Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 326 matching items found. Displaying 101-125
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click to view large image Barbados
Scott# 581-584 SG# 697-700 Format: ms 6 in stock  
Year: 1982 $8.25  
Description: R.Reagan Visit (2 ms/8v+labs)
Scott# 585-588 SG# 705-708 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1982 $2.70  
Description: Diana Birthday
click to view large image Barbados
Scott# 589-592 SG# 709-712 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1982 $4.35  
Description: Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary
click to view large image Barbados
Scott# 593 SG# MS713 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 1982 $4.50  
Description: Boy Scouts 75th Anniversary (ss)
Scott# 594-597 SG# 714-717 Format: 6 in stock  
Year: 1982 $1.75  
Description: G.Washington
Scott# 598-601 SG# 722-725 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1983 $2.35  
Description: Commonwealth Day
Scott# 602-605 SG# 718-721 Format: 5 in stock  
Year: 1983 $10.20  
Description: Butterflies
Scott# 606-609 SG# 726-729 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1983 $3.45  
Description: Manned Flight Bicentenary
Scott# 610-613 SG# 730-733 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1983 $4.20  
Description: Classic Cars
Scott# 614-616 SG# 734-736 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1983 $2.05  
Description: Table Tennis World Cup
click to view large image Barbados
Scott# 617-618 SG# 737//738 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1983 $1.10  
Description: Christmas - 10c,25c (2v)
Scott# 619 SG# MS742 Format: ss 3 in stock  
Year: 1983 $2.60  
Description: Christmas (ss)
Scott# 620-622 SG# 739//741 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1983 $7.35  
Description: Museum Paintings - 45,75,2.50 (3v)
Scott# 623-626 SG# 745-748 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1984 $5.45  
Description: Los Angeles Olympic Games
Scott# 626a SG# MS749 Format: ss 9 in stock  
Year: 1984 $7.40  
Description: Los Angeles Olympic Games (ss/4v)
Scott# 627-630 SG# 750-753 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 1984 $5.15  
Description: Lloyd's List 250th Anniversary/Newspaper
click to view large image Barbados
Scott# 631 SG# MS754 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 1984 $3.65  
Description: UPU Congress (ss)
Scott# 632-635 SG# 755-758 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1984 $9.65  
Description: World Chess Federation
Scott# 636-639 SG# 759-762 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 1984 $7.35  
Description: Christmas/Flowers
Scott# 640-659 SG# 763A-778A Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1985 $59.35  
Description: Defs/Marine Life - 1c-$10.00 (16v)
Scott# 643//658 SG# 766A//777A Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1985 $26.65  
Description: Defs/Marine Life - 10c-$5.00 (6v)
Scott# 642//659 SG# 765A//778A Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1985 $25.75  
Description: Defs/Marine Life - 5c-$10.00 (5v)
Scott# 640//656 SG# 763A//775A Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1985 $9.75  
Description: Defs/Marine Life - 1c-$1.00 (5v)
Scott# 660-663 SG# 779-782 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1985 $3.80  
Description: Life and Times of Queen Mother
Scott# 664 SG# MS783 Format: ss 4 in stock  
Year: 1985 $3.00  
Description: Life and Times of Queen Mother (ss)

Search resulted in 326 matching items found. Displaying 101-125
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