Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 451-475
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Scott# 995b SG# 982a Format: bp out of stock  
Year: 1996 $10.20  
Description: BP - Greetings/Love (7 Eng+1 Gae labs)
Scott# 995c SG# MS986 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 1996 $7.00  
Description: Greetings/Year of the Rat (ss/3v)
Scott# 996-999 SG# 987-990 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $4.45  
Description: Atlanta Olympics/Paralympic Games (s/3v+1v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 997-999 SG# 987-990 Format: ms 1 in stock  
Year: 1996 $15.80  
Description: Atlanta Olympic Games/Paralympics (ms/9v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1000 SG# 996 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1996 $1.65  
Description: L'Imaginaire/Contemporary Arts
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1001-1005 SG# 991-995 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1996 $5.05  
Description: Horse Racing (pr+3v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1003c SG# MS1003 Format: ss 2 in stock  
Year: 1996 $15.60  
Description: Horse Racing/CHINA '96 (ss/2v)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1006-1007 SG# 1001-1002 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1996 $2.35  
Description: Heritage Site/UNICEF
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1008-1009 SG# 997-998 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 1996 $2.10  
Description: Europa/Women
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1009A-1009B SG# 999-1000 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1996 $4.20  
Description: Europa/Women (sa)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1010-1013 SG# 1004-1007 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1996 $5.65  
Description: TT Motorcycle Races
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1014 SG# MS1008 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 1996 $2.55  
Description: TT Motorcycle Races (ss)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1015 SG# 1009 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1996 $0.85  
Description: M.Davitt
Scott# 1016 SG# 1010 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $0.95  
Description: European Union Presidency
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1017 SG# 1011 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1996 $1.15  
Description: T.McLauglin/Power Plant
Scott# 1018 SG# 1012 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $1.40  
Description: Peat Harvesting Machine
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1019-1021 SG# 1013-1015 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $3.90  
Description: Naval Service
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1022-1023 SG# 1016-1017 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $2.85  
Description: People with Disabilities (pr)
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1024-1027 SG# 1018-1021 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1996 $5.45  
Description: Freshwater Ducks
click to view large image Ireland
Scott# 1027a SG# MS1022 Format: ss 2 in stock  
Year: 1996 $6.25  
Description: Freshwater Ducks (ss/4v)
Scott# 1028-1031 SG# 1023-1026 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $6.00  
Description: Cinema Centenary (s/4v)
Scott# 1032-1035 SG# 1027-1030 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1996 $4.50  
Description: Christmas (4v)
Scott# 1032 SG# 1027 Format: ps out of stock  
Year: 1996 $0.70  
Description: Christmas - 28p (ex-ms) (1v)
Scott# 1032 SG# 1027a Format: ms 1 in stock  
Year: 1996 $16.60  
Description: Christmas - 28p (ms/15v)
Scott# 1033-1035 SG# 1028-1030 Format: ps 5 in stock  
Year: 1996 $3.80  
Description: Christmas - 28p,32p,52p (3v)

Search resulted in 1391 matching items found. Displaying 451-475
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