Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 1694 matching items found. Displaying 301-325
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Scott# 732a,736a SG# 734a 737a Format: out of stock  
Year: 1982 $3.75  
Description: Birds - 10c,45c (p.14) (2v)
click to view large image Australia
Scott# 740 SG# 741 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 1980 $0.35  
Description: QEII Birthday
Scott# 741 SG# 742-746 Format: 30 in stock  
Year: 1980 $1.50  
Description: Waltzing Matilda (s/5v)
Scott# 742 SG# 747 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 1980 $0.35  
Description: High Court Building
Scott# 747-50 SG# 748-751 Format: 16 in stock  
Year: 1980 $1.20  
Description: Community Welfare
Scott# 751-755 SG# 752-756 Format: 9 in stock  
Year: 1980 $1.50  
Description: Stamp Week (s/5v)
Scott# 755a SG# MS757 Format: ss 15 in stock  
Year: 1980 $1.20  
Description: Stamp Week (ss/3v)
Scott# 756-758 SG# 758-760 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 1980 $1.35  
Description: Christmas
Scott# 759-762 SG# 761-764 Format: 14 in stock  
Year: 1980 $2.45  
Description: Airplanes
click to view large image Australia
Scott# 768 SG# 734b Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1980 $0.40  
Description: Defs/Bird - 18c Catbird
Scott# 771 SG# 765 Format: 22 in stock  
Year: 1981 $0.35  
Description: Australia Day/Flag
Scott# 772-775 SG# 766-769 Format: 23 in stock  
Year: 1981 $2.35  
Description: Sports Personalities/Caricatures
Scott# 776-777 SG# 770-771 Format: 23 in stock  
Year: 1981 $1.10  
Description: Airmail Service/U.K.-Australia
Scott# 778 SG# 772 Format: 20 in stock  
Year: 1981 $0.35  
Description: APEX/Service Club
Scott# 779 SG# 773 Format: 42 in stock  
Year: 1981 $0.35  
Description: QEII Birthday
Scott# 780-783 SG# 774-777 Format: 21 in stock  
Year: 1981 $1.20  
Description: Gold Rush Era
Scott# 784-800 SG# 781//805 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1981 $14.50  
Description: Defs/Wildlife - 1c-95c (17v)
Scott# 788 SG# 788 Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1981 $0.55  
Description: Defs/Wildlife - 24c (T-I) (1v) (photo)
Scott# 788a SG# 788b Format: out of stock  
Year: 1981 $0.65  
Description: Defs/Wildlife - 24c (T-II) (1v) (litho)
Scott# 786//794 SG# 784//797 Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1981 $3.30  
Description: Defs/Wildlife - 5c,25c,30c,50c,55c (5v)
Scott# 785//797 SG# 782//801 Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1982 $3.15  
Description: Defs/Wildlife - 3c,27c,65c, 75c (4v)
Scott# 787//799 SG# 786//804 Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1982 $2.75  
Description: Defs/Wildlife - 15c,40c,90c (3v)
Scott# 784//800 SG# 781//805 Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1983 $4.75  
Description: Defs/Wildlife - 1c,70c,85,95c (4v)
Scott# 785a-797a SG# 782a//801a Format: out of stock  
Year: 1982 $14.80  
Description: Defs/Wildlife - 3c-75c (9v) (new perfs)
Scott# 804-805 SG# 821-822 Format: 18 in stock  
Year: 1981 $1.20  
Description: Charles & Diana Wedding

Search resulted in 1694 matching items found. Displaying 301-325
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