Stanley Lisica LLC
Solomon Islands Stamps (1946-2014)
A price list (1946-2014) of Solomon Is. mint never hinged, postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2024 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2023 with updating from Scott Stamp Monthly.
  SG #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue : Western Pacific (4th edition)-- London: Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2017 with updating from Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog. Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number. A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog editor combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
October 25, 2023

Click here ==>  SOLOMON ISLANDS    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #     SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
80-81       73-74           1946  Peace/Victory                                           0.40  
82-83       75-76           1949  Silver Wedding                                         11.25  
84-87       77-79           1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    3.55  
88          81              1953  QEII Coronation                                         0.90  
89-105      82-96           1956  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (17v)                                 98.60  
89//104     82//95          1956  Defs - 1/2d-10/-  (14v)                                  .--  
105         96              1958  Defs - 1.00 (1v)                                         .--  
98//100     90a,96b         1960  Defs - 9d,1/3d (2v)                                      .--  
106-108     97-99           1961  New Constitution                                        0.65  
109         100             1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     1.95  
110-111     101-102         1963  Red Cross                                               0.95  
113-125     103-111         1963  Defs - 1d-2sh6d (9v) (new wmk)                         22.50  
117         106             1963  Defs - 3d  (1v) (new wmk)                                .--  
119//123    107//109        1964  Defs - 6d,9d,1/3d (3v) (new wmk)                         .--  
113//125    103//111        1964  Defs - 1d-2/6d (5v) (new wmk)                            .--  
126-127     127-128         1965  ITU                                                     0.55  
128-142     112-126         1965  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (15v)                                 38.75  
143-144     129-130         1965  ICY                                                     0.60  
145-148     131-134         1966  W.Churchill                                             1.25  
149-166     135A//149B      1966  Defs - 1c-2.00 (18v) (surch)                             .--  
149//166    135A-152A       1966  Defs - 1c-$2.00 (15v) (surch) (up/wmk)                   .--  
158//163    144B//149B      1967  Defs - 12c,14c,35c (3v) (surch) (s/wmk)                  .--  
149a-166a   135B//152B      1966  Defs - 1c-2.00 (15v) (s/wmk)                             .--  
167-168     153-154         1966  World Cup Soccer                                        0.80  
169-170     155-156         1966  WHO                                                     0.75  
171-173     157-159         1966  UNESCO                                                  1.65  
174-175     162-165         1967  Pacific War/Guadacanal Campaign                         0.50  
176-179     162-165         1968  Discovery of Solomon Island                             1.60  
180-194     166-180         1968  Defs/Local Scenes - 1c-2.00 (15v)                      15.30  
195-197     181-183         1969  South Pacific University                                0.55  
198-201     184-187         1969  South Pacific Games                                     0.80  
201a        MS188           1969  South Pacific Games (ss/4v)                             4.25  
202-203     189-190         1969  Christmas                                               0.45  
204-207     191-194         1970  New Post Office Opening                                 0.80  
208-209     195-196         1970  New Constitution                                        0.75  
210-211     197-198         1970  Red Cross                                               0.65  
212-213     199-200         1970  Christmas                                               0.55  
214-217     201-204         1971  Explorers/Ships #1                                      3.20  
218-221     205-208         1971  Bishop J. Patteson                                      0.75  
222-225     209-212         1971  South Pacific Games                                     0.75  
226-227     213-214         1971  Christmas                                               0.60  
228-231     215-218         1972  Explorers/Ships #2                                      2.95  
232-247     219-233a        1972  Defs/Wildlife - 1c-5.00 (16v)                          35.60  
232-246     219-233         1972  Defs/Wildlife - 1c-2.00 (15v)                          21.55  
247         233a            1973  Defs/Wildlife - 5.00 (1v)                              14.05  
248-249     234-235         1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     0.40  
250-253     236-239         1973  Explorers/Ships #3                                      2.85  
254-258     240-244         1973  Musical Instruments                                     1.50  
259-260     245-246         1973  Royal Wedding : Anne & Mark Wedding                     0.50  
261-263     247-249         1973  Christmas                                               0.90  
264-267     250-253         1974  Royal Visit                                             1.45  
268-271     254-257         1974  Explorers/Ships #4                                      2.75  
272-275     258-261         1974  UPU/Origami Figures                                     1.05  
276-279     262-265         1974  New Constitution                                        1.05  
279a        MS266           1974  New Constitution (ss/4v)                                2.85  
280-284     267-271         1975  Defs/Birds - 1c-2.00 (5v)                               9.35  
285-288     272-275         1975  Explorers/Ships #5                                      2.35  
289-292     276-279         1975  South Pacific Games                                     1.00  
292a        MS280           1975  South Pacific Games (ss/4v)                             3.80  
293-295     281-283         1975  Christmas                                               0.95  
295a        MS284           1975  Christmas (ss/3v)                                       4.10  
296-311     284-300         1975  Defs - 1c-5.00 (16v) (ovpt)                            20.50  
312-315     301-304         1976  Artifacts #1                                            1.10  
316-331     305-320         1976  Defs/Birds - 1c-5.00 (16v)                             16.15  
316-330     305-319         1976  Defs/Birds - 1c-2.00 (15v)                             13.50  
331         320             1976  Defs/Birds - 5.00 (1v)                                  2.50  
333-336     321-324         1976  US Bicentennial                                         3.15  
336a        MS325           1976  US Bicentennial (ss/4v)                                 5.75  
337-340     326-329         1976  Telephone/A.Bell                                        1.20  
341-344     330-333         1976  First Flight To Solomon Island                          2.45  
345-347     334-336         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.75  
348-351     337-340         1977  Artifacts #2                                            0.95  
352-355     341-344         1977  Malaria Eradication                                     0.90  
356-359     345-348         1977  Christmas                                               0.75  
360-363     349-352         1977  New Coins and Banknotes (prs)                           1.40  
364-367     353-356         1978  Artifacts #3                                            1.00  
368         357a            1978  QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary (ss/6v)                1.75  
369-372     360-363         1978  Independence                                            1.75  
373-376     364-367         1978  Paintings/A.Durer                                       1.50  
377-380     368-371         1978  Scouting                                                1.55  
381-384     372-375         1979  Capt. J.Cook's Voyages                                  1.80  
385-388     376-379         1979  Artifacts #4                                            0.90  
389-392     380-383         1979  South Pacific Games                                     0.90  
393-395     384-386         1979  R.Hill                                                  0.75  
396         MS387           1979  R.Hill (ss)                                             0.70  
397-412A    388A//403cB     1979  Defs/Reptiles - 1c-10.00 (19v)                         10.90  
397//412    388A//403A      1979  Defs/Reptiles - 1c-$5.00 (16v)                          7.35  
412A        403cB           1982  Defs/Reptiles - $10 Turtle (1v) "1982"                  2.95  
408A,409A   399cB//400cB    1983  Defs/Reptiles - 40c,50c (2v) "1983"                     0.85  
(403//412)  394Bw//403B     1982  Defs/Reptiles - 12c,25c,1.00,5.00 (4v) "1982"           9.95  
(407)       398B            1983  Defs/Reptiles - 30c (1v) "1983"                         1.75  
413-416     404-407         1979  Christmas/Year of the Child                             1.00  
416a        MS408           1979  Christmas/Year of the Child (ss/4v)                     1.50  
417-420     409-412         1980  Ships and Crests #1                                     1.90  
421-424     413-416         1980  Fishing/Ships                                           1.65  
425         417-420         1980  LONDON '80/Ships/Airplanes (ss/4v)                      1.60  
426         421             1980  Queen Mother Birthday                                   0.40  
426         421             1980  Queen Mother Birthday (ms/9v)                           4.00  
427-430     422-425         1980  Christmas                                               0.90  
431-434     426-429         1980  Butterflies #1                                          4.00  
435-438     430-433         1981  Ships and Crests #2                                     1.65  
439-442     434-437         1981  Maurelle's Visit/Charts                                 1.65  
443         MS438           1981  Maurelle's Visit/Charts (ss/4v)                         1.20  
444-448     439-443         1981  South Pacific Games                                     1.65  
449         MS444           1981  South Pacific Games (ss)                                0.85  
450-452     445-447         1981  Royal Wedding : Diana & Charles                         0.95  
453-456     448-451         1981  Edinburgh's Award                                       1.05  
457-460     452-455         1981  Christmas/Churches                                      1.35  
461-464     456-459         1982  Butterflies #2                                          5.25  
465-470     461-466         1982  Sea Eagle/Birds                                         2.95  
465-470     461-466         1982  Sea Eagle/Birds (ms/24v+lab)                           20.45  
471-474     467-470         1982  Princess Diana Birthday                                 2.15  
475-476     473-474         1982  Commonwealth Games (pr)                                 0.55  
475-476     473-474         1982  Commonwealth Games (ms/8v)                              2.55  
477         MS476           1982  Commonwealth Games (ss/3v)                              2.35  
478-479     471-472         1982  Royal Visit (pr)                                        0.40  
478-479     471-472         1982  Royal Visit (ms/8v)                                     1.75  
480         MS475           1982  Royal Visit (ss/3v)                                     3.00  
481-488     477-484         1982  Boy Scouts/Boy's Brigade                                1.90  
489-492     485-488         1983  Turtles                                                 2.75  
493-496     489-492         1983  Commonwealth Day/Shells                                 1.55  
497-501     493-497         1983  Manned Flight                                           2.30  
502-510     498-506         1983  Christmas                                               2.30  
510a        MS507           1983  Christmas (ss/9v)                                       2.15  
511-514     508-511         1983  Communications Year                                     1.55  
514a        MS512           1983  Communications Year "1908-1983" (ss)                    1.75  
515-518     513-516         1984  Mushrooms                                               3.80  
519-520     517-518         1984  Pope John Paul II Visit (ovpt)                          0.90  
521-524     519-522         1984  Lloyd's List                                            4.10  
525         MS523           1984  UPU Congress "1907-1984" (ss)                           1.85  
526-529     524-527         1984  Broadcasting Union                                      2.05  
530-533     528//532        1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games (4v)                          2.00  
534         531             1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games (ss) (ex-bklt)                8.00  
535-538     533-536         1984  AUSIPEX '84/Birds                                       4.10  
538a        MS537           1984  AUSIPEX '84/Birds (ss/4v)                               3.85  
539-542     543-546         1985  EXPO '85/World's Fair                                   1.90  
543-546     538-541         1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother                            1.65  
547         MS542           1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       1.60  
548-550     547-549         1985  Christmas                                               0.90  
551-555     550-554         1985  Girl Guides/Youth Year                                  5.75  
554a        MS555           1985  Girl Guides/Youth Year (ss/2v)                          1.85  
556         MS556           1985  J.Audubon/Birds (ss/3v)                                 4.25  
557         MS557           1986  Hydroelectric Project (ss/2v)                           1.80  
558-561     558-561         1986  Operation Raleigh/Halley's Comet                        6.80  
562-566     562-566         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      2.40  
567-568     568-569         1986  Royal Wedding : Andrew & Sarah                          0.85  
569         MS567           1986  AMERIPEX '86/Peace Year/Peace Corps (ss/2v)             2.05  
570-574     570a            1986  America's Cup/Yachting (sheet of 50v)                  25.30  
570-574     570-572         1986  America's Cup/Yachting (10 s/5v)                       19.75  
575         MS575           1987  America's Cup/Yachting (ss)                             4.75  
576-579     576-579         1987  Corals                                                  3.35  
580-596A    580-597         1987  Defs/Flowering Plants - 1c-10.00 (18v)                 21.50  
                               0  -------------------------------------                   0.00  
580-596     580-596         1987  Defs/Flowering Plants - 1c-5.00  (17v)                 15.20  
596A        597             1988  Defs/Flowering Plants - 10.00  (1v)                     6.30  
                               0  -------------------------------------                   0.00  
597         598-601         1987  Kingfisher/Birds (s/4v)                                11.00  
598-601     602-605         1987  Christmas/Orchids #1                                    8.10  
602-605     606-609         1987  Transport & Communication Decade                        4.00  
606         610-613         1987  Butterflies #3 (s/4v)                                  15.40  
607-610     614-617         1988  Agricultural Development (prs)                          2.60  
611-613     618-620         1988  World's Fair/EXPO '88                                   2.05  
613a        MS621           1988  World's Fair/EXPO '88 (ss/3v)                           2.20  
613b        ---             1990  World's Fair/EXPO '88/NZ '90 (ss/3v) (ovpt)            15.65  
614-617     622-625         1988  Independence Anniversary                                5.50  
618-621     626-629         1988  Australia/Ships/SYDPEX '88                              5.45  
621a        MS630           1988  Australia/Ships/SYDPEX '88 (ss/4v)                      4.00  
622-625     631-634         1988  Seoul Olympic Games                                     4.00  
626         MS635           1988  Seoul Olympic Games (ss)                                2.10  
627-630     636-639         1988  Lloyd's of London                                       6.60  
631-634     640-643         1989  Orchids #2                                              6.75  
635-638     644-647         1989  Red Cross (prs)                                         4.95  
639-642     648-651         1989  Sea Slugs                                               9.35  
643-646     652-655         1989  Moon Landing 20th Anniversary                           4.50  
647         MS656           1989  Moon Landing 20th Anniversary (ss)                      3.85  
648-651     657-660         1989  STAMP EXPO '89/Children's Games                         4.90  
652         MS661           1989  STAMP EXPO '89/Children's Games (ss)                    7.65  
653-656     662-665         1989  Christmas                                               5.20  
657-660     666-669         1990  Personal Ornaments                                      7.80  
666-670     670-674         1990  Cowrie Shells                                           7.45  
671-672     675-676         1990  Queen Mother 90th Birthday                              4.55  
673-677     677-681         1990  Penny Black Anniversary                                 8.15  
678-682     682-686         1990  BIRDPEX '90/Birds                                      10.30  
683-687     687-691         1991  Crop Pests                                              7.40  
688-689     692-693         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (2v)                            2.95  
688-689     692a            1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (pr+lab) (ex-ms)                3.20  
688-689     692-693         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (ms/10v+labs)                  17.75  
690-693     694-697         1991  Healthy Food Campaign                                   5.20  
694-697     698-701         1991  South Pacific Games                                     6.55  
698         MS702           1991  South Pacific Games (ss)                                6.15  
699-702     703-706         1991  Christmas                                               7.15  
702a        MS707           1991  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       8.50  
703-706     708-711         1991  Tuna Fishing/PhilaNippon '91                            6.40  
707         MS712           1991  Tuna Fishing/PhilaNippon '91 (ss/2v)                    2.45  
708-712     713-717         1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary                         4.90  
713-717     718-722         1992  GRENADA '92/Ships                                       9.05  
718-721     723-726         1992  J.Vouza                                                 4.65  
722         MS727           1992  J.Vouza (ss)                                            6.95  
723-726     728-731         1992  Discovery of America                                   10.75  
726a        MS732           1992  Discovery of America (ss/4v)                           10.75  
726b        MS780           1993  Discovery of America/TAIPEI '93 (ss/4v) (ovpt)          5.45  
727         MS733a          1992  Battle of Guadacanal #1 (ss/5v)                         4.15  
728         MS738a          1992  Battle of Guadacanal #2 (ss/10v)                       14.85  
729-732     748-751         1992  Orchids #3                                              6.55  
733-747     752-766         1993  Defs/Crabs - 5c-10.00 (15v)                             9.00  
746a        MS874           1997  Crabs/HONG KONG '97 (ss)                                2.90  
748-751     767-770         1993  World War II                                            8.40  
752-755     771-774         1993  Orchid Conference/INDOPEX '93                           6.80  
752//755    771-772         1993  Orchid Conference - 20c,3.00 (2v)                       3.55  
753//754    773-774         1993  INDOPEX '93 - 85c,1.15 (2v)                             3.30  
756-759     775-778         1993  J.F.Kennedy                                             4.40  
760         MS779           1993  J.F.Kennedy (ss)                                        7.00  
761-766     781-786         1993  WWF/Pigeons                                             6.60  
767-770     787-790         1994  Dogs/HONG KONG '94                                      4.00  
771         MS791           1994  Dogs/HONG KONG '94 (ss)                                 7.40  
(771)       ---             1995  Dogs/JAKARTA '95 (ss) (ovpt)                           12.75  
772-776     792-796         1994  Dolphins                                                8.95  
777         797-805         1994  Butterflies/PHILAKOREA '94 (ss/9v)                      6.05  
778         806-810         1994  Year of Family (s/5v)                                   5.30  
778f        MS811           1994  Year of the Family (ss)                                 6.05  
779-782     812-815         1994  Volcanoes                                               3.95  
783         MS816           1994  Volcanoes (ss/2v)                                       4.50  
784-788     817-821         1994  La Perouse Expedition                                   6.60  
789-792     822-825         1995  Visit South Pacific/Tourism                             2.40  
793         MS826           1995  Visit South Pacific/Tourism (ss)                        7.30  
794-797     827-830         1995  FAO/Agriculture                                         5.30  
798         MS831           1995  FAO (ss)                                                2.45  
799-802     832-835         1995  World War II 50th Anniversary                           7.65  
803         MS836           1995  World War II 50th Anniversary (ss)                      4.50  
804-807     837-840         1995  Orchids                                                 5.95  
808         MS841           1995  Orchids/SINGAPORE '95 (ss)                              3.40  
810-813     842-845         1995  Christmas                                               3.20  
814-817     846-849         1996  Radio Centenary/Marconi                                 4.40  
818-822     850-854         1996  Birds                                                   5.85  
823         MS855           1996  Birds (ss)                                              4.00  
824-827     856-859         1996  Mail Transport/CAPEX '96                                3.70  
828         MS860           1996  Mail Transport/CAPEX '96 (ss)                           2.95  
829-832     861-864         1996  Modern Olympic Games                                    2.65  
833-836     865-868         1996  Christian  Missionaries                                 1.75  
837         MS869           1996  Sea Eagle/TAIPEI '96 (ss)                               1.30  
838-841     870-873         1996  UNICEF Anniversary                                      2.25  
842         875-883         1997  SINGPEX '97 (ss/9v) (red ovpt)                          8.15  
(842)       ---             1997  SINGPEX '97 (ss/9v) (black ovpt)                         .--  
843-846     884-887         1997  Animals/Common Phalanger                                2.20  
847         MS888           1997  Whales/PACIFIC '97 (ss/2v)                              2.60  
848-851     889-892         1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs)                   8.00  
852         MS893           1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss)                    2.10  
853-856     894-897         1997  Turtles/South Pacific Commission                        2.60  
857-860     898-901         1997  Christmas (4v)                                          2.55  
861         MS902           1997  Christmas/Butterflies/BANGKOK '97 (ss/2v)               2.70  
862-865     903-906         1998  Game Fish/Billfish                                      3.95  
865a        MS922           1998  Game Fish/Billfish/SINGPEX '98 (ss)                     1.90  
866         907             1998  Diana - $2.00 (ex-bklt) (1v)                            0.75  
867         MS908           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           3.30  
868-869     909-910         1998  Taiwan-Solomon Technical Cooperation                    0.95  
870         MS910           1998  Taiwan-Solomon Technical Cooperation (ss/2v)            1.20  
871         912-920         1998  Melanesian Trade & Culture Show (ss/9v)                 4.50  
872         MS921           1998  Independence/Pariamentary Building (ss)                 2.65  
873         MS923           1999  AUSTRALIA '99/ Ships (ss/2v)                            6.30  
874         924-935         1999  PHILEXFRANCE '99/Marine Life (ss/12v)                   7.05  
875-878     936-939         1999  Moon Landing 30th Anniversary                           3.95  
879         MS940           1999  Moon Landing 30th Anniversary (ss)                      2.05  
879a        MS965           2000  Moon Landing/STAMP EXPO '00 (ss) (ovpt)                 2.70  
880-883     941-944         1999  Queen Mother's Century                                  3.95  
884         MS945           1999  Queen Mother's Century (ss)                             2.20  
884A        946             1999  Crop Pests - 7c Potato Weevil/CHINA '99  (ovpt)         1.50  
885-888     947-950         1999  E.Ferrari/Racing Cars                                   4.25  
889         956-960         1999  World War II/Guadacanal #1 (ss/5v+lab)                  2.50  
889f        MS733b          1999  World War II/Guadacanal #1 (ss/10v+lab)                 6.25  
890         951-955         1999  Melanesian Missions/Christmas (s/5v)                    3.15  
891-892     961-962         2000  Millennium                                              4.35  
893         MS963           2000  Millennium (ss/2v)                                      5.95  
894         MS964           2000  Youth Ministers Meeting (ss)                            5.90  
895-896     966-967         2000  Year of the Dragon                                      2.30  
896a        MS968           2000  Year of the Dragon (ss/2v)                              2.35  
897-900     969-972         2000  Heritage Site/East Rennell Island                       7.60  
901-902     973-974         2000  Sydney Olympic Games                                    4.20  
902a        MS975           2000  Sydney Olympic Games (ss/2v)                            4.20  
903-913A    976-987         2001  Defs/Birds - 5c-50.00 (12v)                            35.10  
903-913     976-986         2001  Defs/Birds - 5c-20.00 (11v)                            17.05  
913A        987             2001  Defs/Birds - 50.00 (1v)                                19.00  
914-915     988-989         2001  HONG KONG '01/Snakes                                    2.20  
916         MS990           2001  HONG KONG '01/Heritage Site (ss)                        4.65  
917-920     991-994         2001  UNHCR/Refugees                                          3.75  
920A        MS995           2001  Year of the Snake (ss/4v) (ovpt)                        3.05  
921-926     996-1001        2001  Reef Fish                                               5.15  
926a        MS1002          2001  Reef Fish (ss/6v)                                       5.50  
927-930     1003-1006       2002  WWF/Gray Cuscus (4v)                                    4.50  
927-930     1003-1006       2002  WWF/Gray Cuscus (ms/16v)                               23.15  
930a        ---             2002  WWF/Gray Cuscus (s/4v) (ex-ms)                          5.25  
931-934     1007-1010       2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     3.90  
935         MS1011          2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/5v)                             5.90  
937-940     1012-1015       2002  Methodist Church                                        4.95  
941         MS1016          2002  Methodist Church (ss)                                   2.60  
942         1017            2002  United We Stand                                         2.30  
942         1017            2002  United We Stand (ms/4v)                                 9.35  
942A        MS1023          2002  Year of the Horse (ss/2v)                               6.20  
943         1024-1032       2002  Cowrie Shells/PHILAKOREA '02 (ss/9v)                   10.05  
944         MS1033          2002  Cowrie Shells/PHILAKOREA '02 (ss)                       7.85  
945-946     1034-1035       2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   2.65  
947         MS1036          2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           4.75  
948-951     1018-1021       2002  Battle of Guadacanal                                    6.10  
952         MS1022          2002  Battle of Guadacanal (ss/4v)                            9.10  
953-956     1037-1040       2002  Christmas                                               6.75  
957         ---             2003  Year of the Ram                                         2.50  
957         MS1043          2003  Year of the Ram (ms/4v)                                 9.90  
958-961     1046-1049       2003  Medal of Honor                                          6.10  
962         MS1050          2003  William Birthday (ss/3v)                               11.00  
963         MS1051          2003  William Birthday (ss)                                   8.80  
964-965     1052-1053       2003  Taiwan Diplomatic Relations                             3.05  
966         MS1044          2003  QEII Coronation Anniversary (ss/3v)                    11.95  
967         MS1045          2003  QEII Coronation Anniversary (ss)                       10.75  
968         MS1054          2003  Powered Flight Anniversary (ss/6v)                     11.55  
969         MS1055          2003  Powered Flight Anniversary (ss)                         8.25  
970         MS1056          2004  Pope John Paul II Visit Anniversary (ss/2v)             5.60  
971-974     1057-1060       2004  Athens Olympic Games                                    4.85  
975         1061-1070       2004  Orchids (b/10v)                                        13.65  
976         ---             2004  R.Reagan (1v)                                           4.10  
976         MS1071          2004  R.Reagan (ms/4v)                                       16.50  
977-980     1072-1075       2004  Merchant Ships                                          9.90  
981-982     1076-1079       2004  FIFA Soccer Centenary (prs)                             7.15  
983-985     MS1080          2004  Bird Life International/Birds #1 (3 ss/6v)             28.90  
986-991     1081-1086       2004  Christmas                                               5.80  
992-995     1087-1110       2005  Battle of Trafalgar #1 (4 ss/6v)                       38.35  
996-998     1111-1113       2005  Baha'i Anniversary                                      3.30  
999         1114-1123       2005  End of World War II (ss/10v)                           11.40  
1000        MS1124          2005  End of World War II/PACIFIC EXPLORER '05 (ss)           2.30  
1001-1006   1125-1136       2005  Europa Anniversary (prs)                               27.10  
1001c-1006  MS1137          2005  Europa Anniversary (6 ss/2v)                           26.30  
1007-1012   1138-1149       2005  QEII Royal Year (prs)                                  29.45  
1013-1020   ---             2005  Pope John Paul II (Gold) (8v)                          20.70  
1021-1023   MS1150          2005  Bird Life International/Birds #2 (3 ss/6v)             28.05  
1024        1151            2005  Rotary International                                    1.10  
1025        MS1152          2005  Pope John Paul II/ IN MEMORIAM  (ss/2v) (ovpt)          4.60  
1026-1031   1153-1158       2005  H.C.Andersen/Christmas                                 11.85  
1032-1034   1159-1161       2005  Battle of Trafalgar #2                                 12.80  
1035-1038   1162-1165       2005  WWF/Skinks                                              4.95  
1038a       1162a           2005  WWF/Skinks (ss/8v)                                     10.35  
1039-1042   1166-1169       2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                      9.10  
1043        MS1170          2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              8.25  
1044-1047   1171-1178       2006  Exploration & Innovation (prs)                         19.80  
1048-1051   1179-1182       2006  C.Columbus/WASHINGTON '06 (4v)                          8.25  
1051A       MS1183          2006  C.Columbus/WASHINGTON '06 (ss)                          7.75  
1052-1055   1184-1187       2006  World Cup Soccer                                        9.65  
1056-1061   1188-1193       2006  Victoria Cross                                         12.55  
1062-1069   1194-1201       2006  Dinosaurs                                              14.55  
1069A-1069  1201a-1201d     2006  International Coconut Day (4v)                          4.95  
1070-1083   1202-1215       2006  Defs/Cone Shells - 5c-50.00 (14v)                      28.80  
1084-1089   1216-1221       2006  B.Potter/Tales                                          6.75  
1089a       MS1222          2006  B.Potter/Tales (ss/6v)                                  6.75  
1090-1093   1223-1226       2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary                           9.40  
1094        MS1227          2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary (ss)                      6.10  
1095        MS1227a         2007  Diana Anniversary #1 (ss/4v) "1997-2007"  (ovpt)        2.75  
1096-1099   1228-1231       2007  Diana Anniversary #2                                    8.15  
1100-1104   1232-1236       2008  RAF 90th Anniversary/Pilots                            10.20  
1105        MS1237          2008  RAF 90th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss)                     7.15  
1106-1113   1238-1245       2008  British Kings & Queens #1                               7.70  
1114-1117   1246-1249       2008  Beijing Olympic Games                                   4.30  
1118-1121   1250-1253       2008  RAMSI Police Service                                    6.35  
1122-1129   1254-1261       2009  British Kings & Queens #2                               7.40  
1130-1135   1262-1267       2009  Seafaring & Exploration/Ships                          15.80  
1136        MS1268          2009  Seafaring & Exploration/Ships (ss)                      5.30  
1137-1140   1269-1272       2009  Naval Aviation Centenary/Airplanes                      9.30  
1141        MS1273          2009  Naval Aviation Centenary/Airplanes (ss)                 6.85  
1142-1149   1281-1288       2010  British Kings & Queens #3                               8.50  
1150-1155   1274-1279       2010  Battle of Britain/Airplanes                             7.70  
1156        MS1280          2010  Battle of Britain/Airplanes (ss)                       10.35  
1157-1160   1289-1292       2010  Vegetables                                              2.25  
1161        1293a           2010  Orchids/BANGKOK '10  (b/10v) (ovpt)                     9.00  
1162        MS1295          2010  Bible Translation (ss/4v)                               2.25  
---         1296a           2010  Cowrie Shells/INDIPEX '10 (ss/9v)(ovpt)                10.00  
1163        MS1297          2011  Royal Wedding : William & Catherine (ss/4v)             7.30  
1164        MS1298          2011  Royal Wedding : William & Catherine (ss/2v)             7.30  
---         -----           2011  Personalized Stamp - $2.00 (1v)                         3.95  
1165-1188   -----           2012  Events & Anniversaries (24 ss/5v)                        .--  
1189        -----           2013  WWF/Birds/Solomons Cockatoo (s/4v)                      7.40  
1189e       -----           2013  WWF/Birds/Solomons Cockatoo (ss/8v+labs)               14.80  
1189        -----           2013  WWF/Birds/Solomons Cockatoo (ms/16v)                   31.60  
1190        -----           2013  Birds/Solomons Cockatoo (ss)                            8.90  
1191-1213   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (23 ss/4v)                        .--  
1214-1236   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (23 ss)                           .--  
1237-1260   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (24 ss/4v)                        .--  
1261-1284   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (24 ss)                           .--  
1285-1296   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (12 ss/4v)                        .--  
1297-1308   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (12 ss)                           .--  
1309-1312   -----           2013  Visit of Duke & Duchess (4 ss/9v)                        .--  
1313-1336   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (24 ss/4v)                        .--  
1337-1360   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (24 ss)                           .--  
1361-1378   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (18 ss/4v)                        .--  
1379-1396   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (18 ss)                           .--  
1397-1421   1299-1323       2013  Defs/Fish - 5c-$50 (25v)                                 .--  
1422-1439   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (18 ss/4v)                        .--  
1440-1457   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (18 ss)                           .--  
1458-1475   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (18 ss/4v)                        .--  
1476-1493   -----           2013  Anniversaries & Events (18 ss)                           .--  
1494        -----           2014  Golf (ss/4v)                                            7.30  
1495        -----           2014  Golf (ss)                                               8.90  
                                 --- SEMI POSTAL ISSUES ---                                
B1          460             1982  Charles & Diana/Cyclone Relief (ovpt)                   1.50  
B2          573             1986  Queen Mother/Cyclone Relief Fund (ovpt)                 1.35  
B3          MS574           1986  Queen Mother/Cyclone Relief  (ss/2v) (ovpt)             5.75  
B4          1041            2003  AIDS Day (ovpt)                                         5.50  
B5          1042            2003  Diana/Cyclone Relief (ovpt)                             5.75  
B6          MS1253a         2008  Reef Fish/JAKARTA '08 (ss/6v) (ovpt)                    3.10  
                                 --- BOOKLETS ---                                          
---         SB1             1959  Bklt - 4s buff                                           .--  
---         SB2             1959  Bklt - 11s grey                                          .--  
---         SB3             1960  Bklt - 5s green                                          .--  
---         SB4             1960  Bklt - 1.00 orange                                       .--  
---         SB4a            1964  Bklt - 1.00 orange (new contents)                        .--  
---         SB5             1982  Bklt - 2.96 Royal Visit/Games                           8.00  
---         SB6             1984  Bklt - 3.18 Mushrooms                                  16.90  
---         SB7             1984  Bklt - 3.95 Olympic Games                              12.65  
---         SB8             1992  Bklt - 11.70 J.Vouza                                   15.15  
---         SB9             1998  Bklt - 22.50 Diana                                      8.15  

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