Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 1261 matching items found. Displaying 101-125
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Great Britain
Scott# 605-607 SG# 812-814 Format: 32 in stock  
Year: 1969 $0.30  
Description: Christmas
Great Britain
Scott# 608-611 SG# 815-818 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 1970 $0.65  
Description: Architecture/Cottages
Great Britain
Scott# 612-616 SG# 819-823 Format: 5 in stock  
Year: 1970 $0.65  
Description: Anniversaries
Great Britain
Scott# 617-621 SG# 824-828 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1970 $0.85  
Description: C.Dickens/W.Wordsworth (5v)
Great Britain
Scott# 617-621 SG# 824-828 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 1970 $1.05  
Description: C.Dickens/W.Wordsworth (b/4v+1v)
Great Britain
Scott# 639-641 SG# 832-834 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1970 $0.55  
Description: Commonwealth Games
Great Britain
Scott# 642-644 SG# 835-837 Format: 7 in stock  
Year: 1970 $0.45  
Description: PHYLIMPIA '70
Great Britain
Scott# 645-647 SG# 838-840 Format: 17 in stock  
Year: 1970 $0.40  
Description: Christmas
Great Britain
Scott# 648-650 SG# 881-883 Format: 19 in stock  
Year: 1971 $0.75  
Description: Ulster Paintings
Great Britain
Scott# 651-653 SG# 884-886 Format: 17 in stock  
Year: 1971 $0.75  
Description: Literary Anniversaries/Authors
Great Britain
Scott# 654-656 SG# 887-889 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1971 $0.75  
Description: Anniversaries
Great Britain
Scott# 657-660 SG# 890-893 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1971 $1.00  
Description: Architecture/University Buildings
Great Britain
Scott# 661-663 SG# 894-896 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 1971 $0.55  
Description: Christmas
Great Britain
Scott# 664-667 SG# 897-900 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1972 $0.90  
Description: Polar Explorers
Great Britain
Scott# 668-670 SG# 901-903 Format: 18 in stock  
Year: 1972 $0.75  
Description: General Anniversaries
Great Britain
Scott# 671-675 SG# 904-908 Format: 19 in stock  
Year: 1972 $1.20  
Description: Architecture/Churches
Great Britain
Scott# 676-679 SG# 909-912 Format: 7 in stock  
Year: 1972 $1.00  
Description: Broadcasting Anniversaries
Great Britain
Scott# 680-682 SG# 913-915 Format: 6 in stock  
Year: 1972 $0.45  
Description: Christmas
Great Britain
Scott# 683-684 SG# 916-918 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 1972 $0.75  
Description: Silver Wedding
Great Britain
Scott# 685-687 SG# 919-921 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1973 $0.85  
Description: EEC (pr+1v)
Great Britain
Scott# 688 SG# 922 Format: 15 in stock  
Year: 1973 $0.30  
Description: Oak Tree
Great Britain
Scott# 689-693 SG# 923-927 Format: 8 in stock  
Year: 1973 $1.50  
Description: Explorers (pr+3v)
Great Britain
Scott# 689-693 SG# 923-927 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1973 $1.25  
Description: Explorers (5v)
Great Britain
Scott# 694-696 SG# 928-930 Format: 9 in stock  
Year: 1973 $1.35  
Description: Cricket
Great Britain
Scott# 697-700 SG# 931-934 Format: 5 in stock  
Year: 1973 $1.00  
Description: J.Reynolds & H.Raeburn/Painters

Search resulted in 1261 matching items found. Displaying 101-125
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