Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 1151-1175
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Scott# 2299 SG# --- Format: ms out of stock  
Year: 2021 $13.75  
Description: P.Scott/Artist (ms/2v+lab)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2300 SG# 2625 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $1.95  
Description: Love & Marriage : LOVE (sa : ex-bklt)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2301 SG# 2626 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2021 $3.35  
Description: Stamp for Ireland : Failte/Welcome (sa)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2302 SG# 2627 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $1.95  
Description: Lady Jane Wilde/Poet (sa)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2303-2304 SG# 2628-2629 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $5.25  
Description: Climate Change/People for Planet (sa)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2305-2308 SG# 2630-2633 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $10.75  
Description: Irish Antarctic Explorers (sa) (prs)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2309-2310 SG# 2634-2635 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $5.25  
Description: Europa/Endangered National Wildlife/Moths
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2311-2313 SG# 2636-2338 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2021 $12.30  
Description: Pride Movement (sa : ex-bklt)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2314-2315 SG# 2639-2640 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2021 $4.25  
Description: Truce Between IRA and the British Crown (sa) (pr)
Scott# 2315B-2315C SG# 2419,2420 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2021 $5.25  
Description: Defs/Objects - Teapot,Horn (sa:coil) (v/pr)
Scott# 2315D-2315E SG# 2404,2408 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2021 $7.25  
Description: Defs/Objects - Cone,Morion (sa:ex-bklt) (2v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2316-2319 SG# 2641-2644 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2021 $8.55  
Description: Irish Singer Songwriters (sa : ex-bklt))
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2320-2323 SG# 2645-2648 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 2021 $8.75  
Description: Gaiety Theater 150th Anniversary (sa : b/4v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2324-2329 SG# 2649-2654 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 2021 $15.55  
Description: Christmas (sa : ex-bklt) (6v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2330-2331 SG# 2655-2656 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $2.80  
Description: Anglo-Irish Treaty Centenary (sa) (pr)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2332-2334 SG# 2658-2660 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2022 $5.90  
Description: 100 Years of History
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2335-2336 SG# 2661-2662 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2022 $3.95  
Description: James Joyce : 100th Anniversary of Ulysses
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2337 SG# 2657 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2022 $1.95  
Description: Love : Heart (sa : ex-bklt)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2338-2343 SG# 2663-2668 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2022 $12.65  
Description: Women in Sports (sa:ex-bklt))
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 2344-2347 SG# 2669-2672 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2022 $8.60  
Description: Irish Oscar Winners (sa:ex-bklt)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# SG# 2673 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 2022 $2.25  
Description: J.Yeats : An Island Man (sa:ex-bklt)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# SG# 2674 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 2022 $3.75  
Description: A.Maher : Chaplet (sa:ex-bklt)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# SG# 2675-2679 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2022 $11.05  
Description: National Stamps "N" (sa:ex-bklt) (5v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# SG# 2680-2684 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2022 $18.15  
Description: International Stamps "W" (sa:ex-bklt) (5v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# SG# 2685-2688 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 2022 $11.85  
Description: Irish Breakfast Food (prs)

Search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 1151-1175
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