Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 195 matching items found. Displaying 51-75
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Scott# 149-151 SG# 177-181 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1992 $8.80  
Description: King's Coronation Anniversary (2v+s/3v)
click to view large image Niuafo'ou
Scott# 152-155 SG# 182-185 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1992 $9.05  
Description: WWF/Birds
Scott# 156-157 SG# 186-187 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1993 $3.45  
Description: Stamp Anniversary
Scott# 158-159 SG# 188-189 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1993 $6.75  
Description: First Flight/Airplanes
Scott# 160-162 SG# 190-194 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1993 $8.25  
Description: King's Birthday (2v+s/3v)
Scott# 163 SG# 195-199 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1993 $5.75  
Description: Lake Wildlife (s/5v)
Scott# 164-165 SG# 200-203 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1993 $6.50  
Description: Children's Art Contest (prs)
Scott# 168-171 SG# 204-207 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1994 $9.40  
Description: Beetles
click to view large image Niuafo'ou
Scott# 172 SG# 208-212 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1994 $10.50  
Description: Sailing Ships (s/5v)
Scott# 173 SG# 213-127 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1994 $7.15  
Description: Wildlife/Volcano (s/5v)
Scott# 174-177 SG# 218-221 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1995 $14.90  
Description: Visit Pacific/Save the Whales (ovpt)
Scott# 178 SG# MS222 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 1995 $7.45  
Description: Visit Pacific/Save the Whales (ss) (ovpt)
Scott# 179-180 SG# 223-232 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1995 $18.55  
Description: War in the Pacific (2 s/5v)
Scott# 181 SG# 233-234 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1995 $3.55  
Description: Dinosaurs/SINGAPORE '95 (v/pr)
Scott# 182 SG# MS235 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 1995 $4.30  
Description: Dinosaurs/SINGAPORE '95 (ss)
click to view large image Niuafo'ou
Scott# 183 SG# MS236 Format: ss 2 in stock  
Year: 1995 $3.40  
Description: BEIJING '95/Great Wall of China (ss)
click to view large image Niuafo'ou
Scott# 184-185 SG# 237-242 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1995 $10.20  
Description: World War II/United Nations (2 s/3v)
Scott# 186-189 SG# 243-246 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $10.75  
Description: Postal History/Tin Can Mail
click to view large image Niuafo'ou
Scott# 190 SG# 247-248 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1996 $5.40  
Description: Prehistoric Congress (pr)
Scott# 191-192 SG# 252-261 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $11.85  
Description: Evacuation/Volcano (2 s/5v)
click to view large image Niuafo'ou
Scott# 193 SG# 249-251 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $5.50  
Description: UNICEF (s/3v)
Scott# 194-197 SG# 262-265 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1997 $9.35  
Description: Ocean Environment
Scott# 198 SG# MS266 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 1997 $4.25  
Description: PACIFIC '97 (ss)
Scott# 199 SG# 267-268 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1997 $3.90  
Description: Tonga King & Queen Golden Anniversary (pr)
click to view large image Niuafo'ou
Scott# 200 SG# MS269 Format: ss 1 in stock  
Year: 1997 $9.10  
Description: Tonga King & Queen Golden Anniversary (ss)

Search resulted in 195 matching items found. Displaying 51-75
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