Stanley Lisica LLC
South Georgia & South Sandwich Is. (1963-2020)
A complete list (1963-2020) of South Georgia & South Sandwich Is. postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

 Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2021 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2020 with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Monthly Update).
 SG #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : Falkland Islands & Dependencies (8th ed.) -- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2019 with updates from
Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

 Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that a catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. Frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) the catalog editors combine the parts or new value into one set. 

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
December 12, 2020

Click here ==>  SOUTH GEORGIA ISLANDS    to see the current inventory or to place an order.

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
1-16            1-16            1963  Defs/Wildlife - 1/2d-1.00  (16v)                      179.70  
1-15            1-15            1963  Defs/Wildlife - 1/2d-1.00 (15v)                       172.15  
16              16              1969  Defs/Wildlife - 1.00 Penguin (1v)                       8.10  
1a              1a              1967  Defs/Wildlife - 1/2d Reindeer (1v) (p.14x15)            0.80  
1b              17              1970  Defs/Wildlife - 1/2d Reindeer (1v) (s/wmk) (gz)         1.20  
17-30           18-31           1971  Defs - 1/2p-50p (surch) (14v) (up/wmk,1/2p s/wmk)      63.15  
---             18a             1972  Defs - 1/2p/1/2d (T-IIIa)                                .--  
17a             18b             1973  Defs - 1/2p/1/2d (T-IIIa) (up/wmk)                       .--  
---             19a             1972  Defs - 1p/1d (gz)                                        .--  
18a             19b             1976  Defs - 1p/1d (s/wmk) (gz)                                .--  
---             20b             1973  Defs - 1.5p/5.5d (T-IVa) (gz)                            .--  
---             31a             1972  Defs - 50p/10sh (T-Va)(gz)                               .--  
30a             31b             1976  Defs - 50p/10sh (s/wmk)                                  .--  
30c                             1971  Defs - 50p/10sh  (op)                                    .--  
17b-30b         53-66           1977  Defs/Wildlife - 1/2p-50p (surch) (12v) (new wmk)       46.70  
17b//24b        53//60          1977  Defs - 1/2p,5p (surch) (2v) (new wmk)                    .--  
18b/29b         54//65          1977  Defs - 1p-25p (surch) (9v) (new wmk)                     .--  
30b             66              1978  Defs - 50p/10sh (surch) (1v) (new wmk)                   .--  
31-34           32-35           1972  E.Shackleton                                            4.35  
35-36           36-37           1972  QEII Silver Wedding Anniversary                         1.20  
37-38           38-39           1973  Anne & Mark Wedding                                     0.60  
39-40           40-41           1974  W.Churchill                                             2.55  
40a             MS42            1974  W.Churchill (ss/2v)                                     5.80  
41-43           43-45           1975  Capt. J.Cook                                            7.85  
44-47           46-49           1976  Discovery/Biological Investigations                     7.00  
48-50           50-52           1977  QEII 25th Anniversary of Reign                          1.30  
51              67a             1978  QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary (ss/6v)                2.60  
52-55           70-73           1979  Capt. J.Cook Voyages                                    6.10  
101-105         153-157         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      2.65  
106-108         158-160         1986  Sarah & Andrew Wedding                                  2.90  
109-123         161-175         1987  Defs/Birds - 1p-3.00 (15v)                             32.90  
124-126         176-178         1987  Geophysical Year                                        2.95  
127-130         179-182         1988  Sea Shells                                              5.05  
131-134         183-186         1988  Lloyd's of London                                       5.65  
135-138         187-190         1989  Glacier Formations                                      4.20  
139-142         191-194         1989  Combined Services Expedition                            4.40  
143-144         195-196         1990  Queen Mother 90th Birthday                              4.75  
145-148         197-200         1990  Shipwrecks                                              4.75  
149-150         201-202         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (2v)                            3.75  
149-150         201-202         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (pr+lab) (ex-ms)                4.05  
149-150         201-202         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (ms/10v+labs)                  21.95  
151-156         203-208         1991  Elephant Seals                                          8.90  
157-161         209-213         1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary                         4.80  
162-165         214-217         1992  WWF/Teal Birds                                          4.00  
166-169         223-226         1993  Whaling Museum                                          7.50  
170-173         227-230         1993  Macaroni Penguins                                       7.25  
174-177         243-246         1994  Macaroni Penguins/HONG KONG '94 (ovpt)                  7.25  
178-189         231-242         1994  Defs/Whales & Dolphins -1p-5.00 (12v)                  57.05  
190-193         247-250         1994  Natural History/Life in the Freezer                     6.30  
194-197         251-254         1994  C.Larsen Voyage/Ships                                   6.10  
198-199         255-256         1995  World War II 50th Anniversary (pr)                      7.30  
200             MS257           1995  World War II 50th Anniversary (ss)                      5.50  
201-203         258-260         1995  Sailing Ships                                           6.40  
204-207         261-264         1996  E.Shackleton Trek                                       7.05  
208-211         265-268         1996  Chinstrap Penguins                                      6.95  
211a            MS269           1996  Return of Hong Kong (ss)                                3.65  
212-217         270-275         1997  Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs)                        9.70  
218             MS276           1997  Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss)                         6.90  
219             MS277           1998  Wildlife (ss/6v)                                        8.95  
220             MS278           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           3.55  
221-224         279-282         1998  Tourism                                                 9.80  
225-229         283-287         1999  Island Views                                           15.95  
230             MS288           1999  AUSTRALIA '99/Ships (ss)                               19.25  
231-234         289-292         1999  Queen Mother's Century                                 13.35  
235             MS293           1999  Queen Mother's Century (ss)                            14.60  
236-247         294-305         1999  Defs/Birds - 1p-5.00 (12v)                             56.90  
248-253         306-311         1999  New Millennium                                         13.55  
254-256         312-314         2000  E.Shackleton's Expedition                              22.00  
257-260         315-318         2000  William Birthday                                       11.55  
261             MS319           2000  William Birthday (ss/5v)                               14.20  
262-265         320-323         2000  King Penguins                                          19.55  
266-269         324-327         2001  Royal Navy/Ships                                       19.00  
270-273         328-331         2001  Marine Life                                            19.25  
274-277         332-335         2002  QEII 50th Anniversary of Reign                         10.60  
278             MS336           2002  QEII 50th Anniversary of Reign (ss/5v)                 14.30  
279             337-342         2002  Guinness Records/Animals (ss/6v)                       16.25  
280             MS343           2002  Guinness Records/Animals (ss)                          17.35  
281-284         344-347         2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   8.80  
285             MS348           2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           8.00  
286-289         349-352         2002  Fur Seals                                              19.80  
290-293         353-356         2003  WWF/Grey Headed Albatross (4v)                          8.90  
293a            357-360         2003  WWF/Grey Headed Albatross (s/4v) (ex-ms)                9.65  
293a            357-360         2003  WWF/Grey Headed Albatross (ms/16v)                     42.90  
294             361             2003  Defs/QEII - 2.00 New Head                               7.75  
295             362-363         2003  Prince William Birthday (pr)                            7.90  
296             364-379         2004  History of South Georgia (ss/16v)                      39.10  
297-302         380-385         2004  Navy Ships                                             20.35  
303-306         386-389         2004  Merchant Ships                                         15.15  
307-318         390-401         2004  Defs/Young Wildlife - 1p-5.00 (12v)                    54.65  
319             402             2004  Defs - NV Elephant Seal (sa : ex-bklt) (1v)             2.20  
320-323         403-406         2004  Grytviken/First Settlement                             10.20  
324-327         407-410         2005  D.Carse/Broadcaster                                    12.40  
328-333         411-416         2005  Penguins                                               19.25  
334-337         417-420         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                      8.80  
338             MS421           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              8.00  
339-342         422-425         2006  Birdlife International/Albatross                       10.75  
343             MS426           2006  Birdlife International/Albatross (ss/2v)               11.45  
344-347         427-430         2006  Communications                                         14.05  
348-349         431-434         2007  Mapping (prs)                                          13.60  
350-353         435-438         2007  Falkland War 25th Anniversary                          13.45  
353a            MS439           2007  Falkland War (ss/4v)                                   13.50  
354-358         440-444         2007  Scouting Anniversary/J.Marr                            18.05  
359-362         445-448         2008  International Polar Year                               15.15  
363-366         449-452         2008  Marine Stewardship Council/Ships                       15.20  
367-370         453-456         2008  WWF/Chinstrap Penguins (4v)                             9.95  
367-370         453-456         2008  WWF/Chinstrap Penguins (s/4v) (ex-ms)                  10.50  
367-370         453-456         2008  WWF/Chinstrap Penguins (ms/16v)                        43.25  
370a            MS457           2008  WWF/Chinstrap Penguins (ss/4v)                         11.90  
371-374         458-461         2008  Letters Patent Anniversary                             13.95  
375             MS462           2009  Preserve the Polar Regions (sa) (ss/2v)                10.50  
376-379         463-466         2009  Fly Navy/Naval Aviation Centenary                      13.10  
380-391         467-478         2009  Defs/E.Shackleton - 1p-5.00 (12v)                      46.40  
392-395         479-482         2009  Corals                                                 12.25  
396-397         483-486         2009  Post Office Anniversary (prs)                          12.90  
398-401         487-490         2010  Cephalopods/Squid                                       8.90  
402             MS491           2010  Cephalopods/Squid (ss)                                  6.30  
403             492-501         2010  Festival of Stamps/LONDON '10 (ss/10v)                 20.95  
404-407         502-505         2010  Ships/Wrecks & Hulks                                   12.00  
408-411         506-509         2010  W.Hodges/The Age of Discovery                          10.45  
412-415         515-518         2010  Flora                                                  11.95  
416-421         519-524         2011  Pets                                                   17.90  
422-425         525-528         2011  A.C.Hardy/Marine Biologist                             10.70  
426-428         529-531         2011  Royal Wedding : William & Catherine                     8.70  
429             MS532           2011  Royal Wedding : William & Catherine (ss)                6.45  
430-433         533-536         2011  Birds/Petrals                                          10.70  
434-437         537-540         2011  BBC Frozen Planet/TV Documentary                       10.45  
438             MS541           2011  BBC Frozen Planet/TV Documentary (ss)                   7.80  
439-442         542-549         2011  F.Wild/Polar Explorer (prs)                            20.85  
443             550-555         2012  Shallow Marine Life (ss/6v)                            12.90  
444-447         556-559         2012  WWF/Sea Birds (4v)                                     10.30  
448             556ab           2012  WWF/Sea Birds (s/4v) (ex-ms)                           10.80  
448             556a-556a       2012  WWF/Sea Birds (ms/16v)                                 45.00  
449             MS560           2012  WWF/Sea Birds (ss)                                     15.25  
450-453         561-564         2012  QEII 60th Anniversary of Reign                          9.65  
454             MS565           2012  QEII 60th Anniversary of Reign (ss)                     9.15  
455-458         566-569         2012  Blue Whales                                            10.90  
459-464         570-575         2012  Marine Protected Areas                                 14.95  
465-467         576-581         2012  Mountains & Explorers (prs)                            14.50  
468-471         582-585         2013  Star Trails                                            10.80  
472-475         586-589         2013  R.Hunt                                                 10.65  
476-479         590-593         2013  QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary                       10.40  
480-483         594-597         2013  Shallow Marine Surveys (4v)                            10.35  
484             594a-597a       2013  Shallow Marine Surveys (s/4v) (ex-ms)                  10.60  
484             594a-597a       2013  Shallow Marine Surveys (ms/16v)                        47.65  
485             MS598           2013  Shallow Marine Surveys (ss/3v)                          8.75  
486-491         599-604         2013  Habitat Restoration                                    12.15  
492-497         605-610         2013  Grytviken Church Centenary                             13.25  
498-501         611-614         2014  Royal Christenings/Prince George                       10.90  
502-505         615-618         2014  History of Reindeer                                    10.65  
506-509         623-626         2014  Transantarctic Expedition #2/F.Worsley                 10.65  
510-513         627-630         2014  Transantarctic Expedition #3/T.Crean                   10.65  
514-517         619-622         2014  Transantarctic Expedition #1/F.Hurley                  10.65  
518-259         631-642         2015  Defs/Ships,Scientists & Explorers - 1p-5.00 (12v)      40.90  
530-533         643-646         2015  Birds/Albatross                                        10.35  
534-537         647-650         2015  Ships/Steam Trawlers                                   10.05  
538             MS651           2015  Ships/Steam Trawlers/Viola/Dias (ss)                    7.30  
539-542         652-655         2015  QEII Long Reign                                        10.05  
543-546         662-665         2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                     10.05  
547             MS666           2016  QEII 90th Birthday (ss)                                 7.95  
548-551         667-670         2016  Antarctic Tour Operators                                7.95  
552-555         671-674         2016  Endurance Expedition Centenary                         10.05  
556-559         675-678         2016  Sports                                                  7.65  
560-563         679-682         2016  Zavodovski Island/Wildlife                              9.40  
564-567         683-686         2017  Birds/Albatross Conservation (4v)                       8.75  
567a            MS687           2017  Birds/Albatross Conservation (ss/4v)                    8.75  
568-571         688-691         2017  Landscapes/Mountains/Glacier                            8.75  
572-575         692-695         2017  WWF/Macaroni Penguins                                   8.80  
575a            MS696           2017  WWF/Macaroni Penguins (ss/4v)                           8.80  
576-579         697-700         2017  QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary                           8.50  
580-582         701-706         2018  Mapping (prs)                                          14.25  
583-588         707-712         2018  Antarctic Fur Seal                                     12.45  
589             MS713           2018  Antarctic Fur Seal (ss)                                 7.70  
590-593         714-717         2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan                          8.90  
594             MS718           2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (ss)                     6.90  
595-596         719-722         2018  Migratory Species : Whales (v/prs)                     10.60  
597-598         723-726         2018  WWI Centenary/Military Medals (prs)                     9.80  
599-602         727-730         2019  Grytviken Sites in 3D                                  10.60  
603-605         731-736         2019  South Georgia Food (prs)                                8.50  
606-611         737-742         2019  Restored Habitats/Wildlife                             10.65  
612             743             2019  Scott Polar Research Institute                          8.10  
                744-749         2020  From the Air/Views                                     12.95  
                                2020  Defs/Flora & Fauna - 1p-5.00 (12v)                     33.20  
                                2020  Defs/Seals - Airmail Postcard (sa : ex-bklt)            1.65  
                                2020  Shackleton's Unsung Heroes/Ships & Sailors              8.75  
                                      --- SEMI POSTAL ISSUES ---                                    
B1-B4           218-221         1992  Liberation Anniversary                                  7.75  
B4a             MS222           1992  Liberation Anniversary (ss/4v)                         10.90  
                                      --- AIRMAIL ISSUES ---                                        
C1-C4           510-513         2010  Penguins                                                7.70  
C4a             MS514           2010  Penguins (ss/8v)                                       15.95  
C5-C10          656-661         2015  Biodiversity/Wildlife                                  11.40  
                                      --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---             SB1             2004  Bklt - 3.36 Elephant Seal (sa)                         18.20  
---                             2020  Bklt - Seals : Airmail Postcard Rate (sa)              15.95  

Click here ==> SOUTH GEORGIA ISLANDS  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.