Stanley Lisica LLC
Tristan da Cunha Stamps (1952-2020)
A comprehensive (1952-2020) price list of Tristan da Cunha mint stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

 Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2021 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2020 with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Monthly Update).
 SG #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : St. Helena, Ascension & Tristan da Cunha (5th ed.) -- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2014 with updates from
Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

 Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that a catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. Frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) the catalog editors combine the parts or new value into one set. 

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
January 31, 2021

Click here ==>  TRISTAN DA CUNHA to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
1-12            1-12            1952  Defs - 1/2d-10sh (12v) (ovpt)                         118.55  
13              13              1953  QEII Coronation                                         0.80  
14-27           14-27           1954  Defs - 1/2d-10sh (14v)                                 88.40  
28-41           28-41           1960  Defs/Marine Life - 1/2d-10sh (14v)                     65.40  
42-54           42-54           1961  Defs/Decimal Issue - 1/2c-1r (13v)                     62.20  
55-67           55-67           1963  Defs/RESETTLEMENT - 1d-10sh (13v) (ovpt)               18.05  
68              68              1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.60  
69-70           69-70           1964  Red Cross                                               0.90  
71-84           71//84          1965  Defs/Ships - 1/2d-10sh (14v)                           20.70  
85-86           85-86           1965  ITU                                                     0.80  
87-88           87-88           1965  ICY                                                     0.95  
89-92           89-92           1966  W.Churchill                                             4.80  
93-94           97-98           1966  Soccer World Cup                                        0.95  
95-98           93-96           1966  Military Garrison Anniversary                           1.15  
99-100          99-100          1966  WHO                                                     1.55  
101-103         101-103         1966  UNESCO                                                  1.60  
104-107         104-107         1967  Calshot Harbor Opening                                  0.70  
108             108             1967  Defs - 4d/4.5d (surch)                                  0.40  
109-112         113-116         1967  Royal Visit                                             0.75  
113-115         75a//84b        1967  Defs - 4d,10sh,1.00 (3v)                               24.45  
116-119         113-116         1968  Birds                                                   2.20  
120-123         117-120         1968  Dependency Anniversary                                  0.75  
124-127         121-124         1969  Clipper Ships                                           1.80  
128-131         125-128         1969  United Society/Religion                                 1.00  
132             F1              1970  National Savings - 6d (ovpt)                            0.40  
133-136         129-132         1970  Red Cross                                               1.35  
137-140         133-136         1970  Crawfish Industry                                       1.65  
141-152         137-148         1971  Defs/Decimal - 1/2p-50p (12v) (surch)                  12.35  
153-156         149-152         1971  Shackleton-Rowett Expedition                            3.65  
157-161         153-157         1971  Island Families/Ships                                   2.00  
162-173         158-169         1972  Defs/Flowering Plants - 1/2p-1.00 (12v)                20.70  
174-177         170-173         1972  Longboats                                               1.55  
178-179         174-175         1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     0.50  
180             176             1973  St. Mary's Church Altar                                 0.75  
181-184         177-180         1973  HMS Challenger Visit                                    1.30  
184a            MS181           1973  HMS Challenger Visit (ss/4v)                            1.80  
185-188         182-185         1973  Return to Tristan Anniversary                           1.20  
189-190         186-187         1973  Royal  Wedding : Anne & Mark                            0.40  
191-194         188-191         1974  Rockhopper Penguins                                    12.35  
195             MS192           1974  Lonely Island/Penguin/Albatross (ss)                    4.40  
196-197         193-194         1974  W.Churchill                                             0.50  
197a            MS195           1974  W.Churchill (ss/2v)                                     0.70  
198-201         196-199         1975  Aquatic Plants                                          1.10  
202-205         200-203         1975  Whales/Dolphin                                          5.10  
206-208         204-206         1976  Festival of Stamps                                      0.80  
208a            ---             1976  Festival of Stamps (ss/3v)                              2.70  
209-212         207-211         1976  Island Views/Paintings #1                               1.05  
212a            MS212           1976  Island Views/Paintings #1 (ss/4v)                       1.35  
213-215         212-214         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.60  
216-219         215-218         1977  Naval Ships/Crests                                      0.90  
219a            MS219           1977  Naval Ships/Crests (ss/4v)                              1.50  
220-221         232-233         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee - 4p/15p,7.5p/25p (surch)           3.85  
222-233         220-231         1977  Defs/Birds - 1p-2.00 (12v)                             11.00  
234-237         234-237         1978  Island Views/Paintings #2                               1.05  
237a            MS238           1978  Island Views/Paintings #2 (ss/4v)                       1.50  
238             239a            1978  QEII Coronation Anniversary (ss/6v)                     1.25  
239-242         242-245         1978  Minerals                                                2.25  
243-246         246-249         1978  Fish                                                    1.10  
247-250         250-253         1978  Royal Fleet Ships                                       0.90  
250a            MS254           1978  Royal Fleet Ships (ss/4v)                               1.15  
251-254         255-258         1979  Wildlife Conservation                                   0.95  
255-258         259-260         1979  RMS QEII Visit/Ships                                    0.95  
259             MS263           1979  RMS QEII Visit/Ships (ss)                               0.90  
260-262         264-266         1979  R.Hill                                                  0.75  
263             MS267           1979  R.Hill (ss)                                             0.65  
264-267         268-271         1979  Year of the Child/Children's Drawings                   0.75  
268-271         272-275         1980  Local Scenes/Paintings #3                               0.85  
271a            MS276           1980  Local Scenes/Paintings #3 (ss/4v)                       0.90  
272-276         277-281         1980  LONDON '80/Mail Delivery                                0.95  
277             282             1980  Queen Mother Birthday                                   0.40  
277             282             1980  Queen Mother Birthday (ms/9v)                           3.85  
278-281         283-286         1980  F.Drake/Circumnavigation                                0.80  
282             287a            1980  Christmas/Nursery Rhymes (ss/9v)                        1.60  
283-286         296-299         1980  Geographical Society/Maps                               0.80  
287-289         300-302         1980  Rev. E.Dodgson's Arrival                                0.75  
289a            MS303           1980  Rev. E.Dodgson's Arrival (ss/3v)                        0.80  
290-292         304-306         1981  Early Maps                                              0.80  
293             MS307           1981  Early Maps (ss)                                         0.55  
294-296         308-310         1981  Royal  Wedding : Charles & Diana                        0.75  
297-300         311-314         1981  Duke of Edinburgh Awards                                0.80  
301             315a            1981  Island Rail/Birds (s/4v)                                1.00  
302-305         319-322         1982  Sharks                                                  1.75  
306-309         323-326         1982  Sailing Ships #1                                        1.60  
310-313         327-330         1982  Diana Birthday                                          2.55  
314-316         331-333         1982  Boy Scouts                                              1.05  
317             MS334           1982  Boy Scouts (ss)                                         1.10  
318-319         335-336         1982  Birds/Commonwealth Games 1982 (ovpt)                    0.55  
320-323         337-340         1982  Volcanoes                                               1.50  
324-327         341-344         1983  Sailing Ships #2                                        1.85  
328-331         345-348         1983  Land Transport                                          1.15  
332-343         349-360         1983  Defs/Island History - 1p-2.00 (12v)                    10.30  
344-346         361-363         1983  Raphael/Paintings                                       1.25  
347             MS364           1983  Raphael/Paintings (ss)                                  1.30  
348-351         365-368         1983  St. Helena Colony Anniversary                           1.65  
352-355         369-372         1984  Mushrooms                                               3.75  
356-359         373-376         1984  Night Sky/Constellations                                2.15  
360-363         377-380         1984  Wool Industry                                           1.70  
363a            MS381           1984  Wool Industry (ss/4v)                                   1.80  
364-367         382-385         1984  Christmas/Paintings                                     1.75  
368-370         386-388         1985  Shipwrecks #1                                           2.55  
371             MS389           1985  Shipwrecks #1 (ss)                                      1.95  
372-375         390-393         1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother                            1.85  
376             MS394           1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       2.50  
377-380         395-398         1985  Flags                                                   3.85  
381-383         399-401         1985  Loss of Island Lifeboat Centenary                       1.80  
384-387         402-405         1986  Halley's Comet                                          3.20  
388-392         406-410         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      2.35  
393-395         411-413         1986  Shipwrecks #2                                           2.70  
396             MS414           1986  Shipwrecks #2 (ss)                                      2.75  
397-398         415-416         1986  Royal  Wedding : Andrew & Sarah                         1.20  
399-403         417-421         1986  Island Flora & Fauna                                    4.25  
404-407         422-425         1987  Flightless Insects and Birds                            4.30  
408-411         430-433         1987  Rockhopper Penguins                                     6.45  
412-414         426-428         1987  Shipwrecks #3                                           3.15  
415             MS429           1987  Shipwrecks #3 (ss)                                      3.75  
416-419         434-437         1987  Norwegian Scientific Expedition                         8.20  
420-424         443-447         1988  Nightingale Island Fauna                                4.60  
425-428         448-451         1988  Handicrafts                                             3.30  
429-433         438-442         1988  QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary (ovpt)                    2.70  
434-437         452-455         1988  19th Century Whaling                                    6.50  
438             MS456           1988  19th Century Whaling (ss)                               4.30  
439-442         457-460         1988  Lloyd's of London                                       7.10  
443-454         461-472         1988  Defs/Paintings - 1p-2.00 (12v)                         12.50  
455-459         473-477         1989  Gough Island Fauna                                      7.15  
460-463         478-481         1989  Ferns                                                   5.70  
464-467         486-489         1989  Vagrant Birds                                          11.45  
468-471         482-485         1989  Nautical Museum/Artifacts                               5.90  
472-475         490-493         1990  Moths                                                   8.15  
476-479         494-497         1990  Marine Life/Starfish                                    8.20  
480-481         498-499         1990  Queen Mother 90th Birthday                              4.80  
482-485         500-503         1990  RMS St. Helena/Ships                                   11.40  
486             MS504           1990  RMS St. Helena/Ships (ss)                               7.30  
487-490         505-508         1990  Royal Navy Warships #1                                 12.90  
491-494         509-512         1991  Royal Navy Warships #2                                 13.10  
495             MS513           1991  Visit of Royal Viking/Ship (ss)                         8.55  
496-499         514-517         1991  Prince Philip 70th Birthday                            13.35  
500-503         518-521         1991  WWF/Endangered Birds                                    9.05  
504-507         522-525         1992  Discovery of America 500th Anniversary                  9.60  
508-512         526-530         1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary                         7.75  
513-516         531-534         1992  Fish                                                    8.70  
517-519         535-537         1992  Shipwreck Italia                                        8.15  
520             MS538           1992  Shipwreck Italia/GENOVA '92 (ss)                        8.50  
521-523         539-541         1993  Insects                                                 7.70  
524-527         542-545         1993  QEII Coronation 40th Anniversary                        7.30  
528-530         546-548         1993  Resettlement 30th Anniversary/Ships (pr+1v)             9.10  
531-534         549-552         1993  Christmas/Paintings                                    10.50  
535-546         553-564         1994  Defs/Ships - 1p-5.00 (12v)                             33.60  
547-550         565-568         1994  Royal Navy Warships #3                                 10.45  
551-553         569-571         1994  Sharks                                                  8.50  
554-557         572-575         1994  Island Livestock #1                                    10.05  
558-561         576-579         1995  Local Transportation                                    8.95  
562-565         580-583         1995  World War II 50th Anniversary                          11.35  
566             MS584           1995  World War II 50th Anniversary/War Medal (ss)            5.50  
567             MS585           1995  Queen Mother 95th Birthday (ss)                         8.40  
568-571         590-593         1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary                        11.55  
572-575         586-589         1995  Seals                                                  10.05  
576-579         594-597         1996  QEII 70th Birthday                                      7.20  
580-583         598-601         1996  New Harbor Construction                                10.80  
584-587         602-605         1996  Gough Island/Birds                                      8.55  
587a            MS619           1997  Return of Hong Kong (ss)                                4.00  
588-591         606-609         1996  Queen Victoria Portrait/Maps                            9.05  
592             MS610           1996  Marine Life (ss/4v)                                     9.10  
593-600         611-618         1997  Visual Communications (prs)                             9.30  
601-604         620-623         1997  Island Livestock #2                                     8.60  
605-610         624-629         1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs)                  12.80  
611             MS630           1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss)                   11.00  
612-616         631-635         1997  Lobster Survey 50th Anniversary                         7.70  
617             MS636           1997  Lobster Survey 50th Anniversary (ss)                    9.10  
618             MS637           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           4.00  
619             MS638           1998  Marine Life (ss/4v)                                    14.85  
620-623         639-642         1998  Visiting Cruise Ships                                  11.55  
624-627         643-646         1998  Marine Heritage/Ships #1                               11.95  
628-631         647-650         1999  Marine Heritage/Ships #2                               12.15  
632-635         651-654         1999  WWF/Albatross (4v)                                      2.30  
632-635         651-654         1999  WWF/Albatross (s/4v)                                    2.70  
632-635         651-654         1999  WWF/Albatross (ms/16v)                                 10.95  
636-637         655-656         1999  Royal  Wedding : Edward & Sophie                        6.60  
638-641         657-660         1999  Queen Mother's Century                                  7.75  
642             MS661           1999  Queen Mother's Century (ss)                             7.75  
643-646         662-665         2000  New Millennium/Birds                                   13.00  
647-658         666-677         2000  Defs/British Monarchs - 1p-5.00 (12v)                  29.15  
659-662         678-681         2000  Ships                                                  13.90  
663             MS682           2000  LONDON '00/Ships (ss)                                  12.15  
664-667         683-686         2000  Prince William 18th Birthday                            8.25  
668             MS687           2000  Prince William 18th Birthday (ss/5v)                   11.55  
669-672         688-695         2000  Ships/Helicopters (prs)                                12.95  
673-676         696-699         2000  W.Churchill                                             9.30  
677             MS700           2001  HONG KONG '01/Birds/Year of Snake (ss/2v)               8.95  
678-683         701-706         2001  Age of Victoria                                         9.10  
684             MS707           2001  Age of Victoria (ss)                                    6.90  
685             708-715         2001  Longboats of Tristan (ss/8v)                           11.50  
686-689         716-723         2001  Ships/Helicopters/Hurricane Relief (prs) (ovpt)        16.65  
690             MS724           2001  World Bird Festival/Spectacled Petral  (ss/5v)         13.80  
691-696         725-730         2001  Royal Navy Ships                                       13.80  
697-700         731-734         2001  Christmas/USPG Missionaries/Churches                   12.10  
701-704         735-738         2002  Tristan 50th Stamp Anniversary                         11.55  
705             MS739           2002  Tristan 50th Stamp Anniversary (ss/4v)                 10.50  
706-709         740-743         2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     7.15  
710             MS744           2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/5v)                             9.40  
711-713         745-747         2002  Fishing Industry/Fish                                   6.30  
714             MS748           2002  Fishing Industry/Fish (ss/4v)                           7.35  
715-716         749-750         2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   6.30  
717             MS751           2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           8.25  
718             752-757         2002  Marine Mammals/Whales (ss/6v)                          13.10  
719             MS758           2002  Marine Mammals/Whales (ss)                             15.70  
720-723         759-762         2002  HMS Herald Survey/Ships                                 8.00  
724             763-768         2003  Guinness World Records (ss/6v)                          8.50  
725             MS769           2003  Guinness World Records (ss)                             9.85  
726-729         770-773         2003  Birds/Albatross                                         6.85  
730             MS774           2003  Birdlife International/Albatross (ss/5v)                9.65  
731             778             2003  Defs/QEII - 2.80 Head                                   8.60  
732-733         775-776         2003  QEII Coronation Golden Jubilee                          6.60  
734             MS777           2003  QEII Coronation Golden Jubilee (ss/2v)                  8.10  
735             779-780         2003  Prince William 21st Birthday (pr)                       5.25  
736             781-786         2003  W.Glass (ss/6v)                                         9.35  
737-739         787-792         2003  Navy Ships #2 (prs)                                    12.10  
740-745         793-798         2004  Writing Implements                                      8.80  
746             MS799           2004  Writing Implements (ss)                                 7.25  
747-750         800-803         2004  WWF/Fur Seals (4v)                                      5.00  
747-750                         2004  WWF/Fur Seals (s/4v) (ex-ms)                            5.25  
750a                            2004  WWF/Fur Seals (ss/16v)                                 23.30  
751             804             2004  Def - 30p Flag (sa : ex-bklt) (1v)                      1.20  
752-757         805-810         2004  Merchant Ships                                         10.40  
758-763         811-816         2005  Battle of Trafalgar/Ships                              10.55  
764             MS817           2005  Battle of Trafalgar/Ships (ss/2v)                       9.40  
765             818-822         2005  Islands #1/Tristan da Cunha (s/5v)                     10.20  
766             823-827         2005  Islands #2/Gough Island (s/5v)                         10.20  
767             828-832         2005  Islands #3/Inaccessible Island (s/5v)                  10.20  
768             850-854         2006  Islands #4/Nightingale Island (s/5v)                   10.50  
769             855-859         2006  Islands #5/Middle Island (s/5v)                        10.00  
770             866-870         2006  Islands #6/Stoltenhoff Island (s/5v)                   10.20  
771-782         833-844         2005  Defs/Birds - 1p-5.00 (12v)                             30.70  
783             845             2005  Pope John Paul II                                       2.90  
784-786         846-848         2005  Battle of Trafalgar #2                                 11.65  
787             MS849a          2006  500th Anniversary #1 (ss/6v)                           14.25  
788             MS849b          2006  500th Anniversary #2 (ss/6v)                           14.75  
789             MS865a          2006  500th Anniversary #3 (ss/6v)                           14.80  
790             MS865b          2006  500th Anniversary #4 (ss/6v)                           14.80  
791-794         860-863         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                     10.45  
795             MS864           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              5.05  
796             MS871           2007  Remote Islands #7 (ss/6v)                              13.45  
797-802         872-877         2007  Local Transportation                                   11.80  
803-806         878-881         2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary                           9.05  
807             MS882           2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary (ss)                      9.05  
808             MS883           2007  Birdlife International/Great Shearwater (ss/6v)        14.95  
809-812         884-887         2007  Scouting Centenary                                     13.80  
813             MS888           2007  Scouting Centenary (ss/2v)                             13.80  
814-819         889-894         2007  Diana                                                  13.15  
820-825         901-906         2008  Military Uniforms                                      13.85  
826-831         895-900         2008  Marine Invertebrates                                   11.55  
832-836         907-911         2008  RAF/90th Anniversary/Airplanes                          8.20  
837             MS912           2008  RAF/90th Anniversary/H.Trenchard (ss)                   7.70  
838-843         913-918         2008  Tristan Fisheries 60th Anniversary                     14.05  
844-849         919-924         2008  A.Crawford/Writer                                      13.90  
850-855         925-930         2008  World War I/Lest We Forget                             12.05  
856             MS931           2008  World War I/Lest We Forget (ss)                         4.40  
857-862         932-937         2009  Seafaring & Exploring/Ships                            11.00  
863             MS938           2009  Seafaring & Exploring/Ships (ss)                        3.85  
864-867         939-942         2009  Fly Navy/Naval Aviation Centenary                       8.80  
868             MS943           2009  Fly Navy/Naval Aviation Centenary (ss)                  5.90  
869-873         944-948         2009  Space Exploration 40th Anniversary                     11.95  
874             MS949           2009  Space Exploration 40th Anniversary (ss)                 6.45  
875-877         950-955         2009  Potato Farming (prs)                                   13.10  
878-881         956-959         2009  Island Traditions #1                                   10.30  
882-885         960-963         2009  Mail Delivery to Tristan                               11.65  
886-893         964-971         2010  British Isles History #1                               10.75  
894-899         972-977         2010  Battle of Britain                                      11.30  
900             MS978           2010  Battle of Britain (ss)                                  5.20  
901             MS979           2010  George V/LONDON '10 (ss)                                5.40  
902-909         980-987         2010  British Isles History #2                               10.85  
910-914         988-992         2010  Island Family Surnames                                  9.55  
915-926         993-1004        2010  Defs/Conservation - 1p-5.00 (12v)                      36.80  
927-930         1005-1008       2010  Island Traditions #2                                   10.55  
931-936         1009-1014       2011  QEII Lifetime of Service                               10.30  
936a            MS1015          2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss/6v+labs)                  10.25  
937             MS1016          2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss)                           5.05  
938-941         1017-1020       2011  Antarctic Cruise Ships                                  7.80  
942             MS1021          2011  Antarctic Cruise Ships (ss)                             5.15  
943             MS1022          2011  Royal  Wedding : William & Catherine  (ss)             10.00  
944-951         1023-1030       2011  British Isles History #3                                8.10  
952-955         1031-1034       2011  Royal  Wedding : William & Catherine                    7.95  
956-959         1035-1038       2011  Volcano Evacuation 50th Anniversary #1                  7.70  
960             MS1039          2011  Volcano Evacuation 50th Anniversary #1 (ss)             5.45  
961-964         1040-1043       2012  Volcano Evacuation 50th Anniversary #2                  7.70  
965             MS1044          2012  Volcano Evacuation 50th Anniversary #2 (ss)             5.90  
966-971         1045-1050       2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee                                    8.75  
971a            MS1051          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss/6v+labs)                       8.75  
972             MS1052          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss)                               4.25  
973             MS1053          2012  TitanicTragedy/Ships (ss/10v+labs)                     14.80  
974-977         1054-1057       2012  Maiden Voyage of SA Agulhas/Ships                       7.40  
978             MS1058          2012  Royal Navy Ship Crests #2 (ss/4v)                       6.25  
979-982         1059-1062       2012  Shackleton-Rowett Antarctic Expedition                  7.95  
983-986         1063-1066       2013  WWF/Albatross (4v)                                      7.20  
987             1063a-1066a     2013  WWF/Albatross (s/4v) (ex-ms)                            7.50  
987             1063a-1066a     2013  WWF/Albatross (ms/16v)                                 32.55  
988             MS1067          2013  WWF/Albatross (ss)                                      8.75  
989-992         1068-1071       2013  Tristan Song Project/Musical Instruments                7.55  
993-997         1072-1076       2013  QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary                       11.15  
998             MS1077          2013  QEII Coronation 60th Anniversary (ss)                   5.45  
999-1002        1078-1081       2013  Volcano Evacuation 50th Anniversary #3                  7.70  
1003            MS1082          2013  Volcano Evacuation 50th Anniversary #3 (ss)             5.60  
1004-1005       1083-1086       2013  Christmas/Churches (2 s/2v+labs)                        8.50  
1006-1009       1087-1090       2013  Volcano Evacuation 50th Anniversary #4                  7.85  
1010            MS1091          2013  Volcano Evacuation 50th Anniversary #4 (ss)             5.60  
1011-1014       1092-1095       2014  Ships & Explorers/Antarctica                            8.50  
1015-1018       1096-1099       2014  Royal Christenings/Prince George                       10.35  
1019-1022       1100-1103       2014  Birds/Endemic Finches                                   8.40  
1023            MS1104          2014  Birds/Endemic Finches (ss)                              5.90  
1024-1027       1105-1108       2014  A.Earle/Travelling Artist/Paintings                     7.25  
1028-1031       1109-1112       2014  WWI Centenary/Posters                                  12.45  
1032-1037       1113-1118       2014  Royal Marines 350th Anniversary                        10.35  
1038            1119-1128       2015  Potato Essay Stamps (ss/10v+labs)                      14.55  
1039-1040       1129-1130       2015  War of 1812/Ships                                       5.75  
1041            MS1131          2015  War of 1812/Ships (ss)                                  6.80  
1042-1045       1132-1135       2015  Magna Carta                                             9.90  
1046-1049       1136-1139       2015  QEII Long Reign                                        10.65  
1050-1053       1140-1143       2015  Lifeboat Disaster                                       8.25  
1054-1059       1144-1149       2015  Alice In Wonderland                                     9.55  
1059a           MS1150          2015  Alice In Wonderland (ss/6v)                             9.55  
1060-1071       1151-1162       2015  Defs/Early Mail Ships - 1p-5.00 (12v)                  29.95  
1072-1075       1163-1166       2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                      7.05  
1076            MS1167          2016  QEII 90th Birthday (ss)                                 7.50  
1077-1080       1168-1171       2016  W.Shakespeare                                           6.90  
1081-1084       1172-1175       2016  Bicentenary of British Garrison                         8.40  
1085-1088       1176-1179       2016  P.Green/Shipwreck                                       7.35  
1089-1100       1180-1191       2016  Biodiversity #1 & #2/Flora & Fauna (12v)               19.20  
1089//1099      1180//1190      2016  Biodiversity #1/Flora & Fauna (6v)                      9.60  
1090//1100      1181//1191      2016  Biodiversity #2/Flora & Fauna (6v)                      9.60  
1101-1103       1192-1197       2017  Royal Visit 60th Anniversary (prs)                      6.95  
1103c           MS1198          2017  Royal Visit 60th Anniversary (ss/6v)                    6.95  
1104-1109       1199-1204       2017  Subantarctic Fur Seals                                  9.55  
1110-1113       1205-1208       2017  Prince Albert Visit 150th Anniversary                   8.50  
1114-1117       1209-1212       2017  WWF/Northern Rockhopper Penguin                         8.50  
1117a           MS1213          2017  WWF/Northern Rockhopper Penguin (ss/4v)                 8.50  
1118-1121       1214-1217       2017  QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary                           8.80  
1122-1125       1218-1221       2017  Norwegian Tristan Expedition                            8.40  
1126-1129       1222-1225       2018  Royal Navy Ships                                        8.75  
1130-1133       1226-1229       2018  Tristan Venture/Fishing Survey                          9.75  
1133a           MS1230          2018  Tristan Venture/Fishing Survey (ss/4v)                  9.75  
1134-1137       1231-1234       2018  Royal Air Force Centenary/Airplanes                    10.65  
1138-1141       1235-1238       2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan                          9.75  
1142            MS1239          2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (ss)                     7.00  
1143-1146       1240-1243       2018  Shipwrecks                                              8.40  
1147-1148       1244-1247       2018  Migratory Species : Birds (v/prs)                       7.95  
1149-1152       1248-1251       2019  Whales                                                  8.40  
1153-1156       1252-1255       2019  Lobster Fishing                                         8.50  
1157-1160       1256-1259       2019  D-Day 75th Anniversary                                 10.65  
1161-1164       1260-1263       2019  Through Their Eyes/Children's Art                       8.25  
1165-1168       1264-1267       2019  Vagrant Species/Wildlife #1                             8.80  
1169-1172       1268-1271       2019  Whaling & Sealing Ships                                 8.50  
1173-1176       1272-1275       2020  World Heritage Site/Gough Island/Birds                 15.80  
1177            MS1276          2020  World Heritage Site/Gough Island/Birds (ss)            13.20  
1178-1181       1277-1280       2020  Female Ancestors                                       14.85  
1182-1185       1281-1284       2020  Sharks #1                                              14.35  
                1285-1288       2020  Healthcare                                              8.80  
                1289-1292       2020  Vagrant Species/Wildlife #2                             9.75  
                                2020  Ships/Sword of Peace Awards                             9.55  
                                2020  Defs/Modern Mail Ships - 1p-5.00 (13v)                 33.75  
                                      --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                    
J1-J5           D1-D5           1957  Postage Due - 1p-5p (5v)                               18.15  
J6-J10          D6-D10          1976  Postage Due - 1p-10p (5v)                               1.15  
J6a-J10a        D11-D15         1976  Postage Due - 1p-10p (5v) (new wmk)                     1.45  
J11-J16         D16-D21         1986  Postage Due - 1p-25p (6v)                               1.55  
                                      --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---             SB1             1957  Bklt - 3/6 blue (MY 30 57)                               .--  
---             SB1a            1958  Bklt - 3/6 blue (JA 24 58)                               .--  
---             SB1b            1958  Bklt - 3/6 blue (no postmark)                            .--  
---             SB2             1958  Bklt - 3/6 red                                         83.35  
---             SB3             1960  Bklt - 3/6 green                                       46.80  
---             SB4             1965  Bklt - 4/2 green                                        9.30  
---             ---             1970  Bklt - 4/2 green (rate change text)                     0.00  
---             SB5             2004  Bklt - 3.60 Flag (sa)                                  14.85  
                                      --- POSTAL FISCAL ISSUES ---                                  
---             F2              1971  Postal Fiscal - 2.5p/6d (surch)                         5.10  

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.