Stanley Lisica LLC
Trinidad & Tobago Postage Stamps (1946-2017)
A price list (1946-2017) of Trinidad & Tobago postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the 2018 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from the Scott Stamp Monthly.
  S. G.#'s are from the British Commonwealth catalog with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
February 15, 2018

Click here ==> TRINIDAD & TOBAGO    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
62-63           257-258         1946  Peace/Victory                                           0.40  
64-65           259-260         1948  Silver Wedding                                         30.15  
66-69           261-264         1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    2.70  
70-71           265-266         1951  West Indies University                                  0.65  
72-83           267//278a       1953  Defs - 1c-4.80 (12v)                                   37.90  
82a-83a         277-278         1953  Defs - 1.20,4.80 (2v) (p.12)                           11.85  
84              279             1953  QEII Coronation                                         0.25  
85              280             1956  Defs - 1c/2c (surch)                                    1.35  
86-88           281-283         1958  West Indies Federation                                  0.65  
89-102          284//297        1960  Defs - 1c-4.80 (14v)                                   48.95  
89a             317             1966  Defs - 1c (side wmk)                                    0.50  
100a            295a            1965  Defs - 60c  Lillies (p.14) (1v)                       165.00  
103-104         298-299         1961  Scout Jamboree                                          0.40  
105-109         300-304         1962  Independence                                            5.75  
110-112         305-307         1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.85  
113-115         308-310         1964  Girl Guides                                             0.65  
116             291a            1964  Defs - 15c Coat of Arms (1v)                            3.20  
117             311             1965  ICY                                                     0.65  
118             312             1965  E.Roosevelt                                             0.35  
119-122         313-316         1966  Royal Visit                                             6.20  
123-126         318-321         1967  Independence Anniversary (ovpt)                         0.75  
127-132         322-327         1968  Carnival                                                1.35  
133-135         328-330         1968  WHO                                                     0.75  
136-138         331-333         1968  Human Rights Year                                       0.60  
139-143         334-338         1968  Mexico Olympic Games                                    1.80  
144-159         339-354         1969  Defs - 1c-5.00 (16v)                                   16.45  
145a            428             1972  Defs - 3c Sugar Refinery (1v) (up/wmk)                   .--  
146a            429             1973  Defs - 5c Chachalaca (1v) (up/wmk)                       .--  
147a            430             1974  Defs - 6c Oil Refinery (1v) (up/wmk)                     .--  
149b            473             1976  Defs - 10c Bird/Green Hermit (1v) (up/wmk)               .--  
160-161         355-356         1969  ILO                                                     0.40  
162-165         357-360         1969  CARIFTA                                                 0.90  
166-168         361-363         1969  Moon Landing                                            1.00  
169-172         364-367         1969  Parliamentary Association                               0.80  
173-175         368-370         1969  Chamber of Commerce                                     0.60  
176-180         371-375         1970  Carnival Winners                                        1.00  
181-182         376-377         1970  M.Gandhi                                                1.85  
183-185         378-380         1970  United Nations (3v)                                     0.95  
186             381             1970  UPU Headquarters                                        0.40  
187             382             1970  National Bank (ovpt)                                    0.30  
188-190         383-385         1970  San Fernando Anniversary                                1.00  
191-195         386-390         1970  Christmas                                               1.25  
194b            MS391           1970  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       2.15  
196-200         392-396         1971  Wildlife                                                4.00  
201-202         397-398         1971  Independence/A.Cipriani                                 0.45  
203-206         399-402         1971  Christmas                                               0.95  
207-209         403-405         1971  Satellite Earth Station                                 0.70  
209a            MS406           1971  Satellite Earth Station (ss/3v)                         1.65  
210-215         407-412         1972  Butterflies                                             9.20  
216-218         413-415         1972  Lady McLeod Stamp Anniversary                           1.05  
218a            MS416           1972  Lady McLeod Stamp Anniversary (ss/3v)                   1.25  
219-222         417-420         1972  Independence/Medals #1                                  0.75  
222a            MS421           1972  Independence/Medals #1 (ss/4v)                          1.00  
223-227         422-426         1972  Munich Olympic Games                                    1.40  
227a            MS427           1972  Munich Olympic Games (ss/5v)                            1.80  
228-230         431-433         1972  Christmas                                               0.95  
230a            MS434           1972  Christmas (ss/3v)                                       1.60  
231-234         435-438         1973  Anniversaries                                           1.10  
234a            MS439           1973  Anniversaries (ss/4v)                                   1.25  
235-238         440-443         1973  Independence/Medals #2                                  0.95  
238a            MS444           1973  Independence/Medals #2 (ss/4v)                          1.05  
239-240         445-446         1973  Postal Conference                                       0.45  
240a            MS447           1973  Postal Conference (ss/2v)                               0.90  
241-242         448-449         1973  Christmas                                               0.75  
242a            MS450           1973  Christmas (ss/2v)                                       0.95  
243-244         451-452         1974  UPU Centenary                                           0.90  
244a            MS453           1974  UPU Centenary (ss/2v)                                  14.70  
245-246         454-455         1974  H.LaBorde/TransAtlantic Voyage                          1.25  
246a            MS456           1974  H.LaBorde/TransAtlantic Voyage (ss/2v)                  2.75  
247-248         457-458         1975  Women's Year                                            0.55  
249-250         459-460         1975  J.Pawan/Rabies Virus                                    0.90  
251-253         461-463         1975  BWI Airways                                             1.60  
253a            MS464           1975  BWI Airways (ss/3v)                                     2.05  
254-255         465-466         1976  Carnival Costume Winners                                0.90  
255a            MS467           1976  Carniva /Costume Winners (ss/2v)                        1.20  
256-259         468-471         1976  Angostura Bitters                                       0.80  
259a            MS472           1976  Angostura Bitters (ss/4v)                               1.00  
260-261         474-475         1976  World Cricket Cup                                       0.85  
261a            MS476           1976  World Cricket Cup (ss/2v)                               2.00  
262-266         479//490        1976  Defs #1/Paintings (5v)                                  2.25  
266a            MS497           1976  Defs #1/Paintings (ss/5v)                               2.35  
267             501             1977  H.Crawford/Olympics                                     0.35  
267a            MS502           1977  H.Crawford/Olympics (ss)                                0.65  
268-271         503-506         1977  Airmail Service/Airplanes                               2.35  
271a            MS507           1977  Airmail Service/Airplanes (ss/4v)                       3.95  
272-274         508-510         1977  Inauguration of Republic                                1.75  
274a            MS511           1977  Inauguration of Republic (ss/3v)                        1.60  
275-278         512-515         1977  Christmas/Flowers                                       1.35  
278a            MS516           1977  Christmas/Flowers (ss/4v)                               1.40  
279-283         480//495        1978  Defs #2/Hotels (5v)                                     2.95  
283a            MS498           1978  Defs #2/Hotels (ss/5v)                                  3.00  
284-288         483//494        1978  Defs #3/Orchids (5v)                                    5.85  
288a            MS499           1978  Defs #3/Orchids (ss/5v)                                 5.90  
289-291         517-519         1978  J.Commissiong/Miss Universe                             1.35  
291a            MS520           1978  Miss Universe (ss/3v)                                   1.35  
292-295         521-524         1978  Wildlife                                                1.65  
295a            MS525           1978  Wildlife (ss/4v)                                        1.80  
296-301         526-531         1979  Carnival                                                1.05  
302-307         532-537         1979  Year of the Child                                       1.35  
307a            MS538           1979  Year of the Child (ss/6v)                               1.35  
308-311         539-542         1979  Geological Congress                                     1.55  
311a            MS543           1979  Geological Congress (ss/4v)                             1.75  
312-317         544-549         1979  Stamp Centenary                                         1.35  
317a            MS550           1979  Stamp Centenary (ss/6v)                                 1.75  
318-320         551-553         1979  R.Hill                                                  1.05  
320a            MS554           1979  R.Hill (ss/3v)                                          1.60  
321-324         555-558         1980  Princes Town Centenary                                  1.65  
324a            MS559           1980  Princes Town Centenary (ss/4v)                          2.10  
325-327         560-562         1980  Population Census (ovpt)                                0.60  
328             563-567         1980  Scarlet Ibis/Birds (s/5v)                               3.40  
329-331         568-570         1980  Moscow Olympic Games                                    0.70  
332             MS571           1980  Moscow Olympic Games (ss)                               2.10  
333-336         572-575         1980  Forestry Conference                                     1.30  
336a            MS576           1980  Forestry Conference (ss/4v)                             1.90  
337-339         577-579         1980  Decade for Women #1                                     1.10  
340             580             1980  Netball Tournament                                      0.35  
341-344         581-584         1981  Year for Disabled Persons                               1.40  
345-347         585-587         1981  Environmental Preservation                              1.80  
347a            MS588           1981  Environmental Preservation (ss/3v)                      3.60  
348-353         589-594         1981  World Food Day                                          2.85  
353a            MS595           1981  World Food Day (ss/6v)                                  3.10  
354-357         596-599         1981  President's Award                                       2.05  
358-360         600-602         1982  Pharmaceutical Conference                               5.35  
361-363         603-605         1982  Boy Scouts                                              8.10  
364-366         606-608         1982  Tourist Board Anniversary                               2.15  
367-370         609-612         1982  Folklore/Local Spirits and Demons                       3.15  
370a            MS613           1982  Folklore/Local Spirits and Demons (ss/4v)               5.65  
371-373         614-616         1982  Canefarming Centenary                                   1.70  
373a            MS617           1982  Canefarming Centenary (ss/3v)                           1.90  
374-377         618-621         1982  Independence 20th Anniversary                           4.30  
378-381         622-625         1983  Commonwealth Day                                        1.75  
382             626             1983  CARICOM/Airplane                                        1.80  
383-386         627-630         1983  World Communications Year                               2.80  
387             631             1983  Finance Ministers Meeting                               0.55  
388-391         632-635         1983  World Food Day/Fish                                     7.65  
392-407         636A-651A       1983  Defs/Flowers - 5c-10.00 (16v) "NO DATE"                22.20  
392a-396a       636B-640B       1984  Defs/Flowers - 5c,10c,15c,25c (4v) "1984"                .--  
392b            (636A)          1989  Defs/Flowers - 5c Bois Pois (1v) "1989"                  .--  
393b            637B            1986  Defs/Flowers - 10c Maraval Lily (1v) "1985"              .--  
393c            637B            1986  Defs/Flowers - 10c Maraval Lily (1v) "1986"              .--  
393d            637B            1986  Defs/Flowers - 10c Maraval Lily (1v) "1987"              .--  
393e            637B            1986  Defs/Flowers - 10c Maraval Lily (1v) "1989"              .--  
392f-407f       686//701        1985  Defs/Flowers - 5c-$10 (5v) (new wmk) "1985"              .--  
393g            687             1986  Defs/Flowers - 10c Maraval Lily  (new wmk) "1986"        .--  
393h-407h       687//701        1987  Defs/Flowers - 10c-$10 (new wmk) (10v) "1987"            .--  
393i-407i       687//701        1988  Defs/Flowers - 10c-$10 (new wmk) (9v) "1988"             .--  
393j-407j       687//701        1989  Defs/Flowers - 10c-$10 (new wmk) (11v) "1989"            .--  
408-411         652-655         1984  Chess Federation Anniversary                           12.85  
412-415         656-659         1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games                               6.00  
415a            MS660           1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games (ss/4v)                       6.20  
416-418         666-668         1984  St. Mary's Children's Home                              3.70  
419-422         669-672         1984  Parang Musical Instruments/Festival                     5.25  
423-426         661-664         1984  Abolition of Slavery                                    8.25  
426a            MS665           1984  Abolition of Slavery (ss/4v)                            8.55  
427-429         673-675         1985  Labor Day/Labor Leaders                                 4.85  
430-433         676-679         1985  Ships                                                   6.05  
434-436         680-682         1985  Decade for Women #2                                     5.65  
437-439         683-685         1985  International Youth Year                                5.10  
440-442         702-704         1986  Arrival of Sisters of St. Joseph                        1.35  
443-446         712-715         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      4.15  
447-450         705-708         1986  AMERIPEX '86/Locomotives                                1.85  
450a            MS709           1986  AMERIPEX '86/Locomotives (ss/4v)                        2.75  
451-452         710-711         1986  Boy Scout Anniversary                                   2.70  
453-456         716//720        1986  E.Williams (4v)                                         7.60  
454a            718             1986  E.Williams - 30c (black tie)                            1.80  
456a            MS721           1986  E.Williams (ss/4v)                                      7.75  
457-458         722-723         1986  Peace Year                                              1.90  
459-462         724-727         1987  G.La RondeMiss World                                    9.95  
463-466         728-731         1987  Republic Bank Anniversary                               5.85  
467-470         732-735         1988  Defence Force                                          11.70  
471-475         736-740         1988  West Indies Cricket                                    15.15  
476-479         741-744         1988  Oilfield Workers Union                                  3.20  
480-483         745-748         1988  Borough of Arima Centenary                              3.60  
484-487         749-752         1988  Lloyd's of London                                       9.40  
488-491         753-756         1989  Island Unification                                     10.60  
492             757-761         1989  Rare Wildlife (s/5v)                                   17.90  
493-496         762-765         1989  Anniversaries                                           8.40  
497-500         766-769         1989  Steel Drums/Pans #1                                     2.75  
501-504         770-773         1990  Mushrooms/LONDON '90                                    4.95  
505-508         774-777         1990  WWF/Ibis/Birds                                          9.10  
509-520         787-798         1990  Defs/Birds - 20c-50.00 (12v)                           35.50  
510a-519a       837//846        1994  Defs/Birds - 25c-20.00 (8v) (new wmk)                    .--  
510a            837             1994  Defs/Birds - 25c Parrotlet (1v) (new wmk)                .--  
512a            839             1995  Defs/Birds - 50c Hummingbird (1v) (new wmk)              .--  
517a            844             1996  Defs/Birds - $5.00 Honeycreeper (1v) (new wmk)           .--  
513a,514a       840,841         1997  Defs/Birds - $1.00,$2.00 (2v) (new wmk)                  .--  
516a//519a      843//846        1998  Defs/Birds - $2.50,$10,$20 (3v) (new wmk)                .--  
(511a)          838             1999  Defs/Birds - 40c Flycatcher (1v) (new wmk)               .--  
517b            MS872           1997  HONG KONG '97/Birds (ss)                                4.40  
521-524         778-781         1990  University of West Indies                               6.50  
525-528         782-785         1990  BWIA/Airplanes                                          9.90  
529             MS786           1990  BWIA/Airplanes (ss)                                     6.25  
530-533         799-802         1991  Ferns                                                   4.95  
534-537         803-806         1991  World War II/50th Anniversary                          11.80  
538             MS807           1991  World War II/50th Anniversary (ss/2v)                  17.90  
539-541         808-810         1992  Anniversaries                                           3.15  
544-548         811-815         1992  Religions of Trinidad                                   6.50  
549-550         816-817         1992  BWIA/Airplanes                                          6.35  
551             820             1992  National Art Gallery & Museum                           0.50  
552             819             1992  Christmas                                               0.40  
553             818             1992  Trinidad Guardian                                       0.40  
554             821             1992  Philatelic Society                                      1.25  
555-558         822-825         1994  CARICOM 20th Anniversary                                3.30  
559             MS826           1994  CARICOM 20th Anniversary (ss)                           3.55  
560-563         828-831         1994  Steel Drums #2/Pans                                     4.10  
564             827             1994  A.Robers/Land of Calypso                                2.35  
565-568         832-835         1994  HONG KONG '94/Birds (ovpt)                              7.15  
569-572         848-851         1994  Hotels & Lodges                                         4.40  
573-576         852-855         1994  Snakes                                                  4.25  
577-579         856-858         1995  Art Society Anniversary/Paintings                       1.80  
580-582         859-861         1995  Conservation                                            3.50  
583-586         862-865         1996  B.Lara/Cricketer                                        4.00  
587             MS866           1996  B.Lara/Cricketer (ss/2v)                                7.55  
588-591         867-870         1996  End of World War II 50th Anniversary                    5.70  
592             MS871           1996  End of World War II 50th Anniversary (ss/2v)            8.40  
593-596         873-876         1999  W.Fitzwilliam/Miss Universe                             6.75  
597             MS877           1999  W.Fitzwilliam/Miss Universe (ss)                        6.85  
597A            882             1999  Defs/Birds - 75c/40c Flycatcher (surch) (wmk)            .--  
(597A)          883             1999  Defs/Birds - 75c/40c Flycatcher (surch) (new wmk)        .--  
598-600         878-880         2000  Angostura Bitters (sa)                                  5.20  
600a            MS881           2000  Angostura Bitters (sa) (ss/3v)                          4.75  
601-604         884-887         2000  Tourism/Beaches                                         7.30  
605-608         888-891         2000  Christmas                                               8.10  
609             894             2001  Defs/Birds - 75c/2.25 Toucan (surch) (1v)                .--  
610-611         892-893         2000  National Mail Center                                    6.10  
612-621         895-904         2001  Defs/Endangered Wildlife - 25-$20 (10v)                31.55  
622-623         906//907        2001  Salvation Army                                          2.30  
623a            MS909a          2001  Salvation Army (ss/2v)                                  2.30  
624-625         905//908        2001  National Library                                        3.05  
625a            MS909b          2001  National Library (ss/2v)                                3.05  
626-629         910-913         2001  Under 17 Soccer Championships                           7.40  
629a            MS914           2001  Under 17 Soccer Championships (ss/4v)                   7.45  
630-633         915-918         2001  Flowers                                                 7.30  
634-637         919-922         2001  Christmas                                               7.30  
637a            MS923           2001  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       7.60  
638-641         928-931         2002  Butterflies                                            10.20  
642-645         924-927         2002  Hummingbirds                                            8.25  
646-649         932-935         2002  Forts                                                   9.60  
649a            MS936           2002  Forts (ss/4v)                                           9.60  
650-652         938-940         2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (3v)                                7.15  
653             MS941           2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss)                                8.80  
654             937             2002  Independence 40th Anniversary (1v)                      1.10  
655-658         942-945         2002  Christmas                                               7.65  
659-662         946-949         2002  Pan American Health Organization                        7.15  
663-666         950-953         2003  Cricket Players                                         9.35  
667-671         964-968         2003  Carnival Costumes                                       7.60  
671a            MS969           2003  Carnival Costumes (ss)                                  3.75  
672-675         970-973         2003  Criminal Court                                          7.15  
676             MS974           2003  Criminal Court (ss)                                     4.25  
677             954-963         2003  BP - Rainforest Flora & Fauna (sa) (bp/10v)            14.60  
678-681         975-978         2003  Lighthouses (4v)                                       10.50  
681a            MS979           2003  Lighthouses (ss/4v)                                    10.50  
681B-681C                       2003  Lighthouses - $3.75,$5.25 (rev text)                     .--  
682-686         986-990         2003  Sweet Memories                                          7.75  
(686a)          MS991           2003  Sweet Memories (ss/5v)                                  7.90  
687-691         980-984         2003  Marine Life                                             8.95  
692             MS985           2003  Marine Life (ss)                                        9.25  
693-697         992-996         2003  Christmas/Paintings/J.Cazabon                           8.10  
698             MS997           2003  Christmas/Paintings/J.Cazabon (ss/2v)                   8.10  
699-702         998-1001        2003  World AIDS Day                                          6.75  
703             MS1002          2003  World AIDS Day (ss)                                     6.50  
704-708         1003-1007       2004  Carnival/Vintage Calypsonians                           6.75  
709             MS1008          2004  Carnival/Vintage Calypsonians (ss)                      6.20  
710-713         1015-1018       2004  Athens Olympic Games                                    6.35  
714-718         1019-1023       2004  Slavery Abolition                                       7.15  
719             MS1024          2004  Slavery Abolition (ss)                                  5.80  
720-724         1025-1029       2004  Christmas/B.Holder/Paintings                            7.25  
725             MS1030          2004  Christmas/B.Holder/Paintings (ss)                       4.75  
726-730         1009-1013       2004  Fruit Fun                                               7.15  
731             MS1014          2004  Fruit Fun (ss)                                          5.95  
732-736         1031-1035       2005  Carnival/"Ole Time Mas"                                 6.50  
737             MS1036          2005  Carnival/"Ole Time Mas" (ss)                            6.75  
738-742         1037-1041       2005  B.Lara/Cricket                                          9.90  
743             MS1042          2005  B.Lara/Cricket (ss)                                     9.90  
744-748         1053-1057       2005  Heritage Festival                                       6.90  
749             MS1057a         2005  Heritage Festival (ss)                                  7.15  
750-759         1058-1067       2005  Defs/Medicinal Plants - 25c-20.00 (10v)                19.05  
760             1043-1052       2005  BP - Marine Life (sa) (bp/10v)                         10.90  
761-765         1068-1072       2005  S.Hochoy/Governor-General                               7.75  
766             MS1073          2005  S.Hochoy/Governor-General (ss)                          7.75  
767             MS1074          2005  Women's Police Anniversary (ss)                         7.85  
768             MS1075          2005  Children Against Cancer/Smoking (ss)                    7.65  
769-773         1076-1080       2005  Anansi & the Cricket Match/Cartoon                      7.00  
774             MS1081          2005  Anansi & the Cricket Match/Cartoon (ss)                 6.75  
775-779         1082-1086       2006  Pope John Paul II Visit                                 6.50  
780             MS1087          2006  Pope John Paul II Visit (ss)                            5.95  
781-784         1088-1091       2006  World Cup Soccer                                        8.80  
785-789         1092-1096       2006  CSME Single Market                                      7.50  
790             MS1097          2006  CSME Single Market (ss)                                 6.75  
791             MS1098          2006  Orchid Society/Orchids (ss)                             7.15  
792-796         1099-1103       2006  Chinese Arrival/Immigrants                              8.65  
797             MS1104          2006  Chinese Arrival/Immigrants (ss)                         7.15  
798-801         1105-1108       2006  Children's Games                                        5.65  
802             MS1109          2006  Children's Games (ss)                                   5.75  
803-807         1110-1115       2007  World Cup Cricket                                       5.05  
808             MS1115          2007  World Cup Cricket (ss)                                  5.05  
809-812         1116-1119       2007  Parliament Building/Red House                           4.00  
813             MS1120          2007  Parliament Building/Red House (ss)                      4.75  
814-817         1121-1124       2007  St. Mary's Children's Home                              3.50  
818-826         1125-1133       2008  Defs/Historic Buildings - 1.00-50.00 (9v)              28.50  
827             MS1134          2008  Montreal Protocol/Ozone Layer (ss)                      5.05  
828             1135-1138       2008  Beijing Olympic Games (ss/4v)                           4.90  
829-832         1139-1142       2008  Scouting Centenary                                      3.50  
833             MS1143          2008  Scouting Centenary (ss)                                 4.75  
834-838         1144-1148       2008  West Indies University                                  5.05  
839             MS1149          2008  West Indies University (ss)                             4.75  
840             ---             2008  WWF/Brazilian Porcupine (s/4v)                          4.75  
840             ---             2008  WWF/Brazilian Porcupine (b/4v)                          4.75  
840             ---             2008  WWF/Brazilian Porcupine (ms/16v)                       23.50  
840e            ---             2008  WWF/Brazilian Porcupine (ss/8v)                        10.50  
841-845         1150-1154       2009  Commonwealth Government Meeting                         5.05  
846             MS1155          2009  Commonwealth Government Meeting (ss)                    4.65  
846a                            2016  Defense Minister's Meeting (ss) (ovpt)                   .--  
847             MS1156          2009  Post Office Anniversary (ss/2v)                         6.10  
848-849         MS1157-MS1158   2010  LONDON '10/Year of Biodiversity (2 ss/10v)             20.40  
850-853         1159-1162       2010  Island Syrian/Lebanese Anniversary                      4.95  
854             MS1163          2010  Island Syrian/Lebanese Anniversary (ss)                 5.35  
855-859         1164-1168       2010  Cadet Force Anniversary                                 5.35  
860             MS1169          2010  Cadet Force Anniversary (ss)                            5.35  
861-865         1170-1174       2010  Tobago House of Assembly                                5.35  
866             MS1175          2010  Tobago House of Assembly (ss)                           5.35  
867-870         1176-1179       2010  Festivals/Christmas                                     5.05  
871             MS1180          2010  Festivals/Christmas (ss)                                5.35  
872-876         1181-1185       2011  Carnival/"We Ting"                                      5.35  
877             MS1186          2011  Carnival/"We Ting" (ss)                                 5.35  
878-883         1187-1192       2011  Dr.E.Williams/Prime Minister                            6.40  
884             MS1193          2011  Dr.E.Williams/Prime Minister (ss)                       5.35  
885-888         1195-1198       2012  Independence 50th Anniversary                           1.30  
888A                            2012  Def/Birds - $1/$2.25 Toucan (bold surch)                 .--  
889             1194            2012  Def/Birds - $1/$2.25 Toucan (surch)                      .--  
890-893         1199-1202       2013  CARICOM Anniversary (ovpt) (4v)                         7.40  
894             1205            2013  World Food Day                                          0.45  
895             1206            2013  World Food Day (sa)                                    13.70  
896             MS1207          2013  World Food Day (sa) (ss/5v)                             8.20  
897             1204            2013  Def/Birds - $1/$2.50 Tanager (surch)                     .--  
897a                            2013  Def/Birds - $1/$2.50 Tanager (surch) (wmk)               .--  
898             1203            2014  Def/Birds - $1/$2.50 Tanager (rec surch)                 .--  
898a                            2014  Def/Birds - $1/$2.50 Tanager (rec surch)(wmk)            .--  
899                             2014  Def/Birds - $1/$2.50 Tanager (block surch)               .--  
899a                            2014  Def/Birds - $1/$2.50 Tanager (block surch) (wmk)         .--  
899b                            2014  Def/Birds - $1/$2.50 Tanager (2 block surch)             .--   
901-902A                        2014  China & Trinidad Diplomatic Relations (4v)               .--  
901Ab-902Ab                     2014  China & Trinidad Diplomatic Relations (2 ss/2v)          .--  
903-907                         2015  Provisional - $1-$3.25 (5v) (surch)                      .--  
908-910                         2015  Banking Centenary                                        .--  
911                             2015  Banking Centenary (ss/3v)                                .--  
912                             2015  United Nations 70th Anniversary (ss)                     .--  
913-915                         2016  Defense Minister's Meeting (ovpt)                        .--  
                                     --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                    
J9-J16          D26-D33         1947  Postage Due - 2c-24c (8v)                                .--  
(J9-J16)        D26a-D33a       1953  Postage Due - 2c-24c (8v) (chalky)                       .--  
J9a-J14a        D26ab-D31ac     1947  Postage Due - 2c,6c,12c (3v) (wmk error)                 .--  
J17-J26         D34-D43         1970  Postage Due - 2c-60c (10v)                              6.70  
J27-J32         D44-D49         1976  Postage Due - 2c-12c (6v)                               1.50  
J28//J32        D45//D49        1976  Postage Due - 4c,12c (2v)                               0.65  
J27//J31        D44//D48        1977  Postage Due - 2c,6c,8c,10c (4v)                         0.90  
                                     --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---             SB5             1970  Bklt - 1.78 Christmas                                   7.95  
---             SB6             2000  Bklt - 7.50 Beaches                                      .--  
---             SB7             2002  Bklt - 5.00 Hummingbirds                                 .--  
---             SB8             2002  Bklt - 20.00 Hummingbirds                                .--  
---             SB9             2002  Bklt - 32.50 Hummingbirds                                .--  
---             SB10            2003  Bklt - 10.00 Treasures of the Rainforest               14.80  
---             SB11            2005  Bklt - 10.00 Coastal Dreamscape/Marine Life            11.00  

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.