Stanley Lisica LLC
Vanuatu Postage Stamps (1980-2022)
A comprehensive (1980 to 2022) price list of Vanuatu stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and complete booklets.

 All items listed are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

 Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2023 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2022 with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Monthly Update).
 SG #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : Western Pacific (4th ed.) -- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2017 with updates from
Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

 Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that a catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. Frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) the catalog editors combine the parts or new value into one set. 

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
 March 3, 2023 

Click here ==> VANUATU    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #     SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
280-292     287E-299E       1980  Defs - 5f-500f (13v) (Eng)                              7.10  
280a-292a   287F-299F       1980  Defs - 5f-500f (13v) (Fr)                              13.90  
293-294     300E-301E       1980  Rotary International 75th Anniversary (Eng)             0.60  
293a-294a   300F-301F       1980  Rotary International 75th Anniversary  (Fr)             0.80  
295-296     302E-303E       1980  Kiwanis International (Eng)                             0.70  
295a-296a   302F-303F       1980  Kiwanis International (Fr)                              1.10  
297-299     304-306         1980  Christmas/Paintings                                     0.70  
300-303     307-310         1981  Birds #1                                                3.50  
304-307     311-314         1981  Prince Philip 60th Birthday                             0.80  
308-310     315-317         1981  Royal Wedding : Charles & Diana                         0.90  
311-314     318-321         1981  Independence1st Anniversary                             1.30  
315-318     322-325         1981  Christmas/Children's Paintings                          1.30  
318a        MS326           1981  Christmas/Children's Paintings (ss/4v)                  2.00  
319-322     327-330         1982  Birds #2                                                3.40  
323-336     331-344         1982  Defs/Orchids - 1v-500v (14v)                           17.10  
337-341     345-349         1982  Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary                             2.80  
342-345     350-353         1982  Christmas/Nativity Scenes                               2.40  
345a        MS354           1982  Christmas/Nativity Scenes (ss/4v)                       2.65  
346-348     355-360         1983  Butterflies (v/prs)                                     6.45  
349-352     361-364         1983  Commonwealth Day                                        1.15  
353         MS365           1983  Economic Zone (ss/6v)                                   3.75  
354-359     366-371         1983  Manned Flight Bicentenary                               2.70  
360-363     372-375         1983  Communications Year                                     1.90  
363a        MS376           1983  Communications Year (ss/4v)                             4.75  
364-367     377-380         1984  Mushrooms                                               4.00  
368-371     381-384         1984  Lloyd's List/Newspaper                                  1.80  
372         385             1984  UPU Congress Hamburg (ovpt)                             0.70  
373-376     386-389         1984  Cattle                                                  2.10  
377-379     390-392         1984  AUSIPEX '84/Ships                                       3.35  
379a        MS393           1984  AUSIPEX '84/Ships (ss/3v)                               4.60  
380-382     394-396         1984  Christmas                                               2.55  
383         397             1985  Defs/Orchids - 5v/1v (surch)                            1.05  
384-387     398-401         1985  Traditional Costumes                                    2.55  
388-391     402-405         1985  J.Audubon/Peregrene Falcons                             5.05  
392-395     406-409         1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother                            2.05  
396         MS410           1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       2.65  
397-400     411-414         1985  Independence 5th Anniversary/EXPO '85                   2.95  
400a        MS415           1985  Independence 5th Anniversary/EXPO '85 (ss/4v)           3.45  
401-404     416-419         1985  International Youth Year/Paintings                      3.55  
405         420             1985  United Nations Membership                               1.55  
406-409     421-424         1985  Marine Life #1/Sea Slugs                                3.15  
410-413     425-428         1985  Tourism                                                 3.20  
414-418     429-433         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      2.20  
419-421     434-436         1986  AMERIPEX '86/SS President Coolidge/Ships                5.35  
421a        MS437           1986  AMERIPEX '86/SS President Coolidge/Ships (ss/3v)        5.65  
422-425     438-441         1986  Halley's Comet                                          5.45  
426-429     442-445         1986  Marine Life #2/Corals                                   7.05  
430-433     446-449         1986  Christmas/Peace Year                                    5.25  
434-437     450-453         1987  Motor Vehicles                                          3.25  
438-441     460-463         1987  Coconut Research Station                                3.65  
442-456     464-478         1987  Defs/Fish - 1v-500v (15v)                              19.80  
457-460     479-482         1987  Insects                                                 4.20  
461-464     483-486         1987  Christmas/Carols                                        3.10  
465-469     487-491         1988  QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary (ovpt)                    3.45  
470-473     492-495         1987  WWF/Dugong                                              7.00  
474-477     496-499         1988  Australia Bicentennial/Ships                            2.60  
478         500             1988  Capt.J.Cook/SYDPEX '88                                  0.70  
478         500             1988  Capt.J.Cook/SYDPEX '88 (ms/10v+labs)                    7.95  
479         MS501           1988  EXPO '88 World Fair (ss/2v)                             3.90  
480-483     502-505         1988  Seoul Olympic Games                                     2.50  
484         MS506           1988  Seoul Olympic Games/Tennis (ss)                         3.20  
485-488     507-510         1988  Lloyd's of London/Ships                                 4.75  
489-492     511-514         1988  FAO/Agriculture                                         2.90  
493-496     515-518         1988  Christmas/Carols                                        2.90  
497-500     519-522         1989  Marine Life #3/Shrimp                                   4.00  
501-504     523-526         1989  Economic Commission/Airplanes                           6.60  
505         527-528         1989  French Revolution/PHILEXFRANCE '89 (pr)                 4.00  
506         MS529           1989  French Revolution/PHILEXFRANCE '89 (ss)                 1.85  
507-510     530-533         1989  Moon Landing 20th Anniversary                           5.65  
511         MS534           1989  Moon Landing 20th Anniversary (ss)                      2.55  
512         535             1989  Melbourne Stampshow '89 (ovpt)                          4.40  
513         536             1989  World Stamp Expo '89                                    3.30  
514         MS537           1989  World Stamp Expo '89 (ss/2v)                            8.40  
515-518     538-541         1990  Flora                                                   4.40  
519-522     542-545         1990  LONDON '90                                              6.20  
523         MS546           1990  LONDON '90 (ss)                                         5.50  
524-528     547-551         1990  Independence 10th Anniversary                           4.20  
529         MS552           1990  Independence 10th Anniversary (ss)                      5.15  
530         553a            1990  C.DeGaulle (ss/10v+2 labels)                           18.45  
531         559-563         1990  Christmas (s/5v)                                        3.95  
532-535     564-567         1991  Butterflies                                             5.20  
536-539     568-571         1991  National Arts Festival                                  4.00  
540-541     576-577         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (2v)                            1.95  
540-541     576-577         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (pr+ lab)                       2.20  
542-545     578-581         1991  PHILANIPPON '91/Birds                                   3.50  
546         MS582           1991  PHILANIPPON '91/Birds (ss)                              2.55  
547-550     583-586         1991  World AIDS Day                                          4.85  
551-554     572-575         1991  Defs/Orchids - 20v-80v (4v) (surch)                     5.75  
555-559     587-591         1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary                         2.95  
560-563     592-595         1992  World War II/Airplanes #1                               9.40  
564         MS596           1992  World War II/Airplanes #1/STAMP EXPO '92 (ss)           9.65  
565-568     597-600         1992  Meterorological Organization                            3.40  
569-572     601-604         1992  Barcelona Olympic Games & Football Club                 3.80  
573-576     605-608         1992  World Food Day                                          3.90  
577-580     609-612         1992  Turtles                                                 6.25  
581         MS613           1992  Turtles (ss)                                            4.70  
582-585     614-617         1993  Hibiscus Flowers #1                                     3.90  
586-589     618-621         1993  Orchid Conference (ovpt)                                5.20  
589A        622             1993  Defs/Orchids - 20v/35v (surch)                          5.95  
590-593     623-626         1993  World War II #2/Airplanes                              10.00  
594         MS627           1993  World War II #2/Airplanes (ss)                          8.95  
595-610     628-643         1993  Defs/Local Scenes - 5v-500v (16v)                      22.20  
606a        MS673           1994  Local Scenes/PHILAKOREA '94 (ss/4v)                     4.25  
611-614     644-647         1993  Sea Shells #1                                           8.10  
615-618     648-651         1993  Christmas/Louvre Museum/Paintings                       4.60  
619-622     652-655         1993  South Pacific Mini Games (ovpt)                         2.65  
623-626     656-659         1994  HONG KONG '94/Service Organizations                     4.65  
627         MS660           1994  HONG KONG '94/Service Organizations (ss)                2.95  
628-631     661-664         1994  Year of the Family                                      4.10  
632-635     665-668         1994  Sea Shells #2                                           7.35  
636         669-672         1994  Tourism (s/4v)                                          7.00  
637-640     674-677         1994  Anemonefish                                            11.50  
640a        MS678           1994  Anemonefish/PHILAKOREA '94 (ss)                         3.90  
641-644     679-682         1994  ICAO 50th Anniversary/Airplanes                         5.85  
645-648     683-686         1995  Hibiscus Flowers #2                                     6.00  
649-653     687-691         1995  Lizards                                                 6.55  
654-657     692-695         1995  Sea Shells #3                                           7.10  
658-663     696-700         1995  Independence 15th Anniversary/United Nations            6.85  
663a        MS701           1995  Independence/SINGAPORE '95 (ss)                         4.00  
664-667     703-706         1995  World War II/Airplanes                                 11.10  
667A        MS707           1995  World War II/SINGAPORE '95 (ss)                         8.00  
668         708a            1995  Vanuatu Culture #1/Museum/Artifacts (s/4v) (ex-ms)      4.55  
668f        MS720           1995  Museum/Artifacts/CHINA '96 (ss)                         2.30  
669-672     712-715         1996  Fishing                                                 5.35  
673-676     716-719         1996  WWF/Flying Foxes                                        2.15  
677         MS721           1996  WWF/Flying Foxes/CHINA '96 (ss/2v)                      4.65  
678-679     722-723         1996  UNICEF 50th Anniversary                                 2.20  
680-683     724-727         1996  Radio Centenary (b/4v)                                  5.45  
684-687     728-731         1996  Modern Olympics Centenary (4v)                          6.10  
684-687     728a            1996  Modern Olympics Centenary (s/4v) (ex-ms)                6.35  
688         732a            1996  Christmas/Churches (s/4v) (ex-ms)                       4.00  
689-692     736-739         1996  Hibiscus Flowers #3                                     6.40  
692a        MS745           1997  Hibiscus Flowers #3/HONG KONG '97 (ss/2v)               5.40  
693-696     740-743         1997  Diving                                                  5.75  
696a        MS750           1997  DivingShipwreck/PACIFIC '97 (ss/2v)                     5.40  
696b        MS744           1997  Diving/Coral Reef Year (ss/4v)                          8.75  
697-702     751-756         1997  Birds #1/Coastal                                        6.35  
703-706     746-749         1997  Air Vanuatu 10th Anniversary                            6.25  
707-709     757-759         1997  T.Edison (b/3v+lab)                                     6.40  
710-714     760-764         1997  Angelfish                                               5.80  
715-718     766-769         1998  Local Architecture                                      5.00  
718A        770             1998  Diana                                                   1.35  
719         MS771           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           4.85  
720         772-776         1998  Vanuatu Culture #2/Tribal Masks (s/5v)                  6.40  
721-726     777-782         1998  Butterflies (sa)                                        8.45  
726a        MS783           1998  Butterflies/SINGPEX '98 (sa) (ss)                       4.35  
728-732     784-788         1998  Volcanoes                                               5.30  
733-737     798-802         1999  Explorers/Ships                                         7.10  
735a        MS803           1999  Explorers/Ships/AUSTRALIA '99 (ss/3v)                   3.30  
737a        MS809           1999  Explorers/Ships/PHILEXFRANCE '99 (ss/3v)                4.90  
738-741     804-807         1999  Birds #2/Bush and Lowlands                              5.10  
741a        MS808           1999  Birds #2/Bush and Lowlands (ss)                         3.95  
741b        MS822           1999  Birds #2/Bush and Lowlands/CHINA '99 (ss)               4.25  
742-745D    789-797         1999  Defs - 1v-73v (surch) (10v)                              .--  
742//745A   789//795        1998  Defs - 1v-5v (surch) (6v)                                .--  
744A        793             1999  Defs - 3v/75v (surch) (1v)                               .--  
745B//745D  796//797        2000  Defs - 34v,67v,73v (surch) (3v)                          .--  
746-752     810-816         1999  Defs/Ceremonial Dancers #1 - 1v-107v (7v)              11.90  
753-756     823-826         1999  Lionfish                                                5.75  
757         MS827           1999  Millennium (ss/5v)                                      5.75  
758         MS828           2000  Queen Mother 100th Birthday/LONDON '00 (ss/2v)          4.85  
759-762     829-832         2000  Intelsat Satellite (sa)                                 6.05  
762a        MS833           2000  Intelsat Satellite/ANAHEIM '00 (sa) (ss/2v)             4.55  
763-767     834-838         2000  Independence 20th Anniversary/Local Art                 7.05  
768-771     839-842         2000  Sydney Olympic Games                                    4.70  
772-775     843-846         2000  Dolphins                                                5.50  
775a        MS847           2000  Dolphins/HONG KONG '01 (ss/2v)                          4.65  
776-780     848-852         2001  Birds #3/Highlands (5v)                                 9.60  
780a        848a            2001  Birds #3/Highlands (s/5v) (ex-ms)                       9.80  
781-784     853-856         2001  Food Exports                                            5.25  
785-787     857-859         2001  Whales                                                  5.10  
787a        MS860           2001  Whales (ss/3v)                                          5.40  
788-791     817-820         2001  Defs/Ceremonial Dancers #2 - 35v-1000v (4v)            25.80  
792-792C    817-820         2001  Sand Drawings (4v)                                      6.25  
792Cd       861-864         2001  Sand Drawings (s/4v+lab)                                7.95  
793-797     865-869         2002  Year of Ecotourism (5v+labs)                            7.70  
798         MS870           2002  Year of Ecotourism (ss/5v)                              7.75  
799-803     871-875         2002  Wild Horses                                             7.25  
803a        MS876           2002  Wild Horses (ss)                                        3.75  
803b        MS885           2002  Wild Horses/PHILAKOREA '02 (ss)                         3.75  
804-807     877-880         2002  Soccer                                                  6.25  
808         881-884         2002  Year of Reforestation (sa) (s/4v)                       5.95  
812-815     886-889         2002  Dugongs                                                 5.50  
815a        MS890           2002  Dugongs (ss/2v)                                         6.20  
816-819     891-894         2002  Orchids                                                 5.50  
820-823     895-898         2003  Cattle                                                  6.85  
824-827     899-902         2003  Land Divers                                             8.40  
827a        MS903           2003  Land Divers (ss)                                        4.60  
828-832     904-908         2003  Snorkeling/Fish                                         6.50  
832a        MS909           2003  Snorkeling/Fish (ss/5v)                                 7.15  
833-836     910-913         2003  Natanggura Palm                                         4.95  
837         914             2003  Underwater Post Office #1                               2.10  
838-840     915-917         2003  Seahorses                                               5.25  
840a        MS918           2003  Seahorses (ss)                                          4.35  
841-844     919-922         2003  Moths                                                   5.50  
845-848     923-926         2004  Underwater Post Office #2                               7.25  
848a        MS927           2004  Underwater Post Office #2/HONG KONG '04 (ss)            3.80  
849-852     928-931         2004  Starfish (sa)                                           7.15  
853-857     932-936         2004  Tropic Birds                                            9.25  
857a        MS937           2004  Tropic Birds (ss/5v)                                   10.15  
858-861     938-941         2004  Yacht Race                                              8.80  
861a        MS942           2004  Yacht Race (ss)                                         4.60  
862         MS943           2004  Marine Life (ss/12v) (sa)                               9.30  
863         944             2004  Christmas (sa) (1v)                                     2.00  
864-867     945-948         2005  Sunsets                                                 8.15  
868         MS949           2005  Lapita People/PACIFIC EXPLORER '05 (ss/4v)              9.75  
869-872     950-953         2005  Volcano Post Office                                     9.10  
872a        MS954           2005  Volcano Post Office (ss)                                5.20  
873         MS955           2005  Independence Anniversary (ss/3v)                       10.95  
874         MS956           2005  Coral Gardens (ss/12v) (sa)                             9.60  
875-878     957-960         2005  Think South Pacific/Tourism                             9.60  
879         MS961           2006  Reef Shells (ss/12v) (sa)                               9.60  
880-883     962-965         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                      7.40  
884         MS966           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              5.20  
885         MS967           2006  Discovery of Vanuatu (ss)                               6.65  
886-889     968-971         2006  World Cup Soccer (sa)                                   5.90  
889a        MS972           2006  World Cup Soccer (ss/4v) (sa)                           5.90  
890-907     973-982h        2006  Defs/Flowers - 5v-1000v (18v) (sa)                     55.65  
908         MS983           2006  WWF/Giant Grouper/Fish (ss/8v)                         13.25  
909-912     984-987         2006  Shipwreck/SS President Coolidge                         7.95  
913         MS988           2006  Shipwreck/SS President Coolidge (ss/4v)                 7.95  
914-918     989-993         2007  Birds/Herons of the Reef                                7.40  
918a        MS994           2007  Birds/Herons of the Reef (ss/5v)                        7.40  
919-922     995-998         2007  Dive Sites (4v) "INTERNATIONAL POST"                    7.95  
923         MS999           2007  Dive Sites  (ss/4v) (w/o INTERNATIONAL POST"            7.95  
924-928     1004-1008       2007  Tropical Fruit (sa)                                     8.50  
929-932     1009-1012       2007  J.Michener/Novelist                                    10.35  
933-936     1013-1016       2007  Banded Iguana (sa)                                      8.10  
936a        MS1017          2007  Banded Iguana (sa) (ss/2v)                              6.80  
937-941     1018-1022       2007  Air Vanuatu/Airplanes #1,#2 (sa) (5v)                  12.30  
937//941    1018-1021       2007  Air Vanuatu/Airplanes #1 (sa) (4v)                     10.85  
938         1022            2008  Air Vanuatu/Airplanes #2 - 90v (sa) (1v)                1.50  
942-943     1023-1024       2008  Coconut Crabs                                          11.65  
943a        MS1025          2008  Coconut Crabs (ss/2v)                                  11.65  
944         MS1026          2008  Beijing Olympic Games (ss/4v)                           3.35  
945-948     1027-1030       2008  Underwater Post Office (sa)                             7.70  
949-955     1031-1037       2008  Resorts in Paradise                                    11.65  
956         MS1038          2008  Nudibranchs (ss/12v) (sa)                               7.70  
957-960     1039-1042       2008  Greetings/Birds                                         7.95  
960a        MS1043          2008  Greetings/Birds (ss)                                    4.25  
961-965     1044-1048       2009  Romance in Vanuatu (sa)                                 5.90  
966-969     1049-1052       2009  Mystery (Inyeug) Island                                 7.55  
970         MS1053          2009  Mystery (Inyeug) Island (ss/4v)                         7.55  
971         1053a           2009  Flowers/Peonies                                         1.50  
972-975     1056-1059       2009  Flowers/Plumeira                                        6.90  
976         MS1055          2009  Panda/HONG KONG '09 (ss/2v)                             7.70  
977         MS1060          2009  First Contact with Russia Anniversary (ss/2v)           7.70  
978         1061-1062       2009  C.Darwin/Wildlife (s/2v+lab)                            6.65  
979         ---             2009  WWF/Beach Thick-Knee Bird (s/4v)                        6.90  
979         MS1063          2009  WWF/Beach Thick-Knee Bird (ss/8v)                      14.80  
980         MS1064          2010  Year of the Tiger (ss)                                  4.25  
981         MS1065          2010  Butterflies (ss/6v) (sa)                                9.05  
982-985     1066-1069       2010  Tourism                                                 8.50  
986         MS1070          2010  Tourism/SHANGHAI '10 (ss/4v)                            8.80  
987-990     1071-1074       2010  Cats                                                    7.70  
991         MS1075          2010  Singapore Youth Olympics (ss)                           7.70  
992-1001    1076-1085       2010  Smile With Us (10v)                                     9.55  
996a,1001a  1076-1085       2010  Smile With Us (2 s/5v)                                  8.95  
1002        1086-1089       2011  Turtles (s/4v+lab)                                      6.80  
1003-1006   1090-1093       2011  Tanna Coffee                                            8.40  
1007        1094-1097       2011  WWF/Birds/Massena's Lorikeet (s/4v) (ex-ms)             7.70  
1007        1094-1097       2011  WWF/Birds/Massena's Lorikeet (ms/16v)                  32.25  
1007e       MS1098          2011  WWF/Birds/Massena's Lorikeet (ss/8v)                   15.65  
1008-10011  1099-1102       2011  Frogs                                                   7.95  
1011a       MS1103          2011  Frogs (ss/2v)                                           5.90  
1012-1015   1104-1107       2011  Beaches                                                 8.50  
1016-1019   1108-1111       2011  Flowers/Colors in Bloom                                 8.80  
1020-1023   1112-1115       2012  Dragonflies                                             9.55  
1023a       MS1116          2012  Dragonflies (ss/2v)                                     5.90  
1024        1117            2012  China-Vanuatu Diplomatic  Relations                     1.50  
1025-1036   1118-1129       2012  Defs/Birds -10v-1000v (12v)                            48.55  
1036a       MS1130          2012  Defs/Birds (ss/12v)                                    48.90  
1037        1131-1132       2012  QEII Golden Jubilee (s/2v+lab)                          9.05  
1038-1041   1133-1136       2012  Kiwanas Charity Horse Race Day                          8.80  
1042-1045   1137-1140       2012  Solar Eclipse 2012                                      8.40  
1046-1047   1145-1146       2012  Red Cross Anniversary                                   2.95  
1048-1051   1141-1144       2012  Greetings                                               8.80  
1052-1055   1147-1150       2013  Best Friends/Dogs                                       8.50  
1055a       MS1151          2013  Best Friends/Dogs (ss/2v)                               7.40  
1056        ---             2013  WWF/Orange Spot Filefish (s/4v) (ex-ms)                 7.95  
1056        MS1152          2013  WWF/Orange Spot Filefish (ss/8v)                       16.90  
1057-1060   1153-1156       2013  Waterfalls                                              8.10  
1061-1064   1157-1160       2013  Birth of Prince George                                  8.25  
1065-1068   1161-1164       2013  Christmas/Santa Claus                                  10.65  
1069        MS1165          2013  Underwater Post Office Anniversary (ss)                 6.65  
1070        1166-1168+++    2014  Underwater Cable to Fiji (s/6v+lab) (w/Fiji Issue)     13.50  
1070a,b,c   1166-1168       2014  Underwater Cable to Fiji (s/3v)                         5.50  
1071-1074   1169-1172       2014  Wan Smol Bag Theater Festival                           8.50  
1075-1078   1173-1176       2014  Cocktails in Paradise/Flowers (sa)                     10.65  
1079-1082   1177-1180       2014  Extreme Sports                                          8.80  
1083-1086   1181-1184       2014  N.Mandela                                               8.80  
1087-1090   1185-1188       2015  Made in Vanuatu/Cooperatives                            8.80  
1091-1094   1189-1192       2015  Fine Cuisine/Restaurants                                7.85  
1095-1098   1193-1196       2016  Rio Olympic Games                                       8.10  
1099-1102   1197-1200       2017  Tourism/Blue Swimming Holes                             8.80  
1103        MS1204          2017  Pacific Mini Games (ss/14v)                            16.90  
1104-1105   1201-1202       2018  Year of the Dog                                         8.50  
1105a       MS1203          2018  Year of the Dog (ss/2v)                                 8.50  
1106-1107   1205-1206       2018  Year of the Pig                                         8.10  
1108-1111   1207-1210       2019  Plastic Pollution Control Campaign                     13.00  
1112-1115   1211-1214       2019  Birds of Vanuatu                                       10.90  
1116        MS1215          2020  Year of the Rat (ss/2v)                                 7.95  
1117-1120   1216-1219       2021  Smithsonian/Red Panda                                   5.75  
1121        MS1220          2021  Smithsonian/Red Panda (ss)                              6.15  
1122-1123   MS1221-MS1222   2021  Satellites & Rockets (2 ss/6v)                         25.45  
1124-1125   MS1223-MS1224   2021  Best of the Smithsonian (2 ss/6v)                      35.55  
                            2022  China Diplomatic Relations (pr)                          .--  
                                 --- SEMI POSTAL ISSUES ---                                
B1-B6       454-459         1987  QEII 60th Birthday/Hurricane Relief (surch) (ovpt)     11.75  
                                 --- BOOKLETS ---                                         
---         SB2             1980  Bklt - 200f Flag                                        8.40  
---         SB3             1982  Bklt - 230v Orchid                                     11.90  
---         SB4             1987  Bklt - 360v Diver and Coral Reef                       10.50  
---         SB5             1993  Bklt - 440v Local Scenery/Beach                        10.40  
---         SB6             2000  Bklt - 335v Birds                                      12.50  
---         SB7             2000  Bklt - 335v Independence                               13.30  
---         SB8             2000  Bklt - 335v Sydney Olympic Games                        9.90  

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.