  Christmas/Churches                                    0.65  
73-76         74-77         1976  Union Island #1                                       0.80  
77-80         78-81         1976  Corals                                                1.10  
81-83         82-84         1976  US Bicentennial/Coins                                 0.60  
84-87         85A-88A       1976  Beqiua Island/Maps                                    0.85  
88-91         85B-88B       1976  Canouan Island/Maps #2                                0.85  
92-95         85C-88C       1976  Mayreau Island/Maps #2                                0.85  
96-99         85D-88D       1976  Mustique Island/Maps #2                               0.85  
100-103       85E-88E       1976  Petit St. Vincent/Maps #2                             0.85  
104-107       85F-88F       1976  Prune Island/Maps #2                                  0.85  
108-111       85G-88G       1976  Union Island/Maps #2                                  0.85  
112-115       89-92         1976  Mayreau Island                                        0.65  
116-118       93-95         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                   0.55  
119-122       96-99         1977  Crustaceans                                           1.25  
123-126       100-103       1977  Prune Island                                          0.80  
127-128       104-105       1977  Maps/Royal Visit (ovpt)                               0.60  
129-132       106-109       1977  Canouan Island #1                                     0.80  
133-152       110-129       1978  Defs/Birds & Eggs - 1c-10.00 (20v)                   15.90  
(139//149)    116//126      1979  Defs/Birds & Eggs - 8c,20c,$2.00 (3v) "1979"          1.55  
(137//144)    114//121      1980  Defs/Birds & Eggs - 5c-25c (5v) "1980"                1.50  
153-156       130-133       1978  QEII Coronation Silver Jubilee                        0.75  
156a          MS134         1978  QEII Coronation Silver Jubilee (ss)                   0.60  
157-160       135-138       1978  Turtles                                               1.40  
161-165       139-143       1978  Christmas/Carols                                      0.95  
165a          MS144         1978  Christmas/Carols (ss/5v)                              0.90  
166-169       145-148       1979  Regatta/Yachts                                        1.05  
170-172       149-151       1979  Wildlife                                              1.05  
173-175       152-154       1979  R.Hill                                                0.75  
175a          MS155         1979  R.Hill (ss/6v)                                        1.20  
176-179       156-159       1979  IYC/Year of the Child                                 0.85  
180-182       160-162       1979  Independence                                          0.45  
183-186       163-166       1979  Whales & Dolphins                                     3.15  
187-189       167-169       1980  LONDON '80                                            0.75  
189a          MS170         1980  LONDON '80 (ss/6v)                                    2.10  
190-193       171-174       1980  Sports                                                0.85  
194-198       179-183       1980  Christmas                                             1.00  
198a          MS184         1980  Christmas (ss/5v)                                     0.75  
199-202       185-188       1980  Bequia Island #2                                      1.00  
203-208       189-194       1981  Early Maps (3 v/prs)                                  2.20  
209-214       195-200       1981  Charles & Diana Wedding                               2.20  
209-214       195a-199b     1981  Charles & Diana Wedding (ms/7v)                       3.85  
215           MS201         1981  Charles & Diana Wedding (ss)                          1.00  
218-221       204-207       1981  Game Fish                                             2.05  
222-238       208-224       1982  Defs/Ships - 1c-10.00 (17v)                          12.00  
239-242       225-228       1982  Pear Cactus                                           2.40  
243-245       229-231       1982  Diana Birthday                                        1.00  
246-247       232-233       1982  Boy Scouts                                            1.35  
248-250       234A-236A     1982  Royal Baby/Bequia (ovpt)                              0.90  
251-253       234B-236B     1982  Royal Baby/Canouan (ovpt)                             0.90  
254-256       234C-236C     1982  Royal Baby/Mayreau (ovpt)                             0.90  
257-259       234D-236D     1982  Royal Baby/Mustique (ovpt)                            0.90  
260-262       234E-236E     1982  Royal Baby/Union (ovpt)                               0.90  
263-265       237-239       1982  Christmas                                             1.20  
265a          MS240         1982  Christmas (ss/3v)                                     1.20  
266           241           1983  Defs/Birds & Eggs - 45c/50c (surch)                   0.60  
267-270       242-245       1983  Union Island #2                                       1.40  
271-274       246-249       1983  Treaty of Versailles                                  1.85  
275-278       250-253       1983  Manned Flight                                         1.20  
278a          MS254         1983  Manned Flight (ss/4v)                                 1.65  
279-284       255-266       1983  LOW/British Monarchs (6 prs)                          2.10  
291-294       267-270       1983  Coins                                                 1.20  
295-346       271//535      1984  LOW/Locomotives #1-#8 (52 v/prs)                     29.10  
297//342      271-286       1984  LOW/Locomotives #1 (8 v/prs)                          2.60  
295//344      311-326       1984  LOW/Locomotives #2 (8 v/prs)                          3.30  
296//345      351-358       1985  LOW/Locomotives #3 (4 v/prs)                          2.10  
300//343      390-397       1985  LOW/Locomotives #4 (4 v/prs)                          2.90  
309//399      412-419       1985  LOW/Locomotives #5 (4 v/prs)                          2.50  
305//346      443-458       1985  LOW/Locomotives #6 (8 v/prs)                          3.50  
301//337      504-519       1985  LOW/Locomotives #7 (8 v/prs)                          6.25  
302//341      520-535       1985  LOW/Locomotives #8 (8 v/prs)                          6.25  
345a          MS359         1985  LOW/Locomotives (ss/4v)                               2.70  
399-402       287-290       1984  Reef Fishes                                           1.25  
403-417       291//369      1984  LOW/Cricket Players #1-#3 (15 prs)                    8.25  
403//417      291-306       1984  LOW/Cricket Players #1 (8 prs)                        4.35  
406//416      331-338       1984  LOW/Cricket Players #2 (4 prs)                        2.20  
409//415      364-369       1985  LOW/Cricket Players #3 (3 prs)                        1.90  
433-436       307-310       1984  Canouan Island                                        2.00  
437-440       327-330       1984  Night Blooming Flowers                                2.85  
441-454       339//442      1984  LOW/Automobiles #1-#3 (14 v/prs)                      4.65  
441//453      339-346       1984  LOW/Automobiles #1  (4 v/prs)                         1.60  
442//451      378-385       1985  LOW/Automobiles #2  (4 v/prs)                         1.20  
443//454      431-442       1986  LOW/Automobiles #3  (6 v/prs)                         2.00  
469-471       347-349       1984  Christmas                                             0.85  
471a          MS350         1984  Christmas (ss/3v)                                     1.05  
472-475       360-363       1985  Shellfish                                             1.75  
476-479       370-377       1985  LOW/Flowers (4 prs)                                   1.45  
484-487       386-389       1985  Water Sports                                          1.05  
488-491       398-401       1985  Blossoms and Fruit                                    1.85  
491a          MS402         1985  Blossoms and Fruit (ss/4v)                            2.55  
496-499       403-410       1985  Queen Mother (4 prs)                                  1.20  
500           MS411         1985  Queen Mother (ss/2v)                                  0.90  
503-509       420-426       1985  Caribbean Royal Visit (ovpt)                         36.60  
510-513       427-430       1985  Traditional Dances                                    1.40  
514-517       459-462       1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                    1.95  
518           MS463         1986  QEII 60th Birthday (ss)                               2.70  
519-522       464-467       1986  Handicrafts                                           1.35  
523-530       468-475       1986  World Cup Soccer                                      4.65  
531-532       MS476         1986  World Cup Soccer (2 ss)                               1.75  
533-536       477-480       1986  Mushrooms                                            16.35  
539-540       481-484       1986  Sarah & Andrew Wedding (prs)                          1.45  
541           MS485         1986  Sarah & Andrew Wedding (ss)                           3.45  
542-543       486-489       1986  Duke & Duchess of York (prs) (ovpt)                   2.70  
546-549       490-493       1986  Dragonflies                                           1.35  
550-558       MS494         1986  Statue of Liberty (9 ss)                              5.70  
560-563       495-498       1986  Birds of Prey                                        12.45  
564-567       499-502       1986  Christmas/Santa Claus                                 2.40  
567a          MS503         1986  Christmas/Santa Claus (ss/4v)                         8.20  
568-572       536-540       1986  QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary                         1.60  
573           MS541         1987  QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary (ss)                    1.95  
574-577       542-545       1987  Marine Life                                           4.45  
578           MS546         1987  Marine Life (ss)                                      2.65  
579-584       547-552       1988  America's  Cup Yachts                                 3.15  
585           MS553         1988  America's  Cup Yachts (ss)                            0.90  
586-589       554-557       1988  Bequia Regatta/Boats                                  1.25  
590           MS558         1988  Bequia Regatta/Boats (ss)                             3.45  
591-594       559-562       1988  Tourism/Mustique Airways                              1.50  
595           MS563         1988  Tourism/Waterfall (ss)                                3.40  
596-603       564-571       1988  Great Explorers                                       4.50  
604-605       MS572         1988  Great Explorers (2 ss)                                3.90  
606-613       573-580       1988  Cricket Players                                       6.40  
---           MS581         1988  Cricket Players (ss)                                  5.35  
614-621       582-589       1988  Tennis Players                                        3.55  
622           MS590         1988  Tennis Players (ss/2v)                                2.10  
623-630       591-598       1989  Disney/INDIA '89                                      9.55  
631-632       MS599         1989  Disney/INDIA '89 (2 ss)                              13.20  
633-640       600-607       1989  Japanese Art (8v)                                    11.55  
641-642       MS608         1989  Japanese Art (2 ss)                                  11.25  
643           609-616       1989  World Cup Soccer (ss/8v)                             13.80  
644-648       617-624       1989  Discovery of America (s/4v+4v)                        9.80  
649-650       MS625         1989  Discovery of America (2 ss)                           9.90  
651-658       626-633       1989  Moon Landing/Apollo XI                               12.45  
659-660       MS634         1989  Moon Landing/Apollo XI (2 ss)                        10.05  
661-668       635-642       1989  Butterflies                                          20.10  
669-670       MS643         1989  Butterflies (2 ss)                                   20.10  
671-674       644-647       1989  Flowers                                               8.25  
675-682       648-655       1989  Disney/Christmas/Automobiles                         11.65  
683-684       MS656         1989  Disney/Christmas/Automobiles (2 ss)                  14.10  
685-694       657-666       1990  World War II/Battles                                 20.70  
695           MS657         1990  World War II/Battles (ss)                            10.50  
696-697       668-675       1990  Penny Black Anniversary/LONDON '90                    7.55  
698           MS676         1990  Penny Black Anniversary/LONDON '90 (ss)               6.85  
699-706       668-675       1990  Disney/Shakespeare                                   13.40  
707-708       MS676         1990  Disney/Shakespeare (2 ss)                            13.50  
709-712       680-683       1990  World Cup Soccer                                      9.30  
713-714       MS684         1990  World Cup Soccer (2 ss)                              14.70  
715-722       685-692       1990  Orchids/EXPO '90                                     18.30  
723-724       MS693         1990  Orchids/EXPO '90 (2 ss)                              18.15  
725-734       694-703       1990  Birds of the Caribbean                               16.15  
735           MS704a        1990  Birds of the Caribbean (ss/2v)                        5.30  
736           MS704b        1990  Birds of the Caribbean  (ss)                          5.30  
737-739       705-731       1991  Queen Mother 90th Birthday (3 ss/9v)                 36.30  
740-748       MS732         1991  Queen Mother 90th Birthday (9 ss)                    30.85  
749-764       733-748       1991  V.van Gogh/Paintings                                 27.90  
765-768       MS749         1991  V.van Gogh/Paintings (4 ss)                          24.90  
769-776       750//758      1991  Royal Family Birthdays/Anniversaries                 15.60  
777-778       MS754 MS759   1991  Royal Family Birthdays/Anniversaries (2 ss)          10.10  
779-786       760-767       1991  PHILANIPPON '91/Locomotives                          16.95  
787-790       MS768         1991  PHILANIPPON '91/Locomotives (4 ss)                   19.50  
791-793       769//772      1991  Brandenburg Gate                                      2.80  
794-795       MS783a,MS783  1991  Brandenburg Gate (2 ss)                               7.05  
797-798       773//781      1991  W.Mozart                                              4.50  
799-800       MS783e,MS783  1991  W.Mozart (2 ss)                                       7.45  
801-802       777//782      1991  Boy Scouts                                            5.85  
803-804       MS783h,MS783  1991  Boy Scouts (2 ss)                                     7.45  
806           770           1991  C.DeGaulle                                            1.45  
807-808       MS783c,MS783  1991  C.DeGaulle (2 ss)                                     7.45  
809-814       774//780      1991  Anniversaries & Events (6v)                          16.45  
815-817       MS783g//MS78  1991  Anniversaries & Events (3 ss)                        18.30  
818           784-793       1991  Pearl Harbor (ss/10v)                                21.30  
819-826       794-801       1991  Disney/Christmas Cards                               16.50  
827-828       MS802         1991  Disney/Christmas Cards (2 ss)                        13.80  
829-832       803-806       1992  QEII 40th Accession Anniverary                        7.50  
833-834       MS807         1992  QEII 40th Accession Anniverary (2 ss)                11.95  
835-838       813-816       1992  Disney/COLUMBIAN STAMP EXPO '92                       8.65  
839           MS817         1992  Disney/COLUMBIAN STAMP EXPO '92 (ss)                  7.50  
845-848       808-811       1992  Disney/GRENADA '92                                    7.40  
849           MS812         1992  Disney/GRENADA '92 (ss)                               6.60  
855-860       818-823       1992  Discovery of America/STAMP EXPO '92                   9.30  
861-862       MS824         1992  Discovery of America/STAMP EXPO '92  (2 ss)           9.30  
867-878       838-849       1992  Mushrooms                                            21.60  
879-881       MS850         1992  Mushrooms (3 ss)                                     19.20  
882-893       825-836       1992  Butterflies/GENOA '92                                22.20  
894-896       MS837         1992  Butterflies/GENOA '92 (3 ss)                         16.45  
897-908       851-862       1992  Hummingbirds/GENOA '92                               21.30  
909-911       MS862         1992  Hummingbirds/GENOA '92 (3 ss)                        18.00  
912-913       864-865       1992  OAS/Discovery of America                              3.90  
914-925       866-877       1992  Barcelona/Albertville Olympic Games                  18.10  
926-928       MS878         1992  Barcelona/Albertville Olympic Games (3 ss)           16.20  
929-940       879-890       1992  Christmas/Paintings                                  19.95  
941-943       MS891         1992  Christmas/Paintings (3 ss)                           16.75  
944-957       892-905       1992  Anniversaries & Events (14v)                         39.90  
958-963       MS906         1992  Anniversaries & Events (7 ss)                        36.40  
964-969       955-1008      1992  Disney/Fairy Tales (6 ss/9v)                         36.60  
970-981       MS1009        1992  Disney/Fairy Tales (12 ss)                           59.60  
982                         1992  Disney/Animated Films/Duck Tales (ss/9v)              7.70  
983                         1992  Disney/Animated Films/Darkwing Duck (ss/8v)           7.45  
984-985B                    1992  Disney/Animated Films (4 ss)                         19.80  
986-988                     1992  Disney/Animated Films (3 ss/9v)                      18.45  
989-994                     1992  Disney/Animated Films (6 ss)                         30.40  
1001          952-954       1993  E.Presley (s/3v)                                      3.00  
1002-1013     1010-1021     1994  Medicinal Plants                                     19.80  

                                 SEMI-POSTAL ISSUES                                      
B1-B4         175-178       1980  Sports/Hurricane Relief (ovpt)                        0.85  

                                 OFFICIAL ISSUES                                         
O1-O6         O1-O6         1982  OFFICIAL/Charles & Diana (ovpt) (6v)                  2.25  
O1-O6         O1a-O5a       1982  OFFICIAL/Charles & Diana (ovpt) (3 ms/7v)             6.10  

---           SB1           1976  Bklt - 2.50 Tourism                                   2.65  
---           SB1           1976  Bklt - 2.50 Tourism (7 diff. covers)                 18.00  
---           SB2           1978  Bklt - 8.90 QEII Coronation                           2.05  
---           SB3           1979  Bklt - 7.60 R. Hill                                   2.40  
---           SB4           1980  Bklt - 15.60 LONDON '80                               3.40  
---           SB5           1981  Bklt - 10.00 Charles & Diana Wedding                  3.00  
---           SB6           1986  Bklt - 7.30 Sarah & Andrew Wedding                    4.10  
---           SB7           1986  Bklt - 10.40 Sarah & Andrew Wedding                   5.65  

Click here ==> ST. VINCENT GRENADINES  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.