Stanley Lisica LLC
Tokelau Postage Stamps (1948-2023)
 A price list of Tokelau stamps issued from 1948 to 2023 including souvenir sheets (miniature sheets).

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2024 ed.) --- Sydney, OH: Amos Media, 2023.  New issues and updating is from Scott Stamp Monthly.
  S.G.#'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue: New Zealand (including Ross Dependency and Tokelau) (2009, 3rd ed.)  New issue updates are from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and single stamps from sets are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog editor combines the parts or adds additional values into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
December 16, 2023 

Click here ==> TOKELAU to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #     S.G. #          Year  Description                                            Price  
1-3         1-3             1948  Defs - 1/2d,1d,2d (3v)                                  0.65  
4           4               1953  QEII Coronation                                         2.15  
5           5               1956  Defs - 1/- on 1/2d (surch)                              1.00  
6-8         6-8             1966  Postal Fiscals - 6d,8d,2sh (3v) (surch)                 1.30  
9-11        9-11            1967  Defs - 1c,2c,10c (3v) (surch)                           2.75  
12-15       12-15           1967  Postal Fiscals - 3c,5c,7c,20c (4v) (surch)              1.50  
16-19       16-19           1969  History of Tokelau                                      2.45  
20          20              1969  Christmas                                               0.30  
21          21              1970  Christmas                                               0.30  
22-24       22-24           1970  Discovery of Tokelau/Ships                              4.80  
25-32       25-32           1971  Defs/Handicrafts - 1c-25c (8v)                          3.45  
33-36       33-36           1972  South Pacific Commission 25th Anniversary               3.20  
37-40       37-40           1973  Corals                                                  4.40  
41-44       41-44           1974  Shells of the Coral Reef                                5.05  
45-48       45-48           1975  Tropical Fish                                           3.15  
49-56       49-56           1976  Defs - 1c-1.00 (8v) (p.14)                              2.30  
49a-56a     49a-56a         1981  Defs - 1c-1.00 (7v) (p.15)                              7.10  
57-60       57-60           1977  Birds                                                   2.40  
61-64       61-64           1978  QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary                        1.40  
65-68       65-68           1978  Sports #1 - Canoe Racing (4v)                           1.50  
69-72       69-72           1979  Sports #2 (4v)                                          1.70  
73-76       73-76           1980  Sports #3 - Water Sports (4v)                           1.05  
77-80       77-80           1981  Sports #4 (4v)                                          1.10  
81-84       81-84           1982  Handicrafts                                             1.25  
85-90       85-90           1982  Fishing Methods                                         1.95  
91-96       91-96           1983  Water Transportation                                    1.70  
97-102      97-102          1983  Traditional Pastimes                                    1.35  
103         103-107         1984  Copra Industry (s/5v)                                   1.90  
104-113     108-117         1984  Defs/Fish - 1c-2.00 (10v)                               4.80  
(110)       ---             1986  Defs/Fish - 50s Tuna/STAMPEX '86 (ovpt)                15.25  
114-119     118-123         1985  Native Trees                                            1.95  
120-125     124-129         1985  Architecture #1/Public Buildings                        1.85  
126-131     130-135         1986  Architecture #2/Schools & Hospitals                     1.85  
132-137     136-141         1986  Agricultural Livestock                                  2.35  
138-143     142-147         1987  Flowers                                                 5.10  
144-149     148-153         1987  Olympic Sports                                          4.10  
150         154-158         1988  Australia Bicentenary/SYDPEX '88 (s/5v)                 9.30  
151-156     159-164         1988  Political Development                                   4.50  
157-162     165-170         1988  Christmas                                               3.70  
163-164     171-176         1989  Food Gathering (2 s/3v)                                 7.30  
165-170     177-182         1990  Women's Handicrafts                                     9.00  
171         ---             1990  LONDON '90/Penny Black (ss)                            14.30  
172-177     183-188         1990  Men's Handicrafts (2 s/3v)                              9.25  
178-181     189-192         1992  Barcelona Olympic Games                                 6.45  
182-185     193-196         1992  Discovery of America                                    7.15  
186-189     197-200         1993  QEII Coronation 40th Anniversary                        6.00  
190-193     201-204         1993  Birds                                                   6.10  
193a        MS205           1994  Birds/HONG KONG '94 (ss/4v)                             7.15  
194         206             1994  Heron/PHILAKOREA '94                                    3.05  
194a        MS207           1994  Heron/PHILAKOREA '94 (ss)                               4.55  
195-202     208-215         1994  Defs/Handicrafts - 5c-5.00 (8v)                         8.35  
203         MS218           1995  Year of the Pig (ss)                                    6.95  
203a        MS219           1995  Year of the Pig/POST'X '95 (ss)                        12.65  
203b        MS229           1995  Year of the Pig/SINGAPORE '95 (ss)                      7.55  
204-207     220-223         1995  WWF/Pacific Imperial Pigeons                            5.90  
208-211     224-227         1995  Reef Fish                                               5.10  
212         MS228           1995  Reef Fish/SINGAPORE '95 (ss)                            4.00  
213-216     230-233         1995  Butterflies and Moths                                   6.20  
217-220     234-237         1995  Year of the Sea Turtle                                  6.30  
221         MS238           1995  Year of the Sea Turtle (ss)                             4.40  
222         MS239           1996  Year of the Rat (ss)                                    4.00  
222a        MS245           1996  Year of the Rat/CHINA '96 (ss) (ovpt)                   4.00  
222b        MS255           1996  Year of the Rat/TAIPEI '96 (ss) (ovpt)                  3.85  
223-226     240-243         1996  QEII 70th Birthday                                      5.75  
227         MS244           1996  QEII 70th Birthday (ss)                                 4.00  
228-231     246-249         1996  Dolphins                                                8.60  
232-235     250-253         1996  Sea Shells                                              5.95  
236         MS254           1996  Sea Shells (ss)                                         4.00  
237         MS256           1997  Year of the Ox (ss)                                     3.20  
237a        MS257           1997  Year of the Ox/HONG KONG '97 (ss) (ovpt)                3.45  
237b        MS258           1997  Year of the Ox/PACIFIC '97 (ss) (ovpt)                  4.50  
238-241     259-262         1997  Humpback Whales                                         5.90  
242         MS263           1997  Humpback Whales (ss)                                    3.70  
242a        MS273           1997  Humpback Whales/AUPEX '97 (ss) (ovpt)                   3.90  
243-246     264-267         1997  South Pacific Commission 50th Anniversary               6.20  
247-251     268-272         1997  Year of the Coral Reef (s/5v)                           5.25  
252         MS274           1998  Year of the Tiger (ss)                                  2.35  
252a        ---             1998  Year of the Tiger/SINGPEX '98 (ss) (ovpt)               3.00  
252B        275             1998  Diana                                                   1.25  
253         MS276           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           3.75  
254         MS277           1998  Stamp Anniversary (ss/3v)                               3.45  
255-258     278-281         1998  Beetles                                                 5.85  
259         MS282           1998  Beetles (ss)                                            3.20  
260-263     283-286         1998  Tropical Flowers                                        4.80  
264         MS287           1999  Year of the Rabbit (ss)                                 3.30  
264a        MS289           1999  Year of the Rabbit/IBRA '99 (ss)                        3.45  
265         MS288           1999  AUSTRALIA '99/Ships (ss)                                3.90  
266-271     295-300         1999  Moon Landing 20th Anniversary                           5.55  
272         MS301           1999  Moon Landing 20th Anniversary (ss)                      3.05  
272a        MS309           2000  Moon Landing/ANAHEIM '00 (ss) (ovpt)                    6.10  
273-276     290-293         1999  Crabs                                                   5.30  
277         MS294           1999  Crabs (ss)                                              3.05  
278-281     302-305         1999  Birds/Black-naped Terns                                 4.65  
282         MS306           2000  Year of the Dragon (ss)                                 3.65  
282a        MS307           2000  Year of the Dragon/BANGKOK '00 (ss)                     3.65  
283         MS308           2000  LONDON '00 (ss)                                         5.40  
284-287     310-313         2000  Queen Mother 100th Birthday                             5.95  
288-291     314-317         2000  Lizards                                                 6.75  
292         MS318           2001  Year of the Snake (ss)                                  4.25  
292a        MS319           2001  Year of the Snake/HONG KONG '01 (ss)                    4.05  
293-296     320-323         2001  Sea Horses                                              4.65  
297         MS324           2001  Sea Horses (ss)                                         3.30  
298-301     325-328         2001  Island Views                                            6.50  
301a        MS379           2006  Island Views/WASHINGTON '06 (ss/4v)                    12.15  
302-305     329-332         2002  QEII 50th Anniversary                                   4.75  
306         MS333           2002  QEII 50th Anniversary (ss/5v)                           8.00  
307         MS334           2002  Year of the Horse (ss)                                  4.75  
307a        MS335           2002  Year of the Horse/STAMPEX '02 (ss)                      5.35  
308-311     336-339         2002  WWF/Pelagic Thresher Sharks                             6.30  
312-313     340-341         2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   3.30  
314         MS342           2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           7.15  
315-318     343-346         2002  RNZ Navy Ships                                          7.95  
319         MS347           2003  Year of the Sheep/Ram (ss)                              4.95  
319a        MS353           2003  Year of the Sheep/Ram/BANGKOK '03 (ss)                  4.80  
320-321     348-349         2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary                        8.00  
322         MS350           2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary (ss/2v)                8.15  
323         351-352         2003  Prince William 21st Birthday (pr)                       6.50  
324         MS354           2003  WELPEX '03/Palm Trees (ss)                              5.10  
325         MS355           2004  Year of the Monkey (ss)                                 4.70  
325a        MS356           2004  Year of the Monkey/HONG KONG '04 (ss)                   4.70  
326-329     357-360         2004  Island Scenes                                           7.55  
330         MS361           2004  Palm Trees/Prime Minister Visit (ss) (ovpt)             6.10  
331-334     362-365         2004  Birds/Frigate Ariel                                     8.70  
335         MS366           2005  Year of the Rooster (ss)                                6.75  
335a        MS367           2005  Year of the Rooster/PACIFIC EXPO (ss) (ovpt)            6.75  
336         368             2005  Pope John Paul II                                       1.75  
337-340     369-372         2005  HMNZS Te Kaha/Ships                                     9.65  
341         MS373           2006  Year of the Dog (ss)                                    7.05  
342-345     374-377         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                      8.65  
346         MS378           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              6.90  
347         MS380           2006  QEII 80th Birthday/KIWIPEX '06 (ss/2v) (ovpt)           7.30  
348         MS381           2007  Year of the Pig (ss)                                    7.45  
349-352     382-385         2007  WWF/Birds/Pacific Gold Plover (4v)                      7.40  
349-352     382-385         2007  WWF/Birds/Pacific Golden Plover (s/4v) (ex-ms)          8.00  
352a        382-385         2007  WWF/Birds/Pacific Golden Plover (ss/16v)               38.00  
353-362     386-395         2007  Defs/Marine Life - 10c-10.00 (10v)                     32.65  
362a        386a            2007  Defs/Marine Life  (ss/10v)                             38.40  
363         MS396           2008  Year of the Rat (ss)                                    7.45  
364-367     397-400         2008  E.Hillary                                               9.10  
368         MS401           2008  E.Hillary (ss)                                          7.45  
369-372     402-405         2008  Island Scenes                                           9.80  
373         MS406           2008  Island Scenes/TARAPEX '08 (ss)                          6.90  
374         MS407           2009  Year of the Ox (ss)                                     6.50  
375-378     408-411         2009  Coins of the Pacific                                    7.95  
378a        MS412           2009  Coins of the Pacific (ss/4v)                            7.95  
379         MS413           2010  Year of the Tiger (ss)                                  5.60  
380         MS414           2010  Coins of the Pacific/LONDON '10 (ss/4v) (ovpt)          8.50  
381-384     415-418         2010  Tokelauan Bible Translation                             7.95  
385         MS419           2011  Year of the Rabbit (ss)                                 6.80  
386-389     420-423         2011  WWF/Yellow Bellied Sea Snake (4v)                       8.25  
386-389     420a            2011  WWF/Yellow Bellied Sea Snake (s/4v) (ex-ms)             8.50  
389a        420a            2011  WWF/Yellow Bellied Sea Snake (ms/16v)                  36.00  
390         MS419           2011  William & Katherine Wedding (ss)                        8.25  
391-394     425-428         2011  Christmas/Decorations                                   5.75  
395-403     429-437         2012  Defs/Island Scenes -10c-2.00 (9v)                       8.70  
404-405     438-439         2012  QEII 60th Anniversary of Reign                          6.80  
405a        MS440           2012  QEII 60th Anniversary of Reign (ss/2v)                  6.80  
406-409     441-444         2012  Fish                                                    5.90  
409a        MS445           2012  Fish (ss/4v)                                            5.90  
410-412     446-448         2012  Christmas/Santa Claus (3v)                              8.10  
410a        446-448         2012  Christmas/Santa Claus (s/3v)                            8.60  
412b        MS449           2012  Christmas/Santa Claus (ss/3v)                           8.60  
413-414     450-451         2013  QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary                        7.40  
414a        MS452           2013  QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary (ss/2v)                7.40  
415-418     453-456         2013  Butterflies                                             8.50  
418a        MS457           2013  Butterflies (ss/4v)                                     8.50  
419-422     458-461         2013  Christmas                                               9.25  
422a        MS462           2013  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       9.25  
423-426     463-466         2014  Weaving                                                 9.25  
426a        MS467           2014  Weaving (ss/4v)                                         9.25  
427-430     468-471         2014  Vakas/Local Canoes                                      9.25  
430a        MS472           2014  Vakas/Local Canoes (ss/4v)                              9.25  
431-434     473-476         2014  Tokelau Language Week                                   9.25  
434a        MS477           2014  Tokelau Language Week (ss/4v)                           9.25  
435-437     478-480         2014  Christmas                                               7.95  
437a        MS481           2014  Christmas (ss/3v)                                       7.95  
438-441     482-485         2015  Traditional Fishing                                     8.20  
441a        MS486           2015  Traditional Fishing (ss/4v)                             8.20  
442-445     487-490         2015  Crabs                                                   8.35  
445a        MS491           2015  Crabs (ss/4v)                                           8.35  
446-447     MS502-MS503     2015  Language Week (2 ss/5v)                                11.75  
            492-501         2015  Language Week (ss/10v)                                 13.50  
448-451     504-507         2015  Christmas                                               8.35  
451a        MS508           2015  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       8.35  
452         MS509           2016  Keyhole Gardening (ss/5v) (with text)                   9.80  
452f        MS510           2016  Keyhole Gardening (ss/5v) (w/o text)                    9.80  
453-456     511-514         2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                      8.50  
457-460     515-518         2016  Ferry Ship/MV Mataliki                                  8.75  
460a        MS519           2016  Ferry Ship/MV Mataliki (ss/4v)                          8.75  
461-464     520-523         2016  Tokelau Language Week                                   8.75  
464a        MS524           2016  Tokelau Language Week (ss/4v)                           8.75  
465-468     525-528         2016  Christmas                                               8.50  
468a        MS529           2016  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       8.50  
469-472     530-533         2017  Birds                                                   8.65  
472a        MS534           2017  Birds (ss/4v)                                           8.65  
473-476     535-538         2017  WWF/Corals                                              8.75  
476a        MS539           2017  WWF/Corals (ss/4v)                                      8.75  
477-480     540-543         2017  Reptiles                                                8.75  
480a        MS544           2017  Reptiles (ss/4v)                                        8.75  
481-484     545-548         2017  QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary                           8.50  
484a        MS549           2017  QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary (ss/4v)                   8.50  
485-488     550-553         2017  Christmas                                               8.65  
488a        MS554           2017  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       8.65  
489-492     555-558         2018  Seawalls                                                8.65  
492a        MS559           2018  Seawalls (ss/4v)                                        8.65  
493-496     560-563         2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan                          8.65  
496a        MS564           2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (ss/4v)                  8.65  
497-500     565-568         2018  Tokelau From the Sky                                    8.35  
500a        MS569           2018  Tokelau From the Sky (ss/4v)                            8.35  
501-504     570-573         2019  Inati : Food Sharing                                    8.35  
504a        MS574           2019  Inati : Food Sharing (ss/4v)                            8.35  
505-508     575-578         2019  Moon Landing/Apollo 11                                  8.20  
508a        MS579           2019  Moon Landing/Apollo 11 (ss/4v)                          8.20  
509-512     580-583         2019  Queen Victoria                                          8.20  
512a        MS584           2019  Queen Victoria (ss/4v)                                  8.20  
513-516     585-588         2019  Christmas                                               8.35  
516a        MS589           2019  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       8.35  
517-520     590-593         2020  Weaving                                                 7.95  
520a        MS594           2020  Weaving (ss/4v)                                         7.95  
521-524     595-598         2020  Christmas/Kilihimahi                                    8.65  
524a        MS599           2020  Christmas/Kilihimahi (ss/4v)                            8.65  

Click here ==> TOKELAU  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.