Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 1261 matching items found. Displaying 401-425
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Great Britain
Scott# 1875-1878 SG# 2111-2114 Format: 6 in stock  
Year: 1999 $4.35  
Description: Millennium/Soldiers' Tale (#12-9)
Great Britain
Scott# 1879-1882 SG# 2115-2118 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1999 $4.35  
Description: Millennium/Christians' Tale (#8-5)
Great Britain
Scott# 1883-1886 SG# 2119-2122 Format: 8 in stock  
Year: 1999 $4.35  
Description: Millennium/Artists' Tale (#4-1)
Great Britain
Scott# 1887-1888 SG# 2096-2097 Format: 5 in stock  
Year: 1999 $2.35  
Description: Sophie and Edward Wedding
Great Britain
Scott# 1889 SG# MS2123 Format: ss 6 in stock  
Year: 1999 $21.55  
Description: Millennium/Timekeeper (ss/4v)
Great Britain
Scott# (1889) SG# (MS2123) Format: ss 6 in stock  
Year: 2000 $34.60  
Description: Millennium/Timekeeper/LONDON '00 (ss) (ovpt)
Great Britain
Scott# 1890-1893 SG# 2125-2128 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Above & Beyond (#1-4) (4v)
Great Britain
Scott# 1894-1897 SG# 2129-2132 Format: 12 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Fire & Light (#5-8)
Great Britain
Scott# 1898-1901 SG# 2134-2137 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Water & Coast (#9-12)
Great Britain
Scott# 1902-1905 SG# 2138-2141 Format: 10 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Life & Earth (#13-16)
Great Britain
Scott# 1906-1909 SG# 2142-2145 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Art & Craft (#17-20)
Great Britain
Scott# 1910-1913 SG# 2148-2151 Format: 7 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/People & Places (#21-4)
Great Britain
Scott# 1914-1917 SG# 2152-2155 Format: 9 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Stone & Soil (#25-8)
Great Britain
Scott# 1918-1921 SG# 2156-2159 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Tree & Leaf (#29-32)
Great Britain
Scott# 1922-1925 SG# 2162-2165 Format: 9 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.90  
Description: Millennium/Mind & Matter (#33-6)
Great Britain
Scott# 1926-1929 SG# 2166-2169 Format: 11 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Body & Bone (#37-40)
Great Britain
Scott# 1930-1933 SG# 2170-2173 Format: 6 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Spirit & Faith (#41-4)
Great Britain
Scott# 1934-1937 SG# 2174-2177 Format: 9 in stock  
Year: 2000 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Sound & Vision (#45-8)
Great Britain
Scott# 1938 SG# 2126a Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 2000 $6.15  
Description: Millennium/Night Sky #2 - 1st(ex-bklt)
Great Britain
Scott# 1938a SG# 2126ab Format: bp 6 in stock  
Year: 2000 $9.25  
Description: BP - Millennium (1st Night Sky+1st Ants)
Great Britain
Scott# 1942 SG# MS2147 Format: ss 12 in stock  
Year: 2000 $20.95  
Description: Her Majesty's Stamps/LONDON '00 (ss)
Great Britain
Scott# 1943 SG# MS2161 Format: ss 6 in stock  
Year: 2000 $12.30  
Description: Queen Mother Birthday (ss)
Great Britain
Scott# 1943c SG# 2160 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2000 $2.70  
Description: Queen Mother Birthday - 27p (ex-ss)
Great Britain
Scott# 1944-1947 SG# 2178-2181 Format: 18 in stock  
Year: 2001 $4.70  
Description: Millennium/Face Paintings
Great Britain
Scott# 1948-1952 SG# 2182-2186 Format: 18 in stock  
Year: 2001 $6.05  
Description: Greetings/Occasions/Hallmarks

Search resulted in 1261 matching items found. Displaying 401-425
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