Stanley Lisica LLC
Zimbabwe Stamps : 1980-2023
A price list (1980-2023) of Zimbabwe postage stamps and souvenir (miniature) sheets.

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

 Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2024 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2023 with updating from Scott Stamp Monthly.
 SG #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : Southern & Central Africa (1st ed.) -- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2011 with updates from
Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "()" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability.   Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
October 5, 2023

Click here ==>  ZIMBABWE    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #     S.G. #          Year  Description                                            Price  
414-428     576-590         1980  Defs - 1c-2.00 (16v)                                    6.60  
414//428    576//590        1980  Defs - 1c-2.00 (15v)                                    3.95  
426A        588a            1983  Defs - 40c Bundi Falls (1v)                             2.70  
429-432     591-594         1980  Rotary International 75th Anniversary                   0.90  
432a        MS595           1980  Rorary International 75th Anniversary (ss/4v)           1.05  
433         596             1980  Moscow Olympic Games                                    0.40  
434-437     597-600         1980  Post Office Savings Bank                                0.75  
437a        MS601           1980  Post Office Savings Bank (ss/4v)                        0.80  
438-441     602-605         1981  Year of Disabled Persons                                0.80  
442-445     606-609         1981  National Tree Day                                       1.20  
446-451     610-615         1982  Rock Paintings                                          6.30  
452-455     616-619         1982  Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary                             1.45  
456-457     620-621         1982  R.Koch/Tuberculosis                                     1.45  
458-461     622-625         1983  Commonwealth Day/Sculptures                             0.90  
462-463     626-629         1983  World Plowing Contest (prs)                             1.00  
464-469     630-635         1983  World Communications Year                               1.75  
470-472     636-638         1984  International Trade Fair                                0.80  
473-476     639-642         1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games                               1.75  
477-480     643-646         1984  Heroe's Acre/Heroes' Day                                1.05  
481-486     647-652         1984  Birds of Prey                                           4.60  
487-490     653-656         1985  Steam Locomotives                                       4.80  
491-492     657-658         1985  Earth Satellite Station                                 3.90  
493-514     659-680         1985  Defs/Infastructure - 1c-5.00 (22v)                     29.55  
493a//512a  659a-678a       1988  Defs/Infastructure - 1c-1.00 (10v) (p.14.25x13.75)       .--  
515-518     681-684         1985  National Archives 50th Anniversary                      1.30  
519-521     685-687         1985  Decade for Women                                        2.35  
523-524     688-689         1986  Harare Conference Center                                1.85  
525-528     690-693         1986  SADCC Development Conference                            7.40  
529-532     694-697         1986  Moths                                                   7.00  
533-534     698-699         1986  8th Non-Aligned Conference                              6.95  
535-540     700-705         1986  Centenary of Motoring                                   6.50  
541         706-709         1987  Child Survival Campaign (b/4v)                          7.00  
542-545     710-713         1987  Owls #1                                                13.35  
546-549     714-717         1987  Girl Guides 75th Anniversary                            4.60  
550-555     718-723         1987  Duikers/Animal Census                                   5.15  
556-559     724-727         1988  Insects                                                 4.60  
560-565     728-733         1988  National Gallery 30th Anniversary                       2.40  
566-571     734-739         1988  Aloes                                                   2.95  
572-577     740-745         1988  Wild Ducks and Geese                                    5.95  
578-581     746-749         1989  Reptiles/Geckos                                         4.80  
582-587     750-755         1989  Wildflowers                                             3.65  
588-593     756-761         1989  Fish #1                                                 4.65  
594-599     762-767         1989  Endangered Wildlife                                     8.60  
600-605     786-791         1990  Independence 10th Anniversary                           3.75  
606-611     792-797         1990  City of Harare Centenary                                3.85  
612-613     798-799         1990  36th Parliamentary Conference                           2.20  
614-631     768-785         1990  Defs/Local Life - 1c-2.00 (18v)                        17.05  
614a//619a  768a-773a       1990  Defs/Local Life - 1c-9c (6v) (p.14.75x14.5)              .--  
617a        ---             1990  Fefs/Local Life - 4c (p.14x13.5)                         .--  
632-635     800-803         1991  Small Mammals                                           5.30  
636-641     804-809         1991  Traditional Musical Instruments                         3.90  
642-647     810-815         1991  Wild Fruit #1                                           4.00  
648-653     816-821         1991  Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting                6.90  
654-657     822-825         1992  Wildlife Conservation/Wild Cats                         6.90  
658-663     826-832         1992  Edible Mushrooms                                        5.75  
664-669     832-837         1992  Birds                                                   7.80  
670-675     838-843         1992  Butterflies                                            11.15  
676-681     844-849         1993  Minerals                                               13.35  
682-685     850-853         1993  Owls #2                                                13.60  
686-691     854-859         1993  Household Pottery                                       5.80  
692-695     860-863         1993  Orchids                                                 7.95  
696-701     864-869         1994  Fish #2                                                 4.95  
702-707     870-875         1994  City of Bulawayo Centenary                              3.60  
708-713     876-881         1994  Export Flowers                                          5.60  
714-719     882-887         1994  Christmas                                               5.50  
720-735     888-903         1995  Defs/Local Culture - 1c-10.00 (17v)                    14.75  
720//735    888//903        1995  Defs/Local Culture - 1c-10.00 (16v)                    13.35  
728A        896a            1996  Defs/Local Culture - 45c (1v)                           1.45  
736-739     904-907         1995  Insects                                                 5.65  
740-745     908-913         1995  6th All Africa Games/Sports                             6.45  
746-749     914-917         1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary                         2.00  
750-755     918-923         1996  Indigenous Flowering Trees                              4.00  
756-759     924-927         1996  Water Dams                                              2.30  
760-763     928-931         1996  Scenic Views                                            2.45  
764-769     932-937         1996  Animal Wood Carvings                                    2.95  
770-773     938-941         1997  Cattle Breeds                                           3.25  
774-779     942-947         1997  Endangered Species Meeting/Animals                      4.05  
780-785     948-953         1997  Rural Life                                              2.70  
786-791     954-959         1997  Railway Centenary                                       2.90  
792-795     960-963         1998  Wildlife                                                2.20  
796-801     964-969         1998  Bees & Beekeeping                                       4.20  
802-805     970-973         1998  Fossils                                                 4.80  
806-811     974-979         1998  Birds                                                   5.40  
812-815     980-983         1999  UPU 125th Anniversary                                   2.60  
816-819     984-987         1999  Wild Cats                                               3.20  
820-823     988-991         1999  Owls #3                                                 5.25  
824-829     992-997         1999  Tourism                                                 4.45  
830-835     998-1003        1999  Christmas                                               3.25  
836-853     1004-1021       2000  Defs/Fauna & Development - 1c-$100 (18v)               15.60  
854-859     1022-1027       2000  Sports                                                  3.60  
860-863     1028-1031       2000  J.Nkomo/Nationalist Leader                              2.75  
864-869     1032-1037       2000  Health Services                                         3.50  
870-875     1038-1043       2000  Wild Fruit #2                                           3.15  
876-881     1044-1049       2001  Airplanes                                               4.80  
882-884     1050-1052       2001  Total Solar Eclipse                                     2.90  
885-890     1053-1058       2001  African Folktales                                       4.15  
890a        MS1059          2001  African Folktales (ss/6v)                               5.50  
891-894     1060-1063       2001  Heroes Acre/Independence 21st Anniversary               3.05  
895-896     1064-1065       2001  Year of UN Dialogue                                     2.50  
897-902     1066-1071       2001  Butterflies #2                                          7.55  
902a        MS1072          2001  Butterflies #2 (ss/6v)                                  7.55  
903-908     1073-1078       2002  Local Crafts                                            6.00  
909-912     1079-1082       2002  Gemstones                                               7.45  
913-916     1083-1086       2002  Childline/Children's Art                                5.50  
917-920     1087-1090       2002  S.Mugabe/First Lady                                     6.75  
921-922     1091-1092       2002  School Design Winners                                   4.15  
923-928     1093-1098       2002  Wildflowers #2                                         10.60  
928a        MS1099          2002  Wildflowers #2 (ss/6v)                                 11.30  
929-932     1100-1103       2003  History Society 50th Anniversary                        4.95  
933-936     1104-1107       2003  Harare Arts Festival                                    3.75  
937-940     1021a-1021d     2003  Defs/Wildlife - $100-$5000 (4v)                         8.40  
941-946     1108-1113       2003  Spiders                                                 7.05  
946a        MS1114          2003  Spiders (ss/6v)                                         7.05  
947-948     1115-1116       2003  Empowerment of Women                                    3.50  
949-954     1117-1122       2003  Medicinal Plants                                       14.45  
954a        MS1123          2003  Medicinal Plants (ss/6v)                               16.10  
955-958     1124-1127       2004  Environmental Awareness                                14.05  
959-962     1128-1131       2004  Medals                                                 40.20  
963-968     1132-1137       2004  Aloes                                                  14.60  
968a        MS1138          2005  Aloes (ss/6v)                                          17.60  
969-972     1139-1142       2004  S.Muzenda/Vice President                               13.20  
973-974     1144-1145       2005  Wildlife Conservation                                   6.35  
975         MS1143          2005  SAPOA/Birds (ss/8v)                                    43.45  
976-985     1146-1155       2005  Defs/Birds #1 - $500-$100,000 (10v)                    56.95  
986-989     1156-1159       2005  Cloud Formations                                       16.80  
990-995     1160-1165       2005  Snakes                                                 15.95  
995a        MS1166          2005  Snakes (ss/6v)                                         22.00  
996-999     1167-1170       2005  National Heroes                                         8.25  
1000-1003   1171-1174       2005  World Heritage Sites                                   17.35  
1003a       MS1175          2005  World Heritage Sites (ss/4v)                           23.75  
1004-1005   1176-1177       2005  AIDS & HIV Campaign                                     7.55  
1006-1011   1178-1183       2006  African Food                                           10.20  
1011a       MS1184          2006  African Food (ss/6v)                                   12.75  
1012-1013   1185-1186       2006  Pope John Paul                                          9.65  
1013a       MS1187          2006  Pope John Paul (ss/2v)                                 11.65  
1014-1017   1188-1191       2006  Water Conservation                                     14.45  
1018-1021   1192-1195       2006  National Heroes #1                                     11.55  
1022-1023   1203-1204       2006  National Huts                                           9.85  
1023a       MS1205          2006  National Huts (ss/2v)                                   9.50  
1024-1029   1196-1201       2006  Bridges                                                22.10  
1029a       MS1202          2006  Bridges (ss/6v)                                        26.50  
1030-1033   1206-1209       2006  Trees                                                  15.55  
1033a       MS1210          2006  Trees (ss/4v)                                          15.90  
1034-1043   1215-1224       2007  Defs/Birds #2 - $50-$100,000 (10v)                     47.65  
1043a       MS1225          2007  Defs/Birds #2 (ss/10v)                                 65.75  
1044-1047   1211-1214       2007  Scouting Centenary                                     14.25  
1048-1051   1226-1229       2007  Women Creating Zimbabwe                                 7.95  
1052-1055   1230-1233       2007  National Heroes #2                                     13.25  
1056-1061   1234-1239       2007  Butterflies #3                                         19.00  
1061a       MS1240          2007  Butterflies #3 (ss/6v)                                 23.75  
1062-1063   1241-1242       2008  Every Child Life                                       13.25  
1063a       MS1243          2008  Every Child Life (ss/2v)                               13.25  
1064-1068   1244-1248       2007  SAPOA #2/National Animals                              12.15  
1068a       MS1249          2007  SAPOA #2/National Animals (ss/5v)                      19.00  
1069-1072   1250-1253       2008  Valentine's Day/Hearts & Roses                         12.15  
1072a       MS1254          2008  Valentine's Day/Hearts & Roses (ss/4v)                 12.15  
1073-1078   1255-1260       2008  Year of the Rat                                        13.25  
1078a       MS1261          2008  Year of the Rat (ss/6v)                                19.00  
1079-1082   1262-1265       2008  National Heroes                                        18.00  
1083-1086   1266-1269       2009  Beijing Olympic Games                                   9.50  
1087-1092   1270-1275       2009  Contemporary Paintings                                  9.50  
1092a       MS1276          2009  Contemporary Paintings (ss/6v)                          9.55  
1093-1098   1277-1282       2009  The Big Five/Animals                                   12.75  
1098a       MS1283          2009  The Big Five/Animals (ss/6v)                           13.25  
1099-1103   1284-1288       2009  National Heroes                                        10.65  
1104-1107   1289-1292       2009  Christmas/Contemporary Rural Churches                   7.40  
1107a       MS1293          2009  Christmas/Contemporary Rural Churches (ss/4v)           7.70  
1108-1111   1294-1297       2010  Africa's Paradise/Design Competition                    8.50  
1111a       MS1298          2010  Africa's Paradise/Design Competition (ss/4v)            9.05  
1112-1120   1299-1307       2010  SAPOA/World Cup Soccer : South Africa (9v)             13.25  
1121        MS1308          2010  SAPOA/World Cup Soccer : South Africa (ss/9v)          14.25  
1122-1125   1309-1312       2010  J.Msika/Vice President                                  7.70  
1126        1313            2010  Pan African Postal Union                                0.85  
1127-1130   1318-1321       2011  Railway Stations                                        5.60  
1131-1134   1314-1317       2011  National Heroes                                         5.60  
1135-1138   1322-1325       2011  Culture - Huts                                          5.60  
1138a       MS1326          2011  Culture - Huts (ss/4v)                                  5.60  
1139-1146   1327-1334       2012  Sculptures (8v)                                        11.75  
1142a,1146  MS1333-MS1334   2012  Sculptures (2 ss/4v)                                   12.60  
1147-1150   1337-1340       2012  National Heroes                                         6.40  
1151-1154   1341-1344       2012  Life Awareness/Road Safety                              6.40  
1155-1160   1345-1350       2012  Life of Ants & Termites                                 7.70  
1160a       MS1351          2012  Life of Ants & Termites (ss/6v)                         7.70  
1161-1162   1352-1353       2013  Children's Art/Poverty Eradication                      2.70  
1163-1165   1354-1357       2013  National Heroes                                         7.70  
1167-1170   1358-1361       2013  Traditional Women's Hair Styles                         7.15  
1170a       MS1362          2013  Traditional  Women's Hair Styles (ss/4v)                7.15  
1171-1174   1363-1366       2014  Export Crops                                            8.50  
1174a       MS1367          2014  Export Crops (ss/4v)                                    8.50  
1175-1180   1368-1373       2014  Transportation Vehicles                                 7.95  
1181-1184   1374-1376       2014  National Heroes #8                                      6.40  
1185-1188   1378-1381       2014  World Post Day                                          6.40  
1189-1192   1382-1385       2014  Frogs                                                   6.40  
1192a       MS1386          2014  Frogs (ss)                                              6.40  
1193-1196   1387-1390       2015  Drystone Ruins                                          6.40  
1196a       MS1391          2015  Drystone Ruins (ss/4v)                                  6.40  
1197-1206   1392-1401       2015  Defs/Victoria Falls - 10c-$1.00 (10v)                   9.70  
1206a       MS1402          2015  Defs/Victoria Falls (ss/10v)                            9.80  
1207-1210   1403-1406       2015  National Heroes                                         5.90  
1211-1214   1407-1410       2015  Handicrafts                                             5.90  
1215-1218   1411-1414       2015  Historic Hotels                                         6.65  
1219-1222   1415-1418       2016  Historic Bank Buildings                                 6.65  
1223-1226   1419-1422       2016  National Heroes                                         6.90  
1227-1232   1423-1428       2016  Pollution Control Campaign                              6.90  
1233-1236   1429-1432       2017  Sport Fishing                                           5.60  
1236a       MS1433          2017  Sport Fishing (ss/4v)                                   5.60  
1237-1240   1434-1437       2017  Dairy Cows                                              5.60  
1240a       MS1438          2017  Dairy Cows (ss/4v)                                      5.60  
1241-1244   1439-1442       2018  National Heroes                                         5.60  
1245-1248   1443-1446       2018  Promotion/ Open for Business                            5.60  
1248a       MS1447          2018  Promotion/ Open for Business (ss)                       5.60  
1249-1252   1448-1451       2018  Insects/Ladybugs                                        5.60  
1252a       MS1452          2018  Insects/Ladybugs (ss)                                   5.60  
1253-1256   1453-1456       2019  Baby Animals                                            9.00  
1256a       MS1457          2019  Baby Animals (ss)                                       9.00  
1257-1260   1458-1461       2020  Aviation Centenary/Airplanes                            9.00  
1260a       MS1462          2020  Aviation Centenary/Airplanes (ss)                       8.50  
1261-1264   1463-1466       2021  Musical Instruments                                     9.00  
1264a       MS1467          2021  Musical Instruments (ss)                                9.00  
1265-1268   1468-1471       2021  COVID 19 Awareness                                      9.00  
1268a       MS1472          2021  COVID 19 Awareness (ss)                                 9.00  
1269-1270   1473-1474       2021  Independence 41st Anniversary                           6.15  
1271-1272   1475-1476       2021  PAPU Conference 40th Anniversary                        4.75  
            1477-1480       2022  Cottage Industries                                       .--  
            MS1481          2022  Cottage Industries (ss)                                  .--  
                            2023  R.Mugabee/President                                      .--  
                            2023  PAPU Tower                                               .--  
                                  --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                
J20-J24     D23-D27         1981  Postage Due/Bird Sculpture - 1c-10c (5v)                2.35  
J25-J29     D28-D32         1985  Postage Due/Numerals - 1c-13c (5v)                      2.20  
J30         D33             1990  Postage Due/Bird Sculpture - 25c/10c (surch)            9.10  
J31-J38     D34-D41         1995  Postage Due/TO PAY - 1c-1.00 (8v)                       2.50  
J39-J45     D42-D48         2000  Postage Due/Bird Sculpture - 1c-10.00  (7v)             1.75  

Click here ==> ZIMBABWE  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.