Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 151-175
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Scott# 411-412 SG# 404-405 Format: 18 in stock  
Year: 1977 $1.00  
Description: Library & Museum
Scott# 413-414 SG# 406-407 Format: 5 in stock  
Year: 1977 $9.10  
Description: Europa
Scott# 415 SG# 408 Format: 22 in stock  
Year: 1977 $0.75  
Description: Art #9/L. Brocquy
Scott# 416-417 SG# 409-410 Format: 16 in stock  
Year: 1977 $1.55  
Description: Scouting & Guiding
Scott# 418-419 SG# 411-412 Format: 17 in stock  
Year: 1977 $1.15  
Description: Folklore Society & Eriugena
Scott# 420-422 SG# 413-415 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 1977 $1.35  
Description: Anniversaries
Scott# 423-425 SG# 416-418 Format: 23 in stock  
Year: 1977 $1.35  
Description: Christmas
Scott# 426-427 SG# 419-420 Format: 21 in stock  
Year: 1978 $1.05  
Description: Transatlantic Flight
Scott# 428-431 SG# 421-424 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 1978 $1.80  
Description: Wild Flowers
Scott# 432-434 SG# 425-427 Format: 10 in stock  
Year: 1978 $1.50  
Description: Anniversaries & Events
Scott# 435 SG# 428 Format: 12 in stock  
Year: 1978 $0.45  
Description: Natural Gas
Scott# 436-439 SG# 429-432 Format: 17 in stock  
Year: 1978 $2.10  
Description: Irish Coins
Scott# 440-442 SG# 433-435 Format: 17 in stock  
Year: 1978 $1.00  
Description: Christmas
Scott# 443-444 SG# 436-437 Format: 5 in stock  
Year: 1978 $8.55  
Description: Europa/Architecture
Scott# 445 SG# 438 Format: 26 in stock  
Year: 1979 $0.25  
Description: Cross Country Championships
Scott# 446 SG# 441 Format: 30 in stock  
Year: 1979 $0.35  
Description: R.Hill
Scott# 447-448 SG# 439-440 Format: 25 in stock  
Year: 1979 $0.60  
Description: European Assembly Elections
Scott# 449-452 SG# 442-445 Format: 22 in stock  
Year: 1979 $2.00  
Description: Birds
Scott# 453-455 SG# 446-448 Format: 34 in stock  
Year: 1979 $1.60  
Description: IYC/Art
Scott# 456 SG# 449 Format: 21 in stock  
Year: 1979 $0.50  
Description: Pope John Paul II
Scott# 457 SG# 450 Format: 25 in stock  
Year: 1979 $0.45  
Description: Hospitaller Brother
Scott# 458 SG# 451 Format: 25 in stock  
Year: 1979 $0.45  
Description: Energy Conservation
Scott# 459 SG# 452 Format: 29 in stock  
Year: 1979 $1.00  
Description: Art #10/F. McWilliam
Scott# 460 SG# 453 Format: 15 in stock  
Year: 1979 $0.45  
Description: P.Pearse
Scott# 461-462 SG# 454-455 Format: 29 in stock  
Year: 1979 $0.95  
Description: Christmas

Search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 151-175
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